Who were some actors who were big at one point in time but not anymore
Who were some actors who were big at one point in time but not anymore
Yes audiences want beady eye weasel looking jews.
That one chick with the caterpillar eyebrows
I don’t even recognize the right side
god i cant fucking stand twitter faggots
I still don't get the no one meme.
Who's top left? She cute
Same here. I think it just started this past week.
To right is babby driver no idea on the bottom though.
What is there to get? It’s saying no one asked for x thing
Shailene is on Big Little Lies on HBO tho
Teller's starring in fifteen hours of Refn autismkino so he's /ourguy/
>this is the perfect aryan specimen according to /pol/
Miles Teller was fine in Whiplash and what's his name on top right was fine in Baby Driver. What compelled this Twitter nobody to think this was meme worthy?
This has to be the shittiest meme template ever and the only people who use it are twitter basedboys, nigs and discord trannies.
A bunch of kikes?
Rosario Dawson
Sam Worthington
It's a product of both zoomers and boomers trying their hand at interweb memez and ending up rehashing dead memes from 7 years ago.
Does poc mean piece of crap? If so why not just say pos if youre gonna use an acronym
Ansel has a gigantic career before him though.
thank god this reddit opportunist is dead
Ansel Elgort has a good future. Idk who the top left and bottom right are.
Yeah but in this template no one doesn't ask for anything.
Will he make a comeback in Avatar sequels or is he already operating a tollbooth?
Too soon
That Alex Wolff kid is aging horrifically. He looked over 30 in Hereditary, and the fucker is only 21.
Shoulda added the force awakens cast as well for the added brown white people.
it means person of color, you white devil
Edward Norton
Cleansing the world. One thot per minute
wait what..... im going to need an explanation please
Steven Bauer
Wow yeah what a weird choice giving young cheap actors with a decent performance behind them the lead roles in kiddy shit films
he burned all his bridges in Hollywood
He's a gay jew that bleached his hair white.
I bet she hasn't had a big role in a movie in twenty years.
I thought he was greek?
/pol/ hates him. They only like guys that make commentary videos with video games in the background.
looks just like this site and don't say you're doing it ironically. you're not
They weren't big, they were forced down out throats.
Just like that ugly mullato from Thor is today
What did he do?
I hate that cunt
He named the jew
chris hemsworth isn't ugly
He has small beady eyes
'no one: ' should be added to the list
What's it like being Jewish?
Shailene Woodley hit the wall in her mid twenties because she's a hippie who literally eats dirt.
Milles Teller is insufferable. I will never forget that Esquire interview with him that exposed him so hard as conceited söyböy jewfaggot.
Top right is just a gay brit with weird name and no charisma.
Dont remember who bottom right is.
Ansel led Baby Driver which is a box office hit, and will be in Goldfinch adaptation and West side story musical. not saying all that is a success, but relatively much better than the rest
he's an asshole
I see the look they're going for...
How is he still killing people? What a champ.
>tfw you missed peak rileyposting
can someone explain this 'no one:' meme to me, I don't fucking get it
I don't care for the rest of them, but I'm so glad I'm not seeing fucking Miles Teller as much as before, fucking hated that faggot
I liked War Dogs
it's not a meme. only Yea Forums really made "memes". they're using the old gay definition for "inside joke that everybody gets" which means it's not an inside joke
it's a shit way for people to make anything they see into a "meme" and give it a weak form of context
It means 'perpetrator of crimes'
>posts wojack meme
oh sweet summer child
God that mouth is so arousing
I used to beat off like a chimpanzee imagining Kevin's adventures in prison.
he likes to edit his movies without the director's approval
but then you look at his nose and suddenly remembered his race
He’s in the same gay movie with Ansel coming out his year
what film? will he show his rosebud?
>no one:
>114319949: "god i cant fucking stand twitter faggots"
Colored is a PC word now...
I remember when everyone was getting all fussy about Saffers calling blacks coloured :/
Hmmm, there's some look that they all share. What could it be?
riley got fit desu
Euphemistic treadmill. Left always thinks all human issues are societal and that objective reality comes second. So they have a long, long, fruitless history of trying to change the world by changing linguistics. It hasn't worked yet but by god they'll keep trying!
if they haven't changed the world then how come you and your kin are in a constant state of seething anger
Comprehension my little fag. They haven't changed the world by changing linguistics. Coloured people was originally a polite term, imbecile was, moron was, spastic was. Each introduced by some dimwit who thought he could equalize their place in society if only he could get rid off the prejudiced terms keeping them down.
>race-mixing faggot jew
>MSM thinks this is the face of the alt-right
just how stupid is the average journalist these days?
Yikes, who hurt you?
Someone post THAT image
miles teller is starring in NWR's amazon show that's dropping next month. from the trailer it looks ridiculous though. i'm sure it'll either be really good or really bad.
still got a BJ from amanda seyfried though. good for him.
Jim Carrey.
I could stare into Shailene Woodleys eyes all day
probably got one from Lavren too
She probably makes like 4 million off sitting at the view. Pretty easy.
who is lavren
Don't forget this guy
2019 i am forgotten
Jai Courteney
James Badge Dale
Rosamund Pike
Person of color
Who's that on the jilted ex-husband one?
Nobody said he was. Try reading posts before you respond to them, you incredibly unfunny faggot.
>spreading that shit meme here
Fuck off.
Actually we like HEROES.
You know you like them
its saying that the bottom half of the meme comes unprovoked like how the guy above you started going off on how he hates twitter even though the thread topic is about once popular actors
its an unsolicited opinion no one is provoking the bottom half of the meme it's like people who brag about things no one was talking about
Based riley
frontwoman from Chrvches
my dawg Riley killing PUTAS. doing God's work
If you really want to have "fun" look at the indie authors in the #writingcommunity (use that hash tag to find them). They usually self publish fantasy trash no one buys yet give out "expert" advice to everyone- while thinking they are hot shit all at the same time.
he's too busy running True Anal
best mommy of all time
Its natt wolf in OP's pic but both him and his brother look really off