Now that the GoT is finished

Now that the GoT is finished,
post your objective tier lists

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Everyone in D because the show has always been garbage. The books were garbage too.

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Fuck Dorne, wheres the Mountain at

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Good one.

Edgy one

Based one

Lame one

Ok one

Drama one

People are giving characters way too much credit merely for being on screen a lot.

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move aside plebs

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Basically charactert who are fuckin badly writen at the bottem

characters who came out unscaved near the top

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ranking by acting performance

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just realised almost every S tier character is dead, tried not to let this season influence the ranking too much because 85% of the characters still alive would be C tier at best based on it

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Also why are some nameless fucks on here but not the absolute lads of the Night's Watch

This thread should have been seasons rankings. There are to many characters to go through each post

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Where the fuck is Frogfu

If it was season rankings literally everyone agrees
1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 6 > 5 > 7
With 8 falling somewhere in the bottom half depending on the last 2 episodes

This is the correct ranking

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Putting Jaime anywhere but the top

The only list that matters

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Jaime is B tier at best.

2 more episodes ya dunce

Missandei should be S
Daenerys should be higher

I fixed it for you

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>Arya anywhere but the bottom
>Olenna not at least B tier
>that S list
literal mutt tier taste.

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easiest list i've ever made

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Melly really should be SS

Not so easy apparently because holy fuck you're wrong lmao

in what ways?

I tried a different scale because it's hard to rank characters when they could be fucked over by shitty writing through no fault of their own.
Davos for instance is one of my favourites but Dabid completely shit the bed with him since Stannis died, now he's just some faggot quiplord.

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Based and mostly correct

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Shame no ones got it right yet

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yeah you neither. why the fuck is tyrion in S?

>Oleana not in S tier

Why are you such a fuck up?

brainlets feel free to disagree

ok apart from jon snow

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where is radmure

literally one of the best characters s2-4 and one of the best actors. He just underutilized in every season after that

maybe your right

>Ramsey and Sandsnake in Tywin-tier
>Melly and Davos in bottom tier

One and only official fighters tier list coming through

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>sandsnek in S only because of tits
delete yourself

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you expect me to look at this massive list

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Characters gone full circle. Well written.
Characters that bring or have brought enjoyment.
They served or still serve their purpose I guess
If they are dead they were badly written, if they still live there is not much hope for them to actually redeem what has been done to them by a bad script
Characters that were either garbage from the start or have been fucked up beyond repair.

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negro, please.

anybody who takes the time to do this is a fucking fag


From left to right.

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You'd have to be an absolute super retard to think their characters are worth more than a turd since several seasons. They Were easily A tier if not even S until Season 4 but then droped like a wet sack of shit when D&D started to improvise.

>calling your rightful king a fag

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they aint garbage from the start and Varys at least has still kept up his schemeing. He has barely any dialogue though.

>Oona Chaplin is C Grade
She has the best ass in the whole series and is a devoted waifu, she is better than Dani who drops Daario teh minute she sees Jon.

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Varys didn't do shit man, his 180° on Dany is completely out of character if anything. They started as excellent characters but they were degraded to literal filler tier.


If you disagree with this you're unironically trolling

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>Arya in S
>Benjen in A
I don't even need to look at the other tiers to know that you're full of shit

i for one am excited to see this micro conflict play out. the only internal power dynamics that are interesting this season. although I agree his scheming usually isnt find popular and handsome young warrior who has little statecraft chops and immediately assassinate his queen in favour of him. She has proven her abilities in Mereen and Qarth etc.

b8iest of b8

>tfw she's uncontested completely

stop being a meta faggot and accept you're wrong

I'm right you're wrong

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Good to see Diana Rigg is getting credit for her portraal of Olenna

so many good characters over the entire series. and it goes all to shit in under 3 weeks lmao

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>goes to shit in under 3 weeks
It's been years since season 5 came out.

What a fucking atrocious list

D&D could not handle his cleverness

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Benjen is trash, kys user

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>Places Petyr Baelish at D
Have you even watched the show?

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>The Red Lady at anything other than SSS

>high sparrow and jon in key players
low IQ retard

Damn that's pretty good, though I've never really cared for smirkfu in anything. Also these girl lists need Miranda

Yes, that was I was saying you giant fucking moron

the only objective answer

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well they were both or are currently key to the plot to be fair

no bully pls

he make no sense in the show because they took out the fake Targ character he was setting things up for in book and made out her was setting things up for Dany instead, even though his actions and story don't gel with it

>that faggot Targaryen prince so high up
shit taste in the thread

Nearly perfect; needs no changes other than maybe bumping Jamie up one.

Non-memed and based on the character rather than the actor

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sam and grey worm S tier


would rather he got the dragons than dany

Objective ranking

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I already pissed off my normie friends with my hot take

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just cos one is completely shit tier doesn't mean he is any better. he was the most irritating fucker ever. complete whiny bitch.

his actor killed it and he could have been a slightly less retarded joffrey but with dragons

Fixed it

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Jon formed the army against the dead and is possibly in line for the throne. High Sparrow controled the entire city for two seasons and drove Cerci insane as well as usher class warfare on kings landing using religion as a weapon.


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Fucking shit now fixed for real

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>all those mediocre characters in S-tier
What was the motivation

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I think these are all awful but I can't be bothered making my own because half of these characters are just directly in the trash tier. I mean seriously. Gilly? The retard kid from The Eyrie? Yikes. The majority of top tier characters are male and appear in the first season. The only good female characters are Brienne and Melisandre.

>Rhaegar that high
>Sansa and Littlefinger that low
Kill you are self

Where the FUCK is Myranda

Cersei is a good character and Lena Headey does a good job with her. She's not a good person, there is a distinction.

>caring about naive bitch who never thinks for herself

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>le funny pirate
>so close to god tier

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Too many irrelevant fucktards in S-tier, but not bad

he said book characters, illiterate fuck

>Bobby Baratheon consistently in S and A tier
At least we can all agree on something

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make small penis into big penis list

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Only right answer

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Anything else is irrelevant!

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Anyone who doesn't have both Robert and Eddard in S or A is guaranteed to be Reddit and couldn't recognise kino if it kicked them in the face.

>Putting Oberyn that low


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>Stannis B-Tier
its a 2/10

Objectively best tier list. You could cut(if it's a random extra side character) or recast (if core) everything D and below and the show would be better for it

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An S tier that packed is not that special

>Tommen S tier
Fucking Sand sneks were more interesting than him.

I'm confused. Are we ranking the acting ability, favourite characters or just how interesting they are?


Everything, it all makes the character who it is.

Also, y'all are sleeping on my boy Robin.

Oh nice someone already did my list

yeah I need to remake the list lol. i see it now

Highest I've seen Ian McShane's character ranked and in your list it's just because it's Ian McShane
He was unironically based

I think if Yea Forums came together, Tywin would considered the best character.

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*blocks your path*

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If this was a few seasons ago some would be higher, the S tier would definitely be more packed

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Yea Forums is Stannis country

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He wasn't there long enough so i coudn't give him a God Tier grade that easily.

Yoko this nibba gay. Literally wants to fuck pretty boys and doesnt know it. Like zero women above a c

Based on how entertaining I find them.
C is characters I find quite entertaining but I wouldn't go out of my way to say I'm a big fan of them.
D is characters I feel nothing about.
E is characters I actually dislike.

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Now taking in account the quality of the characters. Both writing and acting.

Please don't get mad.

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All of you are wrong

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>save image in photoshop
>make some time making it
>finish and wonder why I did this
>see there's a tiermaker

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Judged based on how they strayed from the book version, how forgettable or not forgettable and if they are generally likeable in the adaptation. Tits and a good face give bonus

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S = excellent
A = great
B = passable
D = shouldnt exist

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Not even sure how this list can even be debated.

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Based on fun I had watching them. Many are below D which was painful enough

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>theon at D
>brienne at B
>Arya at A

>No Margery

>Arya at A tier
>Miri Maz Dur at God Awful
>Sansa in Who?

You know it's true.

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Theon is not book Theon and he was butchered, literally and figuratively
Brienne and Arya are good the way they are.

I did not even recognize Sansa, she is God awful tier. Miri Maz Who can stay in God Awful tier too.

I think I would just move Tormund to meme tier, everything else is flawless.

I feel like Miri was a really good part of Dany's story though. She introduces her to the idea that magic is kind of fucked up, and serves to give Dany an important lesson that she still has not grasped to this day: she can act like a selfless hero all she wants but she's not different from any other tyrant while she sits at the head of a looting, burning, raping army.

>downs syndrome boicunny in S tier

Patrician taste.

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Excellent taste

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>We will never get gender reversed Game of Thrones consisting of almost nothing but pretty traps and boicunny getting raped by female nobles, female soldiers and female wildlings
Fuck this timeline

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Add Tywin to A and this is perfect.

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>Female Loras
my male ovaries would explode

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>all of these literally whos
>no frogfu

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My last 4 in D rank are there because I literally don't remember them from anything.

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the final redpill

Also I'd say
S is I love watching this character
A is I like watching this character
B is I'm okay with them (or they're a mix of good and bad through the series like Arya)
C is "oh, we're watching this?"
D is like fuck me I forgot about this storyline

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I don't understand the hatred for season 5 overall. I remember the Dorne stuff was putrid but the Night's Watch storyline hadn't really gotten worse at all. I can't remember a single fucking thing from season 6 except the Battle of the Bastards being disappointing and Jon being boring and tossed into Robb's role where he doesn't belong. Season 5 still felt like season 1-4 tonally, just a step down in many areas. After Jon dies, it's a totally different show to me.

Decisions were based on how I liked the character & strength of the performance. I think the literally who row, the one is Cersei's witch? The other I don't know.

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