Why are ENTJs so based Yea Forums?
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Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are so handsome.
You still haven't answered the damn question
What question?
idk what that is
Where my /ENTP/ fellow Chads at?
OP here. I am an /ENTP/ but I wish I was an ENTJ
Oh and by the way, chads are typically ESTPs or ESFPs. ENTPs are eloquent autismos
All that shit is just like horoscopes. So vaguely positive and negative it fits anybody until people play into the traits themselves.
IE it's bullshit for women.
the results are consistent and divergent
>Unironically believing in personality tests
This is the state of nu-channel
I bet you have a shitty horoscope sign LMAO
It's junk science. It's outdated and generalized to the point of meaningless. No real psychologist uses it for any kind of guide or tool.
It's stupid shit for insta-thots. I date a girl who was convinced I was an INTJ. She just fed more and more into and put all this stock in how it explained my life. It got kind of creepy and stupid eventually and I just stop caring.
I'm an Aries. But again it's just all generalized to the point that people MAKE it apply to their life. Any time a girl I date takes that shit seriously I know they are super fucking stupid.
Sort of but you could easliy come up with the negatvies of each one they just dont tell you them.
i got INTP and its basically saying your an austistic retard with no friends they just dress it up nicely
With that sign you'd be able to get laid easy with a girl that is into it. I know you don't want that but it's right there for you anytime you want it.
>he's not an ESTP-chad
t. Renly Baratheon
eh, it's fun, of course you can take it way too seriously and that's ridiculous but it's fun.
I guess it's fun, but anybody who think it gives you insight or allows you to predict the behavior of a person off it is a moron. People shouldn't take it, or horoscopes seriously beyond anything as a ...fandom affiliation.
>Hack a thot's mind with one easy trick that leads straight to sex!!
Is there any Game of Thrones characters that match ISTJ? Stannis or Davos maybe?
Here bro, how many people have you manipulated to do your bidding today?
What was she?
Idk some kind of empath some shit. I really dont' care or remember much of anything she said. She was a depressed pill junkie.
if it's anyone it's definitely stannis
I think it's fair to say that the psychological theories developed by Carl Jung are more accurate and profound than new age pseudo-occultism for valley girls. What an ignorant comment.
Who would be an INTP got character? Please not fucking Bran
Ask a psychologist what they think about it. It's crap for stupid people.
Something tells me you already know the answer user. I'm sorry.
Even worse. Varys.
BASED ENTPbro, reporting in
Its horoscopes for men basically
INTP checking in. Lucky I don't believe this bullshit. h-haha
>actually believing in biggs meyer pseudoscience bullshit
you might as well start talking about your astrological signs
Incorrect, my description fits me like a glove even accurately predicted quotes only me do, all of my friends and family feel no connection at all to my description while they always find themselves in theirs.
I've read all of the types and none fits me like ENTP does, if you read the horoscope all signs will remind you of yourself.
Tyrion is the main ENTP of asoiaf I believe
Which I'm fine with, I like book Tyrion. It's just show Tyrion that became a meme spouting retard
Appeal to authority. Most modern pscyhologists are stupid people. Jung was the founder of clinical psychology and was one of the most influential and esteemed intellectuals of the 20th century.
I'm not saying the 16 personalities thing is some grand objective scale that defines all personalities, but to compare it to horoscopes is idiotic.
All psychology is pseudoscience. Actually calling it pseudoscience is probably giving it too much credit
Inb4 a bunch of raging psych tards with worthless degrees try LARPing as STEM.
True. How much longer can they cover up the replication crises? It's beyond embarrassing. The reason is that psychology research has too many women in it, so it loses its veracity. Making people feel good and not causing any hurt feelings is held above truth.
No it's just horoscopes under the pretense of science. The only thing somewhat foundational is introversion and extraversion. Both of which are most-likey bullshit themselves. It's the forer effect for college educated idiots.
kill me now.
Jung is a genius, and has thought much farther ahead than modern psychologists. Myers Briggs makes some crude assumptions about his theory, but there is a lot of truth as well.
literal pseudoscience
i think there are definitely types of people introvert, extroverts. People who have more control over their impulses etc.
What infuriates me about people who are super into that 16 personality shit is that they don't understand that people are so diverse and can have very different approaches to different sitatutions. Or that people can learn and change themselves.
But no you are that personality and there is nothing that can change about that and i can accurately depict every action they make ... Kill me.
>there is a lot of truth as well
No. Jung is an absolute faggot who fell into the numerology of the fine structure constant. Most of the early psychologists provided nothing of value, nothing testable. The only redeemable people of that field were behavioral psychologists. Ones that provided quantifiable data instead of bullshit philosophical musings.
Typical Capricorn.
fuck no. we are asocial, not antisocial. i refuse to identify myself with that autismo. we are more like Qyburn.
It's no where near as bad as horoscopes. Personality traits like introversion/extroversion are obviously real. Scientists use and accept "the big 5" which is more accurate, but it's not like these other personality tests are complete bullshit like horoscopes.
What a Mary Sue
The test literally showed Tywin as an example as INTJ though
it's fucking Bran user
Also Varys, Qyburn and maybe even the fat boy.
Sam is an ISTP i think. Not that this test has much meaning behind it.
Young Ned
At least you're assertive. Turbulent is the worst.
Judgment .. based on facts not ruled by emotions or intuition
Wouldn't he be an INTJ?
INTJ master mind coming through.
>sneaky jew cuck exposed by strong womynz
OP here, literally my favorite GOT character, fuck D&D.
What is Jon?
tywin is an INTJ
always gotta be that one guy
mfw INFJ
No he's an ENTJ. It is known.
i know this feel
Wanna marry me? I'm an ENTP and they say we're ideal matches.
stannis, ned, every other asshole in the north
bran, qyburn, and maybe varys
xNFJ, probably INFJ
t. non-knower
>tfw intp
>tfw some cucked maester
Not only this, you can be a drooling retard and still get stuff like INTJ that says you're set up to be an excellent lawyer or investment banker.
>Investment banker
Sorry man but that's the ENTP field of expertise
oh fugg
both of those are distinctly NTJ areas of employment
same is an obvious INFP George "Heartattack" Argh Argh Martin self-insert
>good lawyers and bankers
Lol the ENTP is literally called the Debater. Don't you think that they are the most fitting type to be lawyers?
not all law is courtroom movie shit
ESTJ here
I'm always alone in every single one of these threads
i would imagine that ESxJs are the least likely types to find themselves on Yea Forums.
I like you because most of my favourite artists are INFPs. You understand me so well yet I do not understand you at all.
Was he an ENTJ. I hate to admit it but Dany seems more ENTJ to me. Charismatic, visible leader who wants it all.
Welcome to the team, this dude is our mascot.
Pick one honeybunny
Do you mind sharing who they are im curious
daenerys is weird to type because of that latent targ insanity. i would say she's probably an ENFJ that just loops back onto her inferior Ti constantly because she's mentally ill.
yea im one too. apparently only like 5% of the population is a mediator, but i guess there are more on Yea Forums
Even if we assume MBTI is anything more than glorified horoscope how would Tywin be ENTJ? He was overconfident and never doubted himself, completely opposite of the ENTJ
Yeah i would have said that about him too.
Nigga what.
Tywin is obviously INTP. ENTJfag just tries to claim a character for himself because he likes said character. Things don't work that way.
the OP says he's an ENTP like 5 posts into the thread, it's not ENTJs claiming anything. also tywin is an INTJ.
I'm one too. I assume we're the "don't wish to lead, but don't want to be led" type. How fucked are we?
OP is an ENTP you know that?
I don't know right now off the top of my head I'd say people like Morrissey, Elliott Smith, Shakespeare...
Tywin is ESTJ.
based, i'm a big morrissey fan
I wasn't replying to OP. I was replying to the post I quoted.
No. It's completely irrelevant too, since I was addressing ENTJfags claiming that Tywin would fit their personality type
How the fuck is Tywin Lannister extroverted?
>I was replying to the post I quoted.
the post you quoted was also doubting that tywin is an ENTJ and the OP was the only person that claimed tywin was an ENTJ, so i don't know what boogeyman you're getting at here if it isn't the ENTP OP.
You're right, but people on here won't admit it.
MBTI has some serious flaws, and though it was based on a conceptual theory by Carl Jung, he wasn't even involved in the project.
About 50% of the time when people take the test again, it gives them a different personality type. Just shows how unreliable it really is. Even the Big Five test is more consistent.
Well, it depends. I think that it's more that I've established a good rapport with them, and they choose to do what I need because they feel good about doing it.
And I'm a director of my department so... Like 30.
>How the fuck is Tywin Lannister extroverted?
all of his actions are consistent with estj cognitive function stack
>the test
the test is shit, no one who knows what they're talking about will debate this. read about functions and apply them, don't let an algorithm do it for you.
>how would Tywin be ENTJ?
He wouldn't, which is why I said the only reason why anyone would claim he fits that personality type is because they themselves are ENTJ. It wasn't directed at anyone specific in this thread, I was answering a question. Stick your boogeyman up your ass, retard.
I took the test repeatedly during 3 years. I LITERALLY always got ENTP.
>anyone would claim he fits that personality type is because they themselves are ENTJ.
but this was demonstrably proven wrong when the ENTP OP did it you mong
Meryn Trant
Davos is clearly a bro ENFP. He's a flexible diplomat.
It's not the SOLE reason why people would claim Tywin is an ENTJ but it is the most obvious and common one. There are a multitude of reasons why someone would make that claim. In OP's case because he doesn't understand personality types. But I wasn't addressing OP, so that's completely besides the point. 'you mong'
You're a retarded ESTJ aren't you?
>n-no there are more reasons i just didn't list them or even allude to them, only the one reason that i stuck to until i was called out for it! i'm not owned! i'm not owned!!
backtracking shit eating dumbass
INFP here too. I've done this test out of curiosity many times in the past 10 years (I'm now 30) and it's always INFP. I find that weird because my personality has definitely changed for the better. I articulate myself better, the brain fog has started to go away and yet the result is always INFP.
I fucking hate the feeling when a leader is needed and you go "fuck no not me" in your head and then people simply stare at you and you have no choice but to accept because we then feel it as a moral obligation to not abandon the position like everyone else is doing.
My best bet for us is a place where we can be alone but very effective because our work ethic is one of the best. When other people join in it's a fucking nightmare because we feel what they feel and that distracts us a lot.
You're a girl do? If you are a guy we can srill be friends.
Literally Jon Snow
Yes, the person always intimidating people into submission, having the last word, being a commander, always leading, every other ENTJism, is an introvert.
Not once did I refer to OP. user in this thread asked:
>how would Tywin be ENTJ?
And I stated that he wouldn't be, and that anyone claiming otherwise is an ENTJfag. The other reasons were irrelevant because I wasn't referring to OP. I was answering the question of a completely different person. You're arguing semantics now while clearly understanding the meaning of my post for whatever reason. Come on now.
What do you think his type is? ENTJ is so obvious I don't see how you can refute this. You are making random claims that this one character is perfect and thus anyone who claims he is X type is just X type, which is objectively false because I and many other typists are not ENTJ.
>hopeles idealist
yeah pretty on Point
Damn me too user
It's not a bad thing.
Tommen was /our infp/
I see X and Shakespeare, who's the third guy with tons of figurines?
INTJ. While he does indeed lead and command people he does not do it from a leadership position. He prefers staying on the background and devising the right strategies. Letting others execute them on the forefront.
well idealism can be applied to many things.
you can be a hardcore nazi hooligan just because the pic is flower girl doesnt mean you're a pussy. for example i am a soldier and pretty convinced of the values i represent. only autists think one pers. type is better than the rest.
The fuck? Bran is super ugly since always
Nah. He's 100% correct, faggot. Even horoscope is more accurate.
>if you read the horoscope all signs will remind you of yourself.
>imagine being a low TEstosterone fag
I can't think of any examples of that ever being the case. Whether its the small council scenes or when hes riding at nightfall to counter Stannis, or in directly berating Joffrey. Sounds much more like Littlefinger.
you dont get the test. of course its not 100% accurate but its a summary of the traits you see in yourself. i.e. if you answer strongly positive on "introvertivnes" it will give you a reflection of that in the pers. type. same for empathy etc.
nah. just means im idealistic and empathic. so the opposite of you autists roaming here.
Sensors fuck off
Carefully placing his whole family in influential positions within the Crown while comfortably staying Lord of his own lands seems pretty applicable to me. I understand where you're coming from though.
You won't win against them. They want papers that show them the proof that the tests work. Those do not exist, end of story. I like the test regardless and it has given me some important perspective on my life when I was younger.
They are socially adept INTJ's
They have the mind and balls to lead.
You have to use the cognitive functions and the functional axis categories
It wasn't developed by Carl Jung retard. It was developed by some woman and her daughter in the 1920s. She didn't even have a degree in the field and was some literal nobody.
im actually turbulent, thats just some meme pic
honestly the worst personality you could have