Now the dust has settled. What are your final thoughts about Brie as Captain Marvel Yea Forums?

Now the dust has settled. What are your final thoughts about Brie as Captain Marvel Yea Forums?

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The haircut, she looks the part.
But they fucked the character up making her this powerful, which she is not in the comics. She is a little weaker than Thor in the comics, with a few tricks (like better energy projection) that brings her up to a rough parity. She also has plenty of heroes who flat-out despise her.
In the movies, she's superman without the kryptonite or ability to be hurt by magic. And everyone loves her.
It's the difference between a powerful, but balanced hero, and a total Mary Sue.

She's absolute dogshit. If you want to pander to an audience about feminism, at least have the decency to cast someone more likable.

She doesn't really have a good forehead for this kind of hair cut. But since I have a thing for tomboys I still approve.

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Thor is near cosmic tier in the comics though, MCU Thor is incredibly weak by comparison. CM is just closer to her comic power level.

Ugly potato with no ass. Shit actress and shit character.

Good casting pobably my fav charachter along with iron man (rip)

> In the movies, she's superman without the kryptonite or ability to be hurt by magic. And everyone loves her.
> It's the difference between a powerful, but balanced hero, and a total Mary Sue.
I agree with your points. And I really hope that this is an issue of limited screen time so far. I mean she had an origin movie to establish her powers and where she came from. And then an all-star ensemble with a minor role. So there was not really even a chance to build a layered character that can be disliked by other heroes or to find her flaws and weaknesses. If we're lucky then the whole grrrrl power fad in movies will wind down for her next movie and we might get a more nuanced character. But that's probably too much to hope for.

She's still weaker than Wanda and Strange in MCU by my reckoning.

okay gimme the sauce

It's just some random slut promoting her patreon on reddit: She has twitter, a tame instagram page ( and patreon where she begs for money. I don't have any more pics of her and judging by the low number of her patrons the chances for free leaked lewds is miniscule.

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I vomited when i saw that hair.
Mcu is making sure people don't like her and her character at all.

I was sold on her look in Endgame and now I'm kinda sad she didn't get much screen time to redeem herself. Quite cruel.

thanks user

I'm sorry, there's no other word I can think about to define this horrible miscast

MatPat’s wife Stephanie would have done a better job.

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Every movie from now on is going to have to handwave away her not being present as literally any threat below Thanos tier she could destroy in about 5 seconds.

She’s shit

Must be quite the shitty feeling to have the hairline of a 50yo japanese salary man as a 30yo boomer wife.

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For now. Still a miracle that it played out that way, I didn't think the Russos were allowed to go against Fiege's design.

ruby rose with blonde hair would have looked exactly like cap marvel

Shit actress playing a shit character in a bunch of shit movies, someone post a /thread @ me

>is supposed to be the new face and lead of the MCU now that original Avengers' storylines are wrapped up
>new Spidey trailer says he's the next Iron Man
I'm getting mixed messages here.

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Charisma Black Hole

Be nice to Stephanie, user. She’s a cutie pie.

And she’s 31.

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Captain Marvel sucks, but Brie is dreamy.

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>Thor's people get fucked up
>Thanos brutalizes him, then Hulk in front of him, then kills his brother and leaves him for dead in space
>Is shown to be hellbent on doing whatever it takes to go back and kill Thanos
>Has a heart-to-heart with Rocket about how he's lost everything and the only thing propelling him is rage and guilt
>Show him pushed to his absolute limit, taking the power of a concentrated star to the jaw during the creation of his axe
>Almost dies
>Shows up in Wakanda, triumphant moment
>Every theater crowd lost their shit

>Captain Marvel shows up to save IM
>They talk about Thanos back on Earth
>She casually says that she's going to go kill Thanos
>It's a hollow mauling where he barely does anything
>She fucks off for most of the movie
>Captain Marvel shows up at Avengers HQ, triumphant moment
>No one in any theater showing gave a shit

I don't get why writers turn their fucking brains off when it comes to female characters. If they had just integrated her into the plot, maybe show her having some guilt about not taking care of him earlier despite his reputation because she was so busy doing other stuff or show her struggling in some capacity and setting the expectation that if Thanos shows up again, she will drop everything to go cave his head in because it means a lot to her; then maybe people would have been happy when she showed up later.

>an unlikable character is played by an unlikable actress
worked for me, it was like they took captain marvel, made her human, and stuck her mind inside brie larson

Captain Marvel was the same as old-school rogue, just with energy projection powers.
This Captain Marvel is horrifically overpowered, able to tank blows that would kill her comic self.

>Captain Marvel shows up at Avengers HQ, triumphant moment
>No one in any theater showing gave a shit

That really was awkward. I guess her coming back in the end was meant to be a hype moment, but nobody in the audience even made a sound.

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>MCU Thor is incredibly weak by comparison
This is the big problem with CM's powerlevel. In the comics, pretty much every character around is stronger than in the movies, with the exception of the non-powered humans. Hulk is unstoppable, Drax is a destruction ball, Groot is pretty much immortal and whenever Thor gets into action everybody under Hulk's powerlevel shits their pants.
They all got nerfed for the movies so the non-powered humans have a chance to stand out and do their own thing, which is nice. But then they should have done the same for Captain Marvel and for the same reasons, but they dind't. instead, we get this almighty fireball stomping anything in her way without effort. You can't have both of those things. if everybody else is balanced for a team composition, then so should her. If she's allowed to be as strong as in the comics, then so should the others. Making that one exception just so you can have your female powerfantasy when you have been actively denying everybody else's makes no sense.

> >No one in any theater showing gave a shit
Are americans really this pathetic that they expect people to clap or booh at every scene?

She looks the part, but she's the most unlikable person I've ever seen on screen.

I never care about what actress and actors do off screen they are just walking bags of meat for directors to pump lines into and pretend to be people or things they are not with varying degrees of success.

For an example of this look at Tom Hanks.

Tom hanks has been in a lot of really good films and has played a great variety of iconic characters. other than the face it is hard to belive that Forest Gump, Chuck Noland (castaway), Paul Edgecomb (the Green Mile). Josh Baskin (big), Carl Hanratty (catch me if you can), Viktor Navorski (the Terminal), Andrew Beckett (Philadelphia) and Scott Turner (turner & Hooch) are all the same guy.

Despite all those interesting characters he plays, the real Tom Hanks is a dweeb who collects typewriters. If I met him in real life all he would want to do is talk about typewriters. It would be such a dull conversation I would lose the will to live. You'd try to steer him into talking about something else, but he'd just go back to quoting stats about qwerty keyboards or something.

Stupid to even give a shit about actors and actresses outside of their roles. Is Tom Hanks a bloke who was stranded for years on an island where he struck up a friendship with a basket ball in real life? No, he is not. Is Tom Hanks really a guy who lived for years in an airport terminal after his country ceased to exist? No, he's just a guy who likes typewriters. The question is why do people actually pay attention to anything a performing meat puppet says outside a film, they play characters they are not the characters they play.

With that in mind Captain Marvel was upstaged by a cat in her own film and it was proved she was all talk when Thanos kicked the crap out of her in Endgame, nice hair in that film though.

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>nobody in the audience even made a sound.
As they should. A theater is no place to be jumping out, cheering, and howling. The ocasional laugh is as far as one should go.

There are other ways to react besides clapping, you mongoloid. YOU react to scenes audibly too, and probably won't even realize it. Nobody sits there like a fucking corpse, unless they actually are one.

Sorry, I had to.

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She genuinely is, and while I heard more than once that Larson is a completely unlikeable human being, the character in general made no impact.
Like she could have been excluded entirely and I doubt anyone would bat an eye. What bothers me even more is that weird girl power moment in the final battle. Not because it's a bit more then forced, but they could and should have put a more impactful female in the role. Propping up literally any of them would have been better, and I never thought I'd actually be happy to have the dindu squad showing up to replace someone else for screen time.

>What bothers me even more is that weird girl power moment in the final battle.
It's also dumb because Carol in the MCU is way way more powerful than any of those women except maybe Wanda. Whatever help they could offer in an epic team up is moot because she can almost solo Thanos herself

Was she even a character though? She was just a plot device.

Every other women character hyped me more than Captain Marvel.

I want Carol to peg me. Hard.

I like how her hair looks in the comic

Her hair in the second left panel looks awesome, reminds me of Sarah Conner

Carl Manvers?

Problem was there was only David Marquez (Civil War 2 artist in OPs pic) and Ken Rocafort (Ultimates artist) who managed to make the short pixie-cut look good on Carol at the time. Even the guy on her solo title struggled to keep it consistent, leet alone looking good all the time. Worth noting that Fort Rocky also gave her an ass.

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None of the avengers loved her in endgame. The first thing she tells him is that she will kill thanos by herself and they respond that she should shut up and that they should act like a team.

To far from this

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I'd let him succ me

It does not look like Brie Larson in the back, does it?

She was the worst part of endgame, she’s to charmless and arrogant. People are now desperately looking for something to like about her so they’ve started pairing her with peter because they choose to interpret her hollow dialogue with him as sexual with it’s supposed to be demeaning. She took every win from nebula, I’m fucking siorry but nebula got her ass handed to her the whole movie and deserved to do something against thanos but carol swooped in and stole every moment she could have had

I'm perfectly happy for them to start having some clear disparity in power levels in the MCU. They already sort of started doing it when you saw two Celestials going at it and Vision shitting on everyone until he grew a heart, and Wanda/Strange/CM are clearly ahead of the pack power wise at this point. So long as those characters are taken away to deal with bigger threats and the lower power level characters are dealing with smaller threats it's fine and gives the setting some more depth. Consider that Adam Warlock is setup to be the next Guardians villain, who is an absolute shitstomper and we need heroes with more gas in the tank to allow a villain like that to cut loose. If they ever want to fold F4 in or even just do more celestial/cosmic shit they need these powerhouses around. I hope that makes some sense.

I really wouldnt mind an alternate version of this movie that pushed the story a little more. I mean its good as it is but the direction they took has a weaker narrative than IW id say.

Ugly annoying 3rd wave cunt.

fuck stephanie, and fuck you for orbitting her

Where I live, nobody except for kids makes a sound during films aside from some suppressed laughter at times. It's inconsiderate and rude as fuck to not do your best to be as silent as you can reasonably be. People literally leave the movie bitching about that moment where someone three rows back opened some rustling package of snacks. So yes, we 'sit like a corpse', and that's how we like it here.

It blows my fucking mind whenever I hear stories about how people act overseas at the cinema. Cheering? Fucking clapping? Who the fuck are these people clapping for, nobody present wants to hear that shit. Reserve your loud outbursts for when you're watching shit at home, not in public, especially not where other people have paid to see a damn movie.

I think Brie is better off performing drama roles. She was way more better in her past movies.

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Damn what a hottie.

She can do action-comedy aswell.

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Wow Zoe Quinn looks like THAT? MUH DICK!!!

Is this a pasta because damn it better be

Is it bad I thought she was great? I mean, she absolutely looks the part.

Only if she goes the mommy route.

This part gave me a tingle.

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That's just not a good look for her, and I have a tomboy fetish

No, that means you have good taste.

Singlehandedly dropped Endgame from a 9/10 to an 8/10. She should have been written out of the movie.
As for her solo film, she's too much of a cunt. It takes a very talented actor and/or writer to do likeable sassy, and she's not good enough, especially with the valley girl accent.

She does not pull short hair off at all.
A shame, cause short haired Captain Marvel looks hot as fuck (comic version)

Which comics would you recommend? Hell, what Marvel comics would you recommend anyway? I have no clue where to start.

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That just makes me even more attracted to her.

>some random thot is more interesting than Brie Larson in a thread about Brie

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>Final Thoughts
>7 more movies

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they should have cast someone else, brie is a dogshit actress

>other than the face it is hard to belive that Chuck Noland (castaway), Paul Edgecomb (the Green Mile)... and Scott Turner (turner & Hooch) are all the same guy.

These characters are all literally the same guy; an ethical blue collar working man that proves how much integrity blue collar working men all have.

Bear in mind that I disagree with your statement/examples but not with your argument. I think his role in Mazes & Monsters was outstanding as was his performance in Big.

Hillary Clinton Haircut

>This thread
Yikes!... So many seething incels.

LMAO they sent Puck into space

Guess he's safe from Wolverine's boot up there

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calm down hitler

depends on your preferences and character tastes. usually Annual and one-shot issues are easier to digest that trying to jump into an ongoing series and trying to keep pace. The current Doctor Strange run is probably the least pozzed if you like his movie character, and some of the space characters. Spiderman/X-Men is absolutely trash right now, and I wouldn't touch Avengers books

Her hair looks awful, like a wig or something. Should've shaved the sides for real and gone all the way.

blessed numbers

That's not Captain Marvel.

This is Captain Marvel. What the fuck are you? Some kind of white supremacist?

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>hey peter parker, you got something for me?
>miss marvel what are you doing why you are so close to me?
>you are a naughty boy don't you?
>w-what do you mean?
>you little pervert, I can see your huge bone
>what??? No miss marvel idk what you are talking about, this is not what you think think
>*captain marvel put spiderman pants down
>damn boy, you dick is throbbing, let me suck it
>oh please no miss marvel please don't do that, this is so embarrassing
>stop mommy marvel this is so wrong what will my aunt think about this

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I dont see a problem. When Thor arrived in wakand nobody cheered or anything in my Cinema.


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>lets go lesbians lets go!

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the way she says
>"hey, Peter:"
made my dingle happy

The actress is shitty and wooden, lacking charisma. She's also a cunt who can't shut up about feminism, girl power, wanting to force in more colored and LGBT character. The character in the movie is boring. Too overpowered and no weaknesses that we know of. Can't be hurt by anything, including a power stone.

Only seen Avengers but she was fine in it. the characters supposed to be like that right

Wrong user, that's Ms. Marvel. They're two different characters. Carol Danvers used to be Ms. Marvel but now she's Captain Marvel.

I want peter x marvel femdom.

Brie is an annoying privileged little brat who can't act her way into or out of a paper bag
I mean, how in the hell did she even get the role?
A whole movie was wasted on a character just so they could save Stark in the beginning and destroy the ship at the end of Endgame.
I've never heard of brie until Captain Marvel
but apparently she's been a couple of movies I've seen, such as King Kong: Skull Island
Her performance was so bland, that I didn't even know it was her until I just looked up her acting roles on IMDB
Captain marvel could have been interesting if they had gone with the original comics and not with what they actually did in the movie.
Either way, I'm going to avoid any movie that has her or Captain Marvel as a prominent role

I also normally don't follow actor/actress politics/drama, but you cannot get away from the crap that spews from her mouth.
Far From Home is most likely going to be the last good Marvel movie before Brie runs the MCU into the ground.

Stephanie is a goddess, user. Take the Steph pill.

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Have you even seen any of her other films?
It's one thing to call out someone on being a cunt, but it's a whole other endeavor to lie about their acting abilities.
Watch Room/Short Term 12 and come back.

she has the same expressionless expression in almost every scene of the trailers
I'm not going to watch movies that don't look interesting to me just to comeback and tell you again that she's a bad actress

she is not supposed to be likeable...

shes got an oscar dude...

those awards are rigged

Then why does everyone (except her enemies) like her in the movies? She could be interesting if she had to face negative consequences of being a bitch, but she doesn't.