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input a movie/tv quote

post results

Attached: download.png (1050x1251, 148K)

I can't stop laughing

Attached: Screenshot_20190508002837_01.jpg (1080x1938, 378K)

>they're not even on the aircraft!!

Secrets revealed at last!

I don't understand.

you put a quote and it fills in the rest


NARRATOR: When the CIA learned of their operation, all hell broke loose. They fired on a dozen airplanes and blew up three. The Navy ordered the destruction of a cargo ship the night before the bombings.

The CIA then flew helicopters inside Cuba to shoot down any planes that they came across. They burned out buildings and destroyed cars, and killed thousands in the process. They burned out the houses and burned down the cars. It was ugly stuff.

Then came word that the attack had been a cover, created by Castro's spy agents: the U.S. was targeting the Cubans. They ordered the Air Force to attack the Cuban military. The Cubans responded with overwhelming numbers; Castro was forced to give up some of his planes, making it difficult to destroy the Cuban base. The Cubans took their attack to America with flying colors, and the CIA began investigating the Cuban operations. Their next target


Attached: download (1).png (1050x3375, 222K)

Jesus Quintana: Are you ready to be fucked, man? I see you rolled your way into the semis. Dios mio, man. Liam and me, we're gonna fuck you up. I want to fucking fucking rip your ass off. I want to fucking rip you both apart! I want to fucking take your holes and fucking fucking fucking bite them off as the fuck I fuck them.

Giles: *HITS DIO WITH SHOTS* Hey, you're so fucking hot! *STOPS* Hey, hey! Hey!



Dios mio: *SHOT AS CLAMPS*


Hannah: Well, there they are.

Hannah: They're from the fucking Seminary.

[DIO pulls out a huge knife, SLITES IT IN. His brother hits the knife with it, and drops the other.]

no fucking way...

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-004908__01.jpg (1080x1176, 334K)

what the fuck

Attached: 1526269016214.jpg (1121x1004, 92K)

Attached: 63462626.png (661x494, 59K)

.44 magnum the most powerful handgun in the world, an almost impossible challenge.

What had been a quiet family affair was seized by agents from an American family member of a prominent Nigerian businessman, whom it was alleged was connected to drug trafficking and human smuggling operations in the country.

The Nigerian authorities were shocked by the allegations that it was Sarmadi's cousin and a family friend – the father of a young boy who was being held at the orphanage – that had been taken and taken care of by a senior American official in an effort to protect him from allegations of drug trafficking charges.

Officials say that US officials had promised Sarmadi's cousins that if they had any information at all about the matter, they could be released from custody and allowed to return home.

They say that once they were granted permission in March, the US agents, accompanied by

Attached: shifty eyed dog.gif (220x169, 13K)



Attached: image.png (640x794, 1.11M)

lol wtf

that's impressive


it just cuts off there

Attached: Untitled.png (589x465, 33K)

Attached: 1557294726472.png (752x1510, 297K)

Attached: DarthPlag.png (1050x891, 124K)

Attached: 84642143.png (1050x1467, 148K)

Alternate ending

Attached: 20190507_225807.png (720x718, 95K)

Attached: cia.png (588x272, 43K)

what the fuck?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 7.59.00 AM.png (567x595, 70K)

a good cliffhanger

>Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally.
There will never be any sexual desire in you as an adult, because no one ever likes having sex with your daughters. There will be no desire to see a girl cry. But that doesn't take away from the fact that your dad is still your sexual and emotional parent. It does only make you want to get the fuck off of his dick. If you go down that road of seeking out that "love" that you feel for your daughter, and you have your own family that will be more to your liking, then good for you. But if you're trying to get that woman you love (and you should, you are such a big deal) to have sex with you, you are going to have a lot of fun, and you are going to love what you have to do.
The reason for this, you can tell, because you will have to stop worrying about all of the other...

Attached: -.png (781x604, 604K)

what the fuck

what in the fuck

Attached: mmmm.png (578x688, 53K)

An erotic tale

Attached: transformer.jpg (1517x1509, 194K)

Attached: Part Plan.png (653x429, 48K)

>Who paid you to grab Doctor Pavel?
>That he wanted to spend the rest of his life behind bars.
>You're a very skilled marksman?
>You are, indeed.
>You must have had some special training at the Academy.
>Not in anything remotely practical.
>But I suppose I have my faults too.
>It's not like I did anything of import; I was born into poverty, after all.
>As many others I know, though, do spend their early years in prisons and hospitals, and after their release have gone on to make a name for themselves.
>But the Academy didn't see it that way. I was sent for a medical examination after breaking a promise. Wasn't my father the one making the promise?
>The way he phrased it, I should've been sent to prison instead.
>But he was just joking.
>Yes indeed.
>I mean, he was. But I was a child, just like you are.
>Well, that was a mistake. I'll pay you back for that.
>The Academy wouldn't accept a bribe.
I think my AI is broken

I read that in Trump's voice

This thing's pretty good

Attached: epin.png (1050x639, 111K)

What did he mean by this?

Attached: download (3).png (1050x819, 126K)

>It's a Jewgle makes everything political episode

Attached: index.png (1050x927, 66K)

dobler, the spider man

Attached: dobler.png (616x536, 42K)

Attached: cute outfit.png (596x459, 49K)

>look, you wanna get into a spider man fight, here's my ninja suit, you go for it

>we made a nueral network that reads fapfiction
Pretty based

Attached: niggers tongue my anus.png (1050x747, 62K)

Attached: D7C9F66C-CCE1-4183-A157-2A1ACBF2C09F.png (828x1792, 301K)

Mine is better

Attached: Untitled.png (679x400, 24K)

Attached: Cute Outfit 2.png (611x440, 53K)

Attached: 1553836137167.png (623x1080, 217K)


Attached: download.png (1050x1287, 148K)

One stinky dinky. No, it should have been her, but she never did, and now she's dead, and no one's going to find her. And what's going to happen to her parents? Will they get to see their little girl again? A sad girl, who had her body mutilated by a gang of boys from the city's old gang, and now all they know is that she just was one dirty little piece of shit; and if they did find her, then they would probably be all over her because every time she comes forward, some gang member gets hurt in revenge. It's got nothing to do with her own life, but she knows she's a piece of shit for this whole fucking thing, and the gang just wants revenge. It doesn't matter if she's the only one from the city whose name I remember.

poetry and shieeeeet

Attached: uhok.png (452x683, 22K)

I am literally crying I'm laughing so hard at some of these

Attached: Steamed Hams.png (658x317, 49K)

Attached: download (5).png (1050x999, 110K)

is this the glorious baneposting reneissance?

Attached: Bane.png (1050x1287, 70K)

Attached: deh.png (649x801, 54K)

>if you get my drift

Attached: cap.png (595x348, 50K)


Attached: A24F1BD0-45D5-43F7-B9C4-7CCDCF18D36D.png (828x1792, 226K)

W-what did he mean by this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-011458_Chrome.jpg (1279x816, 399K)

Sneed’s Seed and Feed, Formerly Chuck’s Fuck and Suck . "The only thing I can say about Jack has been that I will be eating, sleeping, breathing, and talking nothing in the name of God in his name."
The rest of his lyrics are a mixture of folk and rock. The lyrics of a lot of his songs are about his sexual adventures with women. One of the verses deals with the same problem as the verses of some of the other songs. It talks about how he's turned into a woman before, and as he gets older, she becomes a woman again. So he ends up becoming one of the men who have sex with women again just because he can't handle having sex with women in general. He's getting off at the same time that he has sex with women because women don't want to have sex with men. I've got no clue.
But let me get back to the issue of Jack's career. It wasn't that he couldn't write,

I hope so

Can't believe no one else has done this

Attached: Driver.png (1050x783, 114K)


Attached: download.png (1050x711, 106K)

Attached: bobby b tax.png (1129x881, 129K)

I came

Attached: wayoffbaseline.png (601x524, 50K)

Violet! you're turning violet Violet! [Juggernaut!] Oh, Violet, who are you? A hero or a traitor? He's just a man I'm helping, he doesn't deserve this. Come to where no man has gone before... and join me. [Enter Violet as she approaches. We see her eyes widen as she turns violet around her hand and throws it through the chest of the man.] Oh, Lord Protector, you betrayed me! [Juggernaut attacks, but Violet stands up] Oh, poor Violet! I know that! You're sorry for what you said, I'm sorry I let you down! I'm sorry I let you feel ashamed of yourself! Oh, Violet, tell the truth, it's okay. What I did was for your own good! And now you'll go! You'll go to... the next place! The place that's where all the good men go! [Juggernaut drops down, and Violet jumps up] Oh! [He drops again, and now Violet drops down even further] Oh! Oh, oh oh, the power of the dark! Oh, your love! Oh, oh. This is

i entered a willy wonka quote and got half a script to a xmen movie

Attached: kane.png (602x355, 48K)

What did it mean by this?

Attached: sneed.png (1176x450, 73K)

If you put in
REVOLUTION MACHINE comes up about a dozen times in something that reads like a computer gaining sentience

doesn't produce very good alex jones rants so I won't post em

Attached: flight plan.png (1050x1194, 69K)


Shockingly coherent

Attached: download (1).png (1050x855, 125K)

Thanks for this OP, this is awesome.

can't sneedfags even take fucking screenshots? what is it about some memes that cater to the differently able.


This is some next level X-files right here.

Attached: The truth is out there.png (582x140, 13K)

Attached: lotr.jpg (834x846, 134K)

Not Yea Forums but a bit... off.

Attached: why.png (1050x2295, 180K)

based as fuck

Attached: 8DAC68ED-1463-428D-83F7-292915727F45.jpg (750x1265, 261K)

umm guys, i think i just accidentally made some kickass
big daddy/ hit girl fanfiction
it got real weird real fast

Attached: what.png (1050x1143, 154K)


Attached: lynchian.png (1050x675, 127K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-013016_Chrome.jpg (1231x546, 234K)


Uh...Did I just get fucking redpilled by this this?

Edit: wow thanks for the gold everyone! I thought you would hate me for being a phoneposter but this is too much!

Attached: 3BB4DFA6-3EAD-439A-8F60-BBF9E06BF83A.png (750x1334, 184K)

nows lets fuck your ass like a slut

Attached: m.gif (400x234, 1.94M)

Turns out taking the mask off does hurt

Attached: 4EADBBD7-EC22-4B79-AFAA-1A48BBBBD8EA.png (828x1792, 224K)

Protip: press the share button and you get a nice png download

Holy fuck

Attached: 1549143745629.jpg (225x225, 5K)

Attached: star wars.jpg (828x805, 119K)

Attached: 1507612719501.png (300x250, 55K)

haha holy shit

Footfags eternally btfo

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-013250_Chrome.jpg (1255x836, 420K)

Attached: ESBscript.jpg (582x579, 89K)

Obviously some memer had trained the AI for that.

redpilled post and nice dubs

i did that earlier and got this

Attached: 1527907446568.png (583x534, 55K)

Attached: wtf.png (1050x1107, 151K)

oh my God I'm dead

Attached: 1400890630195.jpg (342x342, 56K)

Attached: download (3).png (1050x1323, 158K)

i read this in nick cages voice

Fucking lost

>Man, this one is for your mother, not me. The one on the right is from me and she was once pregnant with me and it ended in a miscarriage.
deep incest

Attached: lerd.jpg (579x685, 66K)

shut it down

Attached: redpilled.png (574x378, 38K)

It doesn't speak Dwarf, Umgak version 2nd try

Attached: index.png (1050x843, 67K)

Another redpilled answer, coming up!

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-084313.jpg (1080x1920, 674K)

>I like to sit on my ass with my dick in it.

this is now canon

holy shit did /pol/ make this

Now THIS is quality television!

Attached: bs.png (618x410, 78K)

Attached: tuxedo.png (1050x1503, 166K)

Attached: JCRaimi.jpg (588x361, 93K)

Nicolas cage was onto something here.
Nintendo fags btfo.

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-084659_Brave.jpg (1080x2220, 711K)

Attached: 1481489000375.jpg (320x289, 27K)

Doug Walker having a schizophrenic episode.

Attached: B004523A-A68E-42C5-94AA-D4CB0B83E28D.jpg (2019x803, 399K)

Attached: depressing.png (1050x675, 120K)

Holy fuck. Absolutely based

Walter White : I am the one who knocks! !!!

Walter White : You better not come out here and talk to me! !!!

John : Oh my god... I know something is wrong.

Walter : [shouting] Come on! Come on! I love you! Don't you miss me? !!!

John : [shouting] I don't want you talking to me! I never miss you! [pointing] You're only talking to yourself!

Walter : You were going to let me do that to you, too?

John : You got me mad again!

Walter : Hey, you did! I have just the thing for you. Oh, and when you're with Betty, I'll just go to the next room, and you and me! I can do anything, no need to worry.

Doreen : That looks good!

Walter White : No, no. I want you on it again sometime soon!

Jerry : No! No! No!

[Walter White's head blows off, and his face morphs into Doreen. Betty is standing on the wall.]

[Walter turns his head and the face of the show character is back in effect.]

[Walter opens the door and looks inside,

this got abstract

Attached: lebowski.jpg (546x728, 76K)

>Nigger: [wakes up and puts a hand on Pepe's belly] Look! They're just going to call me by my nickname!
based AI

Attached: happy.jpg (400x388, 70K)

>just came harder than I have in weeks to a weird fanfiction this wrote for me
Time for bed

Attached: 17BF3710-1C4B-4E48-BC6E-F04C07D885C6.jpg (785x644, 171K)

Redpilled as fuck

Attached: 2059538F-CD19-42A8-B4F3-DF2D341B2481.jpg (2048x840, 417K)

Attached: avgn.png (1050x711, 130K)

>eat his cock
top kek

Attached: IveSeenThings.jpg (604x629, 91K)

Attached: download (5).png (1050x747, 123K)

300 was deeper than anyone imagined.

Attached: download.png (1050x855, 147K)

What a ride

Attached: AYO.png (576x1399, 61K)

absolutely lewd

I can't breath

His last words before he dies in a justified police shooting

I'm fucking dying

Attached: hairypeter.jpg (729x563, 46K)


Attached: download (6).png (1050x711, 124K)

Sneakers O’Toole: I’m not taking my sneakers off, I am Sneakers O’Toole!

In an interview with the Daily Mail, the singer says that she felt bad for the child, and was only trying to help him to be happy, not to ruin his childhood. It doesn't sound like she did everything she could to help her friend.

Sneakers O’Toole: I never want to cause harm to anyone.

The parents are currently appealing the fine, which carries a two-year prison sentence.

Attached: douge.png (565x515, 40K)

>A white guy, black guy and a jew walk into a bar
and a black man tells him to fuck off and goes over and tells the black guys that he is in a bar with a blonde female. the first one says "I am sorry, but that's rude," to "I'm sorry that the second one does that" then goes back to the bartender saying "I am tired of your shit"

what the fuck is that?

he can also say his own language or he can say "I'm tired of hearing it, you fucking bitch! YOU BETTER READ!"

you bet I do and I do not.

I have no patience for your kind.

I don't know why all those people are making you this angry.

this thing is a fucking goldmine

Attached: 1462495269324.jpg (228x260, 27K)

What in the world

Attached: index.png (1050x315, 18K)


Attached: download.png (1050x1467, 148K)


reminder that jannies actually do this

Attached: jannies.png (555x607, 40K)

what the fuck
can people pay for ad space in this

Attached: ad.jpg (567x435, 63K)

>You want to know how I got these scars? Well? I'm the Joker, baby.
I'm the Clown Prince of Crime."


In this flashback from Batman's flashback in A Detective Story, Bruce has finally returned a phone from his friend Wayne. He tells Wayne where he has hidden his costume from, and how one of his contacts had recently stolen his weapon in Afghanistan with an explosive device.

Dynasty Warriors: Hyrule

Attached: 4424BA72-DF6E-4E18-B0F6-AF58618C31C8.jpg (2048x1337, 459K)


Attached: download (2).png (1050x1100, 111K)

>James Rolfe is a cuckold who loves to brag about his sexual exploits in front of hundreds of people at parties (and sex parties)
this is too fucking good

Attached: laughing christoph.gif (200x200, 1.32M)

Did you know that D&D used this AI to write the Battle of Winterfell?

Attached: Capture.png (567x311, 51K)

my sides hurt

Attached: stayvun.png (1050x747, 146K)

>Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
>This movie is worse than Hitler.
>could have been written by a Jewish man.

Attached: worse than hitler.png (571x382, 48K)

Record Scratch. Freeze Frame. "Yeah…that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation.

Well, it's kind of my fault." It didn't seem that I was the only one who had heard her speak as she took her seat in the seat next to me. I smiled at the woman's smile before turning to face the woman who sat a little further away than me. "And I'd like to have an honest conversation with you about this." My eyes drifted from the man who sat across from me to one that was directly across her face from mine. "What do you have to say?" I asked with a look that said, in essence, that I wasn't going to be silenced by the women who had been in her shoes before. That made me pause as I thought about how long I'd been waiting to take such a conversation to the next step. Finally, even though the women didn't seem to have any reason to doubt that I was talking to them, I let my eyes linger on them for what felt

>And then without warning... their heads exploded.
They screamed and screamed and finally one of them let out a screaming scream of a blood-curdling, screaming scream."

They said the two children who were killed in the crash didn't appear to survive.

Police are taking statements from witnesses.

Police on Friday searched an intersection of Interstate 40 and North Lincoln Highway near the scene of a car accident north of Lincoln in the rural town of Eufaula.

Officers said a car collided with a school bus Sunday afternoon.

According to an Eufaula police spokesperson:

A northbound southbound pickup truck slammed into a stopped school bus just before 8 p.m. in the area of I-40 and North Lincoln Highway.

The northbound pickup went into the northbound school bus at the intersection, but then crashed into the bus at another intersection.

Two children -- a 4-year-old girl and a.

It's a japanese doujin, obv.


Attached: james.png (597x561, 54K)

Attached: sonic.png (571x347, 31K)

Am I reading what I think I'm reading?

Attached: (PNG Image, 1050 × 999 pixels) - Scaled (76%).png (1050x999, 83K)

this shit is so fucking Orwellian. Give it 10 years and normies will have freshly baked movies straight from the IT department. this could turn black mirror real fast.

Attached: 1557293446007.jpg (410x452, 23K)

>she's your ancient creep god
holy fuck I can't breath

Attached: 1369412041544.jpg (600x400, 45K)

The sequel

Attached: download (1).png (1050x1035, 129K)

oh god this is perfect

based mike

Attached: matei.png (594x347, 39K)

Attached: porno.png (596x374, 72K)

Attached: squirting.jpg (360x172, 10K)

Oh it's been done

Attached: a rude obituary.png (565x413, 50K)

I'm more worried about the part were most of humanity turns useless for economic productivity.

Attached: download (2).png (1050x495, 58K)

Attached: download (3).png (1050x1051, 114K)

that fucking painful exchange had me laughing audibly


>"Hell will welcome me!" He screamed as the dagger plunged deep into his bare chest.
Without thinking, the boy was thrown against the nearby roof, leaving him bloodied and bleeding. As the wind picked up into a stronger blast, the boy stumbled to one side when he heard a familiar sound. A voice answered his crying in a loud, "I-I love you...!"

The boy looked down to see that it was his old nemesis, Zora Thul. He had been dead for ten years, dead from lack of sleep, dead from the abuse he had had to endure from Thul. He had been betrayed by Zora when she tried to murder his family and the others in the Thule Tribe by tricking Thul with the knowledge she had of Zora's true nature. He had also found out that Zora's true agenda was to take over the world. Now that he was alive, he didn't care what she did or did not do to him anymore. Zora had never

this thing is ridiculous

Attached: 1451115446682.jpg (327x324, 15K)

Arnold is Bane

Attached: D519A254-E34C-4F9D-9CCA-621AD30FED1C.jpg (2048x482, 169K)

Holy fuck. Superman and batman were just side characters.


Attached: download (1).png (1050x2187, 181K)

makes perfect sense

Attached: 20958029808.png (1050x1755, 123K)

Some Pathfinder RPG deepest lore.

Attached: download (3).png (1050x711, 106K)

is this what happens on reddit?

Attached: 12.png (575x639, 40K)

I'm actually getting hard now

Attached: massa.png (594x302, 75K)

I wanted it to tell me a shitty joke. What the fuck?

Attached: not funny at all.png (1050x675, 62K)

Attached: Shane.jpg (1050x1702, 150K)

Attached: ya fuck.png (638x721, 20K)

based malfoy just cucked harry

How Linkara met Iron Liz

Attached: B1279B5E-0010-4568-8617-D2DD5505A9B4.jpg (2048x960, 414K)

holy shit

Attached: 1423955962958.jpg (251x251, 21K)

Wiggum confirmed to be a sneedposter

Attached: Screenshot_20190508-191421~01.jpg (1058x505, 99K)

>Trump cant be stumped
about the issues"

On Nov 14, 2015, at 2:46 PM, Chris Schwerin wrote: I'm glad it's over. The story is now closed and we can move on from it.

I wanted to let you know tonight. This story has become a rallying cry for #BernieSanders supporters. It's not the way that he runs, but it's the way he talks about it. And I think it helps explain why he is not doing as well now.

Just a bit of background. In the course of the last week or so, more than 1 million people emailed the Bernie Sanders campaign to ask for their support. It's clear this is just the beginning, and Bernie Sanders is not going to win until we get to the point where the voters turn out in huge numbers, the Democrats get elected, and he goes into the general election as the winner.

This was going


>Adolf Hitler: All right, let's get over here! I can't take this shit anymore. I'm taking my own life!
>Adolf Hitler: What? What the fuck
I'm in tears

Attached: hitler.jpg (557x318, 59K)

A daring synthesis.

Attached: download.png (1050x855, 128K)

Now i'm not sure if I should be depressed

Attached: race.png (603x485, 78K)

Attached: frodo.png (610x454, 44K)

Attached: quarter pounder.png (592x446, 49K)



>suck my jeans
>i need you in my faggle with me now
literally crying laughing

janny's a bit fucked up

Attached: milk.png (593x343, 36K)

Attached: unironically better than the sequel plot we got.png (610x420, 52K)

My God.....

Attached: download (4).png (1050x783, 119K)

>Rape Victim:
I'm fucking crying

I was gonna retry this one but it reminded me of No Country for Old Men

Attached: vincent.png (603x508, 86K)

who's Andy?

Attached: download (8).png (1050x783, 130K)


Attached: marvin.png (552x443, 47K)

Serkis, playing Mike using performance capture technology.

DC / GoT crossover

Attached: Stop.jpg (1050x999, 152K)

I think I broke it

Attached: download (4).png (1050x2229, 113K)

Communist overdoses on dialectics to the tune of 14%

Attached: communist.png (608x306, 73K)

>David: [screaming] i hate Game of Thrones
!!! !!!! !!! [the scene cuts to Winterfell, where the audience is watching Arya and Renly, who are having a talk at the inn] Arya: [laughing] Oh, you must be mad, I know you haven't been very good to her. Renly: We're both going in for the kill in season four. Arya: Oh, right, I told you I'd have to wait. Renly: Well, then we'll keep on waitin'. [Arya goes in and Renly pulls up a chair in front of her and starts to read. The two then begin talking in High Valyrian] Arya: [laughing, but then gives in to Renly] Renly: [laughing] Oh, I bet you forgot you're an idiot. Renly: I would not be an idiot if i were you, but, yes, this is what's so sad about you, you just never learn. Arya: And? Renly: You're lucky, that one of your sisters is more powerful than you were when you were a kid. Arya: Well, thank you. Renly: And I'm sorry. Arya: And what?

Attached: pic-20180630-212x238-6431058556.png (212x238, 38K)

my sides

Attached: friends.png (624x790, 53K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 09.23.13.png (580x304, 72K)

>Game of Thrones is ruined.
I don't know if it is but that's the truth."

Lol GoT BTFOed

kek what the fuck

>the one with the mask
it's learning

What the actual fuck...

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 09.30.54.png (584x466, 82K)

Trippy stuff

Attached: pag.png (616x478, 74K)

Attached: oh no.png (1050x1035, 147K)

quite pungent indeed

Attached: brap.png (733x421, 27K)

Attached: download.png (1051x1323, 152K)

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this stuff is gold to make shitty literotica

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who's dark Angel

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>nnno this doesnt smell good

>What kind of fool do I think you are?
This engine is literally producing better writing than 80% of human writers out there.

this gets a little philosophical

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We need a new thread this shit is amazing

I'm dying kek


someone make a new thread, image limit reached

We are going to be replaced soon.

Marvin is a total bro. Even if you "accidentally" shot him in the face he'd just forgive you and tell you he's proud of you.

new bread


REEEEE nigger

ahhhh fuck

Cia: you're a big guy
Bane: for you
Cia: are you?
Bane: I really like you, though I can't stand the fact that you are not very beautiful
Cia: maybe I am
Bane: just for my boyfriend who likes to dress up in girl clothing for Halloween
Bane: let's do that
Cia: okay?
Bane: okay
Cia: ok?
Bane: but we know that the police will arrest you for it... and not because you're black
Cia: how about I give you a lesson on how to behave in front of them
Bane: how can we trust you for such a simple matter?
Cia: how do people trust you over them?
Bane: i would like you to show my dad how you behave in front of these people
Bane had gone back on his original promise to leave this area, and Cia was surprised to see him come back into her circle once again. She then noticed the three girls standing outside him from earlier, laughing all of a sudden, and she was about to call attention to them to them as well. But

>Sneed’s Feed & Seed.
>Chuck's Fuck & Suck.
I used to have an unopened, unused packet of Chuck's Feed & Seed mixed in with another packet of Chuck's seed, then placed it in my freezer once it was ripe, and never touched it again. Then I used Chuck's Fuck & Suck every few months until their store shelves ran dry and they finally went out of business. It's the same old boring shit they use nowadays. This one however, is definitely a game changer. I've never been able to find Chuck's Fuck but I've seen similar packets of Chuck's seed but never really cared. Even when Chuck and I bought our new boxes, they were too good to pass up but at $20 one day, those were expensive. I made my own feed for my cock at the time in a blender but a little research shows I could easily find a similar type of stuff at Wal-Mart in bulk at about $15. I can't believe I


>but you would be safe with me


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You've made me very happy

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These guys are sitting somewhere having Harry Potter inspired ERP sessions.

This honestly seems like something David Lynch would write

Turns out Han left Leia for Poe

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Lost it at ancient creep god desu

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