what's his name again?
What's his name again?
White Power Walt
Wangro Winxto
Issac Schrader
Walter Blanco
sneed's feed and seed
Dating is fucking hard. Tinder and bumble and all that shit is not what it’s cracked up to be. Trying to connect with those people is difficult, it’s even more difficult meeting them in person and enduring the akwardness. It doesn’t matter if you’re good looking, it’s still hard. You’ll never form the same bond and relationship thru dating apps as you did when you were in school with girls you grew up with. It’s not the same. Dating sucks, if you can find a girl who’s cute, loyal and you guys click, stay with it, don’t even try to get into the dating game
Heisenberg, a physician that had nothing to do with chemistry.
le epic family man
Dewan Hoonox
But oddly show had you pulling for him until he completely breaks bad, sometimes even after. good work that
Joor Gatden Rait
>trying to connect with woman
only a redditor would post something like this unironically
god I hated his fucking wife so much.
I live in Albuquerque
Tim Whatley
have sex
He was a physicist which goes hand in hand with chemistry
Fuck Ted
BB truly is a man's show.
knockboi and sciencebitch
In what fucking world do those two go hand in hand.
Physicists deal with atoms and sub atomic particles. Werner Heisenberg was the lead scientist for the German Atomic Bomb in WW2.
Physics isn't just mechanical engineering.
What. Why do you think they don't?
meth man