>Not good but not terrible
>faulty machinery get a new radiation measuring machine
>go up on the roof and have a look
Chernobyl memes
Why are you posting instead of flooding the cores, user?
Because the the core is gone
You're in shock, go to the infirmary
I can taste metal.
We must have faith in the janitorial apparatus. Seal off the thread, no OC in or out.
Someone get this guy a medic, he's been standing by the feedwater all day
The core is not gone, radiation isn't good but it isn't anything too bad either.
he's delusional, someone get him to the infirmary.
What does dying of radiation feel like? Do you just fall apart?
Ask him
feels like hell, internal bleeding, all organs failing etc
so if you ever happen to survive a nuclear war, you better find a way to off yourself before the fallout gets you
Huh, that's kinda pretty. What do you guys think this is?
imagine skin sliding right off your bones and your internal organs turning into mush
That guy had the most underwelming voice.
he's just in shock
>tfw you looked into the core
Your gastrointestinal system shuts down. If that points it into any perspective for you.
lol idk dude you should drop it though. we gotta get back to work.
He was alive for 2 months after that picture was taken, btw
>that boomer they were all forced to clap for who stopped them from evacuating
So uh guys we are evacuating the city rig-
>are you sure?
Wait, he's not dead in that photo?
Fuck sake vassily help me with these hoses you lazy cunt.
Would be cool if they provided commentary on what stuff was real and what is there for drama.
I can't find anything about dosimeter in a safe.
Nah mate. They stuck a camera up his ass to film his internal organs too.
It takes some people a long time to die. In his case, it took way too long.
no though he begged them to let him die multiple times
>respond to emergency at the nuclear power plant
>pick up big glowly hot rock off the ground and stare at it, trying to figure out what it could be
what did he mean by this?
No, they kept him alive against his wishes and those of his family
Youre gonna phone the day shift, right user?
We need all hands on deck here
Shawn Wilson, studied at Dalhousie University
Answered Mar 10, 2016
The pic is NOT Mr.Ouchi to start... Mr.Ouchi was not missing a right foot and they could not amputate because there's no way it would heal. AS WELL the coroner had stated that there was a well defined edge or transition from the "burned" front of Ouchi's body to the back which was almost normal... his back HAD skin on it... back of his his legs HAD skin on them..the poor fellow in the pic is someone else who was as bad... but NOT Mr.Ouchi.. again Mr.Ouchi was not missing a right foot and the fellow in the pic is obviously missing his foot from mid/lower calf down... ALSO Mr.Ouchi was losing...(more)
Cherenkov effect. Perfectly normal even with low level radiation. Go to the infirmary.
It wasnt glowing or hot. Thats the thing. It looked like a strange dark brick.
Guys we have iodine pills, right?
your skin sloughs, your hair falls out, your organs start to turn into mush that you start puking out, you lose the little bit of energy you had had from the initial exposure, your heart starts to ache, your head starts to pound, your vision blurs, the taste of metal creeps into your mouth, and parts of you begin to atrophy. but I doubt you’d die, it was mild radiation poisoning you’ll be fine.
dude you should take it home as a souvenir
I know what you're saying
There's another article talking about how he had a wound on his leg but his white cell count was so low that to avoid a fatal infection they had to cut it off
Why would we stock iodine pills?
Why would you want iodine pills user?
Yeah but then you die 5-20 years later of cancer and its not like those years will be spent with 100% health.
iodine what now?
Yeah this guy flatlined several times and they kept bringing him back. His brain turned to mush about half way through it more or less but he did ask them to let him die. Hisashi Ouchi kept alive for 83 days
NHK did a good documentary on Ouchi, and the book they released is a good read as well.
not funny, user. i think a visit to the infirmary will help straighten you out, you’re just a bit delusional.
There is an official podcast and the screenwriter did talk about truth (almost everything) vs fiction (tiny details)
I bought it today. I'm excited to read it tomorrow.
There it is
I'm revisiting Soviet sci fi in the following weeks, started with classics
Who else /tvlit/?
All I know is Ive watched the first ep 3 times now.
Thank you
Watch it 0.6 more times comrade
Recommended. Great podcast, really informative.
Any of you guys seen the key for the safe?
I would have abandoned my post. Fuck the Soviet Union.
A good example of truth vs fiction is the party meeting in the bunker
It did take place, but the two most notable characters were fictional. In realitu there were two groups - one did not believe the engineers and scientists claiming that 'nothing serious happened' and were worried, the other group wanted to do it the soviet way by employing doublethink - pretending they dindu nuffin, but at the same time covering the 'nuffin' up. In the show these groups are represented by the two characters, the young dude and the maester of Winterfell. So it did happen, just not exactlu like that.
go, take a rest in the break room
It's on building 2, you didn't- oh nevermind, just come with me
I know what youre all thinking, and I just want to say youre all very brave to be considering the safety of the people.
However the state has said that everything will be fine so to minimize damage and be effective it is now forbidden to leave this thread.
Can you still fap at least?
>mfw chernobyl was actually real
oh dear god
I am actually amazed how the brain an electrochemical organ, can retain high cognitive functions with high radiation. You would think some of the neuron logic and data transmission would fail.
Especially with beta radiation.
It would be extremely painful
Is Chernobyl a good tv series? Genuinely wondering if i should start watching it
we're all being blasted with beta radiation just from reading your posts
But why?
the brain is a fascinating organ capable of adapting and enduring through the most intense situations.
no its boring as fuck
except not having sex
Hes a big guy.
How could they be sure he was even capable of feeling anything at that point? Wouldn't your body go into shock? He didn't have any skin left much less nerves. He probably couldn't feel anything and was just bored from laying on the bed, not so much being in pain.
>the brain is amazed that the brain is so great
well lah-di-dah mr. oneblotclotandimdownforgood
Well put it this way Im no longer hyped for GOT.
I specified high radiation.
Unless you are being sarcastic.
Why is James Woods dying?
probably like extremely bad sunburn over your entire body that keeps burning like someones slapping it until you expire
that was just hurtful user
That's some great initiative comrade! Do you mind going up to the roof to look at something for us? Thanks!
any radiation that can penetrate the skull usually goes right on through the entire skull
Please do not panic, everything is gonna be just fine, it's just a minor technical problem. Do not be alarmed by the glowing or the taste of metal in the air, which are perfectly normal at this time of year.
Very brave, user. Such courage can only be rewarded with a one-way ticket to Siberia.
Is it on Netflix?
>this series is going to reinforce the public fear of nuclear energy
>even though without making a global switch to nuclear energy in the near future we're pretty much doomed
I'm calling you a beta
>Literally Call of Pripyat
Nah because noone is going to watch it outside of Yea Forums. Itll be lucky to get a million viewers weekly especially on a Monday
> Look at reactor
> Be entranced by its beauty
> Don't feel so good...
That does not make sense.
It is a probability function, the more dense the object is the more likely the particulate is to interact with the matter. The skull may stop, some but not all.
K, I thought you were referring to monitor/PSU radiation or something.
Is it true about the radiation eating mushrooms growing in Chernobyl?
good, we have enough problems when shit hits the fan, don't need a planet filled with failing nuclear power plants and leaking nuclear waste storages
if you abandoned your post you wouldn't be going to siberia
You sure about that, user? You sound pretty sure.
There's this strange mass of molten metal that doesn't seem to cool down. Should I shoot it?
We're doomed either way, don't kid yourself. What should scare you is China building dozens of nuclear power plants every year. The incompetent Soviet leadership were geniuses compared to the average Chinese nuclear engineer.
yes Mushroom tend to hold much more radioactive material than other plants
So, in theory, if you grew mushrooms around a radioactive hotspot it would accelerate the decline in radiation?
no, it would only contain it
probably not enought to matter.
Just don't eat the mushrooms
Have they shown the Elephants Foot yet?
> Best character in the Chernobyl story IMHO.
So 80s.
no, still to early.
do eat the mushrooms
STALKER mini series when?
jokes on you they did shoot the elephants foot to get some samples if I remember correctly
If only we could genetically engineer super mushrooms for the task.
> Can it play Asteroids?
You're misunderstanding how the brain works and how radiation damage would effect the brain
Heat is the immediate danger; however the brain has efficient temperature regulation
The next is radiation damage to DNA; a neuron wont die instantly from damaged or mutated DNA.
The electrochemical make up of the brain wont change in any meaningful way and the DNA damage can take days at the very least to manifest.
>That shot of Pripyat's apartment buildings
>It's where the Chimera is lurking in CoP
Ok, that actually makes more sense.
Train Basic everyday comrade!
He was the grandpa of boomers.
also note that the mechanisms behind cell division have A LOT of failsafes to prevent fucked up DNA from replicating. There are an astronomical amount of DNA bits getting damaged in your body every day and you don't pop a new cancer every day.
Why contain it?
There's literally only one episode out now. Give it a go. Pretty spoopy man.
reposting my ussr defence post from last thread
if you actually look into the disaster
what a lot of people miss is the bottom line
>28 dead
>lots of people sick
>pretty minimal damage
the whole disaster turned into a corrupt cleanup scam where companies would charge tons of money to perpetuate studies that they still need to spend hundreds of millions to clean up the site
all in all it was a freak accident.
the whole incredulity at the core actually exploding? there is no way that should have happened. and there is a general consensus on the events but still no hard timeline of how exactly it happened.
but the guys at the plant did their fucking jobs and sacrificed their lives for the better good.
the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
>this all happened because of safety safety safety concerns and the actual plant was so safe but they were worried about a fucking 1 minute gap between shutdown and backup power kicking in so the crusade for safety instead of well enough alone is what caused the worst nuclear accident
kinda ironic but also kinda upsetting.
and thats an american opinion.
all that being said the fact they didnt have proper dosimeters and just assumed everything was reading off the charts or best case scenario was beyond incompetent.
there should have been triple redundancy at every fucking level of the people involved.
>hospital didnt stock up on radiation meds either
come on ussr.
>I also just found out hilda gudnadottir does the music for this series
MUH FUCKING DICK. anytime hbo and brits team up some fucking kino comes out of it lads.
I suppose that only the technicians that looked directly at the melted uranium received alpha radiation right ?
the beta radiation is getting lethal
So 3.6 reutgens is equivalent to what part of that chart
2 bread bonds have been deposited on your account, comrade.
unless you're holding it it wouldnt even get through the air
You are delusional, the radiation level is fine.
maester luwin turned into a proper commie
I’ve watched it twice. I can’t remember the last time I rewatched an episode in such quick succession.
Yeah, sure, if it makes you feel better.
is that what i think it is?
>100 roentgens equal to 1 sievert
The important part is how fast you absorb radiation.
Absorbing 3.6 roetgens in all at once is like absorbing 36 mSv (36 000 µSv) all at once
goddamn have the vatniks fucked everyones minds here so badly that anything that isnt RUSSIA AIDS VODKA CYKA makes you a russkie shill?
I'll say it again
>worst nuclear disaster in human history
>28 dead
>a few hundred cases of severe radiation sickness
>almost all people recovered to 100% health afterwards
so when the worst nuclear disaster in human history is less fatal than
>the worst auto, plane or boat accidents
>the worst industrial plant accidents worldwide
Typically, between 30 and 50 people in the US die from dog bites each year.
>dogs kill more people in the USA annually than the worst nuclear disaster in human history
I mean chill out guys. there was USSR fuckery galore but the people on the ground handled it superbly once they actually figured out something almost impossible happened.
have some sympathy for the devil. even the head guy in charge of the plant acted completely rationally and was doing exactly what he thought was best and being completely reasonable.
>my buddy makes huge amounts of money to sit at a guard station in diablo canyon and keep an eye out for terrorists all day
he aint worried about nuke power either
>Mr. Ouchie
How fitting
One roentgen hour results in 35mSv dose. Roughly probably.
Roentgen is an old unit that is no longer in use because it isn't as biologically useful.
what am I looking at
>goddamn have the vatniks fucked everyones minds here so badly that anything that isnt RUSSIA AIDS VODKA CYKA makes you a russkie shill?
IDFing USSR makes you shill.
what am I looking at here?
uranium on top of a cloud chamber
those lines are alpha particles
this is a good thread everyone
I was being facetious mate.
Radiation is the most creepy, intimidating force the human species has ever dealt with. It's unstoppable, it's undetectable without specialized equipment, it's persistent as fuck, and it results in an excrutiatingly painful and gruesome death that is hauntingly poetic. The deconstruction of living tissue, breaking up and slowly tearing apart the careful machinations of nature, corrupting the sentient material. And the fact that all of us and many many other generations will die before chernobyl is clean. How many thousands of year will pass.
>actually figured out something almost impossible happened.
The same shit hapenned on the same RBMK reactor in 1975
>A cloud chamber consists of a sealed environment containing a supersaturated vapor of water or alcohol. An energetic charged particle (for example, an alpha or beta particle) interacts with the gaseous mixture by knocking electrons off gas molecules via electrostatic forces during collisions, resulting in a trail of ionized gas particles. The resulting ions act as condensation centers around which a mist-like trail of small droplets form if the gas mixture is at the point of condensation. These droplets are visible as a "cloud" track that persist for several seconds while the droplets fall through the vapor. These tracks have characteristic shapes. For example, an alpha particle track is thick and straight, while an electron track is wispy and shows more evidence of deflections by collisions.
That webm has a small chunk of something radioactive in the chamber, but you can also see trails coming from seemingly nowhere (for example at 0:05 down to the right). Those are cosmic radiation (from space).
I just looked out the window of my commie block and noticed a glowing hue in the sky. My slav mouth tastes of metal now.
>check dose-master-5000-VILenin
>see this...
How fucked am I right now?
A slysh, balogi plati.
get checked into the nearest infirmary, possible case of delusion
Each white line is the path of a ionised particule, this rock is clearly radioactive since there is that much line coming from it
But you can also spotline coming from elsewhere, if you look at the bottom right at 0.05 for instance
imagine being fatally deconstructed at the sub atomic level and your entire cellular structure being completely rewritten to the point you are no longer the same person as you were before on a molecular level
imagine a single human hair being magically zipped around at high speed through a giant sandcastle
now imagine that sandcastle slowly disintegrating after a few hours of this
now imagine the worst kind of attack on an organic creature that in all our billions of years of evolution, a body cannot even understand or properly react to what is even happening to itself on a fucking atomic level
tldr; makes cancer seem wholesome and fair
>Begging to be put out of his misery due to being bored
Naw, mate
>Those are cosmic radiation (from space).
yeah. but if I was driving my car and it suddenly exploded and flipped over I'd be surprised because General Motors fucking suppressed the information and never issued a recall order.
>What does dying of radiation feel like? Do you just fall apart?
It's the same pain and the same result as being burned by fire or hot water. The difference is that water and fire are surface burns. Radiation is like a light that passes completely through your body. Imagine I shine a flashlight on your skin. The flashlight burns whatever it shine upon. But now, I have a flashlight whose light does not stop at the surface of your body but passes through all your tissue and comes out the back of your body. All of that tissue is now burned. You are burned inside and outside.
Radiation will "scatter" when it hits something. In other words, the radiation diffuses or weakens and spreads out when as it ricochets off of tissue. So, the deeper the radiation has to penetrate, the less of a burn effect it will have, but it still burns. And Mr Ouchi was immersed in radiactive liquid, so his body was surrounded by radiation on all sides. His insides are well cooked. It is amazing he lived as long as he did.
fuck you guys, Vasili will kill me if I'm late again. He said his only reads 3.6 and he's just fine... just some mild projectile vomiting at this time
more people die, and lives are made actively worse by a lot of other things that aren't popularized. air pollution for one. even besides lead, just regular car exhaust fumes damage your life.
there's microplastics in almost our entire food and water supply
the pesticides we need to sustain food production are poisoning the water and giving everyone cancer
The easy thing is to fall into despair and nihilism and just masturbate until you die. but whats going to end up happening anyway is just like chernobyl. eventually we stop denying whats in front of us and have to start cleaning up our mess
In english, doc
it is an artifact, sell it for 400 ruble
happens literally all the time. the other one in the news right now is boeing. those three planes crashed because they made essential safety features DLC
GOT makes the money that lets them fund niche shit like this
>happens literally all the time.
thats what Im saying comrade.
if youre expecting more transparency from peak of the cold war hyper paranoid USSR state propaganda apparatus than we get from GM and Monsanto here and now in the states youre deluded.
>>a few hundred cases of severe radiation sickness
>>almost all people recovered to 100% health afterwards
way to downplay the real damage
no mention of the increased cancer rates in the surrounding areas
no mention of the nightmarish birth defects (google "Chernobyl birth defects", I dare you)
>nuclear is safe, trust me guise!
just saw the first episde, great tv show better than got, what amazed me most is the accuracy and real ambiant feel
Blowout soon fellow /чг/
Brainlet here, how are they ever going to fix/remove the elephant's foot?
Nuclear is safe you troglodyte. Humans aren't. The consequences of an accident in a particular field being horrific have no impact on how safe or not the field is. Do you not take the plane because if there's an accident you die? Do you not drink coffee because if there's an accident you'd get bad bruns?
In a thousand years they'll punt it into a garbage can
>just put on protective mask comrade and trust the state
GOT s8 is a trainwreck. This show is much more entertaining plus these threads bring back that comfy the terror thread feel.
Based Terror bro.
Extreme radiation is such a terrifying thing. You get just a bit too close to where you're not supposed to be, you don't even feel a thing, but you know you will be dead in a matter of hours.
>Nuclear is safe
if you wan't to compare it to a plane crash, then it would be more honest to compare it to a plane, that keeps on crashing years after it first crashed, hitting random people in the process and making the crash site and surrounding area poisoned
I like GOT and i like jon snow eat shit faggots
Sorry to hear about your brain damage lad
yeah. well I dont need to say that do I?
>did you know people drowned when the titanic sank?
>yeah but some drowned outright before they could freeze
also comparatively to what could have happened, we all got off lucky. worldwide. EU, russia, africa, USA. wherever. we all lucked out. things could have gotten 100x worse if that fuel reached the water under the reactor.
but again. the cancer rates and defects are horrible after effects. but compared to what could have gone down? we really dodged a bullet thanks to the soviets actually handling that shit.
the scary thing about nuclear isn't that it fails, but that every failure you're rolling the dice on it being a critical failure that really fucks things up. if it was just gonna kill a couple thousand every couple decades, fine price of doing business but. the whole world could get radiated if some safety feature fails at the wrong moment or whatever
imagine if wind pushes some radiation onto the middle united states. something like 50% of the worlds food is grown there
unironically if I was gonna get fried I would want the rest of my cunt co-workers to go down with me
Formerly fuckwater
It's just graphite man. Like a pencil. Not dangerous at except it was radioactive beyond comprehension.
Different plant designs have different levels of safety. RBMKs are the shittiest cheapest reactors ever made and even they took multiple serious fuckups to meltdown. New reactors rely on passive failsafe systems that don't need power or human intervention at all. Please stop fear mongering, nuclear power is the only choice we have to keep up with energy demand and deaths from nuclear power is fuck all compared to deaths from coal and oil.
i would have jumped into the core and try to become dr.manhatan
>middle united states. something like 50% of the worlds food is grown there
What a retard
Consequences of animals pretending to be something else. Humanity is in total freefall from nature and we should all honestly applaud how well everything is going, considering the depths of human incompetence.
It's don't.
Only thing I'm not looking forward to about Chernobyl is this shitty hack being on it.
Seen his expression? You've seen everything he brings to the table.
>RBMK reactor
off to the infirmary with you
>file deleted
who's responsible?
>the amount of overreaction to a simple water tank explosion
lmao fuck off woman we have 2 labors incoming
Nice trips.
What do you expect hes a potato nigger.
Elephants foot is probably still nuclear diarrhea flowing through the ductwork at this point.
Too gore for a blue board.
this is what irrelevant subsidy-corn farmers in flyover country actually believe
lmao fucking yikes
I get the impression it's a wee bit more serious than a hydrogen tank explosion
>all these people suddenly introduced to the ideas of nuclear radiation
chernobyl needed to be contained as fast as possible
the continent wouldn't die if it wasn't
the magma flowing into the water below the plant would have caused and explosion
It wouldn't have the power of 1000000 Nagasaki, like some documentaries try to tell you
the elephants foot was very dangerous to be around
it's not dangerous anymore, unless you're planning to sleep on it
Generally, radioactivity decreases in intensity by a factor of ten every sevenfold increase of time since the peak.
For example, 200cGy becomes 20cGy given 7 hours, and that in turn becomes 2cGy after 7 hours.
obviously a faulty device, the radiation level is not good, but not terrible either, comrade Dyatlov said so
What the fuck are you talking about?
Tell me how an RMBK reactor can explode. Huh? Huh?
comrade... i think the core might have exploded
Off to the infirmary
All these threads are HBO media team interns. Ignore them.
So what you're saying is nuclear radiation is literally black magic we should all be afraid of? Got it.
Explain what is magical about radiation.
its literally an invisible shit that kills upon exposure and penetrates shit without anyone being aware of it. How is that not fucking magical?
to the infirmary
>can kill you
What's not magical about radiation? That's the definition of magic
dude do you taste metal too?
Elephants Foot wasn't even formed yet.
The corium lava took a week to melt through the containment shell it pooled in, and when it finally did the scientists noticed it because it caused a huge wave of radiation as it splashed down the rubble and into the flooded water
I...I don't know
*vomits contaminated blood into your face*
based retard
It's not invisible, though. We have countless ways of measuring it, and there are even cameras which can pick it up and display hotspots.
Is the air also magical because you can't see it?
As far as radiation goes, there is nothing magical about electrons being taken off the atoms in your body. It's a simple reaction and something that we've been aware of since the 19th century.
Early 20th century, my bad.
*literally shoulders gamma radiation like the fucking hulk*
*dabs on you*
Nerves aren't just cutaneous. You have sensory receptors inside your tendons, muscles, viscera. It's how you can feel pain when your appendix ruptures or when you pull a muscle.
Just drink vodka lmao
it would be extremely painful
If radiation is strong enough you can perceive it. It's making your skin hot and causes the nerves i your eyes to misfire. Then you die in a short amount of time.
next you're going to say that you saw graphite on the ground or something crazy haha
Some shitty forced memes in this thread holy fuck.
Yea Forums is literally plebbit tier by now
get a load of this hot head
>It's unstoppable
*blocks your path*
Radiation's very lovecraftian as a horror element in that sense.
>we really dodged a bullet thanks to the soviets actually handling that shit.
Acting like they had any other choice. Cause the international community and their own people would have been completely fine with them irradiating the whole of Europe. Also the way they handled the situation was so utterly stupid and soviet. They just through as many bodies at the problem as they could and hoped some of them would do something that worked. The standard soviet solution to all problems.
you are behaving irrationally, Blyastsletlov, take him to the infirmary
Seeing how Terror S2 is gong to be shit, this show should be considered its spiritual successor
what was going through his head at this moment?
other than all the lethal radiation
it's gonna be dope
The Terror all over again
Why was he wearing pink panties?
Why didn't they just turn down the atoms?
whats with the banana do other fruits have radiation?
Why would they bother? It's only at 3.6
dude you're overthinking this
Potassium I think?
They'll shovel it into ur mum's ass
I taste metal all the time so I wouldn't even know if I was being radiated.
Stop drinking blood.
They said chernobyl and the surrounding area won't be fully safe for at least 20k years. So all we can do is make better shields on top of it? Could it ever fail? What about the people working on site these days? Do they all wear those nuclear suits?
because we can
Seems going to Denver is worse that visiting the CNPP.
What's in Denver?
The Mile High city. Less atmosphere protecting you from the sun
>what was going through his head at this moment?
Let's see, where's the "help wanted" section again?
Who can I blame all this shit on now that most of the others at the plant will die?
We're all agreed that Sitnikov is /ourguy/ right?
Eh, your water pipes are contaminated. I've seen worse. Go to the infirmary
Why did they portray him as a pussy ? IRL he never questionned the orders and did everything he could to get the best view of the reactor and assess its status.
Why didn't they just take a picture of the core
Soviet quality.
Usually they were supposed to be red, but...
Yes, potassium isotopes.
>RKBM reactor
You're delusional comrade
my apologies
idk, it feels like black mirror universe but less silly and actually more realistic
but yeah the people are in such insane denial
Soviets are too poor to buy smartphones.
Nuclear waste won't be a problem if you just dig holes in the bedrock and just leave it in said holes.
That’s impossible.
Underrated but also rife with anti-intellectualism.
Literally false, if you're talking about the Terror
whats the book called user?
Kafkaesque, one could say.
Did a new Chernobyl drama/doc come out recently? I seen all the old ones and it never gets brought up here.
this thread isn't as memey as it could have been but oh well
apart from when a dog bites does it leave thousands of other people near it with life-ruining radiation sickness, and leave the surrounding area uninhabitable for the next couple millennia?
I've actually come up with a meme but I'm saving it for the next thread so it's up at the top. I think it's pretty funny, though moderately esoteric.
You mean besides the HBO Chernobyl kino we're talking about?
Imagine being the soldier in this situation.
>Take this man upstairs. Compel him to blast himself with radiation. If he resists, use your gun.
>Duuuh, okay boss.
Is it on crave?
I have no idea. I use a private tracker for all my viewing needs. I've heard some people say it's on HBO Now.
Fellow droogies, my pee looks a bit green.
I thought the sun was supposed to be good for you?
Vitamin d and all that
Everything in moderation my man
He wasn’t immersed, he was standing over an open tank and got hit with radiation like a camera flash
Hard to be a God.
user, the Sun is literally a fusion reactor 700 000 kilometers large. You want some protection from it.
Just shut the fuck up and say how safe the reactor is if they ask.
*folds over a piece of paper and pokes a pencil through*
Stop huffing feed water, user. The reactor is fine.
>It says 3.6, but that's as high as it g-
>3.6 not great, not terrible
I fucking love this guy, kek
well he knows he didn't do anything wrong so there is no way the core exploded
>Stop huffing feed water
ill just have a taste
>but comrade the readings-
>tfw you have the most duty owing so you get sent to put out the fire on the roof
Go turn on the valves, Comrade. Do it now.
his bosses could have inferred the reactor was in meltdown and refused to, and even refused to accept it while he was dying and explaining what he saw
he lived a cuck, he died a cuck, and no Soviet era heroic myth making can hide that
What kind of idiot doesn't understand the dangers of radiation? Has he ever even heard of Chernobyl?
Chernobyl was too long ago, he should have at least remembered Fukishima