Did he win in the end lads?

did he win in the end lads?

Attached: garrett10.png (1536x841, 859K)

you know

unironically a chad

He didn't end up browsing Yea Forums so that's a win in my book.

The girl is now dating a 6'3 chad football player

>convicted for 2nd degree murder and conspiracy to commit fraud
>in a minimum security prison due to loophole
sounds like he won to me

She already hit the wall

do you mean the car accident?

Yes he had sex


Attached: garrett 2018.jpg (1080x1920, 764K)

>every supposed "loser" posted on 4chins goes on to have a more or less normal life, gets laid, a decent job and maybe finds love

wtf, is this true Yea Forums?

That's from all the positive energy we send them with our memes.

He didn't get the girl, but he did get a gf later.

>that date
I don’t care if you all think I’m a faggot but knowing what comes after makes this sad as fuck

this guy wasn't a pussy but kept at it and he made it
same cannot be said of me (an incel loser)

What movie

you best be posting a source user

Isn't that girl some scar riddled mongoloid anyway

Attached: vIjbByCh_400x400.jpg (400x400, 26K)

she got badly burned a few years ago and looks terrible

> free of obligation, marriage, family
> free to play video games all the time he isn't working
> can do/go whatever he wants
> roastie probably knocked up with chad or tyrone's baby

yeah i'd say garrett (if he's an MRA now) won

>he doesn’t know

There is no proof of this.

She had cancer and has horrible scars in her belly


look up the drunk driving incident

what happened after?

the story behind this image/video is fascinating

then tell the fucking story nigger

this is the sort of thread where you post that shit rather than forcing people to go digging

I just knew this dude was going to be a player at some point.

>falling for shitty bait

I can't even look at this anymore it's sad

so we're just not going to mention his eyebrows that curve around vertically huh

what he did as cringe but he wanted pussy so bad. As long you put yourself out there youll eventually get some
Although its alot easier in school

>those eyebrows

He actually made it...

Maybe I should try harder.

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>one guy in here posting "oh no so sad what happened to garrett, he can't succeed, not in my world"

this thread is cope

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>Maybe I should try harder.
It's already too late user. If you weren't in hiphop dance class when you were 14 then you don't have the basis to build on that he did

how is this /tv related

she turned out to be superficial airhead
and he won't have to manage her health care issues which will persist for decades

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and if I shit in your mouth?

if you think about it, garrett actually has massive balls. at 14 he went straight to dancing and asking out the hottest girl in his class, while most people probably would've just looked on from afar.

>did he win in the end lads?

No she went off with the black guy.

Nice shoes, garrett

Even back then when he was scrawny and awkward he clearly had the confidence to dance infront of camera and his class. Most awkward nerdy kids grow into their looks and become better looking post-puberty so he was all set to get a nice looking girl.

>Those Eyebrows


Attached: 1555404761799.gif (288x288, 1.88M)

His face looks like a Joker mask.

Nufag here
When did this became popular on Yea Forums?

Shorty was a cop

Yeah, it takes balls to be a clueless retard.

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no he didn't. look at his current 'gf' and she resembles his one true love.
he probably pined for her for years and then signed up for dance just to be with her and finally got the courage to do this dance for her. think of the hours, years, sleepless nights, etc?
he probably has gigs of vids/pics of her. he still hopes one day she'll come back to him. he has so much hate/love/despair that something is going to happen.

no, he didn't win. the race is over, but he still trying to run it and hope there's a huge celebration at the end.

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Attached: the monster within.jpg (640x640, 48K)

I repeat my question
When did this become popular on Yea Forums?

It's his sister retards

Based samsung poster

She left him for the QB of the high school football team.

Imagine being such a chad that you fuck your sister.

At least his now girlfriend doesn’t have a fucked up belly.

>Blue Converses
No he won the faggotry award however especially with those eyebrows

>one year anniversary with your sister

of course he did user women love a man who can dance!

Attached: yellow.webm (640x1136, 1.02M)

weird he looks a lot like my brother in this picture only with a smaller frame and gayer laugh

I've never watched the full video and never will. I literally cringe so hard that it feels like I might rip my jaw off.