Any kinos for this feel?
Any kinos for this feel?
woman fails to excite interest from gay men? there ought to be a few at least
If this came out today the skinny girl would be shamed and the fat girl would be the one getting positive attention. This really says a lot about society.
fat """people""" deserve nothing less than genocide
cant think of any
i wish we still used this style of advertising, its comfy af
who /slimsally/ here?
Shirly is probably cuddlier
Left pic looks just like this
Oh fat Shirley, I'm gonna have fun with you tonight girl
I think it's almost too camp for words. And I want it back too.
why do orbiters of fat women say it is okay for women to be fat?
>Jon Stewart in 2004
heh. now I'm convinced they're having a good self-indulgent bitch about her clothes
Sally is the patrician's choice but shirley would make a good slam piggy
I would fuck Shirley's brains out
they both look absolutely delicious
For me, it’s Leyendecker.
> Wearing shoes
> Tells dog to bring him shoes
> Reading paper
> Tells son to bring him paper
Literally me
Fuck women and children
Is it even worth the effort it takes to point out how horrible obese Shirley Simkins is just as pretty and has a better proportioned body? Sally's head looks weirdly outsized.
I don't think that's the best choice of words.
Why do the young guys in those ads always look the same? It’s always some black haired cool but friendly guy and his goofier ginger buddy.
very specific, almost like he knew it was orchestrated
Back when he was still somewhat based
>ywn never experience pre peak capitalism
The dog has his slippers
what this add doesn't show is good ol' dad cheating on mom with every floozy he can leaving her a depressed woman who lashes out at little timmy for being a man who in turn totures inocent animals to vent his frustrations. What a wonderfull time to be alive
Why are white males such shitty people
>and they all died of lung cancer, including the kid
he's wearing his wing tips for work
the dog has brought his slippers
he's reading a newspaper
the boy is carrying a magazine
the only thing wrong with this picture is no qt daughterfu
If I were a Braaaapp Barn, user, I would be deeply moved by your efforts on my behalf.
>the only thing wrong with this picture is no qt daughterfu
you read my mind user
>office hours 2-4
Most shocking thing about that whole ad really
looks like one of those old ads for amphetamines
nothing like cleaning your house and slimming down while blasting through infinity
He's wearing his work shoes. The dog is bringing his house slippers. He has given the funny pages to his son who will go read them quietly to himself after he gets done lighting his father's pipe.
she's offscreen drawing his bath
>read them quietly to himself
that's his story anyway
>Gyms will close
So it was wrong. Got it.
>no qt daughterfu
Leyendecker couldn’t draw women for shit. Wonder why...
Comfy Norman Rockwell thread?
>USS Leviathan
It just keeps getting better. I love this shit.
Let's see you do better.
I want to go back in time and dive into some poodle skirts and have my back beat black and blue with saddle shoes
JC Leyendecker's handsome men got all his best, user.
The younger kid is having a stroke...he's about to drop the present and die on the spot.
After this incident the fatehr became an alcoholic and left the family, the mother had to whore herself to survive meanwhile her youngest daughter tries MARIHUANA for the first time in some alley behind a Jazz club, the other son joins the KKK and hungs black boys on trees while he tries to remember that last christmas....the christman little Timmy fell down and never stood up again.
>what this add doesn't show is good ol' dad cheating on mom with every floozy he can
Stop user. I was already sold with the add. You don't need to sweeten the deal any more
yeah instead gyms are flourishing thanks to fatties who sign up but never go
I guess you can't. So shut the fuck up.
truly a great time to be a white man. I envy you, if I wasn't black and had a time machine I'd be there in a heartbeat
Mad Men
They're actually quite busy. If you weren't a lazy fat fuck you would know this.
I’m a big fan. Just saying, he wasn’t known for his skill of painting women
>home gym masterrace
enjoy your fatty infested shitholes breh
>tries MARIHUANA for the first time in some alley behind a Jazz club
I'm a miserable sack of crap and I don't laugh often but--
In 10 years the daughter will be high fucking niggers at wood stock
Still waiting.
Left is taking a xanax. Right one a baby pill.
I'm not a woman but these pictures of the '50s look like a hellish reality to me.
It's like an era where everyone was dumb as rocks and had the individuality of sheep.
We’re there very many black hippies?
For what? My own painting better than arguably the greatest golden age illustrator?
The daughter is out with her scout troop
Jimmy Hendrix was there
After 9pm he will tell his wife he has to go get some papers from the office and disappear he rest of the night
but the girls dressed so sexy
Guess that's a no.
It’s an ad. Modern ads are nightmare fuel fakeness too.
Simkins got that ass tho so her please
What did Leyendecker mean by this? >no Ben garrison watermark
Most people were and still are just going with the flow and what advertisements tell them. More people are unhappy now because they have no purpose or can't realize their dreams. Life is easier when you are too dumb to think about it.
>t.capeshit fan
Have another mocca frappuccino. Buy some Nike. Fight the Establishment™.
30% less ass
what exactly am I looking at here
I think perfection would be the exact middle ground between the two girls
The fat girl is not really fat, I bet i could have fooled her into playing D&D with me and then fondled her with action figures
You just need it to be that way dont you? Happy looking people need to be miserable, otherwise you couldnt face life anymore.
I want Shirley to use her extra weight to dom Sally
I think it’s more accurate that everyone is miserable today, so it can’t be comprehended that at one point they might not have been.
This is the true state of white people's beauty standards. Don't let the current thick trend fool you. When you really talk to whitey, get what they REALLY think, they still desire stick figures.
Look at Archie and Jughead
how can guns and hookers make one miserable
The ass meme is real in that when we were monkeys we stared at ass all day, and monkeys are still staring at ass today. Stick is the cornerstone of first world culture, the thick meme is just so all the fat hitches have an excuse to not hit the gym. The double c thing is a crip thing btw, just to show you the deep nigrish origins of this shit.
He can do alright sometimes
God, I wish that was me on the right
Have sex
>The double c thing is a crip thing btw
That sounds wrong. You'll need to provide evidence before I believe something so absurd. Thickness was mainly a black meme though. And we didn't spell it with two Cs, before whitey co opted and bastardized it.
based fatso clogging up the escape route lmao
skinny asses feel like you're hitting bone so I'd rather pork Shirley
This is one of his better ones imo but I still feel like his women’s faces get mogged by any men in the scene. There’s just something that doesn’t come through I’m the same way as the mens
You're just a pleb
I wish I could paint like this. I feel like I'm on my way there, but still coming up short.
Shirley Simkins is the high test option
I Just posted this right before you lol. I like this one too but my feeling still stands.
What medium? The shit he did with oil is insane.
Are you retarded?
>What medium? The shit he did with oil is insane.
Digital painting in photoshop. I'm just an amateur. But recently, I saw the level of realism and color depth that oils can achieve, and I've been inspired by it. I want to figure out how to mimic it.
>Digital painting in photoshop
Back in my day, art used to mean something more than just pushing a button on a computer. Mmhm, those were the days.
She has a tennis racket and a sailor shirt why don't we get to see her full sailor girl outfit
Even the hooker in the 40's dressed as Sailor girls
Digital painting is just as good as any other. Just google "realistic digital art", and be amazed.
>ywn have a family in the 50s
>ywn arrive home from your high paying job in the city at 5pm to your nice already bought house in the leafy suburbs and spend an hour on the couch wathcing TV with your loli daughter while kissing her cheek and caressing her thighs while your loving wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner and is willing to do anything you ask due to being the sole breadwinner
I keep thinking the thumbnail is Eddy and Double D.
He clearly favoured men in his art but sometimes I think his women's faces can be on or near equal footing with his men. But yeah, the women in his paintings can look atrocious at times (pic unrelated).
I want to go back t when all women wore sailor girl outfits
wouldn't mind having that on a wall
Now pretend it is the same couple, on the way to tennis, In church on Easter and at the Mayors Ball
Speaking of the ad, any Eating Disorder-kino you guys watch?