>sup, user. me and a few lady friends are going to netflix and chill, any film recs?
Sup, user. me and a few lady friends are going to netflix and chill, any film recs?
Ethan Evans
Ryder Gutierrez
No fuck off loser lmao
Robert White
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom
Owen Lewis
Synecdoche New York
Christian Cook
Is this the answer I'm supposed to give if I want to come across like I'm the biggest faggot in the country?
Elijah Reed
i just wanted to ruin his night lmao
nobody gets pussy with that movie
Brandon Stewart
Juan Anderson
I hate how misused this image is.
It should read:
“Netflix and chill? Sorry, I only subscribe to the Criterion Channel”
Carson Miller
Ethan James
ok cool, but we only have time to see one