You westerners talk about the show being "anti-soviet", but it's really not that simple, and so far, the show manages to capture that. The soviet system being flawed and ineffective was not the only reason that led to something like the Chernobyl disaster being possible. It was the dangerous combination of a highly centralized system and the particularities of Eastern slav mentality.
People are highly egocentric and you are always expected to bend or outright break rules and guidelines, in order to get something done. Then there's the general tendency of upper management to downplay or outright deny failures, but certainly that's not a phenomena exclusive to countries of the former USSR.
I work at one of many post-soviet MIC productions plants, that has managed to adapt to the new reality of the semi-free market.
Being directly involved with the manufacturing process of items, stories of "good and bad dosimeters" or lack of iodine pills in the local hospital is something that is very familiar to me.
In the USSR and Russia the approach is always formal - make it look good on paper. Real life efficiency is only a concern to those who actually have to use said equipment.
For example our plant buys some highly expensive German or Japanese machinery (sanctions my ass), but somehow nobody gives a flying fuck about buying tooling or lubricants for said machinery, or providing proper training for the machine operator. The next day after setting up machinery, we're expected to rack up some urgent new parts.
The quality of measuring equipment, which has to be tested in certain regular intervals, is highly variable too. We have really good Japanese digital calipers in one workshop, which are good to about 0,03 mm, and then we have micrometers that lie to a fucking mm in the next workshop. To measure flatness (which is a critical parameter on quite a handful of our parts) we have control plates, in fact a lot of them, but you have to know which of them are "good".
HBO Chernobyl
In Russia they probably talk about Three Mile Island.
Pretty much nobody in Russia has heard about the Three mile island accident. Commonors are barely aware of Fukushima.
>A reactor melted but the failsafe mechanisms worked fine and noone got hurt.
Yeah i bet they talk about it all the time.
Literally & unironically talked about three mile island on the news on April 28th 1986 after a two paragraph mention of CNPP "accident" (didn't call it a disaster or catastrophe obviously)
My dear CIA niggers, USSR *invented* whataboutism
I live near to the only Hungarian nuclear power plant in Paks. About 20 km from it.
But it has VVER reactors, not RBMKs. So I'm safe right guys?
This show made by SJW libtards about evil russians, of course it's going to be one-sided as hell
reminder that radiation is a western meme and that there are no mutants or zombies in pripyat
you guys should visit sometime
Relax, the only two major nuclear disasters happened because of unimaginable incompetence, not likely yo occur in a non-totalitarian society - and aftet a tsunami (and because of human stupidy, though not on the same scale as Chernobyl)
In some countries in western europe you get protective equipment and iodine pills if you live close to a nuclear power plant.
Y-you have gotten yours right?
where can i buy this fucking iodine?
it's safe but that shit was built to pocket some sweet russian rubles because hungary is a poor ass country
t. snork
Didn't Orban bought russian tech and russian engineers for power plants?
core theme are What is the cost of lies?, and that can be apply to many modern issues, is not mere soviet anti propaganda, through all history goverments, kings, and authorities choose to lie to the population, even some groups of people lie to others.
Please stop being so brainlets and understand the big picture message the show is trying to tell you all
Reactors will be built by Russian (Rosatom), electronic systems, software and a turbines by Germans (Siemens)
What can possibly go wrong?
So was the first episode actually good? Should I commit to watching the show?
yes, yes. Its kino
>the show being "anti-soviet"
GG, wp.
Yes, actually
It's pretty damn great, and they got through some major bumps with no problem at all (ie not making it look like a fucking action movie)
gonna say it was all worth it for this one meme. i really really like it
>the particularities of Eastern slav mentality.
AKA retardation
>Show's anti-soviet
statement that only can be stated by an icompetent retard without in-depth knowledge of communist system
kys you western fucking fucks
Is death by nuclear radiation the worst way to go?
>The soviet system being flawed and ineffective was not the only reason that led to something like the Chernobyl disaster being possible. It was the dangerous combination of a highly centralized system and the particularities of Eastern slav mentality.
No it was the actions of one man that lead to the disaster, Anatoly Dyatlov is more or less the main reason why the reactor went to shit.
There hasn't been a single one of these Chernobyl TV show threads where any single person has commented on the quality of the TV show.
So putting aside the discussion of the real event, how do you rate the show?
And what is there to go against? gay of thrones? Netshit original material?
It will be The Terror of 2019. Good show
t. Blame game
8/10 so far. The cast is great so far and looking at the preview of what's to come, even more good performances are incoming. The british voices are what's keeping this from being a 9.
I was dissapointed that it isn't in the native language, but I understand that it's still being made for a mass audience of brainlets who don't want to read subtitles. If everyone spoke English but with an accent it would just come off as goofy in my opinion.
Nigger I literally just asked five minutes ago.
i don't read threads faggot I just post my question and expect it to be answered.
eat a dick
Pretty damn good t.b.h.
A strong 9/10 for me. Absolute kinography.
Absolutely hilarious how asshurt slavs are getting over this show. And people actually believe Yea Forums isn't full of Russian propagandists.
>Reactors will be built by Russian (Rosatom),
Well, Rosatim is a state-corporation and controls all nuclear stuff in Russia (so it's basically monopoly), they cannot pay to workers on Kursk power plants, abd since Orban ia a big friend of russian business, I think you shoukd relax. You wouldn't outrun radiation anyway
That's not Hisashi. It's some burn victim, but the picture is used in Hisashi's book to show his condition.
Hisashi was unironically kept in some sort of healing pod, in the Tokyo hospital, one of the most modern hospitals in the world.
a kek every time
9/10, has great atmosphere. Tough it's hard to judge only with this one episode.
Very good.
its absolute fuckin kino
This disaster is a wonderful example why socialism should never be tried again. You have the USSR cranking out the cheapest reactor types they can. While the Capitalist countries which are suppose to ignore safety for profit do the exact opposite. After designing said reactor they make all of its flaws a state secret and refuse to even tell the guys operating them about the design flaws. The operators are more drones than men and obey authority unquestioningly even tho the guys in charge have no real nuclear background. And when shit inevitably hits the fan and the reactor blows up they refuse to even believe what their eyes are telling them sending people to their deaths and letting half of Europe be contaminated when normal response in any capitalist nation would be to establish the level of radiation first before any kind of action. But how will they do that if they don't even have proper dosimeters because aint no way a Soviet plant can blow up so why the fuck spend money dosimeters. The amount of corner cutting here puts any kind of capitalist to shame. Honestly all of this makes me think that nuclear energy is a bad idea in this day and age since we have way too many leftist retards in power all over the world and it takes only a few physics is a construct of the patriarchy types running a reactor to fuck a huge portion of the planet over again.
If you go near one of the guys that went to the core and turned into a ghoul do you get radiation sickness too or does it not work like that?
>man-made disasters never happen in capitalist countries
its a complex issue just like any system of government. There are some good aspects of socialism if its kept heavily in check in small areas, assuming it can be sustained of course. And there are absolutely abysmal things about capitalism that are ruinous to society such as letting mega corporations literally go unopposed, eventually they end up in the same location but capitalism has more checks and balances because generally speaking capitalist society isn't run by dictators, but by actual democracy.
-What is the cost of lies, is not that we mistakes them for true, the real danger is that if we heard enought lies then we do not longer recongize truth at all What is left then?” he asks. “What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth, and content ourselves instead with stories? In these stories, it doesn’t matter who the heroes are. All we want to know is: who is to blame?
can we talk about this super kino speech?
I live ~65km from nuclear power plant. It have four RBMK-1000s which are slowly getting replaced with new reactors and I guess anything can happen
It's not about socialism, though. If it didn't happen '86 it could have happened in '96, '06 or any other year.
Eastern slav mentality of fucking around with rules and safety-guidelines, the "make-it-look-good-on-paper" approach and semi-competent bosses denying inconvenient facts goes way back to the Russian Empire and didn't just magically disappear after the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet system was merely a great platform to amplify all those poor qualities of character.
I rate it solid. If they can keep this up the next 4 episodes, this is gonna be good. Things are only getting interesting.
It's full of russians as much as it is full of pajeets. It's a multicultural website, user. Get with the times.
>such as letting mega corporations literally go unopposed
the issue is more that mega corporations have their hands in the government and can pass whatever they please. sure there are some things government is good for that the market cannot address such as externalities but regulation has done far more harm than good. you don't need to compete if regulations keep your competitors out of the market and every time you fuck up taxpayer money bails you out or covers your expenses. I would much rather have a smaller government any day.
Compared to Chernobyl, TMI was a joke
Talk about that kino voice tho. Shit reminded me of bioshock
Why would I be asshurt? I'm loving it so far.
>water-water shit
you're only in danger of dying from embarassement
I wish the show wasn't made for brainlets. For me, the most terrifying aspect of nuclear radiation is how utterly unnoticable it is.
I'd love a re-edit for the Blu-ray where they remove all the retarded *RADIATION NOISE* parts, and that whole scene with the kids dancing in the massive clumps of ash. I get it, retards won't understand what you're showing, but it's a far more realistic and frightening experience.
They don't, TMI didn't explode.
Super high-doses of radiation are very well noticale.
Trust a Yea Forums retards to turn universal message into primitive argument in "cultural war"
i think thats true only if they stuck around the radiation for a while. i know some people get buried in lead lined coffins
What the fuck are you talking about lol
You don't have a Geiger-Müller counter in your ears?
>4channel gold account
>pass user since 2012
gaymergate reddo fag go home
And what exactly are the so called good aspects of socialism. Free healthcare, Free education. Free shit in general. Every socialist seems to forget that nothing in life is free. Somebody has to work to provide free shit to somebody else. Since getting free shit always inevitably leads to bad decisions this makes the free shit always more expensive for the average member of the public then what it would cost under a free market system. Sure some dregs of society who otherwise would fail and die get saved but what good is that. Why would you want a system that incentives the shittiest behavior of humans. The funniest thing about socialism is it always gets the opposite results to what it tries to accomplish.
I do concede that capitalism is not without its flaws but in moderating those flaws we should always remember that the other side of the coin has historically been shown to be far worse. As for the socialism in small areas part if you mean local communities and such then these tend to arise naturally and are not legislated in any way which gives a lot less chances of some moron gaining power and fucking things up disastrously.
>Regulation is bad because of corporations, but corporations are good
>This is your brain after an-cap
It's made by libtard commies to demonise nuclear power.
>that kino shot when the ash falls
>would be to establish the level of radiation first before any kind of action. But how will they do that if they don't even have proper dosimeters because aint no way a Soviet plant can blow up so why the fuck spend money dosimeters
the soviet northern fleet alone has had more serious nuclear accidents than all western countries combined but you talking shit about the clean up of chernobyl is completely unfounded
Firefighters dealing with an explosion and fire at an NPP wouldn't wait to take readings in any country and if the helecopter pilots hadn't sacrificed their lives to dump boric acid onto the burning reactor then the accident would have been
did the British give a shit about the radiation levels at Windscale? even though it was only a fire not a steam explosion they still had guys in high radation zones right away ejecting plutonium from the core with metal poles and sticking fire hoses in the charge face. the plant manager himself climbed the walkways to the top of the burning graphite core to stop the air coolant system and snuff out the fire
the only reason the west has never sent bio-robots to their deaths is because they've never had an accident bad enough to need to
>no Nigs or other mud people
>no race mixing
>the women are either stay at home mom Slavic qts or nurses
>Jared Harris
its already 10/10 best show of the year
>then the accident would have been
woud have been much worse
its a joke you incel
have sex
Where can we meet up
>regulations do more harm than good
>de-regging shit literally ALWAYS sets the stage for financial disasters because corporations are allowed to defraud the country as a result
we don't live in mom and pop society anymore dude, trump and so many boomers are stuck in the 50s where they think there is actual fucking competition now, its actually sad to see people that think the american dream still lives.
I was disappointed to find out that of the 4831 served men from Estonia in Chernobyl had no bigger chance to get diagnosed with cancer than a regular civilian. There was a bigger risk of suicide. Does someone have any other constructed studies on this topic? How many servicemen and civilians died in a gruesome ways by radiation or cancer?
Who's origin story is this?
A VVER reactor can't explode Comrade
Study itself is in Estonian, this is the summary
>Firefighters dealing with an explosion and fire at an NPP wouldn't wait to take readings in any country
Of course they wouldn't because it is not their job. It's the job of the guys working at the plant to take readings and inform them of the danger. Still at the very least you would expect one guy at the dedicated fire brigade to have a dosimeter and know how to use it so he can tell the guys to fuck off when the levels get too high.
>and if the helicopter pilots hadn't sacrificed their lives to dump boric acid onto the burning reactor then the accident would have been much worse
At that point they should have already established the danger levels and provided some protection to the pilots or come up with a better plan.
>the only reason the west has never sent bio-robots to their deaths is because they've never had an accident bad enough to need to.
And they haven't had that accident because they don't design retarded reactors and put retarded personnel to run them. This accident was 100% a product of the soviet system from the design of the reactor down to the people running it.
9/10, radiant atmosphere
I don't like the SU but I hate the ultra boring, dirty and depressing aesthetic and atmosphere of this show. Such a cliche. Granted, maybe it was that shitty IRL but I doubt it. It's way overdone.
Chernobyl is so overblown
Its consequences were way less severe than any disaster involving dams breaking but it became such a huge deal because nuclear energy is scary
>paying for posting
what a fucking mongoloid you are
> the only two major nuclear disasters happened because of unimaginable incompetence
There was certainly incompetence at Fukushima but it did also require the largest measured Earthquake in Japanese history to occur. Chernobyl was entirely man-made.
>it was the actions of one man
Who perfectly represented the incredible idiocy and disregard of rules Russians exhibit on daily basis.
I'm a burger that has worked in many shitty automotive factories doing grunt work and the same applies here. When our shit breaks, we are told to keep running, anyway, because it pads production numbers (even when the lot is garbage and is put on indefinite QA hold).
It cost the USSR an enormous amount of money just as their economy was collapsing
>t. benevolent soviet government
I may have worded my post poorly, what I meant was:
There were two major nuclear power plant disasters:
1) Chernobyl, caused by unimaginable incompetence
2) Fukushima, caused by a tsunami/earthquake AND some dumb decisions, but not nearly on the same level as Chernobyl
Saint P?
That I can agree with.
agree, we're all still living in the shadow of Dark Knight. at least as far as color grading
its either that or 80's neon
To add to this, machine operators have to make part checks every so often (once every thirty minutes or many more times per hour depending on the part, etc) even when our micrometers are obviously broken. Most people simply made shit up on their paperwork in order to ensure that the part was within specification.
spoken like a true GOY
>this wouldn't happen in capitalist country
what is Fukushima
Some of it is for aesthetics. Some of it is because that's how film from that era of the USSR usually looked. Most of it is because that really was how grim and depressing it was. There are still many places in Eastern Europe with those old Soviet concrete buildings and it's exactly how it was shown here.
As a person who lives in an ex USSR country I can tell you that it was even worse in most places. Pripyat was the ideal soviet town the rest of the country was much worse. If anything the commieblocks in the show look too good probably because they filmed the modern versions without too much cgi.
reposting my ussr defence post from last thread
if you actually look into the disaster
what a lot of people miss is the bottom line
>28 dead
>lots of people sick
>pretty minimal damage
the whole disaster turned into a corrupt cleanup scam where companies would charge tons of money to perpetuate studies that they still need to spend hundreds of millions to clean up the site
all in all it was a freak accident.
the whole incredulity at the core actually exploding? there is no way that should have happened. and there is a general consensus on the events but still no hard timeline of how exactly it happened.
but the guys at the plant did their fucking jobs and sacrificed their lives for the better good.
the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
>this all happened because of safety safety safety concerns and the actual plant was so safe but they were worried about a fucking 1 minute gap between shutdown and backup power kicking in so the crusade for safety instead of well enough alone is what caused the worst nuclear accident
kinda ironic but also kinda upsetting.
and thats an american opinion.
all that being said the fact they didnt have proper dosimeters and just assumed everything was reading off the charts or best case scenario was beyond incompetent.
there should have been triple redundancy at every fucking level of the people involved.
>hospital didnt stock up on radiation meds either
come on ussr.
dont even call me a russian shill guys. just be reasonable about things.
Uhh guys... I think the core just exploded.
Stay mad Vlad.
Nobody cares putin bot back to your commie block shithole.
>literally 2 women in the show so far
>one of them magically knows that the fire is dangerous and tells her foolish husband not to go
>the other is a nurse who instantly knows that the hospital will need iodine pills, but is brushed off by the male doctor
I really hope this shit doesn't keep up. It's bizarre to see women being painted in a positive light in a disaster that only significantly affected the lives of heroic men who knowingly or often unknowingly faced probable death.
Have sex.
1) Fukushima was not a man-made disaster, without the earthquake and tsunami it would never have happened. Chernobyl blew up on it's own purely because of human idiocy
2) you cannot compare the way the two were handled. the Japs' response was far from perfect, but the surrounding area was evacuated as soon as the situation became dangerous, noone was being sent unknowingly to their's just not on the same level.
Damn, dude. At what specific companies did you work?
HBO's new superhero.
Leukemia man
Made me cum in my trousers ngl desu
If you incels say this shit one more time we'll re-open the gulags. The reactor can't explode, you fucking autistic retards. Pump-in more water
Fukushima was 100% man-made. TEPCO had a study in their hands pointing out the reactor design is shit, external wall is too low, backup measures won't do shit etc. They knew but never acted upon it.
Just ignore this post. He's delusional.
masterpiece series! the atmosphere is perfectly transmitted and the series looks believable
*russian guy*
It's an RBMK, are you fucking stupid?
> TEPCO had a study in their hands pointing out the reactor design is shit, external wall is too low, backup measures won't do shit etc.
All true but it still required a fucking earthquake and gigantic tsunami to occur along with other factors. Without all that nothing close to that severity would have happened.
Probably all those evil slavs also shilling for Disney and Got am I right, fag?
>Required an earthquake and a tsunami
In a place where both of those things can happen every year.
They had their generators installed below sea level. Wouldn't have happened in the U.S. because EPA regulations would have called that into review, so it was entirely preventable.
Someone get this hothead to an infirmary.
honestly this
you could smell the commie-kino through the perfectly safe air that wasn't putting off any significant radiation.
One of the very few times where OP isn't a turbofaggot. Based OP. I would have never thought that it could be possible given the subject matter, but here we are. So, OP post, best post
The elephant's foot is still slowly melts the concrete bottom, which means that it is quite possible that it will slide down and reach the groundwater. What are the possible consequences?
Yeah it's was a clusterfuck but Chernobly was on an entirely different level of incompetence.
Suck his dick more, faggot.
>literally caused by a fucking tsunami
>100% man-made
unless you believe earthquakes are caused by HAARP or some other secret weapon, you don't understand what 'man-made' means.
It would mean some of the most dangerous and highly radioactive material would pollute all of the surrounding area. Making all the water and land for miles around, not just the topsoil, unusable and potentially deadly.
It's not realistic for it to melt far enough to actually hit groundwater, the kind of issue you're talking about is thousands of years into the future at best.
If I grab you by your pencil neck and hold your head under the water, is that death by natural causes?
Btw there are 2 nuclear reactors in Budapest and nobody cares. LOL.
Let's just say Fukushima was negligence of safety measures. Chernobyl was actively going against safety measures out of sheer stupidity.
Not him but technically the core did explode - rapid depressurization throwing pieces of graphite and shit around is still an explosion. Also kek at you all for getting baited by that.
>pic unrelated
Maybe watch the show before posting in the thread next time comrade
is this some reverse meta-bait, or are you a stupid stupid-head retard dipshit?
Are you stupid?
I really hope this is bait and not you being a complete moron.
wow dude you must be fun at part... oh right.
Fukushima is leaking radioactive water into sea at this very moment as we are all shitposting on a burmese sinew-drying forums. A highly-radioactive composite slowly making its way towards the Earth's core is insignificant compared to that.
>fire in a nuclear power plant
>people not supposed to consider worst case scenario
People weren't nearly as scared of radiation back then, because Chernobyl hadn't happened yet.
It hasn't moved from its original position. It's still dangerous if you get close but it has next to no change of melting through the ground to the water table.
Delusions. To the infirmary with you
t. Russian
>Of course they wouldn't because it is not their job. It's the job of the guys working at the plant to take readings and inform them of the danger. Still at the very least you would expect one guy at the dedicated fire brigade to have a dosimeter and know how to use it so he can tell the guys to fuck off when the levels get too high.
the reason they didn't have Dosimeters was because the plant didn't have dedicated firefighters like western plants. which is a failure of the plant design and operation not with the cleanup operation which did the best with what they had
>At that point they should have already established the danger levels and provided some protection to the pilots or come up with a better plan.
there was no other way of pouring neutron poison into the core without costing a lot more lives. they used every helecopter they had but the pilots still ended up making endless trips above the core to drop the boric acid
>This accident was 100% a product of the soviet system from the design of the reactor down to the people running it.
and yet my entire argument was only that the containment/cleanup operation and the liquidators were exemplary given the circumstances
> this kills the crab
>the lights from the explosion
can you imagine a source of radiation so powerful it's literally ionizing the fucking air
so you are implying that the tsunami was man-made?
Chernobyl would have probably worked perfectly fine to this day had the safety test been conducted according to the guideline - or had it not been conducted at all.
Fukushima would never happen if the tsunami was not so fucking enormous, no matter the fuckups.
If someone pushes you into the water and you cannot swim, so you drown: were you killed or did you commit suicide?
my favorite part of any Yea Forums argument is when the two autists start retorting to each other with increasingly nonsensical analogies
>Fukushima would never happen if the tsunami was not so fucking enormous, no matter the fuckups.
>We thought a tsunami that big was unlikely to happen
Failure of statistics = 100% failure of the men who built the reactor.
I mainly just based my assumptions on pics from Pripyat before the accident, which looked pretty nice for a commie block town. Could be propaganda though.
Can you post on /wsg/ with sound?
must be the water, get him to the infirmary comrades
>can you imagine a source of radiation so powerful it's literally ionizing the fucking air
>On the day of the accident, Slotin's screwdriver slipped outward a fraction of an inch while he was lowering the top reflector, allowing the reflector to fall into place around the core. Instantly there was a flash of blue light and a wave of heat across Slotin's skin; the core had become supercritical, releasing an intense burst of neutron radiation estimated to have lasted about a half second.[6] Slotin quickly twisted his wrist, flipping the top shell to the floor. The heating of the core and shells stopped the criticality within seconds of its initiation,[15] while Slotin's reaction prevented a recurrence and ended the accident. The position of Slotin's body over the apparatus also shielded the others from much of the neutron radiation, but he received a lethal dose of 1,000 rad (10 Gy) neutron and 114 rad (1.14 Gy) gamma radiation in under a second and died nine days later from acute radiation poisoning.
So those 2 guys that went into the water area to turn the handles at the pipes are completely fucked?
you fucking dumbass, just because the disaster was preventable does not make it man-made. It is not mutually exclusive. Virtually any nautral disaster could have a lower death count if someone prepared for them better, does it mean that natural disasters do not occur?
This series reminds me why Hitler was right, slavs are subhuman mongolids and Europe would be better without them.
Giga fucked. They also went to turn valves to flood water to a core that doesn't even exist. So it was totally pointless.
I loved the first episode but then saw it was written and created by that fucking loser Craig Mazin. Seriously, check out his filmography. He's a fucking B grade trash screenwriter. Also he's the guy that was Ted Cruz's roomate and said he wanked off a lot or whatever that was
The water in that room was at least 1000 roentgens. So yeah, it's not a case of if they die but when.
Honestly who gives a fuck. This show is really good and that's all that matters.
He’s delusional, someone take him to the infirmary
By our reasoning anything that has a natural input is just a natural disaster. Took longer to break due to rain and hit a child. Natural disaster.
I saw pieces of graphite scattered outside!
They fucked up by using those aryan models for the random guards, they look so out of place
>safety protocols thread
top fucking lel
>work as an electrician in glorious scandinavia
>building fire codes state that holes between rooms in any building must always be closed with suitable fire retardants
>do a renovation of ~800 apartments in a complex
>outside company tasked with ventilation systems, including blocking off the old vents
>do a routine check of the blocked off sections due to cabling
>it's not fastened with retardant
>it's not even the correct block material, just a fucking block of isolation
>on a hunch check the rest of the block
>exactly the same issue
>want to check integrity of residual-current circuit breakers (because it' the fucking law and without testing you have no idea if they work)
>management says it takes too long, skip it
>900 apartments without verified electrical protection and no fireproofing
It's not a country, ideology or intellect issue, it's a money issue. Safety on large-scale building projects are always lowest on the list simply because doing it costs money and skipping it makes the project complete faster.
Isn't it amazing to anyone that the only significant sources of radiation on this planet are manmade. Like there aren't places around the world that are naturally radioactive (there are underground) like there are volcanoes and other dangerous occurences. You couodn't just stumble upon a big piece of uranium or plutonium. We have permanently created irradiated spots on this planet for our own amusement. It pisses me off.
If I knew I was going to die I'd just pick up a piece of graphite and give it to the lead engineer that fucked us up, not only do I prove the situation is fucked but there's also the added benefit that he dies in pain a few days later
accidents can (and usually do) have more than one cause you know?
My point is that it could turn out really bad. Craig Mazin hasn't written a single good thing ever. And he doesn't even have a partner showrunner who could make it better
The core must have exploded!
christofuh ?
>it's another user claims something physically impossible happened episode
> there aren't places around the world that are naturally radioactive
Those people killed by natural Radon emissions may like a word.
Also the Oklo reactors exist
I think at that point he knew what he started suspecting might actually be true.
you probably physically couldn't hold that piece long enough to hand it to him
Eh, who cares. There's plenty of clay around to terraform and fuck up.
eh just wrap it in something, that should handle the alpha radiation. The other types are slower acting and you're dead anyway so who cares
Show seems to consist of satan spawns and/or complete idiots, retards, sheep, and beaten dogs.
I wonder if it was orchestrated in such a way to either make people feel secure about such a fallout because holy fuck these people are dumber than horror-movie blondes, or a false sense of security since this DID indeed happen, or could, and some people are just that lost with reality.
End of the day, is there an explosion? Or did "it" already happen and there's no ultimate fallout to look forward to seeing? Just some guy trying to help out and fix this mess while people die in the most painful way possible?
I'm surprised you aren't more upset at the immense damage caused by oil spills, all the actual species that have been wiped out by mankind, the growing greenhouse effect caused by burning fossil fuels.
Nope, you're upset about a few cubic km of land that'll be uninhabitable for a while, despite the basic fact that if all our energy production was nuclear based, untold billions of lives would be saved. I hope you remember this dogshit post when you're getting stabbed to death over a can of expired beans.
Oh, he knew. One might suspect he knew from the very beginning.
Who says I'm not upset by those things too? I'm well aware of the dangers of coal and other energy sources. Coal and nuclear are like car travel and air travel, you're more likely to die in a car but you're more scared of the plane because it's dramatic and you don't understand it.
However, there's many more coal plants than there are nuclear plants. If we replaced every coal plant with nuclear plant you would be seeing more accidents too
>Nope, you're upset about a few cubic km of land that'll be uninhabitable for a while,
Funny thing that wild life is flourish near Chernobyl.
>Like there aren't places around the world that are naturally radioactive (there are underground) like there are volcanoes and other dangerous occurences
There most certainly are. There was even a Soviet gulag located on a land so radioactive the local nomadic tribes used to call it the Death Valley. But hey, easily accessible uranium.
Andreas Lubitz is a low-grade amateur compared to this
The reality of Chernobyl is that it's actually pretty fucking bland after the initial explosion. The only big event afterwards is the suicide you see at the beginning of the show, everything else was handled reasonably well.
Only a very small number of people actually died, and most of them were there on the first night. The rise in cancer rates from people in the surrounding environment was pretty minor, too. Of the poor guys who actually had to clean up the roof, their cancer rates were no worse because of solid limited exposure protocols, and almost all of the devastation is relegated to wildlife and livestock.
The way you hear people talk about Chernobyl, it sounds like it was hell on Earth. But the reality is far more mundane.
Good thing we know how the story ends so he doesn't have to come up with anything out of his ass.
>Coal and nuclear are like car travel and air travel, you're more likely to die in a car but you're more scared of the plane because it's dramatic and you don't understand it.
I'm not scared of planes because I'm not retarded. What's next, are you terrified of rollercoasters?
You have no idea of the number of people who die in the energy industry every year. It's an incredibly deadly profession, and nuclear is by far the safest way to produce energy. But hey, a few "disasters" with a couple of dozen dead and injured and everyone is irrationally terrified of living next door to a nuclear plant, meanwhile they'll happily live next to a coal one that's poisoning their kids.
That whole article is filled with holes and poorly sourced. From what I cna gather they did the digging underground so again you wouldn't get irradiated unless you were digging down. The nomad story sounds like bullshit - - valley filled with human skulls and bones lol. Like there's enough people in some buttfuck nowhere in siberia to come and die randomly in a radioactive valley
>The only big event afterwards is the suicide you see at the beginning of the show, everything else was handled reasonably well.
Yeah, all those well organised human waves of soldiers and firefighters dying after hiurs od working with shovels and bare handa
>couple of dozen dead
You mean thousands with many millions more possibly being at risk from cancers?
are there any medical diaries about the peoples gruesome deaths in Chernobyl?
Some risk assessments indicate that evacuated locals actually suffered more health damage due to stress and the unhealthy habits they adopted after the incident ("I'm irradiated anyway, so it's not like drinking and smoking like a chimney is gonna make me any worse").
The wiki article isn't the best, but dozens of thousands of people went through that gulag, so the effects of that place are actually well documented. Even the earliest prisoners wrote that there was almost nothing alive in that valley - even lichen and moss was sparse.
>Like there's enough people in some buttfuck nowhere in siberia to come and die randomly in a radioactive valley
It's far east, not siberia.
The problem that none tried to study those skulls, it might be Gulag victims as well
Go look up the long term impact of working in a fucking coal mine, buddy. I'd say a few thousand premature deaths would be the understatement of the century.
The real death toll from Chernobyl is under 50. A slight increase in cancer incidence is regrettable, but hardly a major cause for concern, and we're talking people who still live very long lives after the event. The paranoia surrounding radiation and being lied to by their government probably caused more deaths than the actual exposure.
Apparently I don't know how to link to posts lmao.
Yeah, Russian risk assessment lol
You tried.
Jesus christ.
>A slight increase in cancer incidence is regrettable, but hardly a major cause for concern, and we're talking people who still live very long lives after the event
>From 600k of soldiers and firefighters 60k died and 165k became disabled
>Nothing to see here tovarich. Everything is okay, praise party, praise USSR
I'd say it's more anti-socialism than anti-Soviet. There's nothing particular to Soviet Russia about the negative traits that are portrayed, the stratifying effect of socialist philosophy as a means of control is a fundamental part of socialism.
I would say it's anti-bureaucracy
If the skulls were the gulag victims then the nomads named it Death valley after the gulags and after all that diggin brought the radioactive material out into the open. I highly doubt it was that radioactive on its own. That same wiki says the area today is merely "above normal" in radioactivity. Also there's no citation for the Death Valley claim. Honestly sounds like stories prisoners would tell amongst themselves
>not RBMK
are you implying there is anything wrong with them comrade?
>>From 600k of soldiers and firefighters 60k died and 165k became disabled
Where do people get these kind of absurd numbers? Only 6,000 of the 600k have died since the disaster, and the vast, vast majority of these deaths had nothing to do with their work.
>Where do people get these kind of absurd numbers?
From liquidators union.
I live next to the one at BME. Pretty spooky
Poor Jory keeps getting killed off because his boss is a dumbass. RIP
Clearly not enough water was flowing to the reactor.
He knew it from the second he saw those graphite blocks on the ground - but the human mind’s ability to deny reality is quite amazing
>From liquidators union.
People who have a vested interest in trying to get "reparations", gotcha.
It's fine to not trust the government, but blindly believing numbers that would make the 6 zillion jews seem like a fucking picnic is just absurd.
Bureaucracy and socialism go hand in hand. Part of putting the power in the hands of the people is including vastly larger numbers of people in government.
Yeah I think the scene is him realising that he can't labour under wishful thinking any more
>you will never be this retarded
feels good mang
And that's why I am glad HBO made this show, despite not liking them for GoT, and modeen western world in general. Such shows not allowing you faggots do what you failed to accomplish 1986, reverse scale of event and pretend nothing happenned.
Bryukhanov actually did TRY to do one thing fucking right.
>shows women will never understand
>if the helecopter pilots hadn't sacrificed their lives to dump boric acid onto the burning reactor then the accident would have been
didn't most of the helicopters miss?
Did the two dudes actually go look at the reactor like they did in the show?
>alpha radiation
you skin will protect you, it the other types you need top block
yes, and it granted their wish as well
>unanswered questions
I get what she's saying about the faces, it took me until shortly before the end before I was able to recognise people
Where minority were
Butugychag was bulldozed in the 60s and 70s, so most of the evidence is gone. According to one author who survived the camp, the life expectancy at the uranium concentrate ovens was just a few months.
>Mortality in Butugychag was extremely high. In the "medical" special zone (which should have been called the pre-death special zone), people were dying every day. The indifferent watchman would confirm the personal number of the deceased matched the number on the finished plate, stab him in the chest three times with a special steel spear, stuck it in the dirty, pus-yellow snow near the watchpost, and finally grant the deceased his freedom.
>god the stupid russians were so evil! why did they lie and try and cover everything up! they are so incompetent and pathetic for not trusting the western world with all the details!
and headlines like this were all over the world for a week straight everywhere you went
kinda explains their side if you ask me burger bros
interested to know where they got the 2000 figures. I bet it was just some evac rumor that got printed as deaths.
What book is this from user?
Yes there was a 3rd older guy also.
The guy who held the door open lived.
>Such shows not allowing you faggots do what you failed to accomplish 1986, reverse scale of event and pretend nothing happenned.
In english
based stalkerposter
Why isn’t there enough water being pumped?
I'm from Poland. Communist rule was terrible of course, but there is one thing that probably saved some people from being crippled back in 1986. Iodine. Polish communist government for years was preparing in case of a nuclear catastrophe and thus nearly every hospital in Poland had Iodine pills when Chernobyl happened. Once the catastrophe was revealed to the public, immediately everyone in Poland was issued iodine pills. Rare example of central planning actually doing something right.
Their logic was foolproof.
If reactor is overheating send more water.
If they submerged the whole reactor under million tonnes of water everything would be ok,
>didn't most of the helicopters miss?
about 50% of drops were on target which is pretty good given the circumstances
1000 flights 12 tons each
5000 tons deposited in the reactor building
nuclear war
>Iodine is also used to forradiationemergencies, to protect the thyroid gland against radioactive iodides
I never heard if this until the show mentioned it either. Did the commies really not keep them in stock?
>drowned out by the sound of reactor cores exploding
what a dumb bitch! they emphasized multiple times the core was fine
Hey guys, daily reminder to go on the roof and check the reactor!
fair enough
someone remove this man immediately, he has become delusional.
>You westerners talk about the show being "anti-soviet",
What? Who talks about that?
The next guy I've sent didn't come back, the third told us the core has exploded because which is impossible, DUH! It's just 3,6 roentgen.
Gas chamber is waiting for you.
>mfw someone tells me to commit suicide so they can then still deny the truth
women cannot be saved. They are irredeemable.
Not good... but not terrible
have sex
>I wish the show wasn't made for brainlets.
I disagree. You need to have a basic understanding of nuclear reactors to understand what's happening.
We'll have to make them work 6hrs/shift
can an rbmk reactor explode?
Damn, was his job THAT important?
Fucking women
Butthurt Russians and a handful of edgy Western tankies.
>Of course you will
That picture isn’t in the NHK book, I have a copy of it.
Post your expectations for episode 2. Here's mine:
>explosion at CNPP
>screen flashes to the Moscow correspondent at CNN having sex
>she rolls off of her PoC partner, looking disturbed
>"something's wrong"
>scene of her quickly getting dressed and rushing out the door
not that kind of show.
>B-but it might be over 1000 rontgens
>Fine. 5 hour shifts.
god bless commies
>radioactive beyond human understanding
>dude just wrap it up
>Chernobyl is like the 80s nuclear horror-drama Threads crossed with the disaster-movie classic The Towering Inferno
How come women can only think in terms of references?
That's why it's only a 3/5
this is the only complaint I could have.
But on the upside we get to have actually talented actors and not literally nobodies who can speak Russian
this was obviously posted by a female member of the staff. Take her away please.
I don't know. Every good patriotic man from former eastern block countries hates everything related to USSR and spits on its grave. I know we do. Obviously the message can't be anything but anti-Soviet if considering the historical, recorded response to the event.
>B-but comrade Dyatlov, the dosimeter exploded when we turned it on. Then the firefighters gave us their dosimeter that goes up to 200 and it maxed out!
What was even the point of the hydrogen tank in the reactor building ?
to store hydrogen
Blame Moscow. They send us broken equipment. The radiation is 3.6, no more.
Ok, guess I'll have to check the roof now.
>Moscow sending us defective equipment again..
can someone in stem redpill me on radiation please. Is it toxic gas or something?
cool how about the cinematography, acting, dialogue, and effects?
I'm just sorry that this is just another procedural show. I'd like to see a show focusing on horror and atmosphere; don't give a fuck about precise explanations about graphite etc, every Chernobyl show did that.
>I have also seen graphite near the reactor
what THE FUCK was his problem? Seriously.
Good. You will be fine, comrade Anonivich.
This is what Troi was going to do all along. She just needed to make it look like she gave a shit about Geordi.
It’s like 3 billion bullets fired at your chest for millions of years
imagine being this retarded
>redpill me on radiation
Next up when an apple falls from a tree and hits your hear you're gonna say mother nature and the laws of physics cucked you.
>when the 4000 mSv kicks in
Radiation is just the process of the movement of particles like diffusion but some types can be deadly depending on quantity.
>money issue in the Soviet Union
in english please
>you wanna explain to me in what world a RMBK reactor exploding makes sense?
>t. nuclear physicist
>when 3,6 roentgen kicks in
I legit thought this show was gonna be about aliens from the trailers.
>I-I can't
voicelets are usually petty creatures.
thanks, it's confusing to me because it seems to damage cells like heat does but seems to be contagious(?) and invisible. Forgive my brainlet ways.
why haven't you sealed off the city yet ?
I don't know much about physics or chemistry anyway it's just how I understand it. Basically the way sunlight works.
>you make me sick, comrade
Radiation is tiny amounts of bullshit energy that some stuff shoots out. It kills you by being like that block breaker game where you bounce the ball against the bricks and they slowly smash, except the ball is radiation and the bricks are the cells in your body
t. what i remember from GCSE physics
Just wait until the 3rd episode where they reveal themselves
unstable atoms release particles and also radiation in order to become stable
and they do it very fast
and radiation breaks bonds between other molecules AKA it destroys your DNA and shit like that
Unstable nuclei farting excess energy away
>*vomits and falls down*
Add this to "movies or tv series that women will never understand".
>you will not ?
He didn't want to say graveyard or gulag and cause a panic.
really? this was a bit hamfisted
I guess all radiation is deadly in particular doses but surely everybody remembers this experiment explained to them in school.
>*gulp gulp*
>Better now?
Alright someones gonna need to explain to me why the graphite itself isn't hot but degenerates cells faster if you hold it like that guy did. Is it just a case of the graphite pieces being contaminated by radioactive material that is shooting of 'bullets' regardless, and that doing something like holding a piece in your hand concentrates its effect?
And neutrons go through that and only stop at concrete.
Those graphite chuncks are regulators that are inserted into the core (which is very radioactive) to absorb radiation and control the speed of the chain reaction. When they absorb said radiation the also become radioactive.
haha I remember that very clearly... yeah
tiny little jews that bite you
It's all dangerous. Ironically Alpha radiation is the most dangerous if it's inside your body because it's too weak to escape it and the most easily absorbed by cells. Outside the body though, don't need to care about that shit mostly.
I enjoyed Terror posting because of my love for stories about expeditions I like getting reacquainted with this science stuff for this lastly I only encountered that in whatever I read about space travels.
If they ever do something like From the Earth to the Moon again (also HBO) it's gonna be the best of both world and the most enjoyable threads ever on Yea Forums.
Checked. I have a feeling Chernobyl threads are gonna be good.
>Much better, Comrade. Now let's go feed more water into the reactor!
>*cuts to cleanup montage with "9 to 5" playing in the background*
>build rods designed to stop the reactor from overheating
>build the tip of said rods in a material that accelerates overheating
>build the core with a material that bends under heat
>your reactor now fulfills the 5 years energy plan in 0.5 miliseconds
ah, so this is the power of Soviet engineering
>put ultra radioactive nuclear rods as high as 30.000 rontgen/h inside graphite casings for them to and control reactor power output as well
Welcome to my nuclear family.
new bred when?
i couldn't roll my eyes harder at the nurse thing. of course the nurse is the smart one and the doctor is the dumb one. i can see that, sure, 100%
I'm pretty sure she's a physician too.
I've seen this happen with my own eyes and ears so it's a stretch but not that much. Doctors can be retarded too.
Good goy, free healthcare and education truly bring the worst aspects of those undeserving humans.
>Every socialist seems to forget that nothing in life is free.
Yeah, unlike those arch capitalist Americans and their $22 billion national debt and yearly trillion dollar budget deficits.
invisible waves can and will kill you
>t. nuclear physics BA on a corespondent course
Yes goy, government should give those money from your taxes to God's Choosen people, not to you.