Deep State Edition
Deep State Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
desu i hope they all die. season 6 to now has been a trainwreck
nth for Ashara
>tfw you hated dany
>now you completely understand dany
>tfw looking forward to watching her elliot rodger's KL
>This is my fookin thread now
real edition
What would have happened if Ned rolled up on Robert and told him about his kids true parentage
no one wants to post in your shipper thread, fag
With S8E04, "The Last of the Starks" over:
- 2nd worst rated episode by /got/ at 4.27, with the worst episode S8E03, "The Long Night" rated at 4.23 (-0.04)
- 3rd worst rated episode by at 5.53
- 2nd worst rated episode by Rotten Tomatoes at 7.16, with the worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 7.00 (-0.16)
- worst rated episode by IMDB at 7.00, with the 2nd worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 8.20 (+1.20)
post yfw this happens next episode
>they could've let that guy live and the NK would've never made it beyond crastor's keep
i miss his mom
Robert would have murdered Ned then steamrolled winterfell until he killed the child
nth for young Lady Olenna Tyrell
Some of the Twitter memes are fucking killing it.
>doing that voluntarily without any sort of harness or safety gear
what did they mean by this?
shit I worded that wrong, I meant what if Ned told Robert about Cersei's kids being father by Jaime
wtf i love Twitter now
His army would have shattered at the neck. Only Targs have successfully invaded the north
nah, i just half read your question. In that scenario Robert was already dying and it didn't matter
Roose Bolton didn't seem to have any issue getting his troops past the neck after the Red Wedding.
Adult Swim starting running this on breaks as of last night, no joke.
Theon should have killed the NK while he was choking Aria. Debate me.
made a little to late, more active general here
would've actually been better and more believable but him taking his sweet time choking her still would've seemed silly
he had to smuggle himself into his own lands
him and all his men
I thought Ned figured it out before Robert got BOARED, though? Didn't he just choose to go to Cersei first?
this is the second time you've tried to shill your shipping thread here, OP from shipping thread.
I like my Salsa with do dog. I shant be posting there.
Robert was away hunting
nth for Stannis
based Stannis memorial poster
whats the point of having two /got// threads running at the same time? this board has enough throne threads, this can be the next one
this is the third time you've shilled your shipping thread. Stop spamming
>you will never be Sophie’s manlet
you are the one who made a thread when there already was one up
its completely pointless to make another one, why can't /got/ function like every other general on this website?
I'll wait. I like them broken-in, like Sandor and Littlefinger (apparently)
the other ashara picture is better
i like the smiling one better
I chose this thread because of the Varys OP. Good choice user.
It was beautiful, though. You have to admit.
So Varys is the CIA--he had a large part in driving the Mad King crazy, is engaged in child trafficking/slavery and cuts out their tongues and uses them as spies and kills them when they get too old. And Littlefinger's mockingbird sigil is a reference to Operation Mockingbird, his family is from Braavos and the sigil of the Iron Bank in Braavos is the star of David, and they employ shape-shifting assassins (and Jaqen turns into a guy with a hook nose and curly hair in front of Arya), and the Iron Bank is running a world-wide debt slavery scheme. They indebt nations and then control or replace the leaders. Littlefinger bankrupted Westeros, stole all the gold, got them in hock to the Iron Bank, and then skedaddled.
What did George mean by this?
>Muh eye
this bitch used to be so good before she went full slag, got tattoos and got a little fat......
that's going right in the fap folder
where is her ass
Cersei was playing the game of thrones you fucking retards. Killing Tyrion would have put her life at risk. Missandei was an acceptable risk to take in order to win the game
no dude remember when the Night King is right in front of him Bran should have extended his hand and asked him if he wanted to see his sister get raped..... nightking would have seen it and though "this is pretty cool, why the fuck am i going to kill all the living when i can watch this"
night king leaves and makes a peace treaty
You know you like it. That's why you saved a picture of her you liar.
someone "themes are for eighth grade book reports" me
A single volley would have killed drogon, dany and all the unsullied instantly
Same. Hated Dany when she was YAS QUEEN SLAY, but now I feel bad for her. She just wants people to love her. Jon should have been a better boyfriend during the feast at Winterfell.
I WANT HER SO BAD!!!! fucking cunts
i want her
Yes, i'm thinking the same thing. Right now, i'm trying to determine how Bran and the 3ER tie-in to remote viewing and the US govt Stargate project and what, in fact, GRRM meant by it.
Thankfully, there is another /got/ thread full of filthy shippers that will give us some cover while we get to the bottom of all this.
Someone explain this
she was so good before, why do these bong girls have to turn into slag and have their bong genes for full overlord like maisy
too watch her turn into a slag
"have sex"
"we love popcorn movies, we love making popcorn movies"
"just turn your brain off"
They had to significantly change it since there was only going to 2 or 3 locations per episode, so the "fly-through" bits were going to happen regardless. My thinking is that once they started updating bits of Winterfell and Kings Landing, they just couldn't stop and broke it accidentally...
Yeah, he should have spoken up for dany when they were sucking his dick about riding a dragon.
should he have died right here?
I choose the black bar in between
And of course the targARYANS are genetically superior master race with pale skin, fair hair and purple eyes who are obsessed with racial purity. And Braavos was founded by escaped slaves of the Valyrians, who never gave up their grudge and may have destroyed the entire Valyrian peninsula out of spite.
Also, the scheming villain from Dying of the Light wore a beanie that did not fall off his head when he bent over.
And in Bitterblooms, the main character comes from Carinhall, which was the name of a Nazi hunting retreat.
fucking brainlet she could ended the game of thrones in a single volley
that fucking norf retards and Sansha whore never would start because of Dany, a dragon and a few insullied
One thing I won't miss about these threads are the showfags who respond to bookfag posts. I can't wait for these threads to die.
>imagine getting invested in a book series that will never be finished
As garbage as this fanfiction is the showfags at least get some closure.
You're both fucking pathetic
bad writing
maximum kek
Euron will realize Tyrion's slip-up about the child and will stab Cersei through the gut, killing it. She'll be left to bleed out, and Jaime will find her and put her out of her misery via stangulation. Screencap this
>And of course the targARYANS are genetically superior master race with pale skin, fair hair and purple eyes who are obsessed with racial purity
Too kek.
They lost to sand niggers and escaped slaves
This should really be a mature man thread
So is this just being brushed aside?
I mean they've teleported the city for some reason.
>finally decide to try and start making Dany seem unsympathetic
>she unironically becomes /ourgirl/
And the House of Black and White in Braavos is literally a death cult. And the Titan of Braavos eating children may be a reference to
which is a giant jewish guy eating children.
Only one choice
holy shit its like i lost my mind
literally name one reason why they would do this
Where the fuck is the god damn Blackwater river?
So they city could be surrounded by Dany's army
Some gate house in the what looks like a pass?
The bottom is the location they used for Casterly Rock.
>hmm not bad
>I almost had to use 10% of my power
This is was weird when was King's landing in a desert?
So is there any way the ending could've been better?
dabid eat too many crayons , affected his thinking more than usual
>Arya kills the night king with one strike
You know, Melisandre burning people alive always made me sick, because burning to death is one of the worst way to die, but now that Arya has nothing personel the night king thanks to melisandre bullshit words, this is making me think, if she knew Arya was going to kill the NK all along, why did she even burn so many people alive?
I could understand it before because I believed it was necessary to bring light-bringer into existence, burning people alive would be an necessary evil to save the world from being unmade in a zombie apocalypse, but now it just makes it looks like that melisandre enjoyed burning people alive for kicks.
Not shortening and rushing the last two seasons would've helped.
holy fuck what they fuck are those jew retarded directors doing?
did they really ran out of money
Dude, just, like, turn your brain off
Melisandre's god & the god that created the Night King (after being requested by the children of the forest, after a human sacrifice) is a two-sided god of life and death. The god is also kind of a dick.
The argument could be made that Arya was a priest of the death god (that's what the House of Black and White was for) and her murders were actually sacrifices. She was blessed by the death god by being made worthy of killing the Night King.
>but why would the death god enable Arya to kill the Night King?
Because the god is a fickle bitch. Remember he also killed off Stannis after he allowed his daughter to be sacrificed.
Well, that is just the Braavosi foundational myth that is contradicted within the books themselves, so I don't think the escaped slaves actually destroyed Valyria. Valyria is a cautionary tale about unrestrained technological progress, so I think it is likely that they nuked themselves. That or the weirwood network made their peninsula explode with volcanic activity when their civilization got too big and too advanced and was a threat to the weirwood network.
Did you not watch the show? She knows some magic and can sorta see stuff in the flames but doesn't really know her true purpose until the very end.
>you are Ramsay Bolton
>your daddy just give you the important task to pick twenty of the finest warriors of Westeros to destroy Stannis's camp
>Number of soldier in Stan's camp is about 8,000 peoples and one psychotic horny red witch.
How would you proceed?
would really subvert my expectations
Valyria exploded because the volcanos erupted at the same time and destroyed everything. some say it is because the Valyrians did some magic experiment or something but no one really knows. it is lost in time forever. GRR Martin likes to do this from time to time
first fuck Sansa and then fuck the crazy girl
pick 20 good men and burn stannis camp and laugh
>naath fucking shits
she's 100% plain as oatmeal and an absolute nothing character, a tumor
i cheered when she was killed
Ash-chan a cute
Typical religious bullshit
>thing doesn't turn out the way was originally predicted
>"b-b-b-but the lord of light was testing us!!! muh faith!"
>thing does turn out as predicted
>"ah yes just as I knew all along sorry for always being right sweetie"
I had no idea we were in Qarth all along
>people actually consider aiden gillen to be a good actor
>That or the weirwood network made their peninsula explode with volcanic activity when their civilization got too big and too advanced and was a threat to the weirwood network
If the weirwoods were capable of sundering a subcontinent, then they would have absolutely fucked up the Andals when they started chopping them down left and right
weirwoods? where? woods? woods that are weird?
Wasn't Qyburn still outside at that point? Maybe Cersei didn't think losing her Hand and maester was a good trade off. Ofc she could have arrowfucked Dany and co. during the standoff anyway so i dunno lol.
That accent change would be the choice of the showrunners, not the actor himself. If he was bad, it wouldn't be consistent, and would wander within the season.
hey /got/ post reaction photos with a "muh". For instance:
>muh breastplate stretcher
he's known for slipping in and out of accents. To be fair though, Nicholas Craster-Waldorf's season 1 accent was faaaaaaar worse and Dicklage pretty much spent S5-S7 slipping in and out of his, apprently just from boredom because when he's focusing in a scene, like the last episode, he nails it pretty good.
R'hllor and the Great Other are just two personalities trapped inside the weirwood network, as in George's story Nightflyers, and in the real life myth of Perkune and Veles who live in the world tree and engage in a ritual battle forever.
Arya did drink from the Euthanasia fountain in the HoBW, so she might be dead already. The Others "go lightly on the snow" and don't leave tracks, she snuck up on Jon in the godswood.
I remember his excuse being that Littlefinger changes his voice depending on where he is, as he's a social chameleon. So he put on a much more Crownlands accent in the capital and a more provincial Vale accent when he's back home
except that isn't true, his voice just randomly became gravelly and raspy in season 3 when he was still in King's Landing and it stayed that way when he visited King's Landing again briefly in season 5
After the battle of Blackwater they terraformed the land to make sure it never happened again.
i'd bet money d&d told him to ham it up
winter must destroy trees and deflate hills
>Gee, I wonder what's taking our glorious leader so long.
>Well, humans are jerks. They run and*shatters*
>Oh dear god n-*shatters*
>M-mr Chilly, I don't feel so good*shatters*
queen of the qt
>muh subverted expectations
every time
Would you fuck your entire kingdom up for this?
How much dis bitch worth?
muh pussy
I would attack her.
Sometimes I wonder how George can be so bluepilled when there are so many redpilled implications scattered throughout his books
Do you think when he writes, he just turns his political brain off and gets totally immersed in the world he's writing about (which would give him a much more right-wing perspective than his normal worldview)?
Only stage directions were just to walk and stare straight ahead
Does Twitter hate the episode because of the plot holes or because the show slighted their political tribe?
I mean Twitter loves TLJ even though it's a plot hole ridden fucking mess so they are definitely inconsistent.
I m crying.. Really sad..
Dany lost everything.. I suporrt you burn all the city..
Choppp Cersie leg..
Hands and last
Give to dragon..
He's coming.
>death by weirwood tree
I remember hearing a somewhat more plausible explaination that they had used magic to harness volcanic energy, but they also needed magic to bind the volcanos so they wouldn't immediately destroy them all in a simultaneous eruption due to whatever they were doing to harness the energy. Probably a metaphor for nuclear energy.
Anyway, Valyria pissed off or threatened someone so they hired the Faceless Men to kill all the priests all at once, with the resulting explosion wrecking the sub-continent. Probably a fan theory, but it sounded pretty good.
>muh castle
muh elephant
I would destroy my kingdom only for bdsm battle dress mommy sansa.
>muh table
get rekked, normie scum
we get it, you're triggered by some literally who insectoid who can't speak English
Her accent is so fucking comfy
was it a mistake for GRRM to give rights for a show? Even if he finishes the books don't they have more shows planned that won't be canon with his books?
roose was a homo and lusted after robb
bro, why
you find this picture a lot more funny than anyone else does but you don't need to spam it
choppp you leg..
hands and last
give to dragon..
she was a horrible actress
retard, it's already explained how the (((Faceless Men))) formed
>In April 2019 Rigg said she had never watched Game of Thrones, before or after her time on the show.
Is she a Bookfag? Or just smart enough to realize that whatever D&D was doing was destined to turn to shit
I probably hate stannisfags more than anyone else here, I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every stannisposter here, man or woman, adults and children, if I saw them on the streets. I would curbstomp them until their faces are nothing but MUSH and steal their wallets so nobody could identify their mangled, broken bodies, leaving their families in extreme emotional pain. Then I would visit their funeral, shit in their casket in font of their own beloved ones and then kill every single one of the funeral guests because I would assume they are stannisfags as well.
Have sex.
>faceless men
>3 members
>2 are women
bravo braavosi
Valyria was struck by the red comet, man.
choppp you leg..
hands and last
give to dragon..
Based sansanon
so basically maario naharis?
muh chest
This is what D&D actually tell to themselves
greasy haired cunts
The Andals received dream visions inviting them to invade Westeros. The weirwood wanted them to invade to start a war with the First Men to spill a bunch of blood to feed the weirwoods. They lost a few trees, but the bulk of the weirwood network is the underground network of roots, and that was unharmed. In time, the Andals all starting keeping Weirwoods in their godswood. A thousand years is the blink of an eye to a weirwood.
Also, the Andals and the First Men are descended from the same group of people who came from the Fisher Queens. The Fisher Queens were greenseers who lived on a floating island--presumably hooked up the network. So the Andals and First men are both children of the weirwood.
The second people are the Great Empire of the Dawn and the Valyrians, they are not children of the weirwood, and they are antagonistic, but the weirwood craves their enhanced King's Blood, so it keeps them around but under control. The weirwood destroyed the Great Empire of the Dawn, and it destroyed Valyria.
I was glad when she died.
That's a big elephant
>Speaking to this week's Radio Times, the actress disclosed she believed women to be "more bitchy than men", motivated by a competitive instinct over their looks.
>Saying "it's all about men and sex", she added women are "dangerous and competitive" as she dared her own gender to disagree.
>When asked about being considered a feminist icon for her 1960s television roles, she told the magazine she "never was really", preferring to "keep my mouth shut for the most part".
>"It’s a question of economics," she said. "If you’re paid the same as a man, which now you are in this profession, you’re equal.
>"If a man holds a door open for me or pulls back a chair so that this old bag can sit down, I’m delighted.
>"If they put an arm round a woman and say, ‘You look good today,’ they could find themselves in the small claims court.
>"Women who moan and carp about that sort of thing are stupid. They find it belittling, but it’s just good manners.
>"You can’t pat bottoms, though. You deserve to be slapped for that. It’s condescending. I wouldn’t allow it.”
imagine being a self proclaimed bookfag who fancies ones self superior and after reading the books actually believing that stannis has a chance of ever sitting on the iron throne and then projecting that onto showfags and sperging out ITT's for years
I wish i could taste her asshole
>muh realm
Who are the most chad?
>rape posters
>mfw I'm all three
I still can't get over how the Night King and the Others plot literally just disintegrated. It's like a big joke and we're now watching a low budget porn parody.
>yfw dnd crashed not only the series but all those bong actors future careers as well
no survivors
Worthless ratings.
Normies will cheer objectively shit episodes where their favourite meme characters are triumphant but they'll rage about mediocre/average episodes when their favourite meme characters do something they don't want them to do or get killed
I genuinely don't care what they think, if there was a time for the show to have gotten bad ratings, it was years ago, not now.
Muh ruuhmmauuhu.
Shut up, you old hag
>top critic
>actually taking RT rates serious
So the new summary of all the leaks is
>Dany never went mad at all, really loves Jon, and is a great leader and military strategist
>but Tyrion has been working for Cersei all along
>Tyrion blow up King's Landing killing tons of civilians just to frame Dany so Cersei can rule as absolute ruler with the people turned against Dany
>Tyrion also lies to Jon and gets him to kill his innocent love Dany for no reason
>the Starks find out about Tyrion's betrayal and execute him
>now both innocent Dany and guilty Tyrion are dead
>Jon possibly feels so guilty he wanders off to die
Radmure posters are the top tier
BASED and DMCpilled
>was it a mistake for GRRM to give rights for a show? Even if he finishes the books don't they have more shows planned that won't be canon with his books?
Yes, of course, but that's why they call it just "optioning".. so you won't actually think too hard about it. He was selling the rights to make a show based on a book series that he believed to be unfilmable (at the time he started it). A lot of books get optioned, but never made into TV shows, though. It happens all the time. and even if they do shoot a pilot, or two, or three, the chances of it getting pickd up was still small.
His legacy is fucked now. It's all HBO and they are going with The Long Night for a reason: it's largely unestablished, uncharted territory in Martin's universe. They can make-up whatever low budget, woke prole-feed they want... and they will.
Later one is better cause it's more memey
I make secret toasts to his health.
He is the king we need. The show ended for me when he died, and I’ve only been sticking around to see Daenerys die and get what she deserves. I’m not even kidding. Anyone who disagrees that he is the only viable king to restore order is a brainlet and should probably die.
it's funny because for S8 ep 4 wasn't the worst, 2>4>1>3
This is just a fucking bad as the other leak.
I think so. He tried to give her an out. Renly had the right idea to strike first in King's Landing with his + Ned's men... but he totally fucked up stepping up to his brother.
Ned, Renly, and all their friendlies back Stannis and we'd have a 3 season show.
>Season 1: political intrigue
>Season 2: Baratheons and Co. stomp the
>Season 3: a united kingdom stomps the WW.
No shitty writing, no starbucks coffee in shots.
No that's not a leak at all. It just got posted today and has no confirmation of accuracy
he had the same plan as Dany except without Dragons
For you
I have to say that this is probably one of the best stills to come from the show.
tranny detected
this but instead imagine he said it in a less retarded way
Why is Tormund going back north with the Wildlings?
There's nothing up there. Literally, there's fucking nothing up there. It was actually a plot point a few seasons ago how EVERYTHING was dead. In fact not only is everything dead, but it's actually winter now.
>dude just go die
>take my dog, his ear's broken now so he's no good
Bottom 2
It's horrible but is the only thing so far that explains why all the details from the earlier trusted leakers didn't line up with each other (Jon kills Dany but Tyrion also actually betrayed everyone for Cersei by doing something so unforgivable that the Starks and other good guys execute him, Tyrion killing people to frame Dany and make Jon murder her explains that and also the leak about Jon being wracked with guilt that came out forever ago too). Shit's just totally fucked. None of these are good.
How much does George make thanks to the show?
apologise for poor english
Hell, Dorne can counter the Tyrells in that scenario. They don't even have to defeat them. Just hold them off until the Lannisters are neutralized. They get Tywin as a prisoner in reward.
For cough
Damn that's depressing. I started reading the books a few weeks ago and I like it, but I hate that everything else is going to be non canon. Everyone's always saying he won't finish the books which makes me wonder if I should get sucked into them to begin with.
Will he ever even explore other parts of his universe like Sothoryos? I just read up on it in the wiki and it sounds really cool but what the fuck none of this is ever going to be revealed in depth
>What's wrong with you pussy, i thought you were Northern
What happens next for Nad Stork?
I recall Ned didn't want to team up with Renly because he was supporting the true heir (Stannis) and saw that Renly was trying to stop Cersei not out of desire to uphold the law but power for himself.
If Ned didn't let Joffrey rule he wouldn't be down with Renly doing so so unless Renly stops being an ass Ned wouldn't go along with him.
I want to scratch her shoulder thingy
Fucking cunts
Irrelevant. King Viserys is the only true king.
This is retarded. Tyrion would never side with Cersei. But at this point, with GRRM off the show for years and the White Walker and their entire army getting one-shotted by a faceless man FFS, who knows.
D&D are based woman-haters and they're going to cause the biggest mass seethe event since the election of Donald Trump
They had to write him out. Ignore that they literally created a new more habitable living space with the New Gift area of land south of the Wall but still far North way away from all the Southerners' bullshit, for some reason now Tormund wants to toil in dead forests where the Night King wiped out all human and animal life.
The episodes are so bad that my friends who watch seasonal anime are dissapointed. It's so bad that my family members who watch local and Korean soap operas are disappointed.
I remember when they did cool scenes like that...
nad stork naturally makes a grand southern conspiracy, silently building an army to avenge his best bud ned after hearing of his execution
>spend all your time trying to get south of the Wall
>situation has become so fucked that you can't even hunt anymore; almost every single living thing has been killed and added to the army of the dead, except for pockets of cornered and fortified survivors who get eradicated as soon as the walkers arrive
Based. Your loyalty will be rewarded when he takes the throne.
Dumping hundreds of gallons of wildfire into Blackwater Bay may have in fact been hazardous to the environment.
If the Red Comet had come by 300 years ago, the Maesters would have recorded it, and it would have been mentioned in their account of the Doom. Valyria just exploded and it is described in very similar terms to the Breaking of the Arm of Dorne, which was a weirwood magic event with mass blood sacrifice by the Children.
See , it lines up with several leaks that were posted a long time ago, the biggest one being high confidence leaks that Tyrion really does betray them for Cersei, not because he thinks Dany is mad but for his family. A few weeks ago, someone also claimed that there was a fake battle sequence staged to trick leakers on set and in production into spreading a false "Mad Dany" ending that later is described in some of these leaks. Because the leaks contradicts each other, the evidence taken all together now supports the Mad Dany story being a fake out and red herring to trick people but Jon still really kills her, but only because Tyrion is a traitor who lives to Jon and frames Dany, leading to all the Tyrion trial leaks from months ago and also more recently.
more BTS pls
Whatever happened to Ser Tongueless
This is going to be this season's most redeeming quality, well after watching Jon impale Dany with his sword.
>"You can’t pat bottoms, though. You deserve to be slapped for that. It’s condescending. I wouldn’t allow it.”
>"But, I will let - what is his name? - Harry Potter throw a condom that lands on my head on a tv show"
>"It's even better when you allow such a thing to be done to you on camera and you're not even playing a character."
>"I was playing myself. Reading lines made up for me. As I had a condom on my head."
>"So you see, my dear, you simply must have standards for yourself."
Why did you leave out the last part in the quote
is s08e04 the ultimate GOT pleb filter? I feel it was one of the best episodes of the show
I mean all they had to do was say they're returning to the Gift to start building a new life for the Wildlings. Why they said back beyond the Wall I don't know.
Why would they tease Jon and Dany having children so much in season 7 if literally nothing came of it
Or is Dany going to reveal she's pregnant right after Jon stabs her
Does anyone have any good fan art of dirty handless Jaime?
Firm tits and a tight fit
the Ice King is dead faggot, now shit will grow and they'll have normal winters
>Can't just dive bomb them
>Can't just use surrounding hills for cover
>Dragons can't split off have to fly straight at them
What did they mean by this
ive been saying its the best episode of the season for days now and everyone keeps telling me im bait or lying
im also a tranny
Is poor Varys going to die next week?
we've never seen her tits I think
Pretty based
>He just keeps heaving until he drops face first down dead in the sand and is never heard from or spoken of again
what the fuck???? will he ever explore Sothoryos??? that is like saying you want George Lucas to explore the history of Dantooine...explore the weather, economy, fauna and shit like that
no one cares and it does not even matter in the story
>Or is Dany going to reveal she's pregnant right after Jon stabs her
that would be extremely kino
its not going to happen
Overnight? Everything beyond the wall was wiped out, all animal and human life and it's the middle of winter, nothing will grow, it'll take years of spring for life beyond the wall to be back normal
Meant to say "Tyrion lies to Jon," also the claims of a fake battle being staged with Dany and her army killing everyone with mention it's fake came before the later leaks from an extra who claimed to have heard another extra seeing the scene but he reported it as real while the earlier person claiming a fake scene was shot was supposedly not a random extra but a higher up person.
can someone please tell me what DABID is doing with ghost? is he just a wolf that is in the background sometimes? does jon even remember his name?
Animals don't just respawn
You think life is a fuckin video game m8
>and they'll have normal winters
literal headcanon
for the same reasons cersei didnt just kill everyone that approached KL when she had the chance, its not like she has proven she would blow up a sept before to get her way
well to be fair the night kings dead. the main reason they fled south is dead. for all we know tormund has some kickass castle of his own to go back to.
Yeah, Dany is going to kill him for treason
I hope Tyrion doesn't rat him out though
>tfw Jon already knew
>tfw she whispers into his ear as she dies
I fucked Jorah
>tfw I fucked Ted
Is the the wights attacking the Nights Watch on the Fist of the First Men the best chapter of any of the books?
Tyrion betraying anyone to help Cersei doesn't make much sense. Like, sure he's not interested in killing her but actually supporting her makes no sense. Unless this is gonna be some really dumb "7D chess" type move where Tyrion had been on her side the entire time.
Didn't she send someone to kill Jaime and Tyrion?......
Perfect chance to kill Tyrion... Danny, and the last dragon and doesn't take it?
Places like that are meant to just make the world feel bigger. He specifically said some very far away areas on the map will never be elaborated on because they're meant to represent as far as maesters know of the world, and that all they have from there is scant information. Like Ulthos, they don't even know if it's a continent, or an island, or even if it really exists, that's intentional to show they don't know everything about the world yet.
BECAUSE that is their land, they are "FREE FOLK" they do not want to serve any king. since the white walkers are all dead they can live in peace one winter is over. ALSO most of the Free Folk are dead. Only 5000 got rescued from Hard Home and a few thousand got captured by Stannis...nothing is left of them
>daenerys going cuhrayzee with drogon and pulling off F22 aerial maneuvers while nuking shit left and right
this show is anime tier anyway now, might at least be cool
There is something that I always found weird about Red wedding, and is the fact that every single frey went along with the plan, imagine a situation like this:
>be young frey noble
>have 999 other dudes ahead of you in succession line, you will never get to sit on the throne
>all the best women are taken and breed by older more rich freys than you, you are left only the ugly insufferable femcels that no one else would marry
>some day the old man at the top comes up with a retarded plan to betray their allies the stark because the young wolf did not want to marry one of the ugly cunts in your family, he would rather marry a meaty peasant girl with a big ass, and you cant really fault him for that
>the old man tries to sell this as revenge for the pride of the family, but really, deep down you know you are risking your own life to appease the wounded pride of that old fat fuck on the throne
>so now you are left with two choices
>go along with the old man retarded plan of betraying the starks
>or go secretly to Catelyn Stark and work some deal where you help murder the traitorous freys and she makes her son put you on the throne as reward for your "loyalty"
>option 1 ensures that you will shovel shit for the rest of your life, option 2 ensures that you will be the new lord frey, enjoying the best food and only taking the most beautiful woman as your wife to fuck and breed all you want
I find it hard to believe that in a cut throat world like in got, every single frey was content in dying for the pride of one old fat fuck, not a single person tried to use this situation for their advantage, they just went along with the plan to fuck their reputation forever and please the ego of an old bitter man.
>normal winters
It is has barely even been hinted at in the books that the fucked up seasons of Planetos are because of the Others/White Walkers, and it has not even been alluded to in the show. There is literally no established reason for the abnormal seasons other than GRRM saying in some interview that it is magic related.
that just means more free shit and land for them
Better than what we got
Why are normies just NOW getting buttblasted at DnD when we've been bitching for years?
based Spider
i really wish dany had gave the wildlings a NEW GIFT
But are there any mammoths left north of the wall? Any deer? Were there even rabbits that escaped the army of the dead?
They'll need food.
Because they killed the flying lizard
Aren't most of the Frey sons basically retarded?
I am pretty sure some animals survived plus they can live off from the ocean. frozen shore get their food from the ocean. the problem is that there are probably less than 10000 free folk
Because we're all Stannisfags we saw the red flags from the start, Danyfags didn't, now they're seeing it.
The Gift is their land, Jon gave it to them.
I love conleth and want him to be on screen as much as possible, but i would have laughed my as off. Especially since people are anticipating a betrayal.
>only two more episodes
I don't care if it hasn't all been very good or faithful to the books. Overall it's been pretty great, gonna be sad to see it go.
lmao you actually think its a planet with a fucked up orbit that causes the deadly winters and not some magical night ice king who wants to destroy all non ice life on the planet?
>>Can't just use surrounding hills for cover
did you miss the part when euron shoots guided anti-dragon missiles from behind rocks at target he doesn't even see?
I never got that part with Ulthos, unless the seas are extremely brutal in that area (which I don't think they are given that there's other cities and stuff around I'm pretty sure) some Westeros explorers could've easily made it there and charted around it better. Feel like they should have a bit of a better idea about it.
So the moral is foreigners really are barbaric savages who will go ape next episode?
Bravo Dabid
I honestly liked that scene, sending someone to commit murder is a bit more abstract than "pulling the trigger" yourself. And it humanized her, because since season 1 everything she did was for her family
Nad Stork is actually a giant and is Tywin's best friend
Free land completely devoid of food or life? They can't eat trees.
Because it's hard to keep the shit under when it's so clearly overflowing.
Source: your literal unwiped asshole
Qyburn is also still outside when Missandei's head goes flying, so if he isn't captured and executed on the spot next week, I'm calling bullshit.
What happened to this show mates?
Where did all go wrong for you? What was the turning point?
It's like a sick, old dog, finally being put out of its misery.
Normies will get the last laugh when their incest queen saves the day while you faggots believed some autistic leak.
Info probably on a need-to-know basis. If you're not one of the ones openly threatening revenge on Robb then you get kept in reserve and only find out what the plan is at the last minute.
Practically every one of Frey sons were utterly useless and/or retarded. And with a father like Walder, I doubt many of them have a strong moral compass. Ironically, the only Frey with any sort of intelligence or morality gets revengenced by Lady Stoneheart in the books.
>last two episodes are just a wacky, comedic coronation party for Jon
This would be better than the shit we are actually gonna get
How was the dude she hanged one of the better Freys? I just remember he had constant migraines and was one of the Freys that got treated shittily by the others.
So this is what writing fanfic is like.
I guess S7 was a sort of turning point for me.
show went to shit when they had Kalessi have a meeting with Olenna, Sand Sisters and Greyjoy lesbo and they had this sort of girl power undertone that the writers tried to push. I knew something felt strange and after that it all went to shit. I can also say that once they reached the books and had to come up with the rest of the story is when HBO totally dropped the ball
I just noticed that the golden company is outside the wall.
Why did this become the in thing for the besieged to do this season? The Tullys didn't do it in Season 6, Tyrion didn't do it on the blackwater, didn't happen at Casterly Rock.
Why has everyone gone retarded?
Why didnt Bran do anything even remotely interesting or effective? I cant believe we still haven't seen him warg into a dragon. Even him taking control of Ghost would have been better than what was shown. Bran does fucking nothing anymore and has zero personality whatsoever.
Eddard: ...
Eddard: Jaime.
Eddard: Jaime.
Eddard: Jaime.
Eddard: Jaime.
Jaime: WHAT, Eddard?!
Eddard: ...
Eddard: You're in Robert's spot.
*laugh track*
you have autism dude
It's right at the far edge of the map, as far as anyone from Westeros has been and returned.
who was Karsi again?
I literally said that the seasons are fucked up because of magic in my post you mouth-breathing troglodyte. The fact remains that there is absolutely zero correlation between the seasons and the Others as of yet.
This fucking killed me jesus christ
not retarded, you have the army "sally forth" and meet the enemy just outside your walls. Your army stops the enemy from scaling your walls while at the same time the army is given cover by archers on top of the walls.
remember when Stannis attacked King's Landing we had Tyrion leading men and attacking Stannis forces that where trying to scale the walls
the weird wildling edgy soccer mom that didn't really act like a wildling but normies and redditors loved her
strong independent wildling woman who dont need no boat
Holy shit, just end the Aliens franchise Ridley
Wilding milf who gets killed at hardhome
Honestly, I was still enjoying it up until episode 3 of this season. I was so hype for the White Walkers to finally start fucking shit up south of the wall, and to see who Azor Ahai would actually be. God, I was so fucking disappointed.
No that would be Theon's Winterfell chapters in ADWD
But isn't it kinda close to Asshai and shit? I feel like some Westeros people must've been to that region and thus it's weird they wouldn't have reached Ulthos too.
Though I guess Asshai does have a ton of myths and stuff surrounding it so I guess it's reasonable that even if people went there they still know little of it, same with Ulthos.
remember in Hard Home when Jon Snow went to get the Free Folk....she was one of the leaders. She put her 2 daughters in the boats and gets killed by kid weights. Her 2 daughters then walk with Tormund as they pass the wall with Jon
As far as I remember, he didn't agree with the betrayal of the Starks, and he wasn't a total fucking cunt. I think he brought up some of those points during his sham trial with the brotherhood.
Well they had to lock up a couple of young guys because they were against RW
So ill stop *COUGH* shitposting *COUGH* for a second *SPUTTERING WHEEZE AND SHARP INHALE* and ask an actual question
What the fuck is Dany's characterization? She wants the throne and loves her Dragons like kids and is very attached to cuck-knight, dickless, nigress, and now Wolfless. Why the fuck does she want the throne at this point? Is she literally just a "ITS MY HOLY DESTINY" fag? I remember her being told she was loved and wanted. Wheels were involved. None of that has come up, and its lackthereof has been entirely missed. What the actual fuck is Dany?
People don't really know much about Asshai either.
>this nigger thinks some dude was controlling the all of the weather
holy fuck you're dumb
the sequel
Dunno, since season 5 this shit goes all-out anime
It is retarded noone saw Tyrions Sally as they unblocked an old gate to do it after they started battering the gates in order to stop them doing that. Deploying half your army outside the city walls when they could easily remain within with a height advantage. and easy access to well water is fucking stupid. No mercenary would agree to do this.
>oh no we are losing time to retreat
>shit the gates are locked
>Now your employer doesn't have to pay you.
I was a S5-7 apologist, I thought they would follow GRRM's ending which would be cool regardless of the shitty writing and cringe dialogue.
To be honest, I'm kind of happy I got to live in blissful ignorance for a couple more seasons. It's just depressing that I'm not longer excited for the finale of what used to be my favourite TV show.
The Night King reached the wall. Everything on his way there was incorporated into his wight army. Wights are raised corpses. You do the math.
In Tuf Voyaging he had the main character genocide an entire planet because they wouldn't stop overbreeding, the planet was Suthlam, which is Malthus backwards.
I think he is a serious fucking perv too. How can one person write so much rape/incest/child porn? And why do normies read it and praise it? In The Glass Flower he fantasizes about sex with children and huge blue alien dicks. And he fetishizes black women, like Melantha (which means "black") from Nightflyers. In Nightflyers the captain of the ship made a male clone version of herself to have sex with--so it was a mother/son incest/self-insertion fantasy?
He claims to be a feminist, but all the women are total fuck ups, and when given power they run things into the ground. Brienne is probably a hermaphrodite.
fuck this shit i'm watching opm
Very early when i noticed they were making up scenarios to make Stannis look bad, like the Stannis humping Mel's legs on the beach scene, or the scene where he kept a room full of aborted babies for some reason.
I remember thinking to myself "WTF are these idiots doing, this is not in the books..." Then i realized they writing for the teen wolf and twillight audience.
Unironically just read the fucking manga. The anime is going to miss a lot of the great little stuff
2nd season animation sucks, still better then this shit, metal bat is a champ
Oh fuck you. I didnt even know there was outcry about it until I happened upon some youtuber bitching about it. Its fine. Not as good as S1 but its far from ruining anything. Its more of the really humorous and heartwarming side stuff that anime watchers are going to miss out on
>TORMUND: So, you promised some lands where we can settle?
>JON: What?
>TORMUND: We talked about this when you allowed us here.
>*Jon looks confused and avoids eye contact*
>JON: Sorry, are you talking to me?
>TORMUND: I can see we are not needed here... I guess we'll go back.
>JON: Took you long enough...
>JON: Nothing... Bye!
>SANSA: Did he buy it?
>JON: Yes, what a fucking idiot.
>SANSA: I'm glad, settling those barbarians would have been a terrible idea.
>JON: I know right? But I had to make him believe he would his people would receive something.
>JON: To be honest, I thought most Wildlings would have been killed during the Long Night and we could have purged the remaining ones, but so many survived...
>SANSA: Yeah, good thing they aren't intelligent.
never watched or read or cared about yt opinions but its obvious, he did a serious move and it was underwhelming af, it is worse its much worse, just accept it and enjoy what we've got
Season 5, it's all been downhill from there.
When did the KL turned into a fucking wasteland ?
When they teleported it inland, keep up user.
Oh fuck off man the show is mostly really good
Marwyn spent 8 years there. We the readers are being kept in the dark about Asshai on purpose, because it would reveal too much. Hint, there is a Shadow over Asshai, the nights are very dark, the days are gloomy, and they have a legend about a black planet that caused an eclispe a god came down from it, that same black planet (the Lion of Night) caused the Long Night, I think it is still there over Asshai and is what is messing up the seasons.
I don't get why people are so annoyed with Jon. I knew right away he would tell the others, I thought for a moment they would pull some tv bullshit trope where he actually doesn't. But it's completely within his character, Jon doesn't keep secrets.
And Mel lived there for a long time, and so did Mirri Maz Duur.
You can furl in sails.
It's retarded if you are going to fight in front of the walls, why even have the fucking walls there in the first place?
You would only sally if an ally is trying to lift the siege, thus the besieger would be attacked not only from the back but in front, putting them in a disadvantageous position.
There is no point sallying otherwise, even if the garrison outnumbers the besiegers, unsuccessful sally could actually give the besiegers a chance to win the siege. Thus to the defender best approach would be to call reinforcements and attack the besiegers together.
The besiegers could actually flee only knowing that somebody is coming to lift the siege, which would be beneficial to the defender because they didn't lose anything.
Pretty much when the show ran out of books. It's still been pretty enjoyable but obviously there is a lot missing since.
Only yas queen faggots are annoyed with his totally-in-character decision.