I can't find good films anymore

Maybe you can recommend me some decent movies I didn't watch already.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: The Conqueror of Shamballa

Im not sure how you feel about Samurai kino but watch this IMMEDIATELY:

Twilight of the samurai.

Very underrated, also ive read that the director made 2 more samurai kino that are considered like a trigoly along with this one.

>Im not sure how you feel about Samurai kino

I saw a lot of Kurosawa's films.

hidden gems
detention (2012)
margin call

Exam (2009)

Alexander (2003)

The Boy (2015)

Red Violin



My Friend Dahmer

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile


The House That Jack Built

Dark City

>The House That Jack Built

This was a very interesting movie.
I thought I won't see it on Yea Forums

Paul Blart Mall Cop 2. Make sure its 2 and not 1

Watch the Soviet War and Peace film(s).

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I enjoyed it. I was disappointed that it wasn't more intense/gory however I really enjoyed the meditations on
>hunting trophies
>grapes/wine/noble rot
>the entire descent to hell sequence that looked like moving painting

The scene where he keeps going back into the house to check for blood spatters made me laugh.

Hector and the Search for Happiness

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I love Detention

Wings of Desire
Lust, Caution

Watch the interviews with this Australian drug smuggler from the 70s


I'll just post the 8 latest films I added to my collcetion.

The Mosquito Coast
Drugstore Cowboy
Touch of Evil
The Sting
Road Games (1981)
The Master (2012)


Field Guide to Evil

The Wind Rises

Un prophete (A prophete);

French prison movie, A young 19y old man is being admitted into prison unfairly. An example of how prison serves as an education for criminals. You live in prison and what you live isn't giving any concessions to reality. A masterpiece far better then any of the current commercial garbage floating around and better then the avarage Multi-million budget amercan series. A true masterpiece, and one of the best i have ever watched. Character devlopment from main character reminds me of Breaking Bad

Cidade de deus (City of God);

Brazillian favela crime movie. The cool thing here is that there isnt 1 main character, it follows the stpries of lots of character and they all cross roads in the end. Violence can't be killed, it's passed on by society itself, by the degradation of human life, change society and therefore you can stop violence. It's almost hard to describe to someone how good this movie is. Nobody ever seems interested when i tell them they should watch it. Which is a shame, becuase this is easily one of the best movies of all time!

Oldboy (2003):

After being kidnapped and imprisoned for fifteen years, Oh Dae-Su is released, only to find that he must find his captor in five days. This movie is awesome but so messed up. sometimes you gotta watch asian movie to see the crazy shit they do bec the 2013 hollywood adaptation is your typical hollywood bullshit

Memories of murder(2003):

In a small Korean province in 1986, three detectives struggle with the case of multiple young women being found raped and murdered by an unknown culprit. This is probably the best crime thriller I've seen since "Insomnia," and contains the most haunting climax of any serial killer flick since "Seven." But like most films reaching for greatness, this is most admirable for its striking details.

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Prophete is certainly cinema if not quite kino.

you sound like you'd be a /comfy/ person to watch kino with

anyone got good mystery or thriller kino suggestions?

I want it to be like how it felt as a kid playing Nancy Drew games while it was raining outside.
>dark, somehow comfy, atmosphere above all

memories of murder

true too bad no one knows this since its french, if it was a hollywood production (god forbid) this would be one of the best movies of alltime

trailer made it look wacky/zany, does it take itself seriously?

dont watch the trailer, this terrible trailer does not do justice to the film... this is why i never watch trailers since its very misleading

i know, thanks

ok I think I will check it out

its a korean movie so dont expect your cliche hollywood screenplay and generic jokes etc... its really unique the way its told, a very calm but intense movie... its also a true story

El Cid

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L of A is pure kino

Irréversible is a better known piece of recent French cinema

It is not the best movie ever, but it is a GOOD movie, and you have never seen it nor been recommended it:

The breadwinner

Unironically the best blockbuster in years.

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nice post, thanks user

Personally i really liked Blue is the warmest colour.

In The Name Of The Father

You watch it for the story, right? If you know, what I mean.

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Cross of Iron

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The Scar (Blizna 1976)
The Calm (Spokój 1976)
Camera Buff (Amator 1979)
Short Working Day (Krótki dzień pracy 1981)
No End (Bez końca 1985)
Blind Chance (Przypadek 1987)
Dekalog (1988)
A Short Film About Killing (Krótki film o zabijaniu 1988)
A Short Film About Love (Krótki film o miłości 1988)
The Double Life of Veronique (La Double vie de Veronique/Podwójne życie Weroniki 1991)
Three Colours: Blue (Trois couleurs: Bleu/Trzy kolory: Niebieski 1993)
Three Colours: White (Trois couleurs: Blanc/Trzy kolory: Biały 1994)
Three Colours: Red (Trois couleurs: Rouge/Trzy kolory: Czerwony 1994)

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Napoleon (1927)

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