Quick I need Netflix and chill suggestions

Quick I need Netflix and chill suggestions
What do normies watch when they make fuck?

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Watch something like house of cards dude class and sex

OP here
Dubs decide what movie line I say as I bust a nut
Will post results


My favorite movie of all time. Luv ya brie!

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>You can’t handle the truth!


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Is there a sign in my yard that says dead nigger storage?


Stranger Things?

Literally anything. You won't really be watching the movie if you do things right

>Tell me about Bane!
>Why does he wear the mask?

Attached: ...bane.jpg (800x480, 67K)

Watch Riverdale


Watch one of the many many Hitler documentaries

>King Kong ain’t got shit on me

Show me the money!


I have AIDS

Holy shit

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based and aidspilled

Cloud Atlas

Better yet, put on some fucking music

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2 1/2 Weeks

Whatever they're interested in? Just don't pick some horror or hyper action movie and you're fine.


Time's Arrow.

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Need a place to upload audio
She was not happy


No idea why this made me laugh, but it did.

Braveheart, they will never take away our freedom!!!

Just use Vocaroo like everyone else.

kekd and checked

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13 reasons why

Instructions for a retard

Why doesn't 4channel have an imbed for vocaroo when they offer it, even though it seems like the go to for links? Same with Pico our whatever

any foreign language movie(european only), be passionate about watching it.The more passionate you are,the more she will want to distract you from it.

The Force will be with you, always.

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OP, fuck the netflix do this instead immediately and I promise you the girl will be soaking wet by the time she steps in. Text her and tell her that you're gonna fuck her brains off and describe the things you're going to do to her. Only soibois invites a girl over under the pretense of netflix and chill. Literally a faggot move.

Ome wa shinderu

This actually works very well depending on who you're talking to and if you aren't a complete pussy