What's the ITAOTS of movies?
What's the ITAOTS of movies?
CAptain marvel
Some shit that ive never heard of and dont fucking care about
some faggy shit like Her or a Wes Anderson flick
Problem Child 2
Moonrise kingdom
ironically: Drive
unironically: Yi-Yi
infinite jest
That album is highly rec'd by Yea Forums and sucks absolute ass.
The film version is hard to nail down, because the fags on this board just spam summer action schlock all year round and only occasionally get more than superficially into their own hobby.
Honestly, just envision a movie that Yea Forums told you was amazing, that you hated, and there you have it.
For me, it's Hard candy, but that was a long while ago. There's very likely a more contemporary example.
The Diary of Anne Frank
post your favorite album
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
That rat movie with crispen glover.
schindlers list
That movie was excellent though and this album is trash
Post your favorite album and its film equivalent. Oh wait you won't, cause you're a coward.
are you upset I called your tranny album trash my little bro?
I don’t care for music enough to have a favourite album but that doesn’t mean this album is any less shit
Six String Samurai
probs like donnie darko or some shit
Nowhere approaching any of my favorites but it's pretty apparent
>I don’t care for music enough to have a favourite album
This is a decent answer.
>I don't even really like beer but this very particular beer is shit, you mad incel?
You sound miserable.
some boring overrated jew movie.
honestly music and movies just suck.
Honestly? Probably Hellbilly Deluxe. But I admittedly just like fun music.
That ultimately is my issue with the shyte OP posted. It's pure, unadulterated, pretentious garbage with no actual qualities to it.
All I ever see is people generically say they enjoyed it, and mostly in an attempt to jerk each other off about how smart they think they are for liking something not top 40. Very few people ever discuss it or mention any actual reasons they enjoy it.
I only listened to it once, but no part of it was enjoyable for a single second. I can't recall anything specific about it, and no part of it hooked me or made me feel anything. It's boring sludge.
On thr other hand, Hellbilly Deluxe, while very accessible and obviously aimed at mass audiences, has a lot of true classic rock songs on it and manages to have a personality all it's own, in the sea of sameness that existed at the time.
It's juevenile, but it's like hanging out with your best friend in middle school. It's just dumb fun. I personally can't help but like it. Even though I know it's inferrior to more intellectual offerings, and more groundbreaking albums.
It's best moments are the techno/rock fusion in the "just aggressive enough" Demonoid Phenomenon, and the oddly addictive, yet silly Living Dead Girl. Or even the booming, bounce of tracks like Superbeast, or the slower, more atmospheric Ballad of Ressurection Joe and Rosa Whore. Even the openimg track, Zombie's wife saying an idiotic ryme in a little girl voice, has fun qualities to it, and perfectly sets up the album.
If anything, I just like fun music. So maybe it's a failing on my part that I'm not more Yea Forumscore. But I'd rather be an unwashed pleb who enjoys themselves, than a pretentious cunt who likes what they're aupposed to like for appearances.
Stopped reading. This is about the most empty non-criticism of anything you could ever impart.
All it showcases is your inability to engage with anything honestly.
Being Erin brockovich
Honestly, no one really likes nmh their first run.
And if you look at jeff mangum himself he doesn't seem to be really pretentious in any manner, infact he seems just more of an autist who likes writing silly pointlessly cryptic songs and didn't really know how to deal with fame, which is why he disappeared for over a decade. The reason I like it is because it's not over produced garbage, it was one guy who had fun making some albums with some friends.
Julien Donkey Boy
Batman V Superman: Dawn of JUSTice
Frank desu. Gave me that same vibe
Garden State
>the harmony that comes from the odd blend of musical instruments, the whiny voice that is for once fitting and non annoying, the way it flows from song to song, the imagery in the lyrics, the successful use of experimental instruments and sounds, the lo-fi folky vibes, the seemless tone changes from very sad to extremely joyous
There’s so much to love about this album. It’s honestly one of the only albums I can sit and listen to front and back regularly.
Also I’ve never really been to Yea Forums so don’t give me that shit about only liking it for the memes
Only God Forgives
More importantly, what is the Holland 1945 of films?
Schindlers list
the dark knight rises
Garden State
If ITAOTS is the cover album of Yea Forums,
and the cover game of Yea Forums is New Vegas,
What is Yea Forums's cover film?
Dark Knight Rises?
you mean overrated meme trash loved by redditors? Probably something like Blade Runner or Days of Heaven.
In the Aeroplane Over The Sea?
That is the lamest most unjust abbreviation I have ever fucking seen.
I've never listened to this album and am never going to
back to plebbit with this one.
He's right ITAOTS sounds fucking retarded
ok dumbasses, I'm open to alternatives: how would you abbreviate it?
Jeff's wife is a director
Yeah or American Psycho, but that's probably Yea Forums's cover in general.