two rectangles edition
Other urls found in this thread:
first for suprise elephants in next episode
what was the point of the white walker storyline in the show?
Is Gendry gay?
How come the Night King couldn’t even make it past Winterfel?
plot device to bring dany and jon together, nothing else
>makes a thread 30 posts early
fuck off
forgot the boar there user
why do you faggots like preston? hes really not that great, and tries hard to be funny. Alt shift X is better
Is GoT the Smash of Yea Forums?
is there any show that didnt follow this pattern
The grieving continues
season 6, despite battle of the bastards being badly written, is still better than season 5 overall
Preston's autism makes him one of us
Aside from 7 which I missed and couldn't be fucked to go back and watch, this is basically my opinion of the seasons
It's Always Sunny
Arrested Development
supreme autism
Varys' flipflopping makes no fucking sense. It doesn't matter how good of a leader Jon is, as soon as he declares himself king every follower of Daenerys or Cersei will rebel against him and there will be civil war once again. Varys seems to just want to keep Westeros in a perpetual civil war.
He doesn't have to declare himself king.
Dany just needs to die in a little "accident" and then Jon will be forced to take on her armies and followers.
So Brans gonna sit on the iron throne right? They gonna add wheels to it
This unsettles me
if the leaks are true, it seems only Sansa is getting a good ending? being the ruler of the north with no enemies
forgot to add cute gif
i liked him before he started voicing all these gay fucking characters to do pseudo reviews of the episodes. i unsubbed as soon as that started 3+ years ago and havent looked back. dudes a cringe machine and i hope he DIES!
He's autistic like me.
I think that Jon is going to die because he was brought to live by the Lord of Light for a purpose and once he does it then the Lord of the Light will reclaim him again.
Nah, I thought that was going to happen in the banquet after the battle of Winterfell but now I don't think it will happen.
surprise elephants with ballistas on their backs
this is what happens when Jews are let off the leash. what a disaster
So, Bertrand Reyne's close friend
died and Lord Reyne got drunk at a local tavern and ran into her friend and ?????????
4 days until /TheChoppp/ comes for cersie
Ghost had a hard life.
I hate all these ecelebs this so.y faggot can't even cope dany becomming madqueen topkek
>your grace
why did everyone forget ned, catelyn, robb and rickon existed?
now he's retiring to the wide open country north of the wall, that's a better retirment than most millenials will have
Cersei is the best character and actor left in GoT and also my WIFE
They're dead.
Because have sex.
Imagine if osha just molested bran and rickon daily haha that would be so weird lol
How is she mad? Everyone is giving shitty counseling and planning to betray her.
Stupid Jon will be the one that gets her killed the most, thinking the norf will obey him just because they said he's the king.
>We never got to see Yi Ti and the Five Forts
>We never got to see Asshai and the Shadowlands
>We never got to see Ibben
She deserve BBC.
I fucking love that show but I have to say I disagree, the writing was always fairly awful however kek
>every stark is important to the story
>except you, rickon, fuck you kid
>Shows generally get worse as they go on
Get a load of this genius
My technicality was that it never even reached four seasons
>took Ned and Bobby a whole episode of travel to get from Winterfell to King's Landing
>now everyone does it in no time flat.
Oh :(
This is the only sad moment in season 8, feels fucking bad.
>the most evil creatures in the whole universe
>named white walkers
>white = white
>walkers = ableist
queen is mad and Jon will kill her so much for jonerys
*cough* *puke* *cough*
Because Winterfell it's where winter falls, he's been planning it since the first book released in 1996 like Hodor. 237 IQ writing.
We know she molested Ramsay
No but Jaime is
And this is why you don't let your dragons gorge themselves on red wine.
>someone who's been a fan since 1996
>has avoided the show to avoid spoiling twow/ados
do you think there's a person like that out there?
they should have made both S7&8 10 episode seasons just to account for travel
How the hell is there only a single Stark family at the moment.
There’s like 40 living relatives of all houses except Stark, it’s the main family and no one else. Where the hell are all the non-heir Stark males. There should be like 10 lesser Starks in the norf, no?
I hate this fucking show. I hate those kike hacks D&D. Fuck it all.
Yes i'm that person
>do you think there's a person like that out there?
>get spoiled by any of this shit
A true bookfriend would simply look at GOT as complete fan fiction.
>dany flying high above the water
>doesnt notice an armada with Kraken sails
except stuff like hodor/hold the door and shireen burning are confirmed to happen by GRRM
>no scouts by dany
>no scouts by ramsay
>no scouts by stannis
why are you in this thread then fag. you should praying for the timely release of twow instead of reading spoilers
Westeros hasn't invented sunglasses yet
>muh superior smirk
she has been garbage for a few seasons now
Stop being autistic, what do you want 3 episodes of them marching south?
It's a jump in time, we don't need to see all the cities between Winterfell and King's Landing again.
AD went to shit hard and fast beginning with s4 and s5 is the unglamorous deathblow
the hodor thing was incredibly stupid but too complex for the hacks to come up by themselves, true
wasn't even born then haha
>Pycelle wanders into the catacombs
>an eerie greenish glow makes his eyes smart, blinking in the new light
>Ahh, Maester Pycelle, come to see my wildfire?
>They don't make them like they used to anymore
>Qyburn wanders among the dragon skulls
>Balerion the Dread, now *there* was a dragon
>Later, Pycelle is lynched by zoomers
Reminder that pic related isn't fake, this was literally D&D's thought process going into that scene.
>be Lord of Light Jesus
>die painfully and get brought back dozens of times
>watch the deaths of all your comrades
>lose your identity, memory, and sense of self
>persevere only in the hope that your resurrection has some kind of meaning
>die in a hallway
I agree, but the decline was faster than in the diagram, so it doesn't fit. Same for Heroes.
It's hard to compare because it's an animated comedy, but The Simpsons peaked at season 7 and was still pretty good through season 11 or so.
there was no point
Theres forgetting about it, then theres literally not noticing it.
i mean, im no author, but who hired those guys?
I want to break him in desu
Ladies and gentlemen, an Emmy winner DABID Benioff
And what exactly makes Jon so deserving of king? He sucks at fighting and understanding politics.
What i don't understand is, what is he gonna do? He betrayed Cersei by saving Tyrion, now he's gonna go back like nothing happened?
This is so comical. When a human gets shot in the neck they don't open their mouth and spray out a huge geysir of blood like in Kill Bill. This show used to sell itself as """realistic fantasy""" but now it's like a cartoon
Breaking bad
>be euron
>2 unsuspecting dragons close together
>fire 1 ballista twice
>dragon goes down
>fire the rest of them at small fishing boats
>the anatomy of a dragon and human are similar
>ywn get to take his first time
Margaery was a lucky gal.
GOT being shit is directly connected to GRRM building the story this way.
>create two powerful mary sues
>one is a secret targ, randomly gets commander and then king in the norf starting from bastard and even GETS RESSURECTED
>the other conquers the richest cities, gets 3 dragons and a full dothraki and unsullied army from NOTHING
>kills a bunch of interesting and well-written characters for le epic unexpected twists and turns
>steers the story from low-fantasy political human conflict to full blown armageddon LOTR shit
>the result is a bloated mess which you can't finish in a satisfying way anyway.
The fat fuck just wrote a mess that is satisfying to read and people eat that shit up thinking it will lead to somewhere.
If he ever finishes the books you will see that it will be just as bad.
In a commentary video about the demon birth scene liam talks about how she was eager to show him the fake belly, thinking the entire torso was fake he asked her to see the tits too, and she actually did it, even though they werent fake
When Theon got stabbed through the gut, he bled out the mouth, which wouldn't happen in reality. Dabid just writing shit.
How many Emmy's will they get for this final season? I just have the feeling it won't be zero.
Carice is the perfect woman
>dragons are reality
What? That's exactly what happens. Your whole esophagus fills up with blood from your stomach
They cut Varys making sense in s5
One of Ned's brothers and his father was burnt by the mad king, the other became first ranger of the Night's watch so no children. The Starks have been culled over time.
how do you know? have you ever been stabbed in the gut?
I've heard about 1000 different theories on how the last few beats of the story could go, and it's all been better that what we're getting.
But grrm is probably still a hack
Kind, benevolent ruler that happen to unify people and be heir of two ruling houses.
I know he is clumsy and naive, but otherwise he is good enough in fights!
post cough-varys being fucked by jon and bran watching
To be honest is not like we are going to see them in the books either even if fatty finishes them.
>the eunuch
>the eunuch
>the eunuch
People praise this shit writing?
Probably all dead as a result of War of Five Kings, Battle of the Bastards, and Battle of Winterfell
Based D&D dabing on these danyfags
I have seen plenty of war documentaries
To make Arya cool
Lungs like a smith's furnace blower
it's like pottery
Now with proper lighting
You obivously didn't read the books, Jon Snow isn't King in the North or a Targ in the books and he doesn't get ressurected
reminder robin arryn its on the iron throne at the end, its confirmed hes in season 8. in the last episode the knights of the vale storm kings landing
D&D cut a bunch of stuff that made plotilnes from the books make way more sense than the show version like fAegon, Jeyne Poole, Euron and Dragonbinder, etc.
You could argue that those things wouldn't work for the TV adaptation, but they are still better than what we got.
It's established that GRRM told them the outline of the story in his head many years ago. They are going by this.
Stannis will die. LF will die. Arya will kill the NK. And the way GOT ends is how GRRM would end it. It will be longer and more immersive and detailed but it will be the same shit, and bookfags will realize they've been waiting for this hack to shit out this mess for 20 years.
Alt Shift X is boring, I hate youtubers that just summarize things and don't have any strong opinions or unique personality.
>But Jon, ever Ned Stark’s son, couldn’t clam up.
More like Jon, ever Rhaegar Targaryen's son, ruined everything because he felt like it
But Tywin dies in S4 finale
i want to believe
Sopranos and Mad Men are the only dramas I can think of that lasted 6-7 seasons and never declined.
They cut the entire fAegon story. It’s not going to be the same
The reason Brienne cried when Tyrion outed her as a Virgin wasnt because he was rude to her about it, its because he spoke the Truth
Shes like what, 30? And all her life shes been ridiculed due to not being attractive, with a childhood nickname calling her "the Beautiful" etc
Tyrion outing her reminded her of this fact all her life, and this is why she cried over it
Pretty sad and depressing when you think about it
t. brainlet
Dr Who
have sex
They will establish a council made up of all major houses to rule westeros after dany and cersei die, since jon doesn't want to be king of all seven kingdoms. Robin will represent the vale on the council.
God she’s so fucking hot
This doesn't make any sense Jaime hasn't been an evil character since season 2
Looks good to me, if you cant see anything then maybe you should stop watching the episodes on your iPad in broad daylight
George said he killed off a character he needed for essential plot development and that's why TWOW is taking so long, people are saying it's probably Kevan so Varys doesn't make sense in the books either.
Seriously, has any other character been butchered as hard as he was? Well aside from Stannis that is.
Westeros noblewomen don't have sex until they're married.
Remember when they made a rape joke around Tyrion that sounded similar to his story about his first wife that Tywin had his men gangrape and he just laughed it off as if Dabid forgot that even happened?
>George said he killed off a character he needed for essential plot development and that's why TWOW is taking so long
When did he say this?
i have terrible memory, what is the beyond pure evil in s2?
The Shield. There may be a dull sub-plot at points but the quality is overall fantastic throughout.
Is it bad that I actually feel sorry for him?
Euron, the sneks
Doesn't he murder his cousin?
Shansha! Pleash!
I feel sorry that his character got butchered by D&D.
Why do we like Dany now? It's real simple: she a cute
The Storm's wuuuuuuuuuuuut?
I like her because her character is a realistic woman
There is no NK in the books, and D&D said they decided Arya would kill him. As for Littlefinger I doubt GRRM told them what happens to him since he's a secondary character, so Dabid just got him out of the way and made Sansa look smarter than she is in the process. Stannis will obviously die in the books, because the only two options for his character are death or the iron throne, but GRRM will write his death well. As for all the stuff with Dany in the final books it should be way better due to the existence of Faegon, and Euron being a legitimately good character who has a dragonbinding horn. Dany vs Cersei on the show is stupid because these two characters have no history or connection, and the political nuances of their conflict are completely washed over. In the books Cersei will probably be dead by the time Dany attacks Kings Landing and she'll be facing off against a Targ pretender who's loved by his people.
>the weak should fear the strong
Choose carefully.
are they soibois?
Damn, you got me there
Why didn't someone just finish the books instead of Martin?
It doesn't make sense since highborn women are expected to be maidens until marriage. It's just more bullshit modern sensibilities shoehorned into the series.
fuck off back to where you belong only a little weak virgin would find a girl like Emilia Clarke cute and follow her because of it
Her virginity should be a virtue, did the writers forget that this isn't a modern day sitcom?
Okay so how does that make Varys not make sense in the books?
fuck miss andy
What is Harrenhal worth?
Being over 6 foot and having a testosterone count over 2000 ng/dL automatically disqualifies you from being categorized as a soiboi regardless of what you do
>because then we wouldnt have lengthy unnecessary food descriptions instead of moving on the plot
It's not too late, /got/. You can still protect her smile
Nah they’re just bros
Preston Jacobs is the prince that was promised.
their little musical numbers last season were top comfy
>tfw you realize the Night King was invented just to sell funko pops
Gurrm is a Jew too
*the prince of dorne that was promised
Maario Naharis
still can't believe he shot himself.
The only thing that's weak is denying the truth, and the truth is she's a qt
hahahahahaha nice meme user haahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha
Based haha poster
This guy is correct It’s also part of her characterization in the books that a bunch of her father’s hedge knights had a bet going on who could take her virginity, and eventually the betting pool was so large she was in danger of being raped. Brienne wants to be loved but has never given any indication that she wants to have a sexual fling, even though she’s had be opportunity to
Wasn't he just born in the UK?
This would actually be kino
my life is yours my queen
Preston Jacobs is an autist denied his books
Dorne who?
He only found out late in life and was never initiated, he's as good as a goy
*Cuck that can't cope
It's always part of grand fantasy that there are wondrous lands that you hear about but never get to see through character POV. That's part of what makes the world fantastic, not only what the characters see and experience, but the fact that the wider world has more fantastic things to offer.
Maybe. Other people have suggested Aemon in the past, but there’s other ways for Jon to discover he’s a Targ so Aemon isn’t 100% necessary. I think it’s probably one of the Dornish, maybe Oberyn, but it could be anyone.
i wonder this too, SO MUCH time has passed since the last book that even the worst fanfiction writer could write 2 decent books if they put in actual work and counseled with the right editors and the right people.
Speaking of
Have we ever seen her parents in the series?
I know we saw the Isle once in the distance, but thats about it
>Why do we like Dany now?
Too many redditors
>no grey plague-ridden, civil war decimated, sorcerer-infested Yi Ti
top kek howd he shoot himself 3 times__
after rewatching the show i finally can understand Jorah: she is beautiful and i would gave my life for her
Dw user, if GRRM is worth anything in the books the long night will be a worldwide event and well at least get some information about what happened elsewhere.
this image reeks of incel
Is this supposed to be funny? I just find it autistic and cringe tbqh.
Yes, he's cucked af when it comes to politics. Still doesn't make his content any less bad.
now *that's* a greentext
There may be Stark cadet houses we don't know about, or former Starks in charge of Holdfasts who adopted their own house name over time. True Starks who are due the title of Warden of the North have to come from the main house line though.
It’s nice to see that the hounds burnscars reduced significantly
Tormund is definitely a sojabro, as is anyone who likes him. How they make him out to be a good guy after he participates in the murder of Olly's village.
Seriously, the fact that people fucking cheered when Olly was killed shows to me how brainless show watchers are. Olly kills the person who killed his parents, and this elicits booing from the audience. Meanwhile, his death, the hanging of a 12 year old, elicits cheers from the audience. Fucking Burlington Bar.
reminder that euron greyjoy isn't a cuck in the books, and that the wild card that is the horn that is said to control dragons is still in play, and its effects in the future still a mystery:
>The horn's noise sounds like the screaming of a thousand souls and it seems to listeners as if their very bones are aflame and searing their flesh from within.[1] Cragorn, the man who blows the horn for Euron, collapses with blisters on his lips, and the tattoo he has of a bird on his chest is bleeding.
I don’t think we’ve ever met her dad, no, though by her account he’s a decent father considering his daughter is a musclebound amazon freak. Brienne seems to love and respect him. Iirc her mom is dead
The dumbest thing about this is that not only did she forget about it, but it's also to say so did fucking everybody else who could have reminded her, Tyrion, Varys, Jon, etc
The Karstarks are technically Starks
>and thats a season one reference
Went to shit much faster than eight seasons
All Olly did was stab Jon after he had already let the Wildlings through the Wall, meaning there was no point to it whatsoever.
The show really fucked up Jon's assassination. It's done so much better in the books and you can actually sympathize with the mutineers there.
fuck off preston fag
in ADWD the nightswatch is in the right for killing Jon
they whitewashed Jon/blackwashed the NW in season 5
It could happen easily through the esophagus or through the lungs, depending on where the stab lands.
yeah you can see the senior nights watch people slowly losing faith in him and him declaring war on ramsay was the last straw
She looks very creepy
Source on the quote?
It's a really nice watch
i'm getting very tired of these fags
These same people probably cheered when the dragons burned the Lannister army
>Final shot
>Bran on the Iron Throne
>Camera pans back and all lead actors, dead or alive, stroll into the picture
>They line-up, cross their arms and form a V beneath the Iron Throne with Dany and Jon in center
>Dabid enters scene and walks up to Bran
>Smirks and places his hand on Bran's shoulder
>Cut to close-up of Bran
>Slowly raises his head and looks into the camera
>"And this is how I play the game."
>Cut to Dabid
>"The Game of Thrones." *winks*
>Cut to black screen
>Money For Nothing starts playing
What are the chances the show is post-apocalyptic now that we know the broad strokes of the ending?
This was honestly a very good scene. After seasons of idiots telling Dany to slow down her ass and not burn KL we get this, a pacifist at core, a truly good and gentle person that tells her what needs to be done. Burn them all.
Based jew authors. You still did a shit job overall tho.
Don't mind me, just being objective
Someone post that image where they only brought like 20 dudes.
What is the defense for that shit?
Too bad everything else about the scene was terrible
Minor. Best possible ending for the realm is at least partial independence for each kingdom, and since the dragons will be dead there’ll be no way to unite them with the threat of genocide. Dany only has one dragon left, it’s definitely going to die, and even if KL burns to the ground the other parts of Westeros will be fine.
Just like his master plan
you better have sex soon son
They made Jon too good in the show. He's literally spotless.
In the books, he threatens to break his oaths and go fight Ramsay at Winterfell, and as I understand it that's the last straw for the mutineers, who kill him not in a premeditated manner but in a spur of the moment after he announces that he means to march on Winterfell.
They should have gotten Iwan Rheon to play him.
>putting cersei above sansa and dany
Buffy never went bad
Angel, last season was the best season
Personal escort for debating the conditions for surrendering. It's like that before any battle. Kings or whatever leaders see each other virtually undefended, it's part of etiquette that none will kill the other.
>whip snek and Ygritte in C-tier
Oh, so you’re intellectually disabled
Iwan as a pretty good ramsay tho
Best list user 10/10
>two mutts in S tier
>no aryans until B tier
Fuck off Chaim
Do you have your lungs in your belly?
I hate dany as a character and I’m glad she’s getting what’s coming
But she feels kind of past the point of retarded now
She’s always been about how the throne is here by right she’s the last Targaryen, which isn’t even true, the ruling house is now Baratheon, so she’s an heir through that line, ironically this makes Gendry the real heir when she legitimizes him(which the show is too stupid to touch now) so she rampages across the world murdering people for her cause only to find out she’s not the “”heir”” at all, and begs the actual heir to sit quiet (basically what her whole character is trying to fight against for 8 seasons
It makes no sense that Jon would just get rid of his dog like that.
> Forgotten
Did he use a butt double?
I've hated her the entire series because she's had her head in the clouds and acted like an entitled brat over muh birthright despite the occasional loss like Drogo and Viserion, now she's been brought down to Earth and humanized so you can actually empathize with her.
Imo he was too pretty for Ramsay, and even when he’s doing evil shit he comes off as autistic. I agree that he would have made a good Jon.
Great in Misfits though
>It makes no sense that __
Seasons 6-8 in a shellnut
Ros under the little snake tit.
You shall burn in hell, user!
>virtually undefended
Too bad Cersei had dozens of ballistas and archers aiming at Dany
>etiquette that none will kill the other
Too bad Cersei is already established to have no etiquette or honor and will do whatever it takes to kill her enemies
Baratheons got the throne because of their bland blood link with Targaryens. They didn't conquer the throne, Bobby was a retard on the battlefield as anyone else. Dany has a much stronger right to the throne.
yeah that infuriated me
Tolkien had a very realistic depiction of geographic features aside from the ones that were created by magic (or the gods) like Númenor and Mordor I guess. Everything GRR Martin does ends up being derivative and shallow in the end, though I guess that's kinda by design and he would admit as much. It's literally just "LOTR but real and every trope goes the other way" and without the skill of Tolkien or the extreme passion for language which is like an afterthought in one story and the thing that permeates and influences everything in the other.
Jesus Christ, what a fucking spaz
did you guys add anything to this
What's the criteria for conquering the throne?
Dany has been “evil” since Yunkai. She’s not even going crazy in the same way her father did; she’s a well-intentioned woman who is too naive to understand the consequences of her actions and ends up getting a lot of people killed because of it. She’s never been able to grasp nuance or gray areas and her flawed perception of the world would always have made her an impractical and brutal ruler. She’s gotten worse with time, too - in early seasons she never tried to burn all the Dothraki to death for raping people because she was willing to consider context. She’s lost that flexibility and seems ready to execute anyone at the slightest provocation
Okay can someone attach what he does at each of these points?
I am a complete memorylet
put doran getting stabbed
She didn't kill Dany even in former season when she was there to talk about the zeds.
lmao targ apologist
targs were rightfully dethroned because rhaegar was prophecy obsessed nutcase and his father, the king, was pure evil. dany has less of a right to the throne than even gendry does right now, because she has not conquered the capital yet.
No, they overthrew the monarch and by right of conquest it went to whomever claimed it, Baratheon being of the same bloodline a bit up the road was chosen as this would most likely sit better with the lords of Westeros than stark or Arryn
But whomever of the 3 claimed it would be the rulin monarch then, so Arya would have a better claim than Dany if Ned claimed the throne per example. In fact even Jon would, not through Rhaegar but through Lyanna
You take it and nobody kicks you off.
Cersei is the "rightful queen"
Euron is the best character in the show though, even after bearing the full might of Dabid's character assassination skills
Dany going full *Fire in Blood* in Targaryen style is the only thing worth to wait. I actually like her character arc this season, literally every other character is boring right now, she is the only character with internal struggle.. Sad where the show is right now, how they ruined every single character making them paper bag one dimensional characters with low IQ.
You make all the continent submit. Killing the King doesn't make you the boss (unless in Dorne apparently).
dany has a weaker claim to the throne than both gendry and jon, no idea what the fuck you are talking about
There's no criteria, everyone does what they want. In Robert's case it was Jon Arryn who wanted peace and traditional relations with the other lords so he claimed a blood link for Robert. If you have enough power everyone just listens to what you say, like Aegon did.
Dany’s been ruined as well. She could have been a sweet, likable hero who eventually transformed into an antagonist who was still complex and sympathetic. Instead they made her an obnoxious cunt
Already posted it
for real sop peaked at ralphies season which was like 4
Gendry is a bastard and Jon has no proof beside a piece of paper wrote by his friend and the word of a cripple. Your skull is filled with manure.
>no sothoryos raptors and wyverns
>no cursed city of yeen
>no mossovy skin changers and demon hunters
>no city of winged men
>no lion of the night and his demons
>no shadowlands and stygai
>no leng jungle
>no smoking sea of valyria
>no shivering sea with ice dragons, leviathans and krakens
Some retard made it probably
I’m guessing
>evil (pushed Bran)
>gray (fought to get his brother freed)
>evil (goes to war with Starks
>S2 beyond evil, strangling cousin
>s4 evil I’m guessing going back to Cersei and raping her on their sons cask? Rest of it I cba to figur out
Hot take. Getting the other major houses to acknowledged you as the rightful ruler. Technically Cersei has done this by having a large standing army and basically no one challenging her claim. Until Dany came along. So Cersei at this moment is the lawful queen of the seven kingdoms.
They did Dr Bashir dirty
>give me a dragon and I'll give you an army
>nah I'm just gonna burn you alive and take it anyway lmao
>you swore me safe conduct
>my dragons didn't lmao
I would have loved to see Cersei shoot that cunt, give her a taste of her own medicine.
yeah it was fucking perfect!
You forgot Bonetown
>queen is mad
Rightfully angry*
Didn't they hang a knight for stealing a ham while drunk? The one Pod was serving before Tyrion. Justice seems pretty swift here, she did nothing that isn't fitting with what seems legit in Westeros.
I should have phrased that better, what I was asking was whether or not the theory, about GOT being a sci-fi universe turned fantasy by a post-apocalyptic happening long before the story began, was true.
The first dragonborn appears?
Did you really forget about best girl?
How much onions does Preston Jacobs chug every day?
Dothraki crone deserves some extra point for being a dead ringer to Alice Cooper.
but her whole thing is about being better than all that, "breaking the wheel", "freeing the world from tyrants". So being no worse than the worst of the Westerosi rulers isn't much of a defence.
>only females
What are you, gay or something?
>tfw cleganebowl hype literally kept him alive, since D&D wouldn't know what to do with him otherwise