What did she mean by this?

Attached: missandei.jpg (1400x700, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


kill whitey

she cute

>dumb roasties thought drogon was going to come save her at the last moment
all these normalfags care about are dragons, quips, and shock factor

Their version of Russian hackers

te be honest i also thought drogon would attack.

>sorry didnt quite catch that, can you repeat it

burn them all would have been too obvious, even for Dabid

I honestly don't know how this could have been confused for anything else. At this point everybody knew what time it was, and what was about to happen.

Someone post her beach walk webm.

God, how I wished for the Mountain to dracarys the fuck out of her ass instead of anticlimactically killing her.

She cute.

>cheering for the deaths of thousands of innocents
soibois were a mistake

These idiots acting like they're real people, getting upset and emotional over the death of fictional character like some menapausal state at home mum watching her day time soap opera.

I know they're shitlibs but I thought they were students? Academics? These people are supposed to be somewhat educated and intelligent yet they act like the same plebeians at the football game or the tv couch.

More like
>*distant dracarys in the distance*

how the fuck would Dany let alone Drogon hear it

How did negro women in dress didn't drown in water anyway?

>Have we started the fire?

Do Americans really do this?

does the insufferable green haired cunt know shes being filmed? everything she does is so overplayed

They are Brits

>How did negro women in dress didn't drown in water anyway?
Euron was nice enough to save her but not anyone else

I hate these people with a burning passion

So she was calling for Kings Landing to be burnt down right? And people act like she and Dany are the good guys?

This is a prime example why I can't watch anything with any other people around, I just want to watch something in peace without some fucker cheering or pissing themselves.


Despite only being 13% of the population of Essos, Summer Islanders and Naathi are responsible for 50% of violent crime.

The bar is in Chicago you spastic

euron raped her right

Schools teach pure fantasy and bullshit nowadays. You walk out of colleges unironically dumber and more disconnected from reality than you were before going there.

>Let's attack the city with 100 troops and dragons.
>Drogon listening to a command from somebody else than Daenerys
congratulations you are both retarded.

This post is underrated, fuck all of you incel tiny dicked faggots from Reddit which is obvious and have sex bitch ass niggers

in the butt and without lube

The channel literally has a "post watch" discussion series featuring green hair and co. These assholes knew they struck gold and is milking it for all its worth

Burn them all

> they act like the same plebeians at the football game or the tv couch.
I find it even worse.
Football games are real.
I find it boring, but it's actual people facing each other.
It's full fiction there... must be exhausting to feel every bit like them.

>does she know
Are you fucked in the head mate

guess the average testosterone level of the men there

Based user

based poo

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it was only the retard over reaction group

>"Hey Alexa, pull up WORST HUMANS ON THE PLANET"

That fucking face

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What's a good way to mentally deal with people like this existing?

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Oh God I'm so glad Dany gets mad and dies. I hate all of these bitches.

Why do you think the world hates americucks?

My God

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I used to be baffled by how people like this were able to sit through the first 3-4 seasons.

Then I learned that the common saying among normies is "just make it to the Red Wedding, it gets good after that".

I fucking hate this world

pic related also kill the white children and the white women the men can be put to work

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The masses of hispter normies and women who normally don't give a shit about fantasy came in after it became trendy with the red wedding and then forced the change of direction of tone in the show. These cretins always reduce everything good in the world to the lowest common denominator.

Kill whiteys

>"just make it to the Red Wedding, it gets good after that"
The non-violent, Bobby B scenes from Season 1 were more engaging and entertaining than all of this dragon shit and spectacle that the show has turned into since the end of S6.

Fuck, some of the best scenes in this show were the family drama in KL between the Lannisters and the Small Council meetings.
I hate normies and their obsession with loud effects and spectacle.

mixed race ''people'' have no souls

You realize you're demeaning James Holzhapa with that mess?

yes, everybody should post in a Cambodian throat singing board instead

I was probably the biggest GoT/ASOIAF fan around 2012. I couldn't stop talking about how much I loved the series to my peers and relatives. I annoyed the shit out of them and pestered them to read the books or at least watch the series. That's how much of a shameless and annoying cunt I was about the show.

Fast forward to current year, and I can't even publicly say that I like the show without being ashamed and embarrassed.

>overaccentuating everything
>pushing to be in the first row
>retarded outfit and green hair
>black wanna be gangstar boyfriend
I can't tell mate

Attached: SoyMad_Green.jpg (133x238, 9K)

>all the women overreacting for attention
>only 2 episodes left y'all!
I hope dany dies a villain.

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It really was amazing I'm just watching Jon's side of the story from Season 1 and I'm just hooked again. What a terrible shame of what it's come to.

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She had two options here. First she should've shouted Kill the bitch Cersei and then jumped to her death. Shouting a word no one understands and getting beheaded by the Mountain was retarded. Glad she's dead now

>the crowd goes wild
what did they think would happen?

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I got downvoted on rebbit (yeah I know) when I pointed out that these narcissists were putting out performances, smelling their own farts & overly exaggerating beyond any normal reaction. akin to people who take selfies on FB about how awesome their life is, when it's a snapshot of what they want people to think, that's their entire video, a bunch of true NPCs.

Football fans truly are subhuman.

It was her way of telling dany that she should just burn the fuck out of King's Landing. She will, and Jon will kill her for it.

Honestly if she knew she was close to being captured she should've killed herself before that happened. Why get taken in when she knows she'll get tortured to get information about her Khalessi? For a slave she was pretty fucking dumb.

The same thing happened to me except all the people I mentioned the show to didn't give a shit about it. Fast forward to current year all those people who ignored me now watch it religiously and I don't watch it at all. And now they see me as pretentious for not liking it.


Crying over them is a little extreme, but if you don't care about their outcomes then why bother even watching anything edgelord

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>I used to be baffled by how people like this were able to sit through the first 3-4 seasons.
this is what i still dont understand. last episode got shit reviews because dragon was shot down and black woman was killed, not because it had flaws in logic. if that were the case, whole season 7 would have shit reviews. did these people only start watching since last 2 seasons or what? why did death of missandei trigger them so hard

No fun allowed.

>stupid writing would still surprise you
Who's retarded here?

Based OF poster

She is trying to warn Dany about the wildfire catches without Cersei realising
She expects Dany knows her well enough that she would not ever advise her to burn down the city and that she will take the hint
But Dany flipped her shit instead

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Nuke Britain, please, for the love of humanity

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They kept getting stuff their way for over 2 seasons. Yass Queen every episode, men getting shit on etc.
Take it away from them and they start crying.

Kill people, burn shit and fuck school Dany

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this is a normal human being apparently ..

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literally how have none of you ameriaustists run in their and screamed out a spoiler at the start of an episode?


I just watched a few more of these bar retard videos, she always makes that face it's hilarious.

>me in the meanwhile

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Somebody call al-qaeda

Meanwhile, if there were no cameras around, they'd all be on their phones on instagram and tinder

>omg jessica they just killed the slave girl
>who's that?
>boyfriend chimes in: missandei, the one from Narth
>which one is that again?
>the black girl with khaleesi and the soldier boyfriend
>omg no way
>takes snapchat selfie of pouting frown face with text "i cant believe they killed miss and die"
>matches with chad

A bar full of NPCs holy fuck. Am I the only one awake. This is some Twilight Zone shit.


Why hasn't anyone bombed that fucking place yet?

it's an American bar you fucking moron



Look at the white guy in a suit between the brown hat guy and red shirt guy who rises up. He's so uncomfortable.

All I can say is that if I were in her position, I'd have spat in Cersei's face and jumped to my death.

What's with those eyebrows?

have sex

what the fuck are these people on lol

okay, spread your boipucci

The soi, woke and autism readings are off the charts here. I hope years later most of these people will feel ashamed of being in a shitty reaction video series for a shitty show.

have sex

things have come full circle. sports are for the true intellectuals now. people who don't like sports are fucking losers.

I have, that's why I know how women behave outside of youtube videos

>innocent girl from the pacifist isle of narth who has loyally served a queen who has constantly pushed for a freer and more just society for the common person and the lower class condemns the largest city in westeros to death via fire because FUCK WHITIE
really makes me think


She was telling Dany to burn the city down.

Why can't someone go into this bar and shout "Jon kills Dany" during the next episode?

Attached: meriga.png (1179x777, 256K)

Ghetto warcry to rile up all the niggers.

You know, being able to name all the characters in some gay fantasy show doesn't redeem you from being a bitter and resentful basement dweller. If anything, the women who could barely give a fuck about the show are far more alpha than you'll ever be.

It did not even look that high desu, she would have lived if she jumped, ofc it'd look too goofy for a le serious show but it makes the most sense

>buy ice in bags from walmart
>take out the individual ice cubes and place them individually in your ice tray

S1E9 Battle on the Green Fork: Tyrion gets conveniently knocked unconscious charging into battle, saving DnD from the cost of filming it.
S8E3 Battle for Winterfell: Cinematographer leaves lens cap on camera for forty eight out of the fifty five days of filming, pausing only to capture shots of coffee cups and plastic water bottles (pic related).
S8E4 Greyjoy ambush: Tyrion gets knocked out again and when he wakes up everyone knows Missandei has been captured and not just lost at sea.

FUCK THIS SHOW. They're laundering money, because this calibre of writing and cinematography is simply inexcusable for a TV show that has the same shooting timeframes as a major hollywood capeshit blockbuster.

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Where's Bessie?

Attached: american education.png (384x272, 17K)

>Everyone in there is participating in social activities with friends, doing what they love.
>You watch people like this through a screen from inside your seclusion zone.

Yes user. THEY are the NPC's.

This fuck women for not having sex with me.
psssttt I'm just pretending I wish they had sex with me too I didn't mean to be mean but I REALLY REALLY need to have sex and maybe if I make fun of you (sorry) they will

>own a pet dragon
>call it drogon

thats like naming my pet rabbit something like robbit thats fuckin lazy


Attached: Mad King.jpg (480x318, 38K)

>gay ass fantasy show
>bar full of normies pretending to be emotional over this "gay ass fantasy show"

lol epic fail

they always were. you probably just grew up and stopped being a dork

Its sorcerers stone in most countries because America makes the rules get fucked

i hope that bar lights on fire and they all die

Attached: meriga2.jpg (1818x1252, 264K)

she wants the mad queen to chimp out on her behalft

Because they are jealous of our freedoms and prosperity. Most of the world doesn’t care one way or another about how a bunch of soo guzzling libcucks act.

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She was trying to get the dragon to save her, but it was too far away and couldn't hear her.

Those are the magical and mythical peaceful black people of this series

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its true, america has had a war on intelligence for about a decade at least, the entire country is currently in an elaborate "pretending to be retarded" shitpost

>Implying the "have sex" meme doesn't originate from reddit.

It's the old "Somebody needs to get laid" insult repackaged by zoomers.

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>Madness of King George trilogy never ever ever

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To podrick

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Have Sex

>A bunch of narcissists gather around (once again) to parade around on a Patreon funded YouJew channel; over-react, put on a lifetime performance to grab center attention because they know they're being filmed & love to gush up their own farts

Yes NPC engineer, you work is shoddy, consider an update asap please.

they're literally retarded mate

Are retard girls easy

kek based

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if you edited their reaction for her death to the arya/nk scene, it'd perfectly capture how Yea Forums felt

In my country still translates to philosopher

fucking /pol/ I swear

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How do these people function with reality if they get this emotional over make believe.

Knowing it is a fictional city depicted in a cartoon, I still think it would be wise to bomb Agrabah.

It might be a reference to her shitty "I can cry for help in 99 languages" joke.

but whats agrabahs tax policy

Why the fuck did I find that funny enough to do this?

Attached: robbit.png (491x136, 5K)

>"I'm super bitter so I want you to murder a bunch of innocent civilians"
What an evil bitch.

They only let friends in. It's a physical echochamber.

>That greenhair that knows she's on camera
Why the FUCK didn't Missandei spit in Cersei's face and jump to her death? Fuck knows I would have.


>Fuck knows I would have
Everyone dreads
Its ancient insticts, even suicidal people usually jump with their back on the fall because they cant do it when looking down on it
It is not as easy as you make it sound

Apparently you're not familiar with the concept of 'head first'.

hahaha look at this dood


Attached: american cuisine.jpg (1238x1493, 326K)

They totally are tho. I much rather that user than them.

that's just a laurel leaf my friend.
it adds flavour to your food, but they probably missed it when removing it afterwards.

Looks like that baby godzilla. Utterly amphibianman tier.

If you're a STRONG INDEPNENDENT WOMMYNZ that DON'T NEED NO MAN WITH A DICK and you know for a fact that you're about to bite the big enchilada, why wouldn't you die on your own terms?
There's a reason that death row inmates are watched literally 24 hours a day leading up to their sentence being carried out. Most human beings would rather die on their own terms than be killed on someone else's.

>can't empathize with fictional characters
>can't understand why people express emotions
Literal autism.

*Bay leaf you fucking idiot.

>That one dude smiling

It's the same thing you illiterate orangutan

>Weise = wise man, poetic for philosophet
Thats quite interesting. Like the BigMac index from McDonalds, you could make an index on how popular media gets translated names and what the audience intellect is.

Attached: image.jpg (298x465, 40K)

Christ you reminded me how disgusting german language truly is.
Even your word for a butterfly sounds like a war crime.


Nephew: I looked for you on the birthday
Basedboy: I wasn't there
nephew's friend: your friend "the wife" would've been cucked if we had been

Wait till I tell /ck/ what a silly sausage you are.

If he had a dragon it would squirt onions

look at this absolute chad

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honestly her friend is more annyoing

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>the sound of normie's little worlds crashing down

The Philosophers Stone isn't something Rowling came up with. It's a "real" alchemy concept which makes the thing even more dumb.

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wise user

They have to be acting. No one cares that much about a TV show.

Honestly german is a very good language. It can be very technical, poetic or colorfull. Its a rather usefull language, the only downer is, its not that romantic resulting in rather lewd or porno romance.

Attached: image.jpg (1239x1000, 230K)

I know, its an alchemic term in germany too.

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>green hair
>nigger boyfriend
day of the rope when

like she wouldn’t have gotten a hundred arrows the moment she hit ground

They are not.
I would like you to think about that for a moment and how that relates back to your own understanding of emotion.

Worth a shot though

Why did no one cheer for Euron at the Burlington bar?


Bravo Martin

I truly wonder what their reaction will be when drogon sides with Jon and kills daenerys after she went full Attila

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did people actually care about that character i didn't even know her name until that episode and i don't even remember what it is

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us sinners.

Couldn't they just have named it "The Madness of King George The Third"?

Holy shit, I can understand the women, but the absolute state of the "men" there. Like that dude holding both his hands to his face/mouth, what a fucking basedboy. Jesus christ, no dignity.

>dumb roasties thought drogon was going to come save her at the last moment
really wouldn't be surprising with the amount of ridiculous plot armour all around

I hate how people act when they know they're being filmed

It comes for the Bay Laurel tree. You're both right.

the one attention whore with dark hair wore the same shit to oberyn vs mountain years ago

i just noticed because i wanted to check if they have always been retarded

maybe we should donate so she can buy new clothers bros make it happen :)

Do they have curved swords?

Yeah, but an emotionally balanced person gets over it pretty quick once they finish suspending disbelief. It's pretty spergy to let this stuff consume you.

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!
Deine Zauber binden wieder
Was die Mode streng geteilt*;
Alle Menschen werden Brüder*
Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

Wem der große Wurf gelungen
Eines Freundes Freund zu sein;
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wer's nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!

Freude trinken alle Wesen
An den Brüsten der Natur;
Alle Guten, alle Bösen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Küsse gab sie uns und Reben,
Einen Freund, geprüft im Tod;
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben
und der Cherub steht vor Gott.

Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen
Durch des Himmels prächt'gen Plan
Laufet, Brüder, eure Bahn,
Freudig, wie ein Held zum siegen.

Seid umschlungen, Millionen!
Diesen Kuß der ganzen Welt!
Brüder, über'm Sternenzelt
Muß ein lieber Vater wohnen.
Ihr stürzt nieder, Millionen?
Ahnest du den Schöpfer, Welt?
Such' ihn über'm Sternenzelt!
Über Sternen muß er wohnen.

Sex haben

>why did death of missandei trigger them so hard
Unironically, Disney and Netflix have unprecedented sway over the online "press" and stir shit up about competitors' content, using SJW fake controversies. Disney has mastered this to promote their movies and to fuck up their competition. Ruthless.

>comes to forum to a forum to discuss it

I clapped when she said that.

It's not like it's difficult or something, it's just the audience of this show is fucking retarded

>those people
user, the people in the bar are just the left-wing Tumblr counterparts to the posters here - they are not normal

Sorcerer's Stone is objectively a better title due to the alliteration and the energetic imagery conjured by a sorcerer by centuries of fantasy canon. America doesn't care about British Kings of ole because America defeated Britain and hates the latter's snobbish self-importance. License to Kill inspired License to Ill, and is much cooler than Revoked, which sounds like a legalese or the DMV. British tabloids always sell if it "bleeds it leads" bait too.

Why the fuck would you cry over Missendei?

I refuse to believe it. all of them.

Jaime betrays Stark again.
Dany becomes big bad
Jon kills her
Tyrion is the bone who is behind all this madness and gets executed.

What the fuck seriously? If they are gonna shit on those characters like this? Characters the show has spent 10 years to build? If its true people are gonna pull a Dany and burn HBO.

All of these voices inside of my head
Blinding my sight in a curtain of red

Frustration is getting bigger



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heh, I don't even watch the show.

Trump loses 200 million a year
Police officers literally killing whoever they like
>muh freedom & prosperity!

All of this.

By what was about to happen, I meant Missa knew it was over for her life, retard. Dracarys was never going to be a command that saved her.

Source: I'm from Iowa.

how big is even the army that survived the NK? can they possibly siege King's Landing at all?

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mythical peaceful black people

Yeah but why didn't cersei shoot the whole remaining cast down tho
we couldve been free, folks
it couldve ended here, and the last 2 episodes are epilogue

>how big is even the army that survived the NK?

however big it needs to be for the preordained plot conclusion.
look for more armies to show up next episode if Dany starts to lose.

worst part is they're bookfags who should know better

are you retarded? These people probably don’t even know that the book series are called ASoIaF let alone that there are books in the first place

I can't take that much onions

She remembered hearing Dany say 'Dracarys' every time she lit something up with her dragons and thought she could do the same. To bad dragons are fucking racist, and didn't give a fuck about her.

Its retarded they just couldve said, that like some houses pledged to deanarys and shown some of those troops that are clearly new in the army or smth.

Why did it have such a dumb reverb?

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based fast food poster

Why are americans so fucking stupid

Attached: americans dna.jpg (900x1800, 353K)

no dude, you didnt get it.

i doubt it would be different in your country.

I agree right up until you said sports.

Sport is a true patrician discipline that has endured for thousands of years. Never forget that.

real niggas

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seeing this shit makes me think isis has the right idea jesus fucking christ

why are people itt saying this wtf

She's going to find Dragon Armor conveniently stored in a vault in Dragonstone that she never bothered to check, right?

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Burn the fucking city to the ground

Well, it's fantasy after all.

Nuke that bar

Exactly they fucking should, Jack

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As the air to a bird of the sea to a fish, so is a bolt for the dragons neck

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she left the stove on back at dragonstone

grey worm told her to get into the skiff

I've lived in Britain and I'll tell you that they have nothing to brag about, Little Britain is pretty much a documentary.

White Americans aren't nearly as stupid as people make them out to be and every country has its equivalent of Walmartians, especially Britain.

Holy fucking shit, that the writers of Lethal Weapon 2 had more respect for the American public that the makers of James Bond, maybe use words in context and it will click in people.

t. Secret American.

Like a Dreamworks character


Attached: Football Norf FC English British Banging Drums 1.webm (640x360, 642K)

In br-portuguese it was translated as "A pedra filosofal" which means somethinglike "the philosofical stone" it so retarded cause they made it into an adjective what was supposed to be a possesive pronoun.


there’s a difference between being invested in a show and being deluded enough to see these characters as real people

>White Americans aren't nearly as stupid as people make them
Not such thing as white americans, but also, yes they are that stupid, it's just that you are too stupid to notice
American retardation comes from somewhere

Attached: war crime america.png (1038x602, 166K)


>Dicks are not important
>It will win favour with the lords of Westeros, whom we will need. Im sorry, dicks ARE important

Imagine the smell.


>I thought they were students? Academics?
this doesnt mean the same thing it used to and it never meant what you seem to think it does

I bet none of those are in STEM or any respectable fields. Anybody can be in college now. A few years ago I had to tutor students FUCKING basic algebra in my college. Where I'm from you need to know calculus to even pass the university entrance exam.

would you fug her?


Attached: Thta's my fetish.png (974x604, 885K)

>the last time someone smiled during a ''oh so shocking'' moment they banned him from the bar
webm related, its the bearded dude in the guiness shirt

Attached: Beardbro.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

just give it to me straight are these soinormies the mainstream and I am out of touch or is this some gay bar?

Where's Bessy?

All of these people look the same. I guess it is a very certain type of faggot that would go to a bar to watch Game of Thrones.

Accurate. That's exactly the message the entire Daenerys storyline has been. Next episode Greyworm loses it and leads whats left of the unsullied on a mindless slaughter against white men,women and children.
Such a waste. Worth a couple of rapes before execution for the extra humiliation.
Do the "villains" in this show even know how to be good at their job?

Why did Mountain not just grab her head and tear it off like he did with the Faith militant? That'd have been far more effective. Seeing her scream as he wrenched her head and spine off before kicking her corpse off the gate.
Then I'd fire every scorpion mounted on that wall at Drogon who is literally a sitting target and order the archers to fire a volley right into the clump of Unsullied.
Cersei is shit at her job for real.

Attached: 1557149393121.png (420x422, 216K)

He read the leaks and approves.
Based Pajeet.
Slaughtered for meat.

>yfw you realise that Ellaria is trapped in a cell in the Red Keep watching her daughters face collapse, her stomach bloat and explode from the gas buildup and maggots and flies eating away at the rotting flesh all whilst going mad from the visions and smell

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>freedoms and prosperity
Be less obvious with that bait next time

You'd be surprised at how fucking moronic some Americans are. It's so embarrassing to watch this shit. I recently watched Avengers Endgame and people were literally clapping and cheering during the movie.

Americans were genuinely a mistake. Pathetic

when i was a kid, around age 7, i remember getting emotionally upset over tidus's "death" in ffx
these people act like children. why would a fictional character evoke these kinds of reactions? i dont want to believe its their genuine reaction, but rather they know they are being filmed and want the attention of having people see how they would react
none of you do this when you are watching a film or show, right? who does this? it has to be because they are being filmed

the real crime was not showing 10 minutes of that

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>goes to watch a kid’s movie in the theater and takes it seriously.
Grow up.

None of these people are worth saving. Burn em all!!

I'm sure he's browsing this board at this very moment

White people trying to over compensate and virtue signal and black slay queens: oh my God how could they kill the only woman of color in the show! SMDH! And in chains no less. They need more diversity in the writing staff.

Regular Black, White, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, and Hispanic men: Damn she was hot. Oh well.


Aspie or full on autist?

She literally inviting Dany to do what her father did.


It started in the 90's when boomers realized a 15y.o. with a computer could do more work, and more learning, faster than they ever could.

Killed by flamethrower. Bennings wasn't a true Targ.

If his name is Drogon, why do they call him Drakarys?

Christ the "men" at this bar are th biggest soi faggots I have ever seen.

>schools underfunded so curriculum is shit
>teachers paid in dirt, they don't give a shit
>students over sugared and under stimulated, can't focus for shit
>activeshooterscenario.jpg ~monthly
our schools are a fucking joke

That scene was so stupid. There's no way Cersei would have wait so long for the bitch to finally say something
Also, the mountain should have cut her in half from cunt to hair

>when you know the bomb you planted in the bathroom is about to go off in one minute

it's just tv bro

Cleganebowl is fucking retarded and literally redd1t. We already saw it in season 1. The mountain needs to be killed by something bigger..an undead giant would have been kino but a dragon will have to do.

You deserve a promotion. Captain Fucking Obvious is not a good enuff title for a dimwit like you.

talk about being oversocialised.. they always have to overtly display whatever emotion the group deems they should feel for that moment

>robbit the rabbit
it's black isn't it

>What did she mean by this?

>Please honor my memory by slaughtering tens of thousand of civilians, men women and children and reducing them to ashes in a fiery holocaust

That's literally what she meant by this.

when you go to metropolitan centers in the US its easy to think that most of our population is bright and effective at everyday life, but there is SO much space between those cities and its full of square mile retards who have never left their little corner, and think they have a handle on the rest of the world.

The mountain should have fucking raped her for everyone to see. While Cersei chanted SHAME SHAME SHAME with each thrust.

wait, seriously?

They literelly thought the 'Dracarys' line was the "Begining of the stunning rescue scene" line, that's how fucking retarded these people are.


I heard you had another school shooting

>someone actually took the time to draw this

>european white master race

Apparently Bessie was also banned for making anti-homo tweets

proofs lel

Not as retarded as the super fat one sticking up both middle fingers at Cersei. That made my sides orbit

You must be stupid, huh. How about you shut your retarded mouth for once in your miserable life

>america has had a war on intelligence for about a decade at least
A decade? Try a century, Asimov was already talking about that in 1980: "Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'"

I wish this were true

she works at the bar

I don't understand it either, she is a completely bland throwaway.

The US has been taken over by corporatism. People are being educated to stay competitive and become as employable as possible, neglecting any kind of holistic education.
It is an extremely exhausting country to live in.

Despite dragons having proved pretty useless so far, and easy to kill, Drogon alone is probably going to be all Dany needs to beat KL


your fault for going to public school

histrionic personality disorder is a fucking epidemic

and for that I am grateful

All the anglo countries are bad, don't know why.



Really? that would be pretty cool, her tattoos do seem to indicate she does has some sense of humor but i don't know.

Did they ACTUALLY ban him? Is this fucking real?

>not allowed to cheer at a cool moment for one character because MOMMY OF DRAGONS AND VERY EPIC COOL QUIPPY DRAGONS MORE IMPORTANT

One of my Facebook friends (as in we never see each other irl) posted
>Rest in peace Miss Sunday, you were too good for the Games of Thrones anyway

Even the Chads paid her out for the post. A whole joke began about her clones Miss Monday and Tuesday replacing her.

Yo niggas, riddle me this.

Why didnt queen cercein ballista that fucking wyrm to kingdome come when it was stationare, chillination on the ground. i counted 7 ballistae like, dude. if huron could shoot a dargon in MID AIR from a klick away then why sould not a dragen on GROUND be harder to shoult with all 7 ballista they had on the wall.

And then, when the fucking lizard is dead, just arrow that untolerable cunt bitch denaries and her little army what the fuck i mean what, the , fuck????

shit yal

Attached: 8f1e98e9c70eedb5ae29df2fe83bb103.jpg (1479x737, 440K)

The meme and also you imply that we don't have a containment board for this type of behavior Yea Forums.org/r9k/

remember when normies like this didn't represent the majority of the GoT fanbase and coincidentallyt he show was well written. it makes me wonder if these people even understand what made this show good in the first place

because plot

>in after it became trendy with the red wedding and then forced the change of direction of tone in the show.
Also, D&D simply stopped caring. HBO would have happily funded a full season 8, 9, and 10, because the show prints money. And it's not as though they're out of book material. They had the entire (fake?) Aegon storyline, which they've decided to lazily merge into Jon's storyline, Lady Stoneheart, the real Dorne storyline, Book Euron, hell, even Cersei's disastrous attempt at ruling Westeros had tons of book material to work with (right down to a lesbian sex scene that would have played well with the YAS QUEEN crowd)

Those are not normies for fucks sake, normal people don't pay to watch a tv show on a bar so they can fake emotions on youtube. Stop thinking everything that isn't Yea Forums equals normie

>even Cersei's disastrous attempt at ruling Westeros had tons of book material to work with (right down to a lesbian sex scene that would have played well with the YAS QUEEN crowd)
*Actually on second thought, Cersei being an incompetent cunt and her uncle taking over while Jamie ignores her plea for help would probably generate a bunch of articles about how problematic and misogynist it is

Those aren't normies, they're attention seeking nutters. These videos have millions of views and those fat girls are front and center every time, fucking holding hands and crying at the appropriate moments, this isn't some random collection of regular fans.

>shock factor
It would have been more shocking to have her live. It would have been even more shocking if tyrian had not been able to swim with 50lbs of armor on.


confirms that the mad king was right all along