it can be found footage of a group of people finding the entrance and recording what they see
Why dont they make a movie about HOLLOW EARTH
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that sounds incredible actually
why don't you make one?
Suspension of disbelief can only go so far
isn't that literally journey to the center of the earth
also this.
OP only has so many pictures of his asshole
Hollow flat Earth look into it
Isn't that The Dinosaur Project?
Your target demographic has to have money op
Is this thread Ironic? there have been hundreds of Jules Verne movie adaptations
> why dont they make a movie about HOLLOW EARTH
but there are, The cave and The Descent use this premise
Journey to the Center of the Earth has been adapted several times. Brendan Fraser was in the last one.
thats like saying will smiths men in black movies have done the mythos justice
>ff movie has the budget for something like that
>there is a MiB mythos that is deserving of anything more than slapstick comedy
I used to watch Land Of The Lost on TV as a kid.
I mean its a spooky concept. You could definitely make a dark X-Files style series on it.
yeah it was called the x-files
its a real phenomena and its freaky
Take it from me, those niggers don’t react well to bullets.
It would honestly be the best lovecraftian kino we've ever seen. I'd love to see an adaptation of At the Mountains of Madness but this would be just as good
What would they find down there anons?
The MiB comic that the movie is based on has the MiB just shoot all the humans who see an alien.
I'm sorry did you ask for some hollow earth kino starring Brendon Fraser? Why here you go, sir.
the REAL source of david icke's moon matrix
you a redneck son? story time
Iron Sky The Coming Race
That movie could have been so great but it ended up being totally pozzed from start to end. I basically wrote Finland off as a nation after that.
Burroughs' Pellucidar books could work as basis. It's been ages since I've read them, but I do remember them being fun adventures.
>that part in the book where they're walking through the maze-like cave system and the MC walks down the wrong path and gets lost, thinking about how he's going to die in the darkness with no way to even attempt finding a way out
It's what has kept me from going down into caves to this day.
picrelated will feature Hollow Earth
>why dont they make a movie about HOLLOW EARTH
because we need another decade of capeshit, soi wars and live action remakes of disney cartoons, user
this is why we don't have nice things
ATMOM adaptation WHEN?