*Metokur enters the room*

*Metokur enters the room*
>Wubbalubbadubdub you stupid retards, paedophilia and pizza rolls fucking suck!
*Plinkett walks in*
>mmmh i beg to disagree
*millenial audience cheers*
*Sam Hyde enters in his shitmobile*
>Woooah it looks like everyone here including me is an alchoolic fuckup, let's take this rhum bottles and shove them up our asses
*Nostalgia Critic walks slowly towards them*
>This doesn't make any sense. Can someone with a decent iq PLEASE fuck me in the ass right now?
>leave his sweet bald ass to me
*Mumkey Jones walks in naked, revealing a 12 inches fully erect horsecock*
>mmh maybe you forgot something?According to my calculations i can take two Jew dicks in my ass without interfering my Nazi ideals.
*it's E;R. The German audience is clapping furiously*
*Plinkett takes off his leather thong*
>shall we begin?
>WABBA*fingerblasts his ugly gook wife*LAB
>yes, before I get ME TOO'd again
>forced homosexuality
>call me Horsecock Jones lmao

Attached: 1522181513668.jpg (770x1056, 239K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Really digging the fruity blonde hair on Sam

>tfw zoomers know who these people are
I feel old

based schizo

am I supposed to know who these people are?

Have sex.

Attached: Maddox+Official+Streamy+Awards+Nominee+Reception.jpg (424x600, 83K)


>alt-rightcels still haven't defeated based race mixing manlet in a debate yet
have sex

Attached: Destiny.png (506x495, 470K)


waiting for the anti sam hyde shills to show up

>graphic t under blazer

What faggot came up with this and why is it so acceptable now

Lmao he was beat by a literal Jew hating retard

he loses every debate just by being a manlet

Doug Jones

Who's this faggot using Shiroe for his own gain?

Attached: 2209133E-5D30-4A68-8BC9-D120A4EB4CBF.gif (564x640, 981K)

He literally hasn't beat Nick Fuentes, or Metokur for that matter. He also got fucked in the ass by Jesse Lee Peterson (and metokur is a fucking retard).

no way, all of them got BTFO by basedtiny

What is it that makes channers and especially Yea Forumsirgins to hate literally everything at some point sooner or later?
I'm sure it's not just contrarianism for the sake, the posters show too much passion for that

what compels living failures like you to suck off some nobody online just because he repeats your views back at you on youtube?

Because they're allowed to.

it's not acceptable. he's just a beta


I don't really like any of these folks, metokur and er especially, but I know Yea Forums used to fancy them a few years ago. I just commented on a repeating pattern that is even more confirmed after you flipped your shit because I pointed it out.

sure you don't nigger

Did you really type all that?
Even if it's making fun of them, or you're doing it "ironically", that's still really autistic. But I guess that's the norm on this board now.

Fuck you faggot

How do you feel after typing this out?

pfffffffffahahahahhaa kill yourself lmao

Butthurt because he spoke the truth
I'll give this place another 2 years and it will be anti trump, anti arthouse, pro cinematic universe and pro left

All these alt righters are just a bunch of sad white guys who think they are clever and funny by repeating the same edgy jokes but of course /pol/cels will defend these retards


You do that with everything you butthurt faggot, it's funny that you all get absolutely bootyblasted
A while ago I bet you would've sucked off E;Reddit and such just because.
I guess that's just your collective hobby

imagine being so retarded that you think metokur beat anyone in a debate

have sex yall

Youtubefags should kill themselves, youtube is a cancer upon the internet in the same league as reddit.

E;R is funny though and his videos are well edited?

Of course you'd say that. Getting like 10 (You)s now for le stupid opinion is the height of your day.
Fuck this board

Everyone is susceptible to criticism, nobody is perfect

The real question is: why are you even here if you hate everyone else here?

Maybe you'll answer your own question with enough introspection and enough consideration of mine

Yes, the spacing is deliberate

salty ass nigga. keep seething no one here likes your friends simulators lmao. get a life loser

I just simply wondered what the motivation behind passionate hating of absolutely everything is. It's not even systematic criticism most of the time so that argument falls flat.
Just tell me instead of getting butthurt and defensive. I find it quite entertaining to make low quali shitpost here and actually like giving honest opinions on films. That's why I'm here.

Ok, not the same user
Do you realize how fucking retarded you have to be to equate value of a persons opinion on whether or not they stuck their meat on a wet hole? Fuckers, a 25 year old girl tried to sleep with me when I was 15. I told her to fuck off. A big tiddy goth girl tried to give me a tit fuck. I told her I was a Christian and not about that life, then I told her to fuck off. I never dated in high school because the girl always eventually wanted to have sex. I told them I was breaking up with them, then told them to fuck off. I was a shy beta-ish nerd when I was a child. When that 25 year old tried to fuck me something snapped. II became a chad, but not just any chad. A new kind of Chad. A Chad who despised modern sex, and the degeneracy it breeds. I spend my time improving myself and buying guns and rare designer shoes but only the red ones. I go to libraries in search of a christian gf, I started my own telecommunications company and make over 1.3 million dollars a year. I workout for 2 1/2 hours everyday after work and I only need to sleep for 4 hours to fully replenish. Sometimes I hire hookers to come over to my house and I talk to them about Jesus and Salvation. I have brought over 30 hookers to the Lord, fucker. One time I was at a bar discussing a deal with a AT&T representative and a roastie was grinding up against me and I pushed her to the ground and spat on her. I got that deal and a 10% funding bonus. My T levels are off the charts. My balls are massive and I am officially apart of the Never Cum Gang.
Fuck faggots and degenerates
Fuck Women
but most importantly FUCK SEX

____ ___

Zoomers dont
It's really only the reddit r the Donald alt right cringe kids

Uh yikes sweetie, I'm not reading all of that

Have sex

>Of course you'd say that. Getting like 10 (You)s now for le stupid opinion is the height of your day.
>Fuck this board
I find comfort in reminding myself that at least I'm not Sam Hyde

Who is Sam Hyde even? like filthyfrank some kind of edgy video?

There are pessimists and optimists in this world.
While some people value seeing the good, some value seeing only the worst. Yea Forums is a pessimism board. They say X sucks and only give really subjective reasons.
>jewtuber ecelebs suck now because being entertained is a bad thing
And the same with everything else
>this sucks, here is why

>no Maldraw

Dude this was my first post and your retarded sperg out is the only reply i got. Kys you fucking retard.

Triggered b8tard

I just said i like ER thats not b8 you nutbag.

It pretty much is considering the board collective

Stop being an obnoxious e-celeb faggot

based intentional ironic reddit spacer

redditors can’t into anonymous.
stop projecting because you don’t have any concrete insults to hurl, retard.

But ER is good content. He might be a little edgy sometimes but its quite onviousts an act. Alsothe steven universe roast was a 10/10 video

You as in board collective
4chin is ironically the least individual site ever, and it shows on the regular.
So I can just call you out as you are one person
Neck yourself incel bugnigger

Hahaha youre freaking out on everybody who likes ER you troglodyte. Butthurt retard go back to discord

No I'm freaking out on you
Lmao illiterate

there are thousands of people who post here every day, at least one of them is bound to hate any particular topic.
the anonymous nature of this site has conflated them all together in your pea brain and you just assume that it’s a giant hivemind, when in reality everyone on here is different and had a unique set of things that they love and hate, which is also subject to change at any given moment (or at random if they feel like shitposting).

but also there is a large population of contrarians here that get off on hating what others enjoy, for a plethora of reasons (anger at the world for being dealt a shit hand, preconceived notions about the “internet hate machine” and wanting to fit in with it, etc).

and some people are just assholes for the sake of being assholes because they find it funny (like me lol)

You responded angrily to another person who likes ER. Whats your problem with ER? You like TLJ pr Steven universe?

if you watched the jlp talk and think manletstiny came out looking bad, your brain might be smoother than jlp's

there is no such thing as board collective.
there never was and it would be incredibly boring if there ever was.
no threads would ever get off the ground because it would just be a string of “haha I agree” posts replying to the OP.

sure there might be things that are seen as cool to hate, but it’s just insecure unsocialized dummies trying desperately to fit in with whatever impressions they had of this site before they came here (in 2016 lmao)

you really need to calm down lady. take a xanax or something.


I know the guy that keeps shooting up all the schools and that's it. Never even heard him speak. Fuck listening tot his argument.

this is what i would pay money for

Attached: 1530324794369.jpg (939x1080, 280K)

this post turned into Patrick Bateman about halfway through (more like Basedman lol)
I love it, I subscribed. keep up the good work.
10/10 would bang (but only after marrying you)

I’m the guy he was responding to and I don’t like ER, or at least I have no opinion on him because I’ve never seen any of his videos.
they are just pissed at the board in general after getting dunked on one too many times.

>when in reality everyone on here is different and had a unique set of things that they love and hate, which is also subject to change at any given moment
Well then that instance comes quite often
There are quite a lot of things here that are universally hated that were loved a few years ago. I doubt that all this furious collective barking is just shitposting every single time, since these posters are genuinely upset and put effort into their posts.
But you obliterated that argument by stating that there is simply a huge chunk of contrarians here, thanks for that.
I guess this board is just filled with spiteful virgins afterall

You don't get it low IQ.
The board collective stems on unreasonable disagreeing. It's literally programmed into people here at this point. OP says thing, someone says other thing thread derails, mostly an intentionally controversial statement.
Either arguing on the Internet is this collectives hobby or people here disagree out of spite and counterfagging which is also zombie like.
Either way pathetic

bye sweaty

it was nice to watch you flail around because you can’t understand that every user is still an individual with their own set of believes and likes and dislikes.

I’m really sorry that they made fun of you in whatever thread you made before you made this one. I’ve been mocked and ridiculed here before, you’ll get over it.
or you won’t.
I honestly don’t care which.

>there are unique individuals on here
Lol no

you’re being intentionally obstinate.
probably due to low IQ.

>I find comfort in reminding myself that at least I'm not Sam Hyde

I unironically feel bad for the guy. I just watched the first episode of KSTV2 the other day and it just felt like a pale imitation/desperate money grubbing attempt.

It's hilarious that people actually have any respect for JLP. It's basically my litmus test to see who is a low IQ faggot because only the most genuinely unintelligent or dishonest would ever say JLP won anything vs anyone.

Go dilate libtard tranny

____ ___

This picture needs the biggest autist among Yea Forums related youtubers. This basement dwelling faggot is making a six part series ranting about the force awakens with each part being longer than the fucking movie itself.

Attached: mauler.jpg (900x900, 64K)

Who /HydeWarsPayPig/ here?

Attached: DbdH8jOU0AY8e--.jpg (808x1077, 221K)

you’ll never be a woman m8


Give them a watch theyre fun. Its a shame he uploads like twice a year.

agreed. I wouldn’t claim to be any sort of intellectual myself, but he is legitimately retarded. like 100% unironically retarded.
I think they’re just desperate for any sort of allies in the culture war, especially non-whites, so that they can mitigate accusations of “white supremacy”.
I don’t blame them, but I don’t get it.

His content itself is shit. However ill occasionally pop into EFAP to watch them roast shitty clickbait youtubers. Im glad somebody finally took on those faggots quinton and joseph anderson

How the fuck did the site implode like it did? They lost everyone in six months.

I fucking hate this place.

Was Maddox the fist e-celeb before they were even a thing? Kinda sad to see him clinging to relevance.

Holy shit, these are the most BASED and REDPILLED youtubers of all time...

There are plenty of superhero and GoT threads for you to post in if you literal child. Now if you'll excuse us, we're talking about cutting-edge internet kinomakers.

then why are you here?


have you not heard the huge story about how he got cucked and wanted to sue dick masterson for millions of dollars?

Why dont people like ER on here. Hes great

Because he is just saying Yea Forums jokes and nothing else.

Unironically each part is more interesting and fun to watch than the new Star Wars movies. But there's definitely a certain kind of fanbase that loves to bash on Mauler with iron clad logic like "long videos = bad"

Attached: YYZd.gif (245x180, 849K)

Some people are adults with jobs who don't have unlimited amount of time to listen to a drawn out ramble that could be much more concise without losing value. Hell, even a NEET interested in movies has a limited amount of time to consume media, and there are other video creators he might want to spend his time watching or even go to the fucking movies. Mauler could've made a 30 minute video, or a couple of them if he really had that much to say. Opening a 6 part series with a 3 hour video followed by 2,5 h second part is retarded, especially given how limited the scope of that series is (HE'S ANALYSING ONE MEDIOCRE FUCKING MOVIE NOT THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION IN CINEMA).

Top bad mumkey is going to anhero soon. Lost his YouTube channel, lost his friends, cheated on his girlfriend who will probably leave him now. Hes on a train straight to Greenland

But his videos are carefully edited and have insight into how things are written. As well as being funny. Yes the alita one was a but pandering. But on the whole his output has been great.

Naked ape shit on him. Only good thing that faggot has done in 4 years.

>bad things happen to other people
>i collect ad revenue mumbling about it
>"bad" thing happens to me
>iM gOiNg To KiLl MySeLf!!!11
Mumkey has always been a faggot, but the ridiculous way he's reacted to his "surprising" ban from Youtube has truly gone above and beyond his typical faggotry.

Attached: my two dads.jpg (1400x1400, 463K)

>Some people are adults with jobs who don't have unlimited amount
>an adult who watches youtube videos about star wars wah waaaah they should be 5 min because I literally have no life outside of working

>zoomer can't read more than 10 words before replying
As expected

Because a group of people on here have an intense autistic hatred of all E-celebs

Yeah hes proven himself to be a big pussy, and after hearing he cheated on his cute gf I lost all respect for him

Reminds me of this autist I went to school with. Same pasty skin, same gay goatee, same childish graphic tee, same skinny fat body, same autistic speech impediment. He was a mommas boy who had sex with an ugly girl when he was like 12 and carried that undeserved confidence for the longest time, even though she sucked literally everyones dick and he hadnt seen a vagina for years after.




Pretty much, I feel bad for the guy but he doesn't swing with the punches at all, also Digi is better. and Munkey's stuff isn't up to much outside of Elliot Rodgers content.

Attached: download (19).jpg (1280x720, 101K)

To be fair I'd be pretty fucked up if my income source/platform was arbitrarily ripped out from under me too, it's essentially the same as having your tv show cancelled or something. The assburger thing is just diarhea frosting on the shitcake.

Hey looks like he never went through puberty

Yeah, but he should have totally seen it coming, the way they did it wasn't fair but Youtube are fucking scared of having to many edgelords get big, the Hitler vid was likely what did it, not the Elliot stuff.

I enjoy Metokur’s streams. I always get a good laugh out of them.

His videos used to be good, but I took a hiatus from him when he became obsessed with Basedgoy. He’s back to form now.

The guy's like an early ED kid, lol jew's are ruining the world, epic Hitler lol.
I don't think he's a legit alt-righter, far more legit ones would be much more careful.
He's just an edgy kid who got big talking about childrens films, anime and Elliot Rodgers.

>all these faggots sucking off e-celebs
There are only a few good ones, pic related

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