My girlfriend's younger brother (also room mate) watches television and film at 2x speed and refuses to watch it any other way. Is this autism? How do I put a stop to this?
pic unrelated
My girlfriend's younger brother (also room mate) watches television and film at 2x speed and refuses to watch it any other way. Is this autism? How do I put a stop to this?
pic unrelated
He does it to fuck with you
No I can hear him watching Netflix at 2x speed in his room
He knows you're listening. He does it even when you're not in the house because he knows your gf will tell you. This little nigger is playing with you mind, man. This is literally psychological torture.
are you him?
He's more advanced than the average person it seems.
He wastes less time with a brain powerful enough to take in media at faster speeds.
I mean I watch shows and videos at 1.5 speed. It just makes sense. I thought this was normal behavior ?
Wait can you actually set playback speed on Netflix? I might actually watch things on it then.
I was most YouTube videos at 1.5 speed because people don’t know how to speak
no this is autism
I dont think he is that smart he's 18, gay, and studying dance or some shit
media that's shit and predictable should be played as fast as possible even the the point where you can't even tell what they are saying anymore and need to use subtitles, if it's actually good you can slow it down then
I often watch at 1.3 or 1.5
2.0 is too fast everyone sounds like alvin
A lot of geniuses are pretty fucking eccentric.
>being a gay dancer makes you an eccentric genius
jesus christ zoomers
Why even watch things then.
Eventually people will become too ADD to actually watch anything and consumer media will be implanted straight into your brains.
>Why even watch things then.
what do you mean then
Do you intentionally read books at the same rate as illiterate people?
I don't even watch TV or movies anymore. I only pretend to and then shitpost here
You're autistic if you think watching more than 1 hour of something alone is entertaining.
How is it ADD to watch something in a way that requires more focus than usual?
Also, are you aware of how slow speaking is compared to the rate at which we read?
Use a video player that adjusts for pitch like mpv (linux) or smplayer (windows)
Yes? Who the fuck would speedread poetry for example
I've watched multiple films at .25X with motion blur on. it's a transcendental experience
I literally watch most youtube videos at 1.5x and would do the same with movies if there was a good media player for it (VLC sucks).
holy fuck you chuckleheads really are autistic why didnt i believe it
People with better brains than yours
Anything on Netflix is a flick and deserves to be watched at 2x speed.
idk what you mean there are plenty of kino films on netflix
youre meant to read poetry with a particular cadence you fucking peasant
it is literally in the name. It is all flicks you can watch on the net.
The only reason you would watch movies or shows at normal speed is if the show/movie commands the respect of the audience by being well-written/directed with good pacing and atmosphere. These represent 0.00001% of movies and none of them are on Netflix either.
You’re meant to recite poetry with a cadence. When reading it you can read at any speed and still maintain the cadence
>comparing Netflix to poetry
t. sub 140 IQ brainlet
2x is too fast 1.3x is the best
>all these autists
Good thing you'll never breed.
idk maybe netflix in USA doesnt have license for any good films? why would I watch LOTR at 2x speed? or goodfellas or the departed? or mad men or fargo? or escape from alcatraz or the untouchables? the "netflix is shit" meme doesnt make sense... netflix originals sure
t. sub 100 IQ autist suffering from dunning-kruger effect
I have to watch shit at 1.5 because I don't have any fucking free time, wagecuckery is beyond depressing and I think I will actually kill myself in a few years
>goodfellas or the departed
Those movies deserve to be watched at 2x
>He lets Hollywood kike directors control the speed of his kino consumption
This is just objectively wrong.
they are just examples from on my list -- these are good films, just because they are popular doesnt make them dogshit. goodfellas especially is iconic
what about the godfather? i have that on netflix, should I watch 2x speed because everything on netflix "deserves" to be watched 2x?
This thread upsets me unreasonably and I'll pretend none of you people exist and that you're just trolling
what about lord of war, another example of kino offered by netflix? enough with all streaming services are absolute unsalvagable shit meme
>he doesnt take his time with literature
Reading fast makes you smarter. His intellect is vastly superior to yours.
>take his time
We’re talking about being held back to the standards of people with less capable minds than you
Me taking my time is the equivalent of some idiot trying to watch Game of Thrones at 2x speed
i usually watch at 1.5 by default, and increase to 4x at "intense moments" when the movie is trying to slow down, back to 1.3 when the talk is too fast
>goodfellas especially is iconic
Brainlet defending Netflix
This is autism though. You have autism, user.
goodfellas is not an iconic? i will give you the benefit and call you a troll instead of a fool
With headphones I watch everything at 2x speed. Without headphones I can only watch Americans at 2x speed. Have to bump down humans to 1.75.
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it iconic.
>My girlfriend's younger brother (also room mate)
and nobody has a problem with this in this thread? white people are fucked...
doesn't make it not iconic, rather
Graduate highschool
This. Motherfuckers be cray cray.
My girlfriend and I live together in a college town. We have two bedrooms. Her younger brother moved down for uni this year. He rents the second bedroom. What is fucked about this?
Dude, Goodfellas is an iconic gangster movie and iconic Scorsese. I don't care how "reddit" you think it is. Do you know what iconic means?
Because you mayo ass devils be incesting all over the damn place.
I would only ever do it very very rarely for a long youtube video where the speaker is just slow or retarded like in a ted talk or its very technical and social norms arent as relevant.
But seriously if you watch movies and everything on 2x just because of autism. Go get a fidget spinner or some shit.
There is, it's called mpv.
Who are you quoting?
Iconic means I should know more about Goodfellas than two stupid laughing scenes, a guy cutting garlic, and Ray Liotta saying “as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to be a Goodfellas”
When people think of gangster movies they immediately think 3 things: Scarface (1932), The Godfather, and Goodfellas. When people think Martin Scorsese they immediately think 3 things: Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and Goodfellas.
That's what iconic means. It doesn't mean good or bad. If you didn't enjoy the film, particular scenes probably won't be very memorable for you. That doesn't mean it isn't iconic.
Oh so it is an iconic Scorsese movie and an iconic gangster movie
The fact that even through your apparently abundant disdain for this film you can still recall a 2 second scene of someone cutting garlic illustrates just how iconic it is, you industrial cock inhaling faggot.
>going slow is the equivalent of going fast
who knew everyone on Yea Forums actually was this fucking autistic "human speech is too slow for my advanced mind" lmao fucking robot freaks have sex already
I often watch YouTube videos on 1.5 because they're often made to be slow as shit. Especially instructional videos where they have to slow it down so even the biggest pajeet can pull it off.
But if I'm watching something for my own enjoyment, like a CinemaSins video or a show/movie that I decide to watch on my own volition, I'm going to watch it at original speed. I'm not one to alter someone else's work, and if I don't like it due to pacing, or if it's too boring to sit through 40 minutes of it, then I'll just drop it. I'm not a hostage to some autism that compels me to finish everything I started regardless of interest.
Americans speak way too slowly. They have exceptionally slow brains.
Not an argument
Usain Bolt goes for a walk with a 76 year old woman with lung cancer
why even entertain such a brainlet false equivalence
This has to be an American thing. Can't waste time watching movies that could be better used working for mr shekelberg I assume.
I’ll have you know I work for mr Abdul
Keep speedreading the classics, no one is going to stop you
It took me a good while to realize this myself but this man speaks the truth
It also makes any documentary instantly 50% more entertaining
>none of them are on Netflix
Is American Netflix really this bad? In NZ we have things like Apocalypse Now, Mulholland Drive, The Exorcist, Leaving Las Vegas, Reservoir Dogs... this is just a sample of things I've viewed recently. Why would I want to speed any of these films up?
so many neets in this thread
you can with chrome plugins.
Once neurolink becomes real he'll be ahead of the curve. Speech is caveman era bullshit.
What the fuck, I think I'm gonna do this now. I can now watch more film or tv shows in the same amount of time now.
To be fair I've started to watch all pod casts and shows at 1.25-1.5 unless they're action orientated
This post converted me to speed watching.
By this reasoning you should speed up like 90% of the media you consume
This thread just proves the majority of Yea Forums is 18 or younger
because the vast majority of the media you consume is american meaning you have to speed it up to match your somehow infinitely superior british intellect
Is it?
people talk too slowly i never watch anything at less than 1.5x
keep talking vaguely like it makes you seem smart/special but everyone knows britons spend 99% of their time consumer brainless american media like everyone else and 1% of their time consuming brainless british media they think is somehow more intelligent/superior (it isnt)
I don't think I've seen any American media since 2013.
I really, really, really feel bad for you, poor little thing
You are underage, I can tell.
are you fucking serious? do you actually have autism?
and...? why does it matter?
a blatant and obvious lie
yes but i don't think that's relevant
>escape from alcatraz is not a good film
>implying a child in 2019 would have seen escape from alcatraz
I like to emulate old games and use boost mode that makes the game go 200-300% faster so i guess thats something similar.
Alright, retards. What speed do I watch Speed at?
>allegedly hasn't seen "American" meda since 2013
its american in one way or another. there is no way you have watched only the BBC for the past 6 years (which, by the way, often employs americans). fuck off and kill yourself
Well, I don't have a television set and I don't go to the cinema. I download films from Russia and watch them on my Chinese computer running Linux, a Finnish/Swedish kernel.
so you havent seen game of thrones? or any marvel movie?
i don't watch television or films i come here exclusively to shitpost
No, I haven't seen them.
why are you so easily triggered by what someone you don't know watches on television in a different country?
why are you people so repulsively autistic?
that's a lie
samefag and also everyone in every country consumes american media
Where is the lie?
that you dont consume american media. you clearly speak english well enough which means if you are from any of the anglosphere countries you will have consumed your fair share of american media and if you are from a country that does not have anything to do with the english language then you have learned it to a degree that suggests regular consumption of american media
But how would I have consumed it? I don't watch television or go to the cinema. The pub only shows domestic horse racing. I don't know how I could possibly see American media without trying.
>everyone in every country consumes american media
Are you even trying, schlomo?
Did that for house of cards, and it was more than needed
>Get ready for rush hour
You watch it at a speed that turns the movie's runtime to exactly one hour.
>raging bull
uhh, sweetie?
>that's right goyim, you don't even have time to watch a single movie. Work for mr. shekelstein instead.
I find the sweet spot is 1.3x speed and I only do it for dialogue heavy movies.
Malick's movies are meant to be watched at 2x
Why the fuck are you even watching movies if you hold this opinion? Are you absolutely retarded?
In fact I happen to agree with you, that's why I haven't watched a single movie in 3 years. Speedwatching is the most retarded waste of time I've ever heard about. Do you also like to consume media ironically?
Youtubers just fill up the time to get more ad revenue. So many are just regurgitating the point they made in the title or first 2 minutes just over and over with no more info to add but it still goes on for 10 to 15 minutes, some only thanks to countless Uhmms and Ahs.
I also like putting on a video, pausing it, turning on subtitles and skip every 10 seconds to read the dialogue, you really aren't missing much with most. Only a well edited essay is worth normal speed.
there are people who don't watch movies at 1.25 speed? how will you ever get through your backlogs?
Podcasts and YouTube videos at 2x speed. It’s amazing how much fucking filler people spew. you still absorb the main talking points so how is it autistic?
I only watch the action scenes in capeshits and skip the rest
this is retarded but still better than watching an entire capeshit flick
because his sister's getting fucked in the room next to his every day?
i watch most tv shows in half their ep length and i never miss anything
and what do you gain by doing this? you realize you could just read the plot synopsis from wikipedia or something if all you want to do is pretend you watched it and shitpost about it here
His brain is fried from constant entertainment, and his capacity for artistic appreciation has diminished. He is nothing more than a pair of lenses, simply absorbing the flickering lights to pass the time, yet at an increased speed so he can still pretend he isn't wasting it. Chances are he is also "multitasking" while watching, browsing the web or texting, another meme that has no basis in reality.
skip boring irrelevant filler, can't do it for all shows, but you can for most, like the latest got, jamie and brienne fucking, why do you need to watch that, irrelevant to the story couldn't give a shit wasted time
If you were so concerned with saving time for quality media, you would have never started Game of Thrones.
This can't be a real thing. I've heard of listening to lectures on double speed to save time when you're just trying to get information. But film? What the fuck. You're inhuman if you do this. Just a machine trying to absorb information as fast as possible. You sicken me. Take meds for adhd if it's that bad of a problem, but holy fuck not every medium has to be turned into fast food. Fucking hell..
Are all the rooms in your house right next to each other? There is a lounge between our rooms. Is it weird that your dad fucked your mom every other night with you and your sister in the same house? Have sex.
This very website is American media, genius.
based and truthpilled
From my experience I have found out you can quite literally beat the autism out of a loved one with a closed fist. Just keep telling them “this hurts me more than it hurts you.”
all movies are for retards, arguing about the speed of retardation is irrelevant.
My gf's younger brother has to listen to the same d'n'b song on repeat at exactly volume 8 when he goes to sleep. Anything else and he'll sperg out. It's autism you can't explain this shit.
why tho
the fact that you dont know why its autism is autism
Then why watch it at all? If it's not informational and it's worth watching it's worth actually taking in.
>In order to eat all of this shit I'm going to have to do it at 2x speed!
Just stop eating shit?
I do that too. TV and movies go too slow.
You fucking moron.
imagine unironically being this hyperactive
this @ literally everyone in this thread
Yea Forums is dead
THIS IS HOW I WATCH YOUTUBE. i gain twice the knowledge
I like watching movies at 0.25 speed
idiotic incel
but like half of the beauty of poetry is in its rhythm
since the dawn of of time
user, where do you think you are right now? This is not leddit.
Podcasts and YouTube are trash, 2x speed is fine. If you watch actual films this way though you are a pleb who cannot appreciate art.