Will it be /kino/ ?

Will it be /kino/ ?

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No, Chadwick is a meme pick and yet another in a long line of, “handsome young PoC plays the dashing hero of a story about the triumph of diversity against evil traditionalists.”


It’s a historical myth that leftists and we wuzes think is real. But the film could be good if they do it like afro samurai

The shogun kept Yosuke as a glorified pet.
This movie will be a blackwash.

it is going to be fun to watch liberals fight eachother over cultural appropriation vs "yey black people"

So before Hollywood makes a movie about an actual japanese samurai legend, they make a movie about this meme man had zero effect on the shaping of Japan, so little that nobody knows what happened to him, or there are no portraits of him.


>could make a movie about any samurai, the almost 100% of them that were Asian
>Hollywood has to make it about a BLACK SAMURAI

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He was one of Nobunaga's retainers you historically illiterate faggot, that made him a samurai. Becoming a samurai wasn't ritualized like becoming a knight, if you could walk around in public with a sword and you served a lord you were a samurai.

lmao im sure you knew a lot about this topic until /pol/ pointed out to you a day ago sweaty

It's 100%. You can count foreign samurai with one hand, and the samurai made up about 10% of Japan.
In fact, Yasuke wasn't necessarily a samurai.

why is his head so small


Proof Hollywood doesn't give a shit about asians.

Prove it tranny

Chadwick is alright because at least he's not ugly like Boyega.

A fuck, I meant to say non-Asian samurai.
Also, mirin my quads.

Asians don't go to the movies. Black people go a lot. If you went you would know

Y'all finna learn about my nigga Yasuke who was the 48th ronin but the motherfuckin gaijin don't want you to no about dat shit

>The Last Samurai 2: WE WUZ KATANAZ

>Asians don't go to the movies
no wonder they have a reputation for being smart

He got to carry a sword around with him in public. That literally made him a samurai because it's a right only samurai had.

Sorry I'm alergic to /pol/ since I'm centre-left politically. Or as you would call me, alt-right.

Most moviegoers I’ve seen are teens and Chads.

Samurai Jack is voiced by a black man

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nothing wrong with this, he was kino

I go with my wife and kid and it's mostly blacks and mexicans and basedboys

Hope Oda is at a least the co-protagonist, like The Last Samurai. But it being a KANG movie, it will probably be all about how he wuz taken from Africa and he did all that fucking shit NIGGA.

ayyo we wuz samuraiz n shieet nigga

if they go full black dynamite, itll be satisfying. if they try to go the route of last samurai, nah man

Strictly, it can not be affirmed that they were official samurai even though they looks compatible with the modern concept of "samurai". All men from samurai class were permitted to wear daishō. However, people from other social classes were sometimes allowed to wear swords. For example, Hijikata Toshizō, the famous swordsman and vice-commander of Shinsengumi was born as a son of farmer. Even though he wore daishō and engaged in police activity, he couldn't gain the title of the official retainer of bakufu until 1867.

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Black Dynamite wouldn’t fly in this age of Broad Appeal.

>first non-asian samurai in japan

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i don't live near black people

Is it going to be about Nobunaga or just Yasuke?

>first non-Asian samurai
INCORRECT. The original English shipbuilder of the first Japanese fleet enjoyed the title in the Tokugawa era when he commissioned Tokugawa's fleet. I forgot his name, but I'll look it up.

Yes! Yes. kikes know best what a average goy needs.

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How is Hollywood going to balance their need to constantly portray blacks as oppressed victims while not shitting too hard on Japanese because they don't want to portray them as privileged and in charge like white people?

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Nobody said Nobunaga is supposed to be Asian, right?

William Adams

You do know the Sengoku period took place before the Tokugawa shogunate, right?


William Adams/Miura Anjin? Wiki says he arrived in Japan 21 years after Yasuke

Of course they would, remember Silence and Isle of Dogs?

Yasuke was literally just a plaything for Nobunaga brought to him by the Poortugese, who fought in one battle, died, and didn't even save his master.
He's a fucking meme. Compare that to actually interesting samurai, including foreign ones.

how about a move about a japanese samurai?

This could be a good movie, but it wont be because western zionist jews are making it.

can't wait for yasukekino desu lads

It wasn't during the Sengoku period.
In 1604, Tokugawa ordered Adams and his companions to help Mukai Shōgen, who was commander-in-chief of the navy of Uraga, to build Japan's first Western-style ship.

there's tons of movies about asian samurais though

I have a felling Chadwick just got typecast for every WE WUZ role for the rest of his life

>will it be kino?

it will be some sjw/pro-black bullshit

Attached: Sakura getting kissed by Hanachan 😙 https___t.co_ONRtFC0aJ5-[00.01.869-00.06.374].webm (1280x720, 2.63M)

i actually think a black dude living in feudal japan is pretty interesting desu

Not AS ugly as Boyega.


it will be basically this but samurai themed

arr rook arike

Nigwick has slanted eyes so I can almost see the resemblance


Then you should go discuss it on reddit

Why do they never make films/tv-shows about precolonial Africa? Why not a show about Mansa Musa or the Aksum Empire? Why nothing about the Kingdom of Kongo? Why is it always LOOK LOOK AT THE BLACK PPL IN MEDIEVAL TIMES/SAMURAI/ANCIENT GREECE!!XDXD Why is there a constant obsession with inserting black people into non-black history while there is so precious little work done on actual black history? Inb4 "lol stone age niggers nothing was happening there before whites" in some cases that may have been true but in many others, there were flourishing societies though they were often less technologically advanced than those found Eurasia. Plenty enough material for interesting media. Yet, there is this almost Eurocentric outlook espoused by many of these supposed champions of black empowerment in which their own history is almost shamefully pushed into the shadows. Consequently, rather than doing anything interesting with their own racial and ethnic identities black people instead choose to shoehorn themselves into alien and foreign situations as if they are trying to escape their own histories/selves. Why is this? Does it come out of the duality for many blacks of growing up in a western society with an ostensibly white history in which they are painfully aware they have no place beyond a certain historical period? Or is it simply a kind of racial narcissism?

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Not for the rest of his life, once he starts showing his age they’re going to dump him. The Jewish warlocks that run Hollywood need him as the virile mocha-latte urban stud, and you can’t do that with wrinkles.

He better learn nip for this. I'm going to be pissed if the movie is japs speaking terrible English instead of subtitles

I enjoyed the Last Samurai, so I obviously don't give a shit about accuracy. Sure, I'll watch

no they should've got idris elba


I wonder how Yea Forums would sperg if last samuari was released today

Aaand Yasuke served under Nobunaga during the Sengoku period...

The only Japanese will be Ken Watanabe, the rest are of Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese descent.


only to people who don't know who they are

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Yeah because his voice doesn't sound terribly black it just sounds like Samurai Jack. LaMarr is an excellent voice actor but it would be weird to see him in person as Jack the same way it would be weird to see some pasty ass white guy playing him.

i've never even been there. why are you so obsessed with it?

>japs speaking terrible English instead of subtitles
theres no doubt this will be it. a we wuz story with the Black Panther lead is purely for the americans

historically yasake was never more than a servant

You know this surprise girl/girl kiss that Japanese and S. Korean idol groups do is bs, right? Like how they go for the kiss that everybody knows is happening, but one of the girls is always shocked that it happened?

And I bet they'll depict Nobunaga as a good goy for it as well, fuck this gay earth

Tom cruise is based and can do no wrong. It's actually a great movie.
Give it a re-watch if you haven't seen it lately

>S. Korean idol groups do

kpop girls don't do this. if they do, link me to one

>Like how they go for the kiss that everybody knows is happening

then why weren't the other members shocked by what happened? they seem to have not noticed as if it was not planned

Nobunaga was not the Shogun. He was a Diamyo. His titulation did not make Yasuke a true samurai. Yasuke was only a weapon bearer. He did not carry his swords with him.

Because Africa is a boring shithole that is only known for wildlife, violence, and corruption. I would literally pay to see a fully supported Africa based movie, not because I care about that place, but because I would love to see how they can make this bland primative wasteland interesting.

a black samurai speaking english in japan(where they don't speak english) sounds retarded

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>Movie about a black samurai in japan
>Written by a white American guy, produced by whites and directed by an American white guy
>Probably will be speaking english
This is disgusting

how about a futuristic movie that takes place in the past when blacks were kings and queens?

samuel j jackson as yakub

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Man Im sure glad we dont get any movies about musashi or oda nobunaga, they arent interesting or important to the history of japan at all, lets focus on the 1 black guy that existed in their country before ww2
maybe we can get a sequel that takes place in okinawa showing all the nog soldiers raping and dismembering the children and americans protecting them like the little cucks they are

You mean (((white)))
And the movie will be filmed in New Zealand or some shit

A very compelling argument user. I've always wondered this myself, why do blacks cry about not being represented in fictitious depictions of historical Europe, but don't complain about the absence of their own history in film/television. It's fine for Shakespeare or Achilles to be a nigra, but I'd bet the house there'd be a shitstorm if Shaka Zulu was played by a slav, the victim complex perpetuates

Only if Wu-Tang Clan does the soundtrack

Exactly. Imagine if there were an actual African period piece in which there were white extras in the background the way there are often Blacks in European period films. When asked about it the filmmakers could use the same justifications of alleged historical diversity that are often applied in the opposite situation. Do you imagine that people (i.e. vocal socially leftist individuals) would find that acceptable? I think not.

that would be stupid. they already had that with afro samurai and ghost dog. it would be so overused

wu tang clan every time they do a black samurai movie

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pls dont bully New Zealand

I wouldn't even mind watching African movies about an African tribe in Mozambique or some shit
It's the jews and American blacks that have no interest in that

Your anus is overused

Literally a nazi. Might as well wear a swastika and trim your moustache at this point

why don't they make films about the aztects, maya and incas?

Oh so its a true story, i was wondering why pol wasnt freaking out

lmao japs are cucks.
IMAGINE how many children he fucked and how many goblins they spawned. japs are 100% cuckolds, netotare is very popular in japan too

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I can tell this poster is right, he obviously watches alot of anime

why is his armor and helmet made of leaves and plaided tree bark? lol

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most japs had bamboo and wood armor

They did make a Xhaka Zulu tv series.

Sure, but why nothing more recent? With the pro-black identity movement and all its social power ats its apex today why no attempts to produce a new blockbuster or show? The social media campaign would run itself if it had a positive image of an almost entirely black cast. People would feel obligated to see it the same way they did with Black Panther as a form of consumer activism. Yet it seems like the media almost prefers to relegate blacks to an out of place minority role in many productions or an almost comically bizarre lead in others about nonblack characters. Why? These aren't necessarily questions directed at (you) just my own befuddlement at the lack of what would seem like an instantly successful formula being employed by film and television.

A black samurai seems unrealistic, like another we wuz myth. A better casting choice would've been someone like Tom Cruise.

>Asians don't go to the movies.
What is China

Why is he wearing the Jew warning cone Hat?

Source: i just made that up lmao

Why is that so funny? It seems logical to me.

>A black samurai seems unrealistic
But he actually existed, user.

Well they did make Black Panther. That movie takes place in Africa, if Africa was the opposite of what it is now.


God you people are such exhausting fucking morons. I'm so glad you're too mentally ill to be able to enjoy anything

A couple, yeah. Usually "true" stories like last samurai and yosuke. The fact that they were outsiders is what makes it interesting

insect colony

>samurai hollywood movie
>will be most likely filmed in the usa
>will be most likely be caste gooks, chinks and the usual jap on speed dial

Can they top the last samurai?

Nobunaga passed an edict forbidding civilians from carrying weapons, but not all non-civilians were samurai.

yeah I'm thinking it's kino

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This actually sounds interesting.

Can we have a movie about a Mexican Samurai? I feel ill-represented

I didn't even think of this angle. This is how they fuck up the movie, by shoehorning some retarded romance angle. Fuck, this movie will be shit

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They really should make more.

I think it's due to the massive secret that is Quetzalcoatl and how far advanced spiritually they were... To the point where this information is "better suppressed".

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>It's 100%. You can count foreign samurai with one hand,
Do you know how percentages work? Even if you have 1 million blue marbles and 1 red marble in a bag, the percentage of blue marbles won't 100%

i bet you havent complained about this

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because it's not about raising up black people it's about shitting on white people, narcissism is a hell of a drug

>Tom cruise
>Keane Reeves
>black panther
I love it when hollywood cast anything but Asian as samurai

See, THIS is how you do black casting right. With proper historical context to it, not for MUH DIVERSITY. Big nigga samurai is gonna be kino as fuck.

Asians(and non descript Europeans) have to play bad guys in Hollywood

Marxist revisionist diversicult propaganda can't be kino

Ninja are fictional to begin with

>Keane Reeves isn't half asian

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They didn't even cast it right. Yasuke is supposed to be pitch black, sub-saharan African. Chadwick is relatively light skinned.
> Matsudaira Ietada, the retainer of Ieyasu described Yasuke as "6 shaku 2 sun (6 ft. 2 in., or 188 cm.). He was black, and his skin was like charcoal."
They'll also probably write him as a civilized, articulate genius, when in real life, when he was captured, he wasn't even recognized as a human, and Nobunaga kept him around because his appearance freaked out his enemies, who thought he was some kind of demon under Nobunaga's control

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lmao japanese women love black men

Wouldn't this Yasuke have been an Andamanese rather than a Black African based on proximity to Japan?

I mean could he technically be the first black weeaboo?

They did cast Asians as samurai in The Last Samurai. Tom Cruise wasn't the only samurai in the film, and the title doesn't imply that he himself is the last samurai, but that the group of samurai that he's hired to train and ultimately becomes part of are, collectively, The Last Samurai (plural).

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Name 3 big name Asian star actors who could sell a high budget film on their own

Pretty sure being a samurai was class based and was more luck of birth than just walking around with a sword. If it were that simple I bet every peasant would try escaping their lower class persecution to join their oppressors

That said, I think the black samurai guy was probably appointed as an extremely rare exception

He’s complaining about how over done and ham fisted this “diversity” spell is in Hollywood. It was thought provoking to have strong female/colored characters maybe 2-3 decades ago; but now there’s nothing provocative about it at all

It’s pretty much an industry standard. So much so that it’s getting boring and over done

He was taken to Japan by an Italian missionary, no-one's pinpointed his exact origins definitively but Italy got their blacks from Africa.

It was never about being thought provoking. You're being replaced, now quicker than ever.

I'm pretty angry about this


Oh yeah dude, there's never been any movies about Musashi or Nobunaga. Not even one. They're overlooked in Japanese culture.

Would make a based movie desu

That was an snl skit

You don’t have to be white to know that reputation that pretends to be more than what it is gets boring fast

Hope so. The West needs to adopt Samurai culture.


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>luck of birth
This is only true in periods of relative stability. So pretty much every shogunate - especially the Tokugawa - enforced the rigid class system. The Sengoku period was one of the best times in Japanese history for a peasant or non-samurai to make something of himself. See: Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

>>Written by a white American guy

user, I...

>literal thousands of much richer and greater stories about asian samurai
>single out that 1 nigger story based on obscure historical sources
And leftists will still tell you its not political
On the other hand, at least theyre doing this to asians not whites so im not bothered too much

Hiroyuki Sanada
Ken Watanabe
Toshiro Mifune

Nice quads. William Adams biopic when?

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He was Nobunaga's pet lmao. They didn't even consider him human there.

The list you linked shows Yasuke was not a samurai.

He wasn't samurai, just a pet monkey

"niggers steal bikes" American proverb

I loved that game.

But Jews told me that niggers are noble and that Japs love them.

there's been countless samurai movies

the Japanese are honorary so it still counts

You realize the Japanese were super tolerant to white Europeans aswell to the point were Christianity started having a huge influence in Japan. I don't know why they would be intolerant towards blacks, dumb /pol/tards.

>not making some literally who weapons bearer an actual samurai is intolerant

>hollywood reboots an older film for the asian audience

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So kinda like those nigger women who helped the astronauts by pouring their coffee

Because the movies and series are for afro americans who are more western educated than african. They dont know africa nor they care about africa, especially since it still is hell and third world today!
And all epic africa is egypt, which are arabic than black african.

I agree.

Because its unfilmable. Too much blood and killings. Less informations what happened, western history is better known. And filming in jungle is too hard and costs too mich.

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He's gonna be a black miyamoto musashi who bests all the best swordfighters in the orient instead of an exotic visitor that a xenophilic emperor bestows an honorary title upon.
It's like actors receiving knighthoods.

Nobunaga was extremely based, dilate.

>there will never be truly weird and out-there afro science fiction or fantasy because incels would spill too much spaghetti

shiiieeeet stay mad wh*teboi

>the virgin Yasuke
>the chad William Adams

It'll be coono


meant for

>They'll also probably write him as a civilized, articulate genius, when in real life, when he was captured,
He was never 'captured', he was the assistant of a Jesuit priest, Jesuits making it a point to educate their servants and slaves. Yasuke spoke his native language, Portugese, and learned to be fluent in Japanese, and was literate in both languages. The Jesuit priest loaned him to Nobunaga after Nobunaga expressed an interest in the black servant.

So, you’re trying to tell me, that not only was the first non-Asian samurai not black, it was two white dudes from England and the Netherlands?

Shit. Guess they better scrap the movie, then.

Japanese would give a shit if someone did movie with all black cast about medieval europe

the scrubbing scene is going to be kino

Will they keep the scene where he was forced to scrub himself because the Japanese thought he was just really dirty?

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>Why do they never make films/tv-shows about precolonial Africa? Why not a show about Mansa Musa or the Aksum Empire? Why nothing about the Kingdom of Kongo? Why is it always LOOK LOOK AT THE BLACK PPL IN MEDIEVAL TIMES/SAMURAI/ANCIENT GREECE!!XDXD

Because its not actually about empowering black people or making them proud of their own history, the producers of these films are not black. Its about subverting the concept of racial exclusivity primarily directed toward whites as the principle entity that needs to be deconstructed to pave the way for a raceless, nationless materialist technocracy. Blacks are just willing pawns to reinvent european history and break down the sense of identity in European people as having a distinct past that wasn't always multiracial/multicultural.

I read an early draft that said there will be a scene where he has a sex scene with your favorite white actress


They don't consider non-Japanese in general human. Also


You have to be 18 to post here.

Konichua, Yea Forums. Watashi wa Oda Nobunaga, desu

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But they did make a movie about a samurai legend. It was last samurai

There has been black people in Asian since always. Caucs and asians have tried to cover up our history. We were everywhere.

>Asians don't go to the movies
China is the second biggest movie market in the world.

Yasuke ending isn't very glorious though, he gets captured by Mitsuhide who refuses to give him a samurai's death because he doesn't see him as a real samurai or worthy of their ritual death. Then he gets sent back to be a Portuguese slave.

It gonna be in, and they gonna paint it as black being persecuted everywhere. fucking "victims"

Wow that just shows how racist asian people are.

>a movie about black people being black
Why is that niggers care so much about their skin color?

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i have made similar posts like this before but i always get the "DURR NIGGERS" response. it's a shame that TPTB choose to pervert white history instead of actually depicting black history. i would absolutely want to see kino made about the black-american settlers in liberia and the conflicts that caused, for instance. or even just faithfully adapting black art onto the screen instead of just shoving black people into white art.

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>I would literally pay to see a fully supported Africa based movie, not because I care about that place, but because I would love to see how they can make this bland primative wasteland interesting.

This. Blacks don't make the decisions.

Though there's an aspect of anti-white animus in this push for "diversity", it's also likely that big budget all-black movies are not made because audiences would simply not go in vast numbers, including blacks themselves (except if it's capeshit).

Remember, itisnr cultural appropriation when blacks take credit for other people's cultures.

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No, Chadwick is so hammy, it fits MCU, but MBJ carried him in Black Panther

OK but why make a film just because he's black, what does it matter? We are all the same race.

Blacks have no cultural identity or accomplishments.
Therefore being part of (and taking credit for) a superior culture is their only chance of historical accomplishment.

>Do your research! (I provide no sources)
Every fucking time

lol All the guns in that movie are probably real because it would be more expensive to buy props. Also
>They walk slow
>Because they think slow
Gets me every time.

He was thought of non-human when presented to the lord, that's why he wasn't executed.

Are you retarded? The Last Samurai was completely fictional. It was inspired by two real stories, but none of the characters are real.

Akechis forces literally captured him. He was "captured" at birth and enslaved. There is no evidence he was "fluent" in Japanese.

What is up with all this nigger shit on Yea Forums, every single thread has at least one (1) nigger in it. What the fuck is going on?

>Blacks: *exist

I don't get it. His name is Chadwick Boseman. This is the name of a posh white lad who would get bummed in public school.

Nobunaga Oda was called the demon king for having intermingled with christians and westerners, what the fuck are you talking about

>The Japanese get cucked out of being the central portrayers of their history yet again.

Because movies aren't made to show the regular, the majority. It's the exception / exceptional individual that is the force behind the plot in most hollywood scripts. That's because they overuse the "hero's journey" structure for the screenwriting. The one that stands out / doesn't fit is just easiest to translate into the always same formula of the hero's journey. If they made a movie about an asian samurai, it would have to be one with a disability or from very low social standing that usually wouldn't be allowed to become a samurai. It's just the pattern.

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Tom Cruise declined the leading role in Second Last Samaria.

Dunno bou movie bu acto is kino

Tbh it's an interesting story

Tbh it's a story based on history that they're gonna have to pull 90% out of their asses because there are barelly any documentation of it.

>implying the 'black' isn't purely metaphorical or symbolic
And they wonder why we don't take their 'oppression' seriously?

Were you in the gas chambers of WW2? Because that's where you bix nood faggots belong.

There's literally en entire genre of movies about Asian samurai and one film about an actual historical black one doesn't change that.

>There's literally an entire genre of movies made by the Japanese and the west selfinserting themselves in their history yet again wont change that.
Just tweaked your post to make it a little more true.

>first African
yall don't even know they was the first Japanese

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>Pretty sure being a samurai was class based and was more luck of birth
no, that's only true of later periods when samurais shifted from a warrior class to a bureaucratic class. In the feudal period in which Nobunaga lived in, anyone that served a daimyo and had gone through the training and ceremony to earn the right to carry a katana was a samurai. They were nobles, yes, but not necessarily by birth. During the 18th century, a full 10% of the population were samurais.

>implying Japan will stand for this
>Implying this movie won't flop

It's not the West self inserting anything, Yasuke is an actual historical figure. This is like saying a movie about Obama would be blacks self inserting into American history.

>It's not the West self inserting anything, Yasuke is an actual historical figure.
>Have story placed during sengoku jidai
>Concentrate in one of the handfull obscure people that aren't japanese nor really play a big role in the history of the period.
It's as selfinserting as if they did a movie about William Adams. It makes clear that the west doesn't give a fuck about other places if they aren't represented there.

You guys literally never learn. Remember when Black Panther was supposed to flop in Asia?

But again it's not as if there are no samurai movies about Japanese characters. I agree that there are other more interesting figures from the Sengoku period but at least we're getting a film about someone who actually existed then. This is less egregious than inserting Keanu Reeves into the story of the 47 ronin, which is an example of a white dude being put into a story that originally contained none.
Yeah, Western audiences only liking Westernised movies is kind of dumb but lets not pretend that people here are triggered by that more than the fact that it's a black guy.
I'm actually kind of looking forwards to seeing Based Oda going on adventures with his giant negro friend.

This is historical fact, but incel weebs seethe at the idea that a black man was a samurai.
He would have looked nothing like Chadwick though, he was East African.

he was probably trash at it

At what? He was a retainer to Japan's most powerful lord, that suggests otherwise. But don't let historical fact get in the way of your low IQ.

>Yeah, Western audiences only liking Westernised movies is kind of dumb but lets not pretend that people here are triggered by that more than the fact that it's a black guy.
Oh no that is one 100% what is happening.
My gripe is just the westernized shit and how things like western made blockbusters about stuff like the history of China will never be made because "Who do I selfinsert as!?"

That's more of a fair criticism, but I don't think it's an exclusively Western issue. Most cultures are more likely to make movies about their own history. The China produced Three Kingdoms show was good, if you haven't seen it.
Also, to be honest, there's a huge amount of fascinating Western history that we're not likely to see blockbusters about either and it's got little to do with self inserting. Such is life.

is there anything worse than westerners worshiping those awful korean idols?

Unfortunately Africa had an oral tradition instead of a literary one, so it was much harder for their ancient history to be preserved into modern day. There was undoubtedly quite a bit of interesting things happening in ancient Africa, but we'll never know. until we build time machines

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yeah ok he was a real miyamoto musashi sure

So how did this Yasuke end up in japan?

>Lou Ting

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wasnt that samurai basically a pet of some lord

>I'm making German food
>German food?
>Yeah. We found German tourists. We're cooking them.
>Ah, very, very good. Delicious. Save me the head, like Predator.

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Once again, blacks ruin everything

Every black part for the next 5 years should go to Michael B. Jordan, specially one accurate like this one.

low IQ niggers cant understand metaphors, COLOR me shocked

He was bought as a slave by jesuit missionaries that brought him to Japan as a bodyguard. Nobunaga asked if he could keep him and they agreed.

>A town in Edo (modern Tokyo), Anjin-chō (in modern-day Nihonbashi) was named for Adams, who had a house there. He is annually celebrated on 15 June.
>A village and a railroad station in his fiefdom, Anjinzuka (安針塚, "Burial mound of the Pilot") in modern Yokosuka, were named for him.
>In the city of Itō, Shizuoka, the Miura Anjin Festival is held annually on 10 August. On the seafront at Itō is a monument to Adams. Next to it is a plaque inscribed with Edmund Blunden's poem, "To the Citizens of Ito", which commemorates Adams' achievement.

Is the black fellow in OP celebrated as much as William Adams in Japan?

He would shit on your manlet Miyamoto Memesashi. Imagine 6'2" black BVLL against malnourished, manlet 5'1" nip.

Black People, hip hop and Samurais have always been a good fit. Stop being so fucking racist all the time. Remember Ghost Dog, Afro Samurai, Samurai Champloo, the fucking Wu Tang Clan?

Wrong. Japanese had christian people on their country because of business relationship. Especially Portuguese. Nobunaga was tolerant about them but others like Hideyoshi were not and after the rebellion lead by Amakusa, they banned christianity and also because the Dutch told them to do it.
WRONG. Nobunaga was the one who gave himself that title, mocking others guys that did the same in their titles, like General from Heavens something something.

>first non asian samurai
Fuck off, one of few historical figures from my hometown has that distinction

William Adams was a favourite retainer and adviser to the most successful and celebrated shogun in Japanese history, so much so he had an open invitation to visit the palace whenever he wanted. He massively expanded Japan's trade opportunities and was rewarded with land, titles, his own Japanese name, and a wife. Yasuke was weapon bearer to a guy painted as a dishonourable villain and the most famous thing about him is that Nobunaga once made him try to scrub the black off his skin. So no, no he isn't as celebrated. I doubt most people, even Japanese people, know or care that he existed.

>This nigga thinks he's Tom Cruise

>William Adams

Yasuke was an actual Samurai who fought in battles. William was a glorified diplomat and ship builder.


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Please stop being retarded

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still hot, and they deserve credit just for that

so true!

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That's a fictional character, yes it's supposedly inspired by a French samurai, but that was an excuse to get Tom Cruise in the role.

It's an anecdote, not a story. Other than him being taken around as a court pet, and being spared when Nobunaga's other retainers were killed on account of him not being considered a human being, there is not much information.

>tfw Kurosawa was in talks to do a movie about Will Adams with Peter O'Toole playing him, but it never got made

Yes now grind your brain cells for a bit.
Out of any samurai they could've used in history, they literally went out of their way for a White samurai.

Despite that, this movie about an actual samurai is the one you decided to REEE at.

Wouldn't that make it easier for producing entertaining media though? The lack of record makes producing historical fiction a far easier process since historicity and following real events are a non-issue. One would expect a number of "woke" writers and filmmakers to use this as a kind of playground but instead it sits derelict.

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Being at a battle (whether he actually fought is disputed) doesn't make someone a samurai, owning land and being bestowed title makes someone a samurai. Yasuke was a weapons bearer (essentially a squire) who was given a household on Nobunaga's land, by definition he was not a samurai. William Adams was given his own lands and was bannerman to the shogun, which is an actual samurai position.

The series Shogun is based off him, so there's that.

>Why do they never make films/tv-shows about precolonial Africa
If you mean pre-European colonialism, anything set in sub-Saharan Africa would wind up being about Arab conquest and colonialism, which would Islamophobic or something.
If you mean before that too, it would have to be invented from whole cloth because there is no record. It could be about some African legend or something I guess.

People make historical fiction because they don't have to write it, they've got interesting stories ready-made and all they have to do is throw in a sex scene and some kike politics and they've got a Hollywood script ready-to-go. Not having history to follow makes it harder because they have to actually think of a story themselves and that takes effort and some measure of talent.

>That image
>The original people of Russia
>Black up until the late 19th century
Is this what actual mental illness looks like?

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Desegregation was a mistake.

>The lack of record makes producing historical fiction a far easier process since historicity and following real events are a non-issue.
Not when there is literally zero record at all. You would have to invent everything about the setting other than the geography and the race and maybe tribe of the people. It would also wind up being seen as insulting if it even tried to be accurate, because of the state they were in when the Arabs first moved in. You'd have to rely on their descriptions of the Africans and then project backwards. The stories would have to be extremely simple too, because you are talking about a very small scale society without any real institutions.

>The premise of the film is that almost all samurai were asian, and this one isnt
>people on here take that as the film saying samurai were black

wow look at mr smarty pants over here. I wonder how many forms of autism he has, maybe 3?

Has many as the fingers I shoved in your mother's pussy as she moaned like a breeding sow.

The same reason Tales of Otori will never get a series/movies. Asians can't act like normal people.

Niggers are fucking retarded LMAO

neat seems interesting to me, i like chadwick he seems to be a good actor for what ive seen him in

He's as wooden as my fucking leg.

But they outright rejected Christianity... majority of them anyway.


Anyone else just really sick of niggers? At the corner store the other day an annoying nig comes in and just starts eying up behind the counter aggressively and getting in everyone’s way.
>eh, y’all got backwoods?
>no, sorry
>ah sheit mayne fuck
>infornt of children
I’ve never seen a white person have this behavior before, weird.


>this movie about an actual samurai

>I’ve never seen a white person have this behavior before
Then you haven't lived with white trash because they are like that too.

I’d argue the average nig acts like that though while only the bottom 10% of whites do.

I want movies based on pre-colonial Africa too user.

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and you'd be right, otherwise you wouldn't have situations like in sweden where 58% to 80% of rapes are committed by african and middle eastern immigrants.

>served Nobunaga in 1581 and 1582
>given a short ceremonial sword
>spared life in 1582 when captured by enemy of Nobunaga because he was considered an animal
Greatest story ever told.

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Well i did say white trash.

they only care about any culture that isn’t white.
white culture can be appropriated by anyone at any time for any reason (preferably to shit on it)

Hey, remember the Gunslinger with Idris Elba? That went well, didn't it?

White people do this too.

Attached: wakanda.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

theyre subhuman

White people dance like this too.

Attached: jamaica.webm (320x400, 1.66M)

Idiots like you have absolutely no knowledge on African history.

>You realize the Japanese were super tolerant to white Europeans

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>getting all that free pussy
not that bad.

>they banned christianity and also because the Dutch told them to do it.
>they banned Christianity
>because the (((dutch))) told them to do it.
oh yeah that was totally the reason

they should just do a new adaptation of Shogun by James Clavell. it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read and I’ve read a lot of books.

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Why are they jerking him off?

oh no guys i got knocked out again
you'll probably have to jerk me off till i get better

It's ironic that even blacks want their own spaces now and are protesting against the same things they fought for.

it’s all so tiresome, isn’t it?

African CPR. White people do this too. There is only one race, the human race.


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It was a great adventure. Loved it.
There is another one about china unless I am mistaken.

he was a slave, and was kept as a curiosity by everyone while they each kept murdering each other
read a fucking book once in a while

In movies when Asians "act" ghetto

Black people: protest

In movies when black people "act" Asian

Asian: that's dope

>But Eric is HIV positive

These people man...

i hope he teaches those silly japs how to make proper swords out of vibranium

Chadwick Boseman again?
A little diversity please

Cite sources.

>chadwick boseman

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>could've made a movie about William Adams
>it wouldnt have been kino, it would have been NIOH

jesus fuck why did you remind me of that? What the fuck even is that armor?

funnily enough yasuke is a boss in that game

yeah his bear spirit is pretty gud

That is comedy film, user. Not biopic.

You don't understand, they want their own spaces AND the White spaces.

based and cunnypilled