Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible and perfect film every time you pushed it...

Imagine that you could push a button that would generate an incredible and perfect film every time you pushed it, but that after pushing it your consciousness would be trapped in an empty void for 500 million years with nothing to do but think. After the time is up, your consciousness would return to your body and all memory of those years would be completely wiped. Would you push it?

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Go to sleep nigga

Attached: 86BFBE0C-7459-4B2E-938B-4B73D6D5EC45.png (680x680, 221K)

Don't have to imagine
Kubrick already did it

I wouldn’t age physically during that time OP?

But I could just spend a year of thinking to come up with a film that is incredible and perfect (to me)

That is correct sir.

Yeah sure why not, i got nothing better to do

So I can push it multiple times?

Yes and if you push it fast you can do multiple in a row and get more perfect films out of it.

die crossposting Yea Forumsermin

Shut up /pol/tard

*tips fedora*

Yes, good job, you correctly identified the film he was referring to.

>Imagine that you could push a button


After the first 100 years of just thinking, what would you think about for the next 499,999,900 years?

I would imagine you’d go into hellish insanity, but if you came back without zero memory of it then sure I’d do it. And if you had no memory of it then wouldn’t you wonder how many times you had already pushed the button?

Well you'd remember pushing the button but you wouldn't remember the horrific experience that took place from pressing the button. So the only person who would press it is either someone who is aware of the consequences but still willing to subject themselves to cosmic torture, or someone who is too dumb to comprehend what they are getting into.

Nah lol

why are you assuming the experience would be horrific? you hate dreaming?

the video is kino
link it

On one hand, since you have no memory or experience of it whatsoever once it's over, you might as well press it. Who's to say it doesn't happen every time you blink, or when you fall asleep? You just don't remember.

On the other hand, the button is avoidable, and this way you KNOW for a fact that you're sending yourself to be tortured and alone for what is basically an eternity. Even if you don't remember it, you shouldn't subject yourself to that.

It does happen when I fall asleep, and I do remember. Some call them dreams, I call them nightmares.

Yeah, sounds comfy.

>push button
>wake up from pushing button with zero psychological effects because your mind has been scrubbed of the endless void like it never even happened
Why the fuck not?

user if you have 500 million years to think you would be fucking desperate for the memory wipe within twenty years, yet still have millions to go. I don’t know if you thought this through.

But there is literally no point rejecting it. Your torture might as well not exist.

You’re going to die someday and have no memory of life, does that mean you aren’t experiencing torture right now?

Who can say?

But if it was a perfect film there would be elements that would be vague and ethereal even after the test of time. An endless chase, an infinite jest, only to be forgotten. Maybe if it (degenerated) into a book or script after it'd be worth it.

Wait... what is the downside?

Here's a fun one.

How about a button that, when pressed, generates 500 million perfect clones of yourself, and moves each one into a perfect recreation of the same room you're in with a non-functioning button. Then, each clone is brutally tortured to death for a year.

People who would press these buttons have either no morality, or no brains.

I would only press if I get to see them tortured.

They'er the kind of people who think horrible things happening to other people is okay because at least it's not happening to them.

As neural networks are advancing, there will come a time where flawless computer generated "actors" will be a thing. Then flawless computer generated environments will become a thing. Then the algorithm technology of controlling and creating said performances and environments on the computer will advance to the point of the artist just thinking about a scene and getting the result on his computer right away.

So imagine if all those algorithms are completely truthful to the directors idea and intention (or in other words, the end result is exactly the same as what he is imagining), that would be the peak of artistic expression with zero needed budget once the technology becomes standard.

Not only would that be art, that would be an even more honest and direct artistic expression than any previous film ever made because there is no "acting", there is no editing, there is no foley or post production audio recording taking place, there is no gimmick whatsoever, just a pure honest artistic expression. A true auteur work.

It would be a system where there is no need for any intermediate gimmicks at all, you literally get pure ideas and you finally see who is the better artist or not straight and direct. A pinnacle of artistic expression.

Just got to wait a thousand years or so.

For 500 million years? Imagine how bored you get after a few days of nothing. People break in solitary confinement in basically no time, and it becomes the most torturous experience any human is able to inflict upon another after only a few weeks. Now imagine that stretched out for YEARS. As long as you have lived your life now, replace every single second with eternal nothing, just you and your thoughts, and the maddening desire for SOMETHING, all that you've ever done, balanced by an incomprehensible fog of torture. Then realize that's literally a blink of an eye in comparison to what still waits aheads.

If you were to equate the 500 million years to a single year, that span of your whole, doubled over, would be less than the first second, of the first day. Even imagine one million years. The endless weight of an eternity would crush everything you are to nothingness, only for it to stretch out endlessly once again, and again, and again, and again 500 more times.

Wow. I hadn't thought about it with such complexity, but I have on numerous occasions pondered if it would be possible to make technology where people could create art by simply thinking about it. I always thought I'd be able to draw some great stuff if I could just transpose it from my mind to canvas instead of having to physically create it. So it's cool to see that someone else has thought of something similar. It may not be possible in our lifetimes, but the thought that it could be possible at all is a pleasant one.

Nobody thought of this. They literally can't remember it :^)

One thing that always makes me laugh is that in depictions of the "future", many showcase some kind of VRMMO. The reality is that VRMMOs will be a very small segment of the market, because when given the choice between interacting with real people who may have real commitments and a tendency to break character, the vast majority of people will instead choose to live within virtual worlds where they are the only true human. Places where you're the king, or the chosen hero, or Harvey fucking Weinstein or something.

Because in a VRMMO, you aren't going to be the protagonist. You're going to be a peasant. But in a virtual world populated with "actors", you can be whatever the fuck you want to be, and the game will adapt to suit your needs.

I think film and TV will take on a more infantile role. Rather than allowing for more artistic expression, creators will instead opt for things that are easily self-insertable, scenarios that the consumer can enjoy, and then remake in their own image inside a game.

So USS Callister actually is an accurate portrayal of the future?

I don't watch garbage, but I hear the other crewmembers in that kill the guy or something? That would never happen in a future game, because the actors would be literal actors. You could chop them to pieces and they would feel nothing, but they would just act as if they're in immense pain.

> press button
> go to room
> become a sage after 100 million years
> use sage powers to break your consciousness out of the pocket dimension
> fly around in the real world and spread wisdom
Who cares about the movie?


Movies about existential philosophy?

The crewmembers are digital, but he gives them sentience because to him the whole fun of it is exerting complete control over them despite this being the case. His mistake was in continuing to play by the game's rules when things went wrong, which led to his downfall. But aside from them rebelling against him in the end, it's essentially what you were talking about. He was the king of his domain.

That just makes it even dumber. Obviously every actor will be "sentient" as a pre-requisite, but it's a very different state because an AI is a very different being. In order to prevent the most basic issue of AI, which is "what happens when I try and turn it off?", for the vast majority of people their only interaction with an AI will be through a connected proxy. All actors will be proxies of the same organism, so it doesn't matter if you "kill" one. It'd be like cutting off a strand of hair.

People all want to be kings. We all want to run around in a world of our own making with no consequences. People will live and die in these games, an incredibly solitary existence surrounded by "people" who love them.

>now this is the power of autism

Attached: autism.jpg (259x194, 6K)

Simmer the fuck down, incel.
