>so you discuss films online? you must be a pretty big film buff
So you discuss films online? you must be a pretty big film buff
f-for you
>what was that, user?
For you
Actually I've never watched a movie or TV show in my life, same with with Yea Forums and vidya, doc...
film buff?
I'M A VERITABLE KINO-SEWER!!!!11!!!1!!1!!!1!!1
what would happen if I told a shrink that I have ab obsession with russian preteen instagram models?
>so you discuss films online
Did you not hear me? I said I post on Yea Forums.
Heh, you'd think so right? Wrong.
Fact is; I've been hooked on a steady diet of capeshit, cunny, and obscure meme films I only watch to get some fleeting validation from people I will never know. Crazy right? Yeah, well, that's me, and this is my story...
I went to a shrink for a year and each session I'd just sit there saying nothing because I don't trust anyone with personal information. I only went because it was part of the deal with getting neetbux
What did you get the bux for? The 'tism?
>So you, uh "post Sneed" to annoy these "jannies" you hate so much. Can you explain this to me more please?
depression and social anxiety disorder
So who is this "Bane" you keep asking to speak with Mr. user?
she presses the button under her desk that summons the police
Women don't use Yea Forums
but I haven't broken any laws
I feel you. I hope you really have this and aren't just lying to get free money.
Roasties don't post sneed. They are only interested in popular shit like GoT or Avengers, etc. and threads related to sex
Nah, I mostly just shitpost. Even if I do want to discuss a film, I have no understanding of the medium or the intelligence to recognize anything other that extremes so I'll either call a film "based" or "shit" and then call everyone who doesn't agree with me retarded.
I stopped getting it because I can't even face the ordeal of going to the doctor and psych. but will likely have to in the next few weeks or face homelessness
no, they don't show up immediately either. it just gives them a heads up to monitor you, and if you do break a law, they'll be there. This way, the shrink maintains the guise of patient-doc confidentiality while still performing a moral duty.
Like who for example haha just curious about this weird obsession of yours haha
They are sworn to the hippocratic oath unless they genuinely believe you will commit or have commited a crime, then they are obliged to inform the police.
what if user doesn't know any hippos
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can muster up the courage to go to your appointments. In all fairness I wouldn't trust a shrink either. I mean I have tried telling my parents things in my life and they think I'm crazy. Then, they wonder why I don't talk much. I love them but it's hard when most people don't believe what you say and think you as crazy.
I saw the jannie at a thread on Yea Forums yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him by posting choice copypasta for him to have to delete.
He said, “Oh, like you're doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could do was continue Sneedposting, but he kept going "I do this shit for free, based autist" and deleting my threads in front of my face. I walked away and tried to post a new thread, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I entered the CAPTCHA and tried to submit a new post, I got a screen telling me I had been banned.
The screen was very nice about it and professional, and was like “user, you need to stop shitting up the board first.” At first I kept pretending that I didn't care and that I just wouldn't post for ten days, but eventually I typed out an epic twist on the classic Gosling copypasta and submitted it to appeal my ban.
When the jannie saw my rebuttal and decided it was TL;DR, I reminded him that he does this for free and “to stop being a huge faggot,” and then winked at him. I don’t even know what I was thinking. After he ignored my plea and went back to stopping people from having fun, I kept interrupting the people around me by screeching about normies.
>The screen was very nice about it and professional, and was like “user, you need to stop shitting up the board first.”
You would be based, but also turning effectively turning yourself in to the thought police. However, seeing a shrink for any reason is tipping them off
>Yeah bitch, and I got a pretty big cock to go with it, so bend over and let me slide this hefty boy up the ol' poop chute. Better grit yer teeth and hug your knees, because I got in fast and I go on dry. Only lube you'll get is a sticky load of cum, and at that point it's more of a salve
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