"Fleet of Thousand Ships"

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My wife has been complaining about the show. We discussed it this evening. Her thesis is that everybody involved with the project is sick to death of it, and has been since season 4, but HBO keeps throwing such huge piles of money at them all that it doesn’t make sense to stop even if they mentally checked out years ago. It’s a going through the motions feeling.

They were hiding in the other bay

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Your wife sounds like a fucking retard. They've only 'not given a shit' this last season. Before that they clearly cared and the effort was clearly there but they just lacked the talent to actually write or come up with anything creative and satisfying on their own.

What did the bull think about the show?

Nice try D&D

HBO pls go

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Holy shit I squeezed a little free salt out of a Jew, I’m kekking.

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I'm convinced that people in westeros simply cannot count. They always say this huge number and then show about 1/10th of it. And they have been doing that since season 1.

Nah her theory sounds stupid. For one thing none of the actors are sick to death with it. An HBO show watched by millions, with a great paycheck and renown? They'd probably sign on for 10 more seasons if it were possible. GoT is like the MCU of TV shows.

Same goes for most other people in the project I assume. The composers, the set designers, the costume designers, makeup, etc. GoT still carries the most renown in terms of this and it's the only fantasy series right now that's worth a damn and has a rich enough fictional universe to play around in.

The only people who probably would be sick of it would be HBO, but since they wanted 10 seasons that's unlikely.

It's probably D&D to blame, and maybe some of the writers since their role gets increasingly more difficult as the series progresses.

Most of the actors wouldn't even be relevant if it weren't for got. Your wife is a brainlet but at least she is willing to share her opinion unlike you who can't even come up with a basic theory to share with some anonymous autists

Yeah it was obviously Dabid and Dabid. Look how fucking hilariously off the rails it went as soon as the source material started to wane and then dry up completely. They knew this was coming and probably wanted to end it 2 or 3 seasons ago.

Quite fitting they still managed to fuck themselves in the ass so royally in the final season. What a shitfest clusterfuck season 8 turned out to be, man.

And this was them delaying it for 2 years as well.

He's clearly a cuck what do you expect him to do other than mindlessly parrot his goddesses opinions.

As long as everybody gets a big sack of money nobody will really care except the fans.

I’m interested in seeing how many HBO subscribers are only in it for the GoT. If I was an investor I’d sell off their stock PRONTO.

Yeah but this was going to be Dabid's magnum opus or whatever. The one thing they could always fall back on as universally acclaimed art when their next dozen projects were critical failures.

If they had ended it 2 seasons ago, it would have been, at least in the eyes of normies and suits. However they buckled to money and demands, but tried to cut the episodes to 7 per season and then 6 for the last 2 seasons, but even that couldn't save them, lol. They still manage to absolutely fuck themselves beyond redemption in just 13, but really just 4, episodes.

Season 8 has been an absolute shitshow, lol, and they will never remove this taint from their records.

this is what happens when you dont tell women to shut the fuck up

>and your OTHER fleet
bravo d&d

why didnt they go to the beach that and kill all the survivors ?

>10000 Dothrakis
>unlimited unsulied

The show is still pretty well acted and the production qualities are high. The problem is D&D, who are clearly more focused on their Star Wars trilogy and wanted to wrap GOT up as easily and as simply as possible.

didn't the Iron Fleet in the books only number like 100 and victarion lost half of them crossing over to essos

Normies have no idea who they are, they’re pissed at the actors and Martin.

I hope the actors all invested their money instead of blowing it.

Why did they only capture Missandei? Wouldn't they have been better taking like a few dozen or even hundred hostages (especially high ranking ones like Varys and Tyrion) and then mass executing them in front of Daeny?

It's just very weird like you say, they could at least have rained magical ballista arrows down upon them when they washed ashore onto the beach.

Btw why can they all swim so well in a Medieval inspired setting? Deep water swimming is very exhaustive/intensive and generally in the past when ships were sunk even experienced, veteran sailors often drowned in their hundreds.

That was stupid...
>Capturing one non-combattant over hundreds of soldiers floating hopelessly.
GoT was too fucking slow for 5 seasons and now it's all stupidly rushed .

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Its a raiding party you dumb fucks
Are you one of those noobs that move around your entire army all the time on RTGs?

The real question is how can the Unsullied swim at all when they have to spend their entire lives in a slave training camp. And I do not buy that swimming lessons were a part of their training.

Hollywood really takes swimming for granted, when most people in third world countries can't swim even if they live next to the coast.

this picture is pretty clever and funny
gj on the picture

>The real question is how can the Unsullied swim at all when they have to spend their entire lives in a slave training camp
Well user, it would seem that the vast majority of them didn't actually swim, and only a few people survived. You're moaning about something that basically didn't happen.

But they're all in the next episode according to leaks?