Sup, user. me and a few lady friends are going to netflix and chill, any film recs?

>sup, user. me and a few lady friends are going to netflix and chill, any film recs?

Attached: 834.png (680x760, 191K)

No fuck off loser lmao

Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Synecdoche New York

Is this the answer I'm supposed to give if I want to come across like I'm the biggest faggot in the country?

i just wanted to ruin his night lmao
nobody gets pussy with that movie


Attached: 21-happiness.w710.h473.2x.jpg (1200x799, 168K)

I hate how misused this image is.
It should read:
“Netflix and chill? Sorry, I only subscribe to the Criterion Channel”


ok cool, but we only have time to see one

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