- Matt Smith isn’t Palpatine reborn or rejuvenated but a Dark Side acolyte who is willfully possessed by the spirit of Palpatine.
- During the final act of the film Rey and Kylo team up to fight the Palpatine-possessed Matt Smith. The two-on-one duel is pretty intense for the duo.
- Eventually Kylo Ren kills Palpatine’s host body, but Palpatine’s spirit then jumps into Kylo Ren’s body.
- Kylo Ren is strong enough to not lose total control of his mental faculties and struggles to take control of his body but subdues himself and his weapon while beckoning Rey to kill him.
- Kylo does the right thing and becomes Ben Solo again as he sacrifices himself to kill Palpatine.
- Rey, having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did, means Palpatine has nobody evil enough that he can possess.

Also, Rey and Kylo have a "Flash Force duel" where with each strike the environment around them changes to landmarks of the previous filmes like the Lars homestead and Ahch-To and Han Solo appears as part of a "Force intervention" set up by the Force ghost of Luke to bring Kylo back into the Light and forgives him for his actions, further steering Kylo towards redemption.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That sounds fucking stupid.

The only way this series could be redeemed is if they made a sequel take place on Earth

>Rey and Kylo have a "Flash Force duel" where with each strike the environment around them changes to landmarks of the previous filmes like the Lars homestead and Ahch-To
Wow, they ran out of ways to even send a character to a place from the OT, so now they're just doing a powerpoint with pictures of old locations LMAO.

Thats how you know its true.

>rise of skywalker
>skywalker lineage officially ends

It's already been reported that movie ends with Rey rebuilding the Jedi Order and renaming them "Skywalkers".

Thanks, I hate it.

>Sir, we're arriving on a planet full of unintelligent rancor-like lifeforms (dinosaurs)
>Hmm, yes, let's test our new new new Death Star on it, but only a low power test that will only wipe out the lifeforms, but also leave some that can later evolve and perhaps create more intelligent life

sounds even more retarded so it must be real

Do we get more shirtless Kylo?

No Anakin No watch
No Vader No pay

Is hayden in it or not motherfucker

No Hayden No Payden


>even considering giving Disney Money
>giving them money for nuwars

Rise of Sneed


absolutely pozzed

how about more shirtless lena dunham sat on him?

No Hayden , No pay them.

Sounds good.

>Rey never toyed with the dark side
This part is the hardest one to believe.

That sounds terrible.

>name your jedi order after a dead family name

Sounds fucking stupid as hell.

Don't care lmao

This shits all over the other eight films, so must be true.


>han solo is a force ghost
i guess anyone can use the force now

>Rey and Kylo have a "Flash Force duel" where with each strike the environment around them changes to landmarks of the previous filmes like the Lars homestead and Ahch-To


Based Haydenbros

This is actually bullshit, but I can see how they got there.

Matt Smith is a person created by mixing Palpatine and Luke's DNA. The final duel is Luke and Palpatine both trying to possess his body, whilst Kylo and Rey fight him. Kylo sacrifices himself to make sure Sheev can't come back, but Luke brings him back to life rather than taking the body for himself.

Stop lying. Things are bad enough as they are.

Matt Smith is legit /ourguy if there is one.

He was the best Doctor Who ever by a fucking landslide. The only Doctor that was not some super, and when I say super, I mean SUPERRRRRR lame fucking Brit. He made the character semi-modern and culturally relevant.

THEN, he goes on to become an incredibly based villain in a top tier pleb filter known as Terminator Genisys.

NOW, he comes back to become one of the most meme-worthy villains of all time.


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Not lying bro. My mom is Kathleen Kennedy's Brazilian waxer

oh damn man thats so spot on for what Disney would let actually happen, i wouldn’t be surprised if this is true

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>Rey, having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did, means Palpatine has nobody evil enough that he can possess.
This is a load of barnacles.

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Especially because it's factually incorrect. In TLJ she went straight to the darkness on the island when she was doing the force feeling thing, and then she went there in person later in the movie.

I forgot to mention that all of this happens in the first fifteen minutes of the movie.

>Rey, having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren
Didn't she do this in one of the other movies?


She was called to it but never gave in like Kylo.

so can we all agree that RotS is infinitely superior to any of these shit nu-wars films

It's the best movie in the series so that would be a given.

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>Rey and Kylo have a "Flash Force duel" where with each strike the environment around them changes to landmarks of the previous filmes like the Lars homestead and Ahch-To
jesus christ, this is awfully funny

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well ''Sith'' used to be an alien species that used the dark side, today it means any person to use the dark side

>- Rey, having never toyed with the dark side

lol..that's all she did in TLJ. Fuck off with your bullshit.

This leak has been doing the rounds for a while now, and I am not going to lie, it is keeping me up at night. I like memeing here about how bad the sequels are, because they are not great, lets be honest. This actively shits on the arcs of the main characters of the other films though.
Obi Wan and Luke will never be vindicated, because the Jedi Order will not be reborn. Han is not vindicated, because his family remains utterly destroyed. Nothing Leia or Anakin did ever mattered - All they needed to do was wait for Rey, killing Palpatine and defeating the Emperor was her doing, not theirs. Even Padme is fucked, all she wanted was for her kids to have a happy life and see democracy restored to the galaxy...

This ending would fuck up Star Wars even worse than The Last Jedi, and that is saying something

>Han Solo force ghost
I completely believe it and it's fucking amazing. So Obi-Wan willingly giving himself to Vader is now ruined, because anybody can just become a force ghost regardless of force sensitivity. Vader getting redeemed enough to become a force ghost instead of burning in force hell for eternity is ruined. Once again people who have no idea how Star Wars (the good ones) works are in charge of Star Wars.
two good movies in the entire series

dank meme

When was this established? I always thought that bit of lore was dumb.

Except when she went swimming in the darkside cave? Or when she tried to murder Luke with his father's lightsaber? How about then?

She also struck Luke with anger, when his back was turned no less.

Rey did toy with the dark side, Luke yelled at her for it.

One of the novels that Disney decanonized I think. That Expanded Universe shit was nerd to the max but fun, and more importanly it had soul.

What happened to the Luke's Podcast plot leak?

I want it to be true specifically because it‘s so stupid

>That Expanded Universe shit was nerd to the max but fun, and more importanly it had soul.

:( I miss those days pre-1994, before the special editions, before the prequels, before the Fempire.

David Tennant and Peter Capaldi were both better

It even shits all over Rey's arc. For two movies she has been trying to find her place, whilst struggling to accept the legacy of the Jedi. Is she just going to reject that legacy at the end?

Harrison Ford isn't doing a cameo, lol.

Fucking fake ass leaks, lol.

>Force Flash fight
Makes sense considering the Art of Book Cover

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>The Old Republic MMO
>Tales of the Jedi - Golden Age of the Sith
>Tales of the Jedi - The Fall of the Sith Empire

It's not unprecedented, but it's fucking dumb. Like using the sigil of Starkiller's family for the Rebellion ala Force Unleashed.

God I hope this finally puts the fucking nail in the coffin.

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Please leave. Zoomers like you are what ruined Star Wars.

Have sex

>Please leave. Zoomers like you are what ruined Star Wars.
I'm sorry, what? I ruined Star Wars?

Do tell me, how'd I do it?

>movies been hinting at Kylo turning to light side
>he does
>they kill him off
what a waste of time. why not just keep him evil?

>Rey, having never toyed with the dark side
Fuck off J.J

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Will anybody actually go see this? I think I'll just download a camrip this time. Maybe just read early spoilers here even.

If it ends like this, I will probably skip it.

Eh I'm ok with this. The meaning of "Sith" was originally different as well. The Jedi were essentially wiped out during order 66 and Vader's purge so it's not like there is a continuation between the old Jedi and Rey's potential pupils. Same shit happened to the Sith in episode 6.

Let's face it, the Jedi fucked up hard when they became incompetent Republic lackeys and destroyed their org. Rey has no obligation to reinstate that particular defunct ancient order.

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>David Tennant
Literally the dorkiest actor of all time.

I dont see how this is not a surprise to anyone after the title was shown.
Every fucking 3rd movie in the SW franchise is “ROT” followed by the group that takes power.
Not to mention, it is “Rise of the Spartacus”

>I am Spartacus
>No, I am Spartacus
>No, we are all Spartacus

>Time Travel has been established as canon
>Palpatine used Ezra to study time travel
>Travels to the future when Vader throws him off the ledge, that flash was him jumping in time
>Arrives and easily crushes all who opposed him leading the First Order
>Kylo has an internal fight all movie to betray Sheeve
>Kylo and Rey do the no pants dance then go fight Palpy
>Kylo is killed, Rey kills Palpy, but he sends her back in time
>She is transported to Tattoine
>Loses her memory
>Is made a slave
>Is pregnant
>10 years later Qui-Gon and crew meet her
>"There was no father...."

You are aware your talking about Dr who right? The entire series is for dorks and fugly nerd girls.

That being said David Tennant is one of the best doctors.

Brilliant but too grim for SW

>Calling someone who references EU material from 1995 a zoomer

Boomer Faggot Detected

>more Nu Wars shit in the 2020s
>next lead is a black trans Skywalker
>old hag Rey shows up and fucks off

already buying my tickets. love star wars.

Literally everything bad that happened was because of Skywalkers, why would she name it that?

So its Dark Empire SJW version


>Obsessing over nu-wars to the point where you'll treat random rumors as factual as long as you can talk about how lame it is


I definitely hope they decide to make Ben Solo his own great-grandfather. It would be like that movie about the time traveling hermaphrodite, but worse somehow.

Palp will be a clone. Only explanation that makes sense. Original Palp commisioned a galactic army of clones, you don't do that shit without doing a little R&D on the side for yourself. There's not going to be any soul transferral or horcrux bullshit.

His clone might be a completely different personality. He might not even be evil but instead a comic relief old man because EXPECTATION SUBVERSION

The only thing JJ subverts is expecting a good movie.

>kill the past
>but not actually

the Skywalkers will be the friends we make along the way.

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>bringing Palpatine so Rey can kill him too.
just fuck my shit up

>- Kylo does the right thing and becomes Ben Solo again as he sacrifices himself to kill Palpatine.
>- Rey, having never toyed with the dark side like Kylo Ren and the acolyte did, means Palpatine has nobody evil enough that he can possess.
So Palpatine's old, dead ass floated around as a spirit for the past 35 years until he found an ebil body to possess, but THIS time he'll permanently die just because Rey's a goodie two-shoes (and Luke wasn't)?
>inb4 Admiral Gender Studies hyperspace rams his ghost with her spectral strap-on

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>the Skywalkers will be the friends we make along the way.
Fuck me this is actually perfect

Boomers ruined Star Wars and gave us TFA, zoomers couldn't give a shit about the sequel trilogy in general, all about that MCU.

Since cinematic Star Wars is officially dead as a doornail now, recommend some kino Star Wars books.

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I called that when the title dropped and people called me a retard

how can that guy look so sóy?

Thrawn Trilogy or anything else written by Zahn.

>name your order after a family, that consists of 2 (two) galactic tyrarnts

Thrawn Trilogy
Corellia Trilogy is pretty good but very slow to start

Some trading card form the 70s or so said Darth Vader Lord of the Sith. Since Sith are some kind of evil fairies in irish legends they were made out to be a race. The original idea for the Noghri in the Thrawn trilogy was to be the Sith race and it would have told of how Vader came to be their Lord by saving their planet after an ecological disaster during and after the Clone Wars. This would obviously have made it impossible to make Lord of the Sith a generic title for all darksiders.

Got the audiobook version of the Thrawn Trilogy. Thanks bros.

Everyone who thinks Han Solo is a good character or the best Star Wars character should burn in hell for their plebian taste, they are the reason why Star Wars is so shit at the moment. Just because it's the only actor from the OT plebs can recognize from other films.

What makes Kylo "dark" anyways? He is definitely dedicated and pragmatic, but really he is aligned with one of two opposing political factions, neither of which have shown to be good or evil.

>Millions of years pass
>"Holy shit sir they look exactly like us"

Also bullshit, but better bullshit.

The only readable Star Wars book is Plagueis.

Fucks given: Zero

Daily reminder that Mara Jade was a mary sue too.

Not entirely original.

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>gets repeatedly bailed out of situations by Luke, Talon Karrde, and other men
>eventually dies of space herpes

Na shes good.

>Dark Side acolyte
more like deus ex acolyte
et tu, disney?

so ian will voice over?

Because he can't be redeemed without atoning for his crimes by dying.

Didnt even make it through the last jedi

Yeah, this is so stupid it's probably true.

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was Reylo became canon?

Based J.J.

yeah... she literally went straight to the dark side when it called to her

but somehow. somehow. even without being warned or trained, and even though she fights with anger, she's immune.

this new """""trilogy"""", oh veyikes

dark side is now a representation of toxic masculinity ~females don't turn to the dark side because they are so in-tune with their emotions

TFW is actually true that that is what they are doing..

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They try to mind rape each other, but in the dumbest way possible.

>Kylo dies defeating Palpatine
Yeah sounds about as generic as JJ Abrams can come up with

Fuck Cuck "Everything in life is politics" Wendig.

Nah she sucked. And EU was a piece of garbage. Just because Disney "canon" sucks, doesn't mean that EU was worth anything. Only OT and PT should be considered canon. The only non-canon SW-related works worth anything were KOTOR and KOTOR 2.
The mere idea that the empire would allow aliens and women is fucking dumb. That was one of the major distinctions between them.
People were shitting on Mars Jade even before Disney bought SW:

fucking retarded. might as well reboot this whole garbo of a series. after what happened in the last movie this last episode will be doomed to bomb

Thanks now I don't have to see it

*major distinctions between them and rebels, obviously

The teeth

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The EU is for mega dorks

He can pull off a young McDiarmid, why would they make him a different person for no good reason?

The only way they could save this shit is if they connect the Star Wars Universe with MCU
>Thanos cameo
Top fucking kek

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>THEN, he goes on to become an incredibly based villain in a top tier pleb filter known as Terminator Genisys.

It was shite

You mean Legends right?

capaldi is better in every way, smith is still great though but he basically copied troughton

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Capaldi was by far the best actor, shame he was stuck with shitty Clara and garbage written by Moffat his whole run.

Matt Smith is gonna be in it? Holy shit why? He did so well for the terminator franchise.

>The Jedi must end
>Ok, time for the Jedi to come back.


Rey has never been shown drifting towards the dark side. Not once. she is 200% pure good. She is so good, in fact, that she can drawn on her emotions and not be consumed or controlled by them.

this is 100% true, it's so dumb and yet it makes so much sense for this braindead trilogy

As is their habit, Nu-Wars will take material from the EU, and change it enough to make it nearly unrecognizable

Sounds as lame as expected. Could be true.

Fuck, I don't care either way.

Its hilarious how much of a mess nu-Wars is.

Han is not supposed to be a Force ghost, he appears because of ghost Luke's plot powers.