What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

Attached: 2019-05-08 11_20_59-The Independent sur Twitter _ _Amelie director says no to sequel because 'P (946x851, 919K)

Other urls found in this thread:


not sure cuz she always was

formerly white

>what did he mean by this?
niggers, he meant niggers.

Attached: paris then now.jpg (1000x489, 227K)

>This is the world you chose.

Attached: 1493971452110.png (500x514, 269K)

racewar when

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All pitbulls should be gassed.

Attached: 1493998081738.jpg (603x800, 75K)

so this is what it means to accept refugees

paris has always been overrated shit. people only start finding it out now because they blow money to travel there for mediocre instagram pics.

I lived in Paris years ago, well before the current influx, and it wasn't particularly white back then.

B-better than living with a bunch of n-nazis!

Attached: we beat the nazis!.jpg (1414x610, 381K)

Waah they have different skin color abloo-hoo!

Imagine the smell

I can't i have no idea what AIDS smells like

>they're just like normal parisian's, but brown!

Attached: paris.jpg (962x640, 202K)

Planet of the apes was a documentary.

Attached: average_american_gentleman.webm (198x360, 1.75M)

if every /pol/ack raised 3 pitbulls and released them into the ghettos we could rid ourselves of the pesky lower races.


Attached: team-france-2019-march-.jpg (1000x613, 104K)

They won a trophy at least, right? Small price to pay.

Attached: french national soccer team.jpg (534x787, 106K)

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guys on the top looks like youtuber ecelebs and hollywood actors
guys on the bottom looks like normal people working min to average wage.

Don’t know maybe read the article and it’ll tell you instead of sperging out like a retard at an out of context quote

Jeunet was actually talking about the amount of construction happening in the city right now but Yea Forums is /pol/lite so than you based mods for leaving this up

white people have evolved beyond the need to do physical work. if you see still people working their assess off in the field 90% chance they're non white.

Based french eugenics

Attached: French IQ scores.jpg (615x441, 115K)

Holy hell, hopefully they don't burn any churches down hold my fingers

>B-better than living with a bunch of n-nazis!
it unironically is

is this real?

Attached: 1540699376918.jpg (383x420, 34K)

no, it’s an extremely elaborate art installation built by liberals to discredit white people who they claim are “xenophobic”. look up “orange eyes, dark waters” by Theodore Drysden

I used to live there, and I wouldn't like to go back now. Perhaps the most beautiful city in the world and it has been turned into a third world slum within just a few years.
It's a crime against European civilisation. Send the third world back to the third world, spend a few years on clean-up and disinfecting the place, then film Amelie 2, but make her a black muslim tranny in a wheelchair lesbian.

lmao serves you cocksuckers right
t. austrian

Why was there not a single person of color in the original Amelie besides the token funny arab cripple? It's Paris, not Tokyo.

>replace all the old buildings with retarded glass shit
>allow 30% of the population to become niggers or mid easterners
>hmm everything kinda sucks now lol

Attached: 1535776447984.gif (500x279, 1.8M)

Go to Paris and walk around in the nogged areas at night. Pathetic sjw cultist.

You're expecting them to read?

join us, user. join

I actually forgot where I was posting lmao

No, Mr. Bond, I expect them to die!

Attached: expect_you_to_die.jpg (497x296, 23K)

For everyone who doesn't know or wants to play as a racist incel, this is right after 2 months of "riots" and has of course been cleaned up since then.
That being said, Paris has way too many immigrants and it really posses me off when you cross streets full of nignogz, Algerians and gypsys selling fake cigarettes, pissing everywhere and stealing shit
Thank god it's not everywhere AND we're voting for a new mayor and a new president soon.

I'm glad I'll be long dead before they overtake the whole continent.

>durr theres no graffiti dont be a nazi incel
>actually there are too many immigrants
you really lost the plot dumbass

Nothing came up. Thanks for wasting my time faggot.

>pozzes me off
I bet it does


Attached: 1yt0l718nbnz.jpg (1024x683, 74K)

>and a new president soon.
in 2022.


Obvious fake
Also, can we talk about basketball teams in Africa (formerly the US)?

I'm sure there's a middle ground between outright racism and letting people do whatever the fuck they want

I'm just pointing out that this picture is just manipulation. There are better examples of what's happening, you don't have to resort to unrelated shit

>Implying macrouille government wont fall
FN government would kill France though.

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Or maybe the dates have been switched around

anybody who wants the actual real shit on this subject that the news is too much of a faggot to report on should search for hind_rabbit on youtube. His video called crash course is fucking eye opening (it’s long but worth it)

what race of people scrubs the toilets and picks up the garbage in france?

Guys, remember, the Allies won WW2 and we all would be speaking German if we lost

they cover that in the article he said to look up

id rather fucking kill myself than be german

What do americunts get out of making fun of the Frenchies? what, you think your own country's situation isn't the joke of the world? How many shootings this month?

france is no longer france

Woah, seems like a bunch of people in this thread need to have sex. Y'all getting too carried away

It wouldn't matter to most of Europe if Nazis won. It would be the EU (Germany in charge) but with less blacks and jews


and where are you from, little guy?

FN is literal trash but we can still hope for a strong classic right to rise and pull it off
It's so easy actually, I'm amazed they all fail. You just have to promote a stronger Europe (strong borders and a good economic policy) and better law enforcement (strength but justice)
The rest will flow naturally

gay paris

Attached: Paris-migrant-camp-708558.jpg (590x400, 77K)


Attached: Last 72 Hours Gun Violence Archive.jpg (1267x1036, 241K)

Probably some Eastern Euros since it would be racist to ask the Africans and Maghrebins to do it.


aka fucking nightmare.
no one wants to have anything to do with germans, no one makes any effort to learn the language or culture. the only thing people like are the cars.
France is not very good these days, but at least we have dignity

Paris has always been a shithole as far as I can remember. It's a shithole now, it was a shithole 20 years ago and I'm pretty sure it was a shithole since at least the 80s.

Good goy, nothing really matters


sheeps don't have dignity

There are more Romanians going to Germany than Syrian refugees. Just be happy they stopped bothering France, Spain and Italy.

just 30%...?

>we have dignity
>cue image of the Fromage President hugging the sweaty criminal nig


>it has always been like that!!
>it's like that everywhere around the world!
>that's normal, we were always degenerates
>women never felt comfortable in the streets anyway

Attached: chrome_2019-04-21_14-47-43.png (1245x688, 629K)

>most beautiful city in the world
yeah, if you have never visited any other city in yur life, sure. Rome, Venice, Sevilla for instance shit on Paris so hard it's not even funny.

>cue images of 25 straight weeks of protests to get him out of office
it's not like peopple love him

Typical whiteoid fishing for brownie points

As much as people bitch about the strict policies in place for allowing refugees into the US, those faggots within the EU should really reconsider there lenient policies regarding how many and which refugees are allowed in...

Attached: 1543793641753.jpg (320x290, 14K)

>Obvious fake


Attached: jx85.jpg (2048x1272, 646K)

>a president elected because all the other candidates were retards is the people

I remember reading "Sans famille" by Hector Malot and it described Paris as some sort of smelly shithole with filth along its streets. The book was written in 1878.

then why was he elected?

well the kikes are certanly responsible but the fucking sheeple that is the French people let them
you know I'm right, the champs and most tourists sites are as clean as they ever was but once you set foot outside these areas it's Marseille-tier.

holy shit fuck off

>aka fucking nightmare
In what way?

You should visit /int/ with those cutting edge jokes. You'll fit right in.

>Rome, Venice, Sevilla
Found the Italian sub-human

all of that is true though, NYC was a shithole in the 80s, somewhat fine in the 90s, and now it's a shithole again

Skid Row is an area of Downtown Los Angeles. As of the 2000 census, the population of the district was 17,740.[citation needed] Skid Row was defined in a decision in Jones v. City of Los Angeles as the area east of Main Street, south of Third Street, west of Alameda Street, and north of Seventh Street.[1] Skid Row contains one of the largest stable populations (between 5,000 and 8,000) of homeless people in the United States.[2]

Attached: skid-row-is-an-area-of-downtown-los-angeles.jpg (1300x957, 315K)

Incels will never know this feel

Attached: istockphoto-475253296-612x612.jpg (612x408, 31K)

I have no idea what any of the shit you are talking about is. I’m just trying to keep the thread bumped

The French were generally content with the German occupation, and there are accounts from numerous allied leaders that the French were not at all happy to be "liberated" by them.

If there's anything the Colombians have done right, its the homeless exterminator squads they've set up across the country

it's true, there are homeless people everywhere and it smells like shit because of them. I'm sure the stereotype that French are smelly stems from the fact that most tourists take public transportation and homeless piss + black people/arabs body odor isn't exactly a pleasant smell.

Nice headcanon Stevie, how is the trailer park festival going ?

people dont want the EU and dont want germans.
because representative democracy doesnt work anymore. the president is violating the constitution daily and we have no way to effectively stop him

You had to choose between French Hitler's daughter and Rothschild banker teacher fucker. How many people voted for Trump just because they hated Hillary?

I'm French you nigger, the italian trifeca (Rome, Venice, Florence) looks like it's from a different planet altogether

Their trannys are decent as well

>because representative democracy doesnt work anymore.
it never work you dumbass, it's just a way for kikes to plant their pawns through press and media; a monarchy is as democratic as it gets since the monarch depends on the good will of his people to strive

Been to dozens of countries and hundreds of towns and cities. Paris isn't my favourite place to be but it is the most aesthetically consistent city in the world. Napoleon saw to that.


>I'm French you nigger
never have so few words in a row sounded so ironic
who gave you access to a computer, Jamal?

Yeah I read a document from 1590 that said Paris was dirty and didn't even have any cinemas either!!!!!!

based mods leaving this thread up

>let a bunch if niggers and niggers of the desert variety into your country to destroy its culture
>w-why doesn't anyone like france now!!!!!!!!!

you do not know the french constitution though.
it was built around an exceptional president and an army leader that freed the people from german retards. he is not supposed to interfere much in the legislative branch, yet it's all macron does, and every election people have been fooled into thinking the president is just the same as the prime minister


you know exactly what he means

Ever looked into it, ever actually read anything about it? Or do you just know "German bad, French pussies lollll, americans saved ur butts lol".
Braindead retard.

>people dont want the EU and dont want germans.
People wouldn't mind the EU if it didn't insist on publishing 20-year plans to flood Europe with niggers and muslims.

The reality of national immigration laws, and an internal borderless EU, means that the immigration system is as strong as it's weakest link. Any member state can swing the door wide open, and no other member states can do a fucking thing about it.

The dude's post said that Paris is shitty now and has been in the recent past. I added that even in the not-so-recent past it wasn't held in great regard. Maybe people like romanticizing stuff. See all those stories about 1001 Nights compared to what is actually happening and happenend in the ME.

I do. Especially bed aide I read the full quote which is so fucking BASED

>hopefully they don't burn any churches down
user, I...

Attached: 6E25A028-49B4-432B-AD53-5D8BFEFA9AD6.jpg (824x579, 85K)

yeah cause race is just skin color... r-right guys?

Not surprised the didn't have cinemas in 1590, they were probably called theaters back then

>day trip package tourist detected
Florence is only pretty within a small concentrated centre, Rome is a mess with monuments dotted around. Paris is harmonious for miles because of Napoleon's great project. As a city it is the most beautiful. Was.

And the total destruction of all of Eastern Europe. You polcucks live in some bizarre fantasy world where Hitler wanted the modern world but with less blacks, Jews and gays.
There would be no freedom of speech, of trade, zero intellectual development (remember how modern physics was declared to be Jewish science and rejected?), no internet, global condemnation, living in a state of permanent fear from the Gestapo and SS...
I lived in a dictatorship before, it's not fun fearing for your life every single day because you can be 'disappeared' if the local imbecile party leader thought you looked at him wrong. Or he wanted your wife.
Europe would be worse than Russia today if the Nazis won, a corrupt cesspit with zero morals and honor and everyone turning on each other to survive in a brutal regime.
TLDR: If you unironically support Nazis you're unironically retarded. No discussion, no compromise, you're a downie.

It really hurts. Watching old movies or anime that takes place in Paris makes you cry about the modern France.

Attached: sample-9276920f2bd2c67f3fba153b164f143b.jpg (1400x895, 425K)

people would still hate the EU because of its moronic economic policies, its undemocratic structure, its tendency to make national policies about any subject worthless because you have to abide the brussels bible to not get fined up ur ass

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damn. thats flat out dishonest propaganda

Detroit used to be spotless and crime free. No idea what changed it.


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t. jamal

Pathetic /pol/tards spreading lies and nitpicked photos.
Even a Paris full of niggers would still be 10x more beautiful than anything from muttlands

>How many shootings this month?
not enough

Attached: 1551521565807.png (446x649, 221K)

10/10 bait, bravo user.

that's a fine picture though. he is embracing local culture, not like he can help being born black?


Doesn't matter what name they had. They also described it as having nowhere to park, and that there were no power sockets in the Starbucks!!! How am I supposed to charge my ipad to take more photos without charge sockets?????????

>send Lenin to Russia to destroy them along with ruining half of the planet for a century and causing the entire leftist movement
>start one war that weakens European control over the world and ruins large parts of the continent
>start another war that completely ruins half of the continent and causes the collapse of all European colonial empires

But yeah, Germans were the good guys right????

Attached: 1461859968651.jpg (538x505, 184K)

like I care about a constitution written for a coward hiding in Britain, De Gaulle was a fucking dictator as far as I'm concerned, and he abandoned his own people on many occasions

Any movie about japanese people going to paris and getting PTSD afterwards?

>he is embracing local culture
Let me guess, you think immigrants are based as long as they come legally and "integrate" whatever that actually means?

>visit a museum in France about nazi occupation
>everyone fucking loved the nazis
>so called “freedom fighters” were just rebranded countryside gangs

Abloo-hoo those shitskins are killing us bros!

Attached: file.png (2000x1200, 2.74M)

Cope about what my dear mutt ? You keep seething every day about the rest of the world because murica is a shithole. Im not the salty one here

>Paris is harmonious for miles because of Napoleon's great project

Attached: 1550417169047.jpg (433x427, 86K)

The right fails because right-wing policies hinge on ignorance of every social science available. Right tards don’t understand economics or sociology and just keep spouting the same memes that have been discredited in research decades ago.

It really is disgusting how politics can remain so far removed from science and just play on people’s emotions.

with more arabs and nips though

What's wrong with this?

holy shit I got an actual response

>Germans started WW1
wew lad.

fuck off reddit

>multiculturalism dabs on japanese tourists so hard they go fucking crazy

looks good tbqh famalamdesu

>Abloo-hoo those white males are killing us bros!

Attached: 1547890207767.jpg (1127x699, 189K)

odd thing to say considering the amount of shitskins that are actually murdering people in paris #notallshitskins though right?

I'd guess you to be an urbanite and an indoorsman but consider that America is huge and has some of the most beautiful scenery in the world before you post some stupid bullshit like this, Pierre. Your nogged city can't compare to any of the natural sights in America.

I'd honestly go to the fake Paris in China at this point

If they learn the language, respect the culture and people, and are a benefit to its society, what's the problem? Or do you only care about their skin color?

Wow, its ALMOST as if colonization has consequences

Is this supposed to be ironic?


Attached: hmmmm.png (1877x842, 1.35M)

he is born in france, what do you mean he comes legally? France is not a country about race, it's a country about culture and republic. your race is something you cant influence, your behaviour is. i dont care where someone comes from it's his/her behaviour that matters.
then stop caring about france?

what television show is this about?

Florence is overrated as fuck and only good for museums and Rome is an overpacked mess.

Siena shits all over everything in France though.

>no freedom of speech
>checks recently made anti-semitism laws all over the western world
>checks prison sentences for racism
>checks hate speech, checks sexist and harassment crimes for saying "hi" to the wrong girl
Wow, sounds like a paradise we live in.
>zero intellectual development
University now is to brainwash you into the sjw cult.
>modern physics bla bla
Germany during ww2 had the greatest technological advancements of the last thousand years. The rockets to the moon were because of them.
Russia is what fucked your country after ww2, not Germany. Stockholm syndrome.
If you want to see what came of a German occupied country, look at Denmark. They thrived because of the Germans.

>no attempt at actual reasoned thought
>no attempt at actual arguments
>I don't like the truth so I'll try to meme it away
Thanks for proving my point you're the detritus of society.

So you’re saying niggers and Muslims are a plague? Glad we agree friend.

So what % of Burger population is like pic related?
Can't be more than 5% right?

Facts don’t care about your feelings, user. Right-wing policies don’t benefit anyone.

>every other thread is some 3rd worlder or yuropoor bitching about whether or not "Americans do X"
>No threads about Americans asking about any other country
>WE'RE the ones who "keep seething every day"

Attached: 1.png (335x401, 211K)

If mosquitos weren't major vectors for disease, they would be wonderful.

What does integrate mean to you? If I move to the US do I need to get a cowboy hat and a Colt .45 just to fit in? Isn't respecting/following the laws and customs enough?

>remember how modern physics was declared to be Jewish science and rejected?
>nazi's pioneered rocketry
>father of the US space program was a nazi physicist
what did you mean by this?

Attached: v2.jpg (590x525, 43K)

England and France started ww2 by declaring war on Germany.

don’t bother. he thinks the entirety america is just two blocks of san francisco during a gay pride parade

French are fucking delusional, it's not rare to hear that they think they live in the most beautiful country in the world, even though they never left their shithole

whatever percentage votes democrat

Context of this?

>There would be no freedom of speech,
We have no freedom of speech in Europe today either its just the speech that is controlled today is from the right, where as under the Nazis it would be leftwing speech that would be controlled.
>of trade,
The EU already restricts trade incoming from outside, its the biggest protectionist block in the world.
>zero intellectual development (remember how modern physics was declared to be Jewish science and rejected?)
The nation that invented the V2 rocket, jet aircraft and paved the way for the US space program
>no internet,
There would probably be a form of internet but it might be controlled, there would be no porn or degenerate media of all kinds we see today, how terrible!

>global condemnation
Hitler was praised by the global community before the war and probably would have continued to be especially with such international dominance as the head of united europe
>living in a state of permanent fear from the Gestapo and SS...
Just like the shitlibs say today to right wing dissidents, 'if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.

TL;DR Things would be pretty much the same as they are now except they would favour right wing values instead of left wing values and we wouldn't be in demographic collapse and being swamped by africans and asians.

t. laquarious

abloo-le-hoo-ooga-booga, those evil guns are killing us!!!

I still think it’s funny how we built up this myth of German villainy, will having absolutely no qualms about stealing every one of their scientists we could get our hands on.

You invaded Czechs and Poles you retarded Kraut. Fuck off.

I wish I coulf just stop caring about it but they still want me to pay taxes for no reason

France. That is the context. It's France.

charles martel and other saviors of europe didn't look at your numbers faggot, yet they poured their blood to save us all, which you will never do

>right wing has no freedom of speech
>win every election

>has never been
>doesn't know what architecture is
>drinks aids every day

>University now is to brainwash you into the sjw cult
It's so obvious you're all a bunch of uneducated dumb fucks that spend your mouthbreathing days jerking off to """""redpilled"""" grifters and /pol/ infographics

Paris was ugly even before the current "migrant" crisis

>remember how modern physics was declared to be Jewish science and rejected?
>the nation that invented the jet engine and the rocket rejected physics
wew lad

I could say the same thing about the US and people never leaving their flyover state and thinking it's paradise on Earth. Not to mention comparing natural landscapes with a big city being retarded. The US isn't just SF, LA and NY and neither is France just Paris.

you can just fuck off out the country if you dont like it, it's very easy to go to germany and work in a coal powerplant for 600 euros a month for 40 hours a week

If you love niggers so much why don't you live with them.

But they all do come from former colonies, right? Getting good athletes was always tone of he reason why France wanted colonies.

does anyone else wish there was a place to openly discuss politics on here? I’m sick of getting banned

>pol memes about le evil sjws are exactly the same as hundreds of thousands of dissidents and political undesirables being sent to concentration camps and exterminated
Laughable and pathetic
>Germany during ww2 had the greatest technological advancements of the last thousand years. The rockets to the moon were because of them.
Not even remotely accurate. The German scientists who helped establish space flights did so after moving to the West where they could actually do their work without worrying some incel Nazi will kill their families for using Jewish physics. The Germans were so superior they couldn't even develop an atom bomb, unlike the Allies, because of the ridiculous restrictions they placed on science.
Look buddy, it's okay that you're a nationalist and want your people/race to prosper. That's fine. Don't tie that to a failed retarded ideology that set back the cause of white nationalism by a thousands years. Hitler killed the possibility of a right-wing Europe. You should hate him for that, not try to emulate a drugged-up retard who pissed away everything his army won and left Germany and Europe worse off.

science is only science when it fits your views

Even my little sister says the assignments she gets are bullshit, and she’s a lesbian. “How women are oppressed by advertisement sexualization” was the last one, or how it should have been titled.

Hitler wanted to blow up Paris's monuments, landmarks and historical buildings as they retreated specifically just to be a cunt

>We have no freedom of speech in Europe today either

Holy fuck how can anyone take retards like you seriously when you can type shit like this unrestricted while complaining about being restricted? EU has a ton of right wind political parties including a bunch of open neo nazis and nobody is putting them in jail.

You are fucking retarded.

He does have to resort to it to push his narrative

>EU already restricts trade incoming from outside
>biggest protectionist block
>treaties literally forbid this from happening
>CETA and JAFTA in full effect

Graffiti was done after terrorist attacks to express freedom and pay tribute to those lost. Your beautiful classical architecture was defaced by frenchmen, not refugees

Imagine hating someone because the way they were born.

> omg Paris is so romantic

have you been to Paris? the streets smell like piss.

The only narrative anyone is pushing in this thread is to keep it going before a mod wises up and nukes it

which attack

He's a retard. Stop giving him [you]s.

They are putting them in jail.

>Lenard[10] and Stark benefitted considerably from this Nazi support. Under the rallying cry that physics should be more "German" and "Aryan," Lenard and Stark embarked on a Nazi-endorsed plan to replace physicists at German universities with "Aryan Physicists." By 1935, though, this campaign was superseded by the Nuremberg Laws of 1935. There were no longer any Jewish physics professors in Germany, since under the Nuremberg Laws, Jews were not allowed to work in universities. Stark in particular also tried to install himself as the national authority on "German" physics under the principle of Gleichschaltung (literally, "coordination") applied to other professional disciplines. Under this Nazi-era paradigm, academic disciplines and professional fields followed a strictly linear hierarchy created along ideological lines.
Idiots who conflate the genius of individual German scientists who succeeded in the US with the 'scientific progress' of the regime. Had it not been for Nazis all those great scientists would have made Germany great, not America.

I live there dumbass

Just like your bedroom

>Watch movie
>Based in 1957 UK
>Hotel receptcionist in Newcastle is a negroid woman with north accent
>Theater receptionist in Scotland is a paki with scottish accent
>Hotel receptionist in London is a chinese woman with english accent

What did they mean by this?

Attached: stan_ollie-707076202-large.jpg (809x1200, 160K)

Nice satire, funny how you replaced the word 'left' with 'right' in each circumstance.
Economics of bringing in millions of violent, completely unskilled, illiterate 65 iq subhumans.
Sociology of having unhomogeneous, no trust population of divided groups with most of the third world immigrants being of a polar opposite extremist cult of perpetual violence.
The left's entire focus is illogical emotional propaganda "WASISM BAAAAAAD", "DONT HURT MY FEEWINGS".
So incredibly blind and stupid.

I hope you don't mean /pol/. Go against the hivemind and you're thread will be ignored, or ruined by LARPing Nazis calling you Shareblue, or whatever the newest bogeyman is.

When making Amelie they spent a ridiculous amount of money just to clean up the railway station in a way that would look presentable in a movie and right after the filming stopped the multicultural youth of Paris turned it back into shit the very next day.

THey impose tarrifs on goods coming from outside the EU, they don't even have an FTA with America or China.

Freedom of speech means freedom of speech. You cannot deny that some people are arrested and prosecuted for debating the credibility of things like the holocaust, or for saying a racist joke on twitter etc.

Well, it looks like modern liberal france succeeded where Hitler failed on that one.

Attached: notredame.jpg (828x466, 71K)

The US are so much more diverse in terms of natural landscapes
>dude just make your own country

Not trying to be racist but does anyone feel their hatred for blacks, Muslims and other non-whites growing by the year? I was initially horrified by the mosque shooting video but after reflection I thought 'its about time they got a taste of their own medicine'. Anyone feel the same?

the massive attack

Based Americans. I've been to and through over half of the country and the only shitty part I've seen was Indiana, Illinois and Idaho. French cucks, stay seething you nigger loving faggots.

Attached: 1ub0rv.So.79.jpg (1140x760, 307K)

>t. university leftist

So the same as before. Your point?

Shh, don't mention the terrorism. Or the gang rapes, or the theft or murders.
Also, don't reveal crime statistics based on race at all.

Are there people actually defending modern Paris? Are y'all for real? Going there ruined my Euro vacation, it's a fucking shithole.

>Anyone feel the same?
Not really I'm busy having sex and a social life

Yeah, the fibre glass castle at Disneyland is the 8th wonder of the world.

You wouldn't be posting here if that were true.

I’ve gone from “well, it’s fine as long as they assimilate” to “bring on the race war.”
Hitler had the right idea. Mass deportation is the only solution that doesn’t end in bloodshed.

You've never been there before either you retard. Detroit was always shit too right?

Go back to africa, negroid.

real freedom of speech is like questioning and criticizing the current regime of their actions especially when its about things that matter.
like if everyone is fucking starving hitler's socialist utopia like the NKs are doing right now you should be able to bitch about it in public instead of getting shot by the SS for trying to start a democratic revolution.

it's not your own country it's next door and full of good americanan-german stuff.
also america is bigger than all of europe. of course it has more diversity. russia is even more diverse

/pol/ infographics told me so it must be true!

Yeah you're right

Your boomer is showing.

Right said.

but that fiberglass castle is kept spotless and it doesn’t have niggers sleeping all over it while chinese tourists shit on the sidewalk

This webm spooks me out. He looks ripped enough to pull someone apart with tard rage, but there's almost no skull there, he can hardly keep his balance and he's surrounded by technology you know he has no idea how to use. He's looks like one of those Metro mutants who will only attack when you turn your back on them.

Attached: DnyAJnuWsAAGrdn.jpg (1075x704, 111K)

>Hitler had the right idea
>did nothing to kill blacks, Arabs
>Allied with Japs
>90% of his victims were very Caucasian Slavs and other Europeans
l m a o

I'd say that too if my entire nation was smaller than Texas. You have nothing to look at and even if you did you would never leave your urban areas to see it.

Because the US is an amalgamation of 51 different countries half the size of a continent. Take all of Europe or even just the EU countries and compare them and then we'll see how much more diverse the US or Europe is.

I've been to most big European cities but for some reason I'm not eager to see Paris any time soon.

I imagine it's gonna be an even bigger disappointment than London. Am I right?

>0.1% of people are penalized for extreme antisocial views
>this is exactly identical to millions exterminated in concentration camps
You would be one of them since you're clearly retarded

>yid obsessed yid is yid
Who gives a shit about some stinking dirty filthy arabs that should never have been in Europe in the first place.

Objecting to the replacement migration in Europe is not tolerated and can and is oppressed by prosecution or social ostracisation.

If the Nazis were around today they could learn a thing or two from the propagandists in the west today who don't even need to use overt oppression when they have created a climate of fear and self-regulation/self-censorship due to group conformation.

>anime pic
>dumb post
Why is this so common?

>Right said

They're probably about the same

And are much more violent.

You can apply the same line of thinking to the whole of the US. What's there to see in the Dakotas? Snow, crappy accents and a lumberjack statue? Maybe a tour of one of the oil refineries?

>newfag plebbitor doesn't put the lids on after filling his piss bottles

why are you hostile? do you have something to prove?

ohhh noooo. no more polacks and moldavia, the HORROR

Attached: cruise-laugh.jpg (419x480, 81K)

And it’s never gonna be fine again

Looks like a kangaroo

London is much more disappointing.

>discord tranny upset that its discord tranny posts were deleted

this is not true, parties that talk about it win elections to this day, and will win again in 2 weeks

too many sand *-*-*-*-* and dark skinned

erbfeind is just buthurt is all.

your retard is showing

The restriction of freedom of speech is in principle the same, because its a zero sum game. Whether you have camps or you have social ostracisation like we have today. The result is the same.

>I'm a total sociopath who laughs at the destruction of millions yet think people pointing this out is DA REEL OPPRESHUN
I hope your mother didn't vaccinate you

stop using facts and reality to prove a point

Imagine the smell.

Attached: Paris metro.webm (640x360, 2.18M)

I figured.

Never in my life I thought I'd see such a disgusting white population as I saw in London. Truly the niggers of the white race, what an embarrassment.

>0.1% of people are penalized for extreme antisocial views
>this is exactly identical to millions exterminated in concentration camps
>the result is the same

>he is born in france, what do you mean he comes legally? France is not a country about race, it's a country about culture and republic. your race is something you cant influence, your behaviour is. i dont care where someone comes from it's his/her behaviour that matters.
he can be a nigger somewhere else

It's a mystery

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>my whole argument is that killing people is bad but I hope you die

Uh oh
You’ve just shot everything you have ever said out the window, reddltor.

based trump is slowly but surely cleaning this country up. just give the man time to work

Yeah, most people had the same reaction "about time".
Sri Lanka is deporting their islamic lunatics by the plane load.

Mount Rushmore is in South Dakota you stupid frog. Stop posting.


Oh no, people of different color! I'm scared, mommy help me!

daamn that was a fast (You)

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>getting banned on facebook is the same as nazi concentration camps
No wonder people laugh at you.

and you wonder why hitler wanted to exterminate the Poles

Literally just came back from Paris yesterday- stayed in la marais and saw 0 Muslims or any of the silly race bait stuff in this thread- people just keep parroting the right wing xenophobic agenda, no different than tribalism on the left targeting white males- y’all need to get off the internet so much

It's not white, but for some reason the worst of them all were all the white trash chavs. At least in my experience.

Full of 20 year old whores screaming in the streets and getting drunk off their ass.

>different color
i only see literally 1 mono color


Right wing policies created the United States and massively industrialized the world.

>I laugh at the thought of other people genocided for no reason and that's okay
>Someone else saying that makes me a monster is less okay
I understand critical thinking is foreign to you but do try to keep up.

>Legal immigrants enrich our nation and strengthen our society in countless ways.
>I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but they have to come in legally.

>there was a time people used to dress up to take public transportation

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Yeah you don't get a pool or brothel when you're banned from Facebook

go back to discord, tranny

>look at the replies
Yep. I think you are right

where are all these reddit-teir posts coming from?
holy shit

>every newspaper and news channel and government report on the planet told me so it must be true
This is your brain on sjw aids.
Terrorism, rape and murder have never been done by anyone other than europeans. All white people are evil and must burn. Israel forever.

>he doesn’t realize he needs to say those things to keep the left off his back
learn to politics you fucking faggot

still unironically better than todays europe desu

Back in the 18th century the American founding fathers were extreme leftists. Back then right wing meant absolute monarchy. They were british liberals, not british conservatives.

Based Jeunet. 18 years ago they already accused him of hating shitskins since he basically erased them from the movie with the exception of one assimilated arab with a french first name.

imagine things being so far gone you don't even notice the smell anymore

Attached: stinky niggers.png (720x720, 499K)

ah yes... the famous ring wing that brings immigrants in mass in order to cut costs on wages

t. Ngumbu Olayobumfu

Yea Forums doesn't work like reddit, the more replies a post gets here typically the stupider it is

You just have drug addict child molesters there instead.

entire city is filled with dirt, nigger and mudslims.

no matter the politics i´ll always completely disregard anything anyone says if they use
in any shape or form. fucking revolting.

He was pointing out how idiotic the replies were.

Yeah, your right. His tactic really worked. The left definitely are totally leaving Trump alone.

we don't use that term anymore, as it is problematic and toxic.
we call them "people of mutations"

maybe you should try gaining height

It is highly, suspicious, is it not?
Don’t worry, I’m sure they will will become good 4channellers (sic) in time.
Just delicious irony, by their actions their arguments are dismantled.

t. ahmed

read my post again retard

>I must resort back to the le ebil SJW boogeyman because I have no source to back my claim!

Where is this webm from?

I don't know why but this made me kek, thanks user for improving a shitty pointless thread

Imagine trying to not get pickpocketed there.

>remember how modern physics was declared to be Jewish science and rejected
Yeah, because they hijacked it from mostly French, Swedish and German students, compiling and publishing things as their own, especially after 1932.
His answer to that was to subsidize German physicists, not to hamper its study, retard.

Mount Rushmore ain't that special. Even Romanians are carving faces into mountains. You're better than that, right?

Imagine proudly displaying the flag of the country that did this to you

Yeah pretty much. Amerimutts think we should be eternally grateful of them "freeing" us, while we decided to surrender to nazis and were fine with that.

>has a higher approval rating that Nigbama
>job growth and economy skyrocketing
>people from both sides love him
you sound delusional as fuck. go back to whatever hugbox you came from

don’t bother responding

That's unironically true. When facts don't agree with their beliefs, they don't alter beliefs, they try to alter facts and say everything, every single thing, is fake news. Toddler logic.

>it's just one or two temporary guests

George Takei lives there, as did Lil Peep, it's less of a homeless shit hole and more of a hipster homeless neighborhood for people living off the mainstream grid.

Los Angeles.


>marais is jew/homosexual district in Paris
Now you know what kind of people these pro-immigration are.

>people from both sides love him
Do you really believe that? Serious question, do you live in a parallel reality where a single Democrat thinks Trump is anything but a total failure?
>has a higher approval rating that Nigbama
>"The current president has, however, just reached a personal high of 46%."
>"Donald Trump is the only president in modern history to never crack 50% job approval in Gallup's weekly tracking poll of how Americans perceive the job that the president is doing."

Where exactly is this?


You aight white boy, i will cap yo ass last and fuck your girl real nice.

Attached: adw.png (944x548, 393K)

If only all niggers were like this.

There was a time when Europe was improving, becoming a better place to live and wasn't just a consumer cattle farm for the US-based jewry.

Nowhere, because that's a shitty cherry-picked image. Right was after a major public event and was cleaned up immediately after.

I told you not to respond you dumb nigger. Take cnns cock out of your ass for ten minutes and actually read the news

>I must resort in the first place to call anything that I don't like /pol/ because I have nothing to say.
You're on Yea Forums and people still think you are a disgusting freak.

It wouldn't have to be cleaned if it weren't for the niggers.

Except it's not about "letting people do whatever the fuck they want", it's about letting people with inferior civilizations coming in big numbers, creating chaos and precisely causing the destruction of those so dear freedoms as a consequence (police state and sharia law).

Yes- make snap judgements about a person based on a singular word they use- I must be a tranny from the south or a white boy from NYC- you decide bro- keep up the heuristics bro, it’s always best to jump to quick conclusions about anything so you can tell yourself your smart like Sherlock Holmes

>we still have dignity
That's a good one lad.

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holy shit he didn't deny it!

I do read the news. All the news. Unlike you, who only reads literal made-up lies and then gets angry when confronted with reality.
Ask any Democrat if they think Trump is great. A single one.
You're a loser and a failure who tied his feeling of self-worth to the success of a different loser and a failure and it's really sad to watch.

I wouldn't go to France. France is no longer France.

>this isn't because of refugees!
>it's because of the terrorist attacks committed by them

That’s not why he highlighted your post, up but by all means, dig yourself in deeper, retarded newfag.


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t. American who never left his shitty state

>we have dignity


Attached: file.png (600x664, 692K)

Quit lying you pathetic nazincel, this is from Rwanda.

fuck you white subhumans

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh*Tes were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BO?A (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

Attached: 1521669717592.jpg (997x700, 291K)

itt libtard sjws lost again. SAD!

Attached: e7c_img1.jpg (800x533, 125K)

are you trying to prove my point? he is at 25% approval

Le Marais is the rich gay area, no wonder you didn't see any shitskin


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And he was elected with 66%

Fake news. Paris looks like this

they actually didn’t. we are only helping them realize the truth. It’s not us vs them. It’s how we can help them understand that there is only one side. This thread was a victory for our race, not a political party

Nah, I owned at least 3 libtards (called them trannies). The left can't meme so we won.

I know we did but we need everyone on the same side. Only way niggers can be truly beat is if we are all together

praise kek


>using racist chinks to shit on niggers

why? do you not want to see your race flourish like it once did and the beasts driven back to their own continent?


fact: niggers stink
t. based chink

Let’s not get into demarcation criteria. First of all, chill.

Second of all, right-wing policies are ones that propose liberalisation of markets and decreasing barriers to trade, which cause this sort of mess. What I was getting at is that there’s flimsy data to support “strong justice” leading to less crime. It just doesn’t work that simply.

For your theory, good luck finding any evidence that these traits are anything but circumstantial. Europeans weren’t always high IQ (they still aren’t really) and there’s a strong argument to be made that alienation, which affects both new and original citizens, is due to right-wing neoliberalism.

Neither will the French.

Also, that’s not a good thing. Read Ted K’s manifesto to see why.

>inb4 you don’t read anything

I already explained its still restriction of freedom of speech in principle, whether is concentration camps or social ostracisation its still fundamentally the same thing.

It's not. Good luck arguing that in court.