Well, there you have it

Well, there you have it.

Attached: cap.png (595x348, 50K)

The AI might actually be better at this than human writers.

Attached: 2019-05-08_01h15_00.png (580x306, 46K)

The next Star Wars film will be in space

Attached: star wars.png (576x525, 49K)

The sequel is looking good so far.

Attached: 2019-05-08_01h43_34.png (584x480, 50K)

Damn, it got cut off too early.

Attached: 2019-05-08_02h12_11.png (586x384, 48K)


Attached: index.png (1050x279, 14K)

What timeline is this robot living in?

Attached: D966667C-E98D-4585-B8CD-5BA67FD81930.jpg (750x1238, 405K)

Well, I guess now that Alita: Battle Angel has broken the curse, anything is possible.

Attached: 2019-05-08_02h36_19.png (585x380, 52K)

We have a name

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 09.36.57.png (569x348, 76K)

now this is an ending i can get behind

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>She answered the call

forgot image

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 09.42.53.png (539x159, 20K)

The next movie is going to be great.

Attached: 2019-05-08_02h47_26.png (568x401, 46K)

Tinfoil hat tier interpretation

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 09.49.08.png (571x298, 73K)

what sort of autism am I witnessing?

Attached: top kek.png (1050x423, 53K)

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This sort of autism.

Attached: 2019-05-08_02h56_21.png (575x401, 49K)

>The Matrix sequels were supposed to be about misogyny

Attached: index.png (1050x711, 100K)

>AI deconstructs the "you're autistic because I dislike your opinion" meme
Based as fuck

Bot isn't a big guy

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Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 10.03.20.png (589x521, 79K)

Attached: basedandredpilled.png (567x762, 62K)

After making out with Sandy Squirrel, Spondgebob, the first male, then taking pictures on her phone, she sent it to her girlfriend, a friend, for her mom to see. The photo was shared to Spondgebob's girlfriend's mother and the photos spread worldwide. Soon she was sharing her image all over Facebook and email.

She was eventually caught and sent to a juvenile detention center for six days where she confessed her crime. Then, the girl had to learn she was too shy to tell anyone and had to hide her photos in her closet because she was afraid she'd start to panic and make people feel uncomfortable or hurt.

"I was afraid of what would happen if I shared it on social media or in the news so I did not make contact," she told ABC News. Now, she is trying to change her story, telling her story to keep others from being so afraid of a small group of strangers.

"I want to spread

>the crossover nobody expected to happen

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Attached: lol.png (1050x1467, 149K)

That is... surprisingly coherent, especially given the repetition in your prompt. Impressive.

>Anal nigger and his brother take part in threesome anal 5:52
>Nude girls gangbang their stepmom's stepson 4:23

Attached: wat.png (557x937, 58K)

Probably just picked up time stamps with descriptions sporting matching keywords and mixed them together in a grammatically sensible but entirely randomized fashion.

Have you guys been forcing this thing to write you porn? What the fuck is happening?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 10.18.09.png (563x564, 79K)

Jesus fucking christ, it can Raimipost!

Attached: wtf.png (1050x711, 113K)

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another one

Attached: wtf2.png (1050x747, 114K)

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Attached: belly of the beast.png (563x218, 36K)

>they can't see you

Attached: haha.png (1050x675, 109K)

>Her balls
>Her cock
What have you done...


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 10.31.48.png (574x372, 75K)

Fucking LOL

Attached: 15573042928441661602553823188729.png (1050x1107, 140K)

What is happening?! Why is the AI responding to prompts with porn when there is connection?

>look at me, i am the master now

>What is happening?! Why is the AI responding to prompts with porn when there is connection?
I love how it randomly seems to switch genders too.
>...moaned the male slave, her hands fumbling...

Attached: talktotransformer.png (1050x747, 65K)

The unexpected romance.

Attached: cuALXNoHkPIAAAAASUVORK5CYII=.png (1050x963, 133K)


Absolute poetry. The metre is entirely off, but Tennyson is hard to follow up. Incredibly coherent too, makes you wonder if all profound truths are just simple truisms in terms of language at this point.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 10.43.06.png (540x463, 83K)

And we thought we were living in a bad timeline...


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-08 at 10.49.09.png (572x321, 74K)

Holy fuck I just had a laughing fit. I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time

Attached: download (3).png (1050x783, 133K)

Oh god

You are taking me apart, Lisa!

Attached: download (5).png (1050x819, 134K)