>Sir, we need a milquetoast, neurotic, skinny, whiny, undeservedly smug manlet to be miscast as the lead romance in a reddit-aimed comedy/action flick
>he is already in the studio lobby
Sir, we need a milquetoast, neurotic, skinny, whiny...
Other urls found in this thread:
Whose nephew is he? Why does he get work?
His portrayal of Lex Luther in Batman v Superman will be looked back on as one of the finest pieces of acting in the entire medium when future audiences can look at it without bias.
t. Jesse
>user you look like that guy from the social network
>Sir, we need a greasy, sweaty, unintelligible drunkard to mumble his way through this script
>he's already in costume
He was the most entertaining part about that movie and bald Lex from Just League looked promissing
he was literally just joker-lite.
He is a cunt.
I wanna sex him.
>we need an actor to BTFO a bimbo interviewer
Is that moot?
>Sir, we need a black guy
>Let me call Will Smit-
>No sir, we need a really black guy
>Morgan Freeman has just finish-
>Sir, a we need a nigger
>Chad Bosewick?
>No sir, we need a REALLY black nigger
>Samuel L Jackson just finished filming -
>Sir, we need the niggerest nigger to ever nigger on the black screen. We need a walking poster for segregation
>... I think I know just the man.
>He was the most entertaining part about that movie
Dat THICC Emma Stone doe
he’s a kike
>damnit, where are we going to find a flamboyant, smug, witty and fast talking actor who will overcharge for all his scenes?
>I'm on the phone with him now sir
>can he be here in 5 minutes
>5 minutes, 5 feet and 6 inches sir
(((hollywood))) is desperate to portay their weak, dumpy men as leading characters.
You've just described literally 100% of male Ashkenazim.
Name others user.
Oh well just off the top of my head: Ben Shapiro, Joseph Schiebman, Larry David (although he is funny as fuck), Mark Cucklefuckberg,
Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Jonah Hill, who else?
He will always be known for the social network
Seth Rogen, Bernie Sanders, David Berkowitz, David Schwimmer, every rabbi, Chuck Lorre, Dabid and Dabid, basically the entire cast of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Benjamin Netanyahu, Jared Kushner...
Don't forget Woody Allen the posterboy of jewish neuroticism
Dave Rubin
>tfw have all of those qualities but am not a manlet
wtf if I was shorter I could've been an actor?
Seth Green. It's usually a safe bet if they're a male actor in Hollywood under 5'10 they're a fucking kike, especially if average in appearance or ugly.
NOT EVEN snydercucks defend this shit and they literally defend the most stupid shit possible. IT'S THAT BAD.
>you now remember how he began as the poor man's Michael Cera
Who is this
the flat ass that was in Alien
Dunno but he looks VERY Jewish.
Tom, founder of omegle chat
Holy fucking shit that’s hilarious
>barely C cup
checked, and her boobs are so perky its a non-issue (imo)
are you jew?
thought it was gonna be Denzel
In hindsight, Seinfeld had a pretty good physique for an Ashkenazi. Compared to those others at least he had some testosterone left.
i loathe this neurotic insecure kike. he's got the quintessential jew shtick reminiscent of rdj, where he hides his narcissism and insecurity behind rapid quips and specious witticism
He was part Sephardic.
Man, the only time this joke was funny was with Eric Roberts. Anybody have some screenshots of those? Why did that meme have to die?
>poor man's Michael Cera
Didn't this faggot just shoot up a school in Colorado?
Ding ding ding ding ding
He's not still the poor man's Michael Cera? Like he's been in some big movies but I think Cera is still more famous.
He really does have that school shooter look. Skinny white dude, messy hair, crazy eyes
You’re on my time
I liked him in Squid and the Whale
>liked him in Squid and the Whale
Said the phillistine
What's a philistine?
Just some weaselly faggot. Pay him no mind.
>he's already in costume
>undeservedly smug
Am I seriously that out of step? To me Jesse Eisenberg just comes across as existing in a state of worry similar to what Woody Allen always used to play when he took roles in his own films.
why are jewish people very often of this character type
i dont hate them but i just wish they could at least get some insight into how fucking annoying it is to have someone who is very very smug and condescending who is also 'sensitive' and a huge neurotic
based. fuck this retard and the retard who keeps casting him in all of his dishonest pseud bait