Here's your cinderella

Here's your cinderella

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Her outfit last year was cool

Rossini's La Cenerentola is the best adaptation.

I like it!
It really was.

the dress looks ridiculous and whoever that is, she's not european and is ridiculous for the part

La creatura

Ain't even mad

I don't know, man, the skirt looks great.

>whoever that is
She's Zendaya!

>asks for roles meant for white girls
>constantly dressed up as white figures, both real and fake
>all of this to spite white people
>she’s mixed herself
Is there anything quite as pathetic?

Sounds based to me.

OP here. Sorry. Posted wrong pic.

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That's fucking shiterella nigga bitch.

Marry me

She is very cute and perfect for pumping out white babies

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She’s half white, why not? She’s not white enough?

Do actresses use these public events to showcase characters they want to play? Zendaya seems to do this a lot.

Who? I swear those nigger names are getting worse...
There isnt a actress that her Name us literally gugu dada ? lol niggers

She should dress-up as my real life wife, haha that would be fun

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cultural misappropriation

that's a man, baby!

Breeding Amerimutts is like playing Russian roulette but with just one chamber vacant.

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Her parents are ogres, she is a princess

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she aged terribly

wow I didn't know donna summer had a grandkid




I'd like to imagine she has ballet boots on under that thing.


Reminder that the earliest cinderella stories originated in Egypt.

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She needs to play Cleopatra

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