And trying to pass it off as some empowering bullshit, and not a mental breakdown?
Is there any good movie about women shaving their heads
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She looks like an even fatter version of me.
GI Jane
Can you dance like this?
My gf had a shaved head when we met and has grown it out in the last year or so. I miss it.
she looks like a dude that used to bully me at school
I came here to say she looks like a skinnier version of me
would breed
she's ugly. stop posting her
Jesus fucking christ, and I thought I had a terrible body form
G.I. Jane.
Men do the same fucking thing in movies. Look at Taxi Driver and De Niro shaving his hair down to an edgy Mohawk.
What's up Camren
She looks like a bloated Chris O'Donnell of Batman & Robin fame.
Karen Gillain as nebula. It wasn't either of the paramaters you set for why women would shave their hair for film though.
This maximum cringe to you guys also ?
i don't remember why neta lee shaved it in le anonymoose movie but she was top cute
Shaved girls are cute
Yea Forums for vendetta
95% chance she does a FtM in the next 2-3 years.
Screencap this.
Women shave their heads, get tattoos and have random unfulfilling sex when they have some sort of life crisis or mental break down.
You can Google tons of articles that women of all walks of life and from around the world that chop their hair off when they go through a break up or are trying to suppress some big life event gone sour. They are not sane. If you think removing hair to get a fresh start or remove unwanted memories. You're insane
To each their own I guess
>Her career
Sorry sweetie but that's over now.
can she outframe and outmuscle chole moretz or is she still king?
I love how father time has cucked Chloe Fans, Arya posters and now Catwoman cucks... they just want away knowing they lost, never seen posting their cancer waifu threads again
what emotion are these facial expressions meant to convey?
Trying to cope with sexual abuse, by acting edhy
Empire Records
that shes a strong empowered woman who dont need no man
Now shes a strong empowered women who dont need no manager... cause she's unhirabel
Croats have such ugly/hot (when she wasn't fat) phenotypes.
so obviously abused. her mother probably passed her around Hollywood and failed till she got the Gotham role.
To be fair, if a woman is hot, she will look good no matter what shit she does with her hair.
I once dated a 6'3" motorcycle riding redhead who looked a lot like Brienne of Tarth. I made her shave her head except for her bangs (skinhead style, pic related) as a tribute to my interest in Aryan purity.
Twist: I'm not white.
>that whole tirade
Teenage girls are really fucking dumb.
she's trying to make herself repulsive to her abuser/abusers so the abuse will stop. Its a very common thing, nearly all the women on My 600 pound life did it
Holy shit. Hold your hands in front of your eyes and obscure parts of her face so you're only viewing individual sections of her face, like her mouth, eyes, left face. She looks good as long as part of her face is obscured but the moment you look at the big picture she turns ugly.
What manner of sorcery is this?
Imagine the [smell] smell [/smell]
> 19yo knowing jack shit about ether.
To be fair, just obscure her nose and she looks good.
>camcam looks like this now
It's not fair.
Have sex
>tfw you'll never make her angry and she'll retaliate by pinning you down and forcing you to lick her feet
why women gotta be like this?