if you were given the directors chair to restart the resident evil series and you had to make a main line resident evil entry, which one would you choose, how would you do it, and who would you cast?
Resident Evil
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come on somebody respond this would be a interesting discussion
some fucking body please...
wait this is not cape shit or GoT so it's not worth anyones time
It's a good thread lad, but you'd get more of a response when Americans are awake.
Personally I'd make a mini series about RE2 focused on Jill Valentine. I'd hire obscure actors because that's how kino is made
I like it user and I figured people in the uk would be awake by now. Also I'd end up doing re2 or re3 because they would be the easiest to work with before the plot goes wild afte cv
Horror is dead
4 could possibly be interesting if we cut out the Castle and Island
A better question is who do we cast for pic related
Give it to Danny Boyle.
brie larson kek
>but you'd get more of a response when Americans are awake.
This is true. But seeing as Brits by far make up the second most users on Yea Forums this is true too. Though it is only NEET hours in the UK at the moment.
Meant RE3
Yeah I'd keep it mainly focused on zombies with Nemesis only shown a little bit and then fully revealed in the final moments of the last episode (then I'd give everyone blue balls by never making a follow up)
Would Cavil make a good Chris Redfield?
*doesn't show up in the sequel for some reason in your path*
i'd say so but idk if he is passionate about the series like the witcher
for one, I wouldn’t cast some dog armed hapa as fucking big dick barry.
Considering the size of Chris at the moment yeah.
We also need some sort of boulder punching at some point
He's a big guy
I think if you made a movie off 4, you could carry a good half of it off the creepiness of its setting and mystery
essentially I would remake the game and make re7 to be adapted to a moive.
>cut out the retardedness with eveline and the burnt turd monsters.
>not make 7 resident a mainline entry call it re the baker's incident or baker files
>keep the first person just to try it or go back to third person
>introduce a government created fungus as a bioweapon ie like a real life fungus we as humans could make and dump in remote parts of Louisiana and reaches the bakers
>they go boarderline insane and have mutations like other re bosses
>they setup traps and lure unsuspecting poor fucks and makes texas chain saw sewn together abominations that attack the player
>lastly introduce a psychosis mechanic with the player or whatever being forcibly given the fungus and environmental changes throughout the game being different every play through.
>no fucking chris redfield or anything from the mainline re games but throw in hints and eastereggs it does take place in the same universe
>This would also work as a movie
Jodelle Ferland, blonded.
But she must have the dialogue from the pic.
Would make 1 and 2 for sure.
2 could be a great survival horror movie and with the right director it could be god tier. Especially if they went practical with the effects
I'd make re1
For you
The guy who directed the new HBO Chernobyl series needs to do a Resident Evil movie\series with the same kind of build up & dread.
George romero originally wrote a script for the resident evil movie but capcom threw it out because they're idiots. I'd make that
anyone remember the contest with resident evil 2 to win a part as an extra on the movie that was never made? wtf happened with that? there was a preview with the bizarre incidents line iirc
They have to adapt my favourite character, the crank.
His best appearance was in Resident Evil, Code Veronica X. There, you think that you will get two cranks, because there are circular and octagonal crank slots, but really you just need to find a metal workshop and alter your crank into an octagon but then the zombies fly you to antartica and there there are square crank slots so you need to go looking for a octagonal-to-square crank converter attachment.
If you take zero and 1 you have the perfect plot for a horror film that literally writes itself...
The only other games that would make kino would be 4 and CV however these would have to be 100% off the rails KrAzY
5 is about shooting darkies in bongo bongo land, this would never ever get green lit
Why do people pretend that games had better writing than films?
They really don't. Both are b-movie trash just in different forms.
RE1 would honestly be the comfiest movie to make.
Castle is the best part fuck you. I love Salazar.
Code Veronica is worse than RE6.
you see that's the appeal to them user thats what re always about was atmospheric action horror with cheese coated all over it. So you'd think it would be a no brainer to make these films work
RE1 and 2 had semi-decent stories and good atmosphere. 3 onwards is when it got really retarded (I still like them though)
I'd make movies out of the first 3 or 4 games using elements from the surprisingly great books. Tie it all up with a final film that finishes the story.
Don't the books have retarded shit like Wesker talking to Chris about wanting to fuck Claire?
It's been some time since I read them so I don't remember, I do remember everyone seeming like fully fledged characters including Wesker. They also built up the conspiracy aspects as well as were building to a final confrontation with Umbrella which the games robbed us of.
Would you cast her as Claire?
Claire is the worst RE girl.
Jill is the only one worth waifu-ing.
It's a shame that even Silent Hill got a decent live-action film before Resident Evil.
It's funny because it's true.
I would of course cast a thicc Korean girl as Jill. Doesn't matter who they all look the same
Games had better writing than the films by virtue of not being about some mary-sue super soldier flipping around for two hours.
The Silent Hill movie is godawful, both of them are, fuck you. I'd say those movies are more offensive than the RE flicks. I honestly think SH 1-3 are impossible to adapt properly, and just work better as games.
Silent Hill is good because of Sean Bean, which trumps any single character in the entire Resident Evil film franchise and it at least stands on its own as a solid horror film even without the name. Its sequel isn't good true.
god damn. I've never seen this movie but I worked for the studio that worked on this.
I also worked on the last resident evil.
it was fun, but that movie sucked. fun fact that movie had more shots requiring VFX then any other movie. star wars ep 1 was the champ but resident evil blew i tout of the water
RE4 is fucking stupid when you think about it. Fun game but its story is wacky.
IMO, I'd let the films be films. Paul WS Anderson auteured the franchise and he did a great job. They're films that know what they are and he also provided his own flair to them. Besides I like that he made it like a tangent series next to the games.
The rumour of the guy who directed that shitty Strangers sequel is doing an adaptation of RE, supposedly 7, has me concerned.
I would go the mercenary route and tell the story of Olivera and his mercenary umbrella unit getting slaughtered but in a more serious horror action film than the mainstream resident evil movies. Describe it like the books.