Why would nyone be hyped for ava

>why would nyone be hyped for ava...

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idk but imagine a bunch of big blue m'ress's in the most kino visual quality capable of modern human society

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what does that have to do with avatar though?

user... did you read the post...?

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I'm sick of Zoe salad. She's in everything nowadays.
Hire a different niggress

no we need more Zoe

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how the fuck could they make blue alien chicks that are also tribal amazon catgirls and make them look so unappealing? they should have been the sexiest things on the planet but instead they're mediocre at best

What did that cripple see in these bug-eyed freaks? They're obviously commie tree-huggers

who knows what revolutionary tech and design Cameron has been up to for the past decade...
Spielberg's been busy, we know that much
perhaps they don't just look the same with bumped-up graphics...

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he explains it in the film

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what do you mean? Na'vi ooze sex appeal

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I'm the worlds biggest horndog and those bodies are doing nothing for me. They look weird.

Also the idea of aliens being some human-like by coincidence is a constant aggravation for me. Right down to the nipples and navels, jesus christ...

What side are you user?

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Jackie Chan will star in the sequels as a Na'vi

This is dumb, it's so incoherent. I imagine aliens look more like insects than anything else. It's hard to say; but the sheer alien-ness of anthropods are why they're sometimes utilized in film alien designs. They might not even have bilateral symmetry. They may even lack traditional physical forms, especially if they're advanced beyond their biology.

You're like Scott Lang replying to Bruce Banner on his take on time travel.

>Humans are the only species we know of that can travel to space
>Hence any other species capable of the same thing would look a lot like humans

Think about it logically

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>>Humans are the only species we know of that can travel to space
>>Hence any other species capable of the same thing would look a lot like humans
You're making a logical leap here. Also, that's blatantly not true. Dozens of species have been to space, and several are in the ISS now, plant and animal.

The logical thing is to look at the empty, quiet sky and conclude there are probably no intelligent aliens, so this is all pointless speculation until we can probe or visit a planet with native life.

Are you implying only primates could achieve upright bipedal sapience, and no other mammalian-like creature on any other planet could? Even if they were quadrupeds?

I'm saying it's unlikely than there are ayys that are upright bipedal animals like us, with the similar arrangement of central nervous system, sensory organs near the brain, 2 arms and legs, etc. That humans happen to be so, and the only known space-faring species, means nothing. A data-set of one is utterly useless.

I am also saying that the upright bipedal animal is hardly the best design for space. Human bodies already struggle in microgravity in mere years, a fraction of their natural lifespan. Our feet are largely useless in a zero-g enviroment, unless we strap them to something. We even lack prehensile tails, which would be so useful in space... More likely the ayys, if they have been spacefaring for many generations or millenia, will be adapted to living in space, with radically um, alien body plans.

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>Dozens of species have been to space

yeah because the humans sent them there, that just proves my point

I was just being cheeky. See just because humans have been to space and nothing else as far as we know, does not logically conclude that another spacefaring alien species would need to look even remotely like us.

I bet they have radial symmetry like octopi.

nah I hope they look like green or blue Zoe

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All I'm talking about is brainy-bipedalism, not anything anymore specific, per-say.

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na'vi aren't cats...

you can't be this bluepilled user...

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Neytiri doesn't meow

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hissing isn't meowing

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Lads, imagine this

>in the near future an unusual, unexpected breakthrough is made in quantum mechanics
>FTL travel becomes possible
>not just possible, but practical. Like "start building today" practical
>first ships leave earth in 2030 to check out planets expected to be Earth-like
>find some planets teeming with life but no civilization
>some that are just lonely oceans of primordial soup and barren rocks waiting for development
>some have pre-FTL civilizations we can become bros with
>some have more advanced civilizations than ours
>they don't even want to kill us because there is no reason to in a galaxy and universe so gigantic that it's much easier to just go harvest resources from uninhabited planets and nebulae
>we become space bros with some of the anthropomorphic races

hopefully the ayy lmaos are hot

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trust me user, we are like little cute mice in little cute ships to them

what if..... we were seeded from Lyrans.. "Cat-People" after the drogo-reptilian wars? The 'unknown' part of our dna is them. All that talk about "We are God's children" "we are made from -his- image" and general religious beliefs and scriptures were fabrications, done like the game telephone, but, poetically, we could still indeed make some sense of said texts. We humans are nothing more the puny bipedal mus; hostile, scared, and stupid. We're easy to anger and we kill each other for no reason. We hate all that is good (see sex being a taboo and blood and death being much more "fine" in media). We saw the Lyrans and thought they were just 'animal' heads on 'human' bodies. We praised them, and lost our minds so much so the penalty for killing an earth cat was death (see Egyptians).

I'm speaking in general terms as many humans aren't like so. But at the end if the day this is just a body, weak, with many flaws and imperfections.

Outside of appearing in Avenger crossovers as Gamora, Zoe literally hasn’t been in anything.

Only place she’s relevant is Yea Forums