Why did they cuck my favorite MCU character so hard?
He got out the worst of everyone in Endgame
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because it sets up gotg3 as the chase for gamora.
>trade annoying green ninja robot for Thor: chad of thunder
Seems the audience truly won in endgame
>Girlfriend gets killed
>closest fix is a alternate clone still entrapped in her blood soaked past
>Gamora instantly chooses Thor over him at first glance
>Single handedly proved to be the biggest loser with his fit in infinity war
As a starlord fan, yeah they did him in
user, get tested
>gamora isn’t a green cybernetically enhanced annoying ninja
>gamora isn’t cybernetically enhanced
That's correct. Nebula was enhanced, but we have no indication of the same thing happening to Gamora.
>adult gamora grew metal implants in her face during puberty
Lol, what fucking faggot, pussy faggot, capeshit lover, disney bitch, kill yourself.
This is a true philosophers answer.
Wait, those are metal implants? I thought it was just how she looked.
Cry more you dumb bitch.
dont be mad, your disney cheque will arrive in a couple days
Because he's the one who fucked up everything.
Unironically: because he can take it. All the women love Chris Pratt, Star Lord has been the leading role in two of the best Marvel films, and he got one of the only emotional scenes in Infinity War (failing to kill gamora)
So yeah, it’s not like he’s been JUSTed.
I'm sure it will, Pajeet, I'm sure it will.
*sips* now Odin? He was a good king
Gamers is green
>Green ninja ghetto
Holy shit, based.
>No scene like this for Hulk after performing the snap where he see's Natasha.
>No scene like this for Tony's snap featuring his daughter.
>No scene like this this ever again for Endgame.
>In the end Russo's just slapped this in for shits and giggles and had no actual setup.
They filmed and cut one for Tony because nobody recognized teenage Morgan.
Playback of the shit He did in IW?
Or you fags gonna defend hin now when even Yea Forums agreed that He fucked up?
Test audiences were that dumb.
>Why did they cuck my favorite MCU character so hard?
What I don't get is why he just sits there and takes it from Thor.
Seriously this is a guy who can crate anything he wants from just his imagination and had the steal balls to kill his own father , who was a fucking planet sized titan probably more powerful than Thanos when he doesn'y have his stones.
Thor is NOTHING compared to Starlord and at the moment really fat and out of shape.
At least Ant-Man (my fave) got a nice push desu.
Ant Chad saved the entire universe.
His abilities were directly tied to ego, no ego no powers. Amazing how so many people can’t keep up with literal children’s movies.
They have time travel now. They could time travel to Ego and Starlord could wreck Thor and tell him that if he tries to cuck him on his own ship again there is more of that to come. Just don't tell thor it only happens on ego and you're golden.
Based and anthilled
What did you think they were?
why would she be a teen?
Starlord's only interesting as a character when he's at rock bottom desu
most people here just watch chinese camrips of the movies
Nah the hulk got it the worst
Because Tony preserved his legacy, its a call back to the very first movie to the first person Tony couldn't save as Iron Man.
How so?
He literally just told you
Are you retarded?
They wanted him to be a pussy as well, Chris Pratt had to insist on shooting Gamora when she asked. Wtf is the Russo's problem with this guy?
His movies were a pleasant surprise.
Why did they cuck my favorite MCU character so hard?
He got out the worst of everyone in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Why was he kicked in the balls again? Why is that still used as comedy relief in the current year? I want to see cunt and tit punches but no doubt that would never be allowed
look at his line of replies, of course he's a fucking retard
tired of these infantile reddit replies to a kids movie
The same reason prison rape and male depression are still comedy.
Would have been fucking kino, what the hell
Yeah I also read they filmed that scene then cut it due to test audiences being confused.
They should have kept it in. I'm sure I could have figured out that's meant to be her daughter just from the scene, and I'm definitely no expert on these movies. I had to ask my brother who Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans were talking about when Scarlett was making that PB&J sandwich (it was Hawkeye but they were referring to him by his real name and I didn't know what his real name was - and I still don't).
It's funny how the people that complain about depictions of being kicked in the balls being used as comedy are the same people that don't have any.
>internet tough guy who would die from one punch