Who's stronger Capt America or Blade, lads?
Who's stronger Capt America or Blade, lads?
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They're probably equal. Both can lift a tonne so i don't know.
Blade can punch through walls
Funnily enough, these are two of the only capeshit characters I like.
Blade should BECOME Captain America.
Cap is stronger. And he can blush.
RZA never made a song about Captain America so Blade
If blade can lift a ton (1000 kilos), then he’s stronger. Cap can only lift as much as humanly possible, and the body starts failing at around 500 kilos.
So can Cap
Fpbp. Blade is superhuman but MCU Cap is also superhuman
Never got over the fact that a nigger is a vampire, seems like there should be some kind of lore reason that doesn't work.
Comics Cap is peak human. MCU Cap is a goddamn superhuman with extra agility, strength, stamina and fortitude. He's basically a weaker Hulk but far more agile. The fact that he's able to stand up to Loki, Ultron, Iron Man and even Thanos despite seeming weaker, indicates he's a lot stronger
Doesnt blade become some sorta Vampire God?
Probably because you're retarded.
No, but he does kill several of them.
Damn I knew it was nigger hour. Just didn't know so many posted here.
Well you're posting here, ain't you nigger?
>creatures that are immortal, suck blood, turn into bats, explode in UV light, and have superhuman strength
>yeah, makes sense
>but some of them have black skin
>Whaaat? I can't wrap my head around that.
You're retarded.
blade never threw a motorcycle, it would be a good fight but blade's repertoire is tailored for vampire hunting. Hand to hand combat is cap's thing, a bloodlusted blade might be able to give cap a good fight. but caps shield would knock blade out with the shear force of its blow
They're creatures of blood, their magic relies on blood. It doesn't particularly make sense that niggers would be able to draw from that same magic. Animals can't be turned into vampires, and frankly mutts shouldn't be able to either. Maybe some sort of zombie or ghoul, but not a full-fledged vampire.
>Needing to be racist even about vampires
Did you escape out of an issue of Preacher by any chance?
Black people are nearly identical to white people.. There's less than a 0.1% genetic difference.
MCU cap is chad
There's less than a 0.2% genetic difference between humans and dolphins.
Blade isn't a full vampire.
They can be juju zombies. Isn't that enough?
why does Yea Forums unironically like blade?
blade and it’s not even close
because we’re not tasteless faggots like you
Unironically have sex.
He's black but not in a diversity/nigger way like that ape from onions wars.
Well buddy, go ahead and fuck a dolphin and see if it pumps out a hybrid, because otherwise the difference between 0.2% and 0.1% seems pretty big.
Some motherfuckers are always trying to iceskate uphill
But Im racist so I like Chris Evans more, he's a handsome White Guy
I have a soft spot for Miss Noxeema Jackson though, real tough cookie.
Incoming autism:
He's beyond peak. I know they say he's "peak human" but marvel is extremely fucked with their power scaling. They throw that term to give people a vague sense of strength level. There are other characters who are listed at peak human that Cap outclasses. Daredevil and Hawkeye are also classed as peak human despite having no serum, and being significantly weaker than Cap. There's Punisher "peak human" which is essentially training your body to be an elite athlete, and there's Captain America peak human, which is with the serum, which is basically eugenics in a bottle. He's 'peak human' in the sense of that its the maximum allowable human potential. Like if the strongest man bred with the strongest woman for generations upon generations, the fastest man with the fastest woman, the most agile with the most agile, etc etc all distilled into a single body.
In marvel strength scaling the max a peak human is able to lift over their head is 800lbs. They then list Cap's max strength as 1200lbs.
And he has multiple feats of strength that significantly outclass even that. So automatically he can't be peak human.
because he is /our/nig you homo
The first Blade is a really good film.
>One spent whole career as a living recruitment poster and occasionally fighting regular WW2 Nazis
>One spent his whole life killing vampires
I just watched it last night. It's a really good action horror flick. The CGI is kinda dated but it still works well, like a classic PS2 game or something.
I thought you were just being retarded at first, but now I see your genius. I support the making of a vampire movie where only pure whites are turned into true vampires, and what the other people are turned into depends on what racial makeup they are.
Blade trilogy actually has a soul and is Top Kino.
Today MCU is entertaining but souless.
According to Marvel.com
>Strength 4/7
>Speed 2/7
>Fighting Skills 5/7
>Intelligence 2/7
>Captain America
>Strength 3/7
>Speed 3/7
>Intelligence 3/7
>Fighting Skills 6/7
If you say so user.
>fighting skills and intelligence not in the same order for both
fuck you
Always bet on black
Why hasn't mcu made a Blade movie
because his race has nothing to do with the film, he is a cool black dude and thats the extent of his skin.
The only thing I'm mad about with Endgame is they didn't put Blade or Hugh Jack wolverine
>Animals can't be turned into vampires
There are vampire dogs in Blade. You're retarded and really trying to reach.
I would go even further and say that only people directly descended from Vlad and his progeny can be turned to full vampire status.
People of the same genotype could turn into half-vampires, but they wouldn't be able to draw the same blood magic. In the original book Dracula was kind of a creature of curses and gypsy magic.
I was criticizing Blade as a whole. Including that.
>Fighting Skills 5/7
>Captain America
>Fighting Skills 6/7
What? Blade trained most of his life to kill vampires. This is bullshit, Marvel is mad because he couldn't open his eyes.
I know you're a zoomer and don't remember movies before Blade and The Matrix but rest assured before those two movies there was nothing like this shit in the theater. Matrix gets its due but people forget how groundbreaking Blade was because the MCU took off years later and because you know he's a black
I didn´t read the comics.. but in the movies normal Vampires can dodge bullets.
Blade is fast AF.
Vampire Nigger
Comic cap was doing crazier shit before the killed him. During Civil War he was tossing hydra soldiers across rooms through skyscraper windows. Beat the dog shit out of Iron Man and was about to kill him before he snapped out of crazy boomer war hero mode.
Ignore any kind of numbers or scaling applied by a company to its characters. Its all bullshit and everything contradicts everything.
Marvel.com has always done dumb shit in its stats, and thats including the trading cards and its been like that for over 20 years. No one takes it that seriously, they're just casuals approximating.
Blade 3 was pretty fucking bad, mostly because it had Ryan Reynolds in it and was full of MCU-style quips.
I would think Blade
Aren't vampires supposed to be fast and shit since they fight with werewolves
the new Black Captain America is stronger than both
Blade because he has that real big and long and black coat
wtf Invisible Woman is God-Tier compared to most.
Blade, on the power of a better soundtrack alone.
Comic Cap as a "peak" human has fought beings far more powerful than anyone MCU Cap has. Though they also made the gap between MCU Cap and MCU Tony way smaller than in the comics. During the original Civil War, Tony was basically killing Steve during their fight and it was completely one sided.
>In the original book Dracula was kind of a creature of curses and gypsy magic.
Yeah but he's able to turn people who are completely unrelated to him.
d-did he just punch her ass out of that spandex suit?
Because being black wasn't central to his character and you know that behind the scenes the casting choice wasn't made to virtue signal how progressive they are.
>captain marvel whose power is related to single infinity stone can overpower Thanos
>Doctor Strange who posses a stone himself can't
hollywood execs actually tried to get him to be white
That would have been gay too and made the movie suck
Well they shouldn't have because Wesley Snipes did a fantastic job.
thank goyer for pushing back on it. though he took away all that good will by making blade 3
Based and fuckniggerspilled
We don't deserve his chadness
Because blade happens to be black + no forced leftist bs.
To be fair it was still the same gimmick where Tony's armor had a preplanned fight from analyzing all of Cap's combat moves from their years fighting together.
Comics Iron Man would still beat Cap most of the time, but only if he was smart, stayed at ranged and used his suits ranged weapons and terrain to his advantage. If he went in close to slog it out he'd get wrecked.
Sure. Herk doesn't give two fucks.
Comic Tony at his very best fights guys who can casually blow up stars and planets, so no he wouldn't even have to play it "smart". If Tony in his regular armor can stand up to guys like Tor or Hercules or Namor on a regular basis without getting instantly slaughtered, comic Cap is not a threat.
>To be fair it was still the same gimmick
I don't remember CW Tony doing that with Steve in the comics, do you have a scan?
i don't even buy this in the MCU desu. movie iron man was hit by a tank shell dead on and was perfectly fine, i cant buy cap being able to do anything to him. civil war's ending was BS.
Yeah but thats the 'prep time' argument. He fights those guys with specially prepped armor for them. Its not standard equipment, might as well give Cap Thor's hammer if you're doing that.
>If Tony in his regular armor can stand up to guys like Tor or Hercules or Namor
He can't. He literally built a 'Thorbuster' armor to fight Thor and when he fought Namor he got his shit pushed in and needed the rest of the avengers help.
Again Tony would win, but not if he decides to step up to Captain America and start swinging at him like a retard.
>had this in his files
never change Yea Forums
Movie Iron Man's armor was also destroyed by a truck hitting it at a moderate speed and getting touched by le fire man.
Through genetic engineering but they can't just bite a dog and turn it.
>when he fought Namor he got his shit pushed in
No he didn't, Namor jumped him, got him in the water then swam behind him to pull off his helmet. In a regular fight, Tony does fine against Namor every time.
>but not if he decides to step up to Captain America
In Civil War, that's literally what he does and he's holding back massively against Captain America and still putting him on his knees. I don't think you actually understand how much of a big boy Tony is. Its patently false that you think Tony always has to prep to fight threats, fucking Dr. Doom has outright said Tony is one of the most dangerous men in the universe and Tony has hacked Doom's armor before, something even Mr. Fantastic hasn't done much and he's one of the smartest men in the multiverse.
Blade is op when blooded.
It has to be blade right? That nigga looked like Superman when he was fucking up Frost.
Based thread. I love Blade and I love Snipes.
But it's Snipes
Fuck I meant Cap.
I like Snipes too much
>Its patently false that you think Tony always has to prep to fight threats
About as false as you thinking Tony's standard issue equipment is capable of taking on guys like Thor or Namor when one on one he gets dummied.
Again, Tony would win, but not if he's getting into a boxing match
Didn't Reynolds say that Snipes used to be high all the time when filming the third movie?
With Namor? He definitely doesn't need special terrain specific armor unless he plans on fighting him in the sea/underwater.
his entire story could be switched to a white man and still be good, because hes a good character and social commentary has nothing to do with him
Yes and he only referred to Reynolds as cracker.
Get me back to the armory pee eee pee pee eee are.
>Blade can punch through walls
Captain American can open his eyes. Check mate nigger
Namor has never fought Extremis Iron-Man, much less Bleeding Edge Iron-Man. He'd get raped hard fucking core. Imperius r-r-r-r-ex right?
Unless he flies around out of reach long enough for Namor to get weakened from chasing him out of the water he isn't going to beat him in his standard suit. Namor fights the Hulk in a speedo, Tony needs a special armor for that.
If he fights Namor anywhere close to the water he'll need a special suit for that too.
Bleeding Edge Iron-Man beat a guy who knocked out Thor. Nothing Namor has done is comparable to that. Get off the Aqua-Man clone wank.
Ain't nothing Namor did is gonna matter to Bleeding Edge or Extremis Virus possessed Tony. Magneto juiced up on an entire planet's worth of magnetic energy was having issues with him.
Mate you brought up Namor.
And you tried to say Namor is better because he tried to have Tony die in a fight where he jumps Tony and attempted to have him die by suffocation in the water with a cheap move. Namor has never fought a bloodlusted Tony in his more powerful armors and won.
Just gonna let you know its irrelevant to Extremis Iron-Man to bring up Namor, he fights Herald class beings and does fine, that's above Namor's pay grade against anything other than standard suit Iron-Man. And Extremis is outclassed in turn by the Bleeding Edge armor.
And to end this, if you give Tony any sort of prep he'll win. Period. He's like Doom, Richards, Hank Pym, etc...
different user, but hulk usually jobs to juggs and juggs usually jobs to thor
I love how Yea Forums is against all the racebaiting shit in movies nowadays, but more than half of these posts say they only like the movie because he's fucking black.
And just fucking lol at that guy who said:
>"because his race has nothing to do with the film"
while literally centering the film around his race. The fucking irony. Kill yourselves you cocksuckers. All you do is prove horseshoe theory correct.
This is me
Where did I say anything about him being black having anything to do with the movie at all you incel moron.
>and because you know he's a black
Why even respond if you can't even read your own fucking post
I'd suck it
He was rebelling against the director by the point, so he stayed in character the whole shoot. nobody wanted to make that movie they knew it sucked.
Look at the incel brain loses all function once it sees the word black. I said the reason people forget Blade had impact similar to the original Matrix is because it was so far ahead of the MCU and because the lead was black. Nothing about that indicates his race having anything to do with the quality of the movie you gigantic dumbass.
look at those devil worshiping commie arabs defending their country from the foreign invaders
MCU? Cap. He's much stronger in the films than in the comics. In Agents of SHIELD they mention a superstrong dude hasn't beaten Cap's record at pushing a Bulldozer at running speed.
Because it’s the perfect example of how a movie with negroes should be made. Zero identity faggotry or political undertones, similar to Lando in ESB; just a cool motherfucker. The way it should be done. And infinitely better than the shit they’re making now.
But diversity is our strength, user.
Diversity, and uniting against whites.
First Marvel movie Id have paid to see since Ironman 3 of this were the case.
Blade blade blade capt America is a flaming bitch
Quiet nig. The higher races are talking.
You shut your fucking mouth u bitch blade is one of the best marvel characters ever made
Evans is such a massive flaming sodomite, it’s impossible to separate his prolific faggotry from the characters he plays. Mackie will, unironically, make a better Cap. Obviously (((their))) plan all along.
Name one genuinely good scene besides the opening blood rave. It wasn't that great it was just another bad ass r rated film for 10 year olds.
Except that’s not why it was forgotten at all you fucking faggot. You just included his race for no fucking reason which is why I’m bitching at you. You literally cannot take your mind off of identity politics. This is the problem i have with you
Warehouse scene with whistler and the ending and please r rated movie ment for 10 year olds lol better the the horse shit marvels making nowadays the only good thing about avengers was iron man
Omg name calling lol im not black retard blade is a great character regardless of race blank panther is just shoe horned garbage race baiting trash its the reason why everyone loves spawn and blade but hates black panther
Who cares about the avengers? I'm just saying the movie doesn't hold up as good as people act. I loved it when I was in the 8-12 range when it came out. It aged poorly, quickly.
Omg so what movies do you like now with your grown up superior taste you got damn twat
Hey you stupid faggot your autistic trigger has nothing to do with me and your opinions mean nothing to anyone on the planet you little wimpy cuck. You said I said his race had something to do with why the movie is good, I did not say that or imply it but you were too much of a pansy little bitch to just say "Me mad u menthshunz rayce" and I would have simply told you who gives a shit what you're mad about, fuck you. With that said Fuck you, my original comment was correct and your blessing is irrelevant faggot.
Are you done being 12?
It's too late zoomer, you've already seen 30 movies that copied it, you had to be there for the original same as the Matrix.
,........,.................................. have sex incel ..........................................
Cap because he doesn't need an N word pass.
Name one part in the movie that talked about him being black.
Blade's dad is white i think, and another vampire bit his mother while he was being born making him a rare type of vampire.
its a good movie user
Wasn't being black the reason why he could walk on the sun? Like, his melanin protected him or something like that? Did I dream that?
She seems overpowered. Haven’t Fantastic Four always been a joke power wise?
Because it’s a great action shlock with no pandering.
True but MCU Cap was based off of Ultimate Comics Cap in terms of power scale. Ultimate Cap is by far superior in physical abilities compared to 616 Cap
>implying Cap doesn't hit harder than a tank
Dude took out a fucking space fighter jet thing in TWS
When Whistler said he's stronger and faster than honkeys.
but why?
Insurgent groups in those countries treat their people far worse than we do.
Are you saying blade can't blush because he is a vampire or black?
I’m saying the faggots I responded to centered the movie around him being black. Not the movie centering him being black
Captain America is walking down a dimlit alley looking at a GPS....
Cap: Are you sure this is the correct location?
Hill: That an affirmative, recent sat images show movement between these hours.
Cap: Im starting to think Shield might be watching too many Dracula movies.
Hill: Look im not 100 percent sure also but this is the only lead.
GPS beeps..
Cap: Hold on...you gotta see this...
a vampire glowing graffitti covers a metal door.
Cap: Looks like we found the castle.
Cap kicks the door and sends that shit flying against a wall.
Hill: I guess stealth is out the window.
Cap: And out the door....
Hill: nice one.
Cap walks around a warehouse...
Cap: I dont think this guy will show up...
SUDDENLY we hear the faint engine of a bike coming closer and closer...
Hill: heads up
Cap: Ok creepy crawler...lets see what you got.
a bike breaks through a wooden door and comes flying towards cap
Cap dodges it and it crashes against the wall.
Cap turns around but there is noone there...
We see a figure crouching on a beam...
Cap: Whats wrong? Not man enough to face me?
Suddenly Blade appears behind him
Blade: Said the man with a shield...
Blade swings at Cap and he blocks it, sparks fly everywhere..
Cap is surprised at the strength of the blow...
Blade tries to legsweep him but he jumps and tags him in the face with his shield
Blade grabs his face...he takes off his sunglasses and they are broken...
Blade: I'll get you for that...
Cap: Stand down!!
Cap throws the shield at Blade and he ducks spinning with his longcoat at the same time throws a silver stake at Cap
Cap barely dodges it and gets his arm cut.
Blade and Cap both look at the shield.... Cap goes for it as fast as he can and Blade does nothing, he grabs his katana and takes a few steps back.
Cap: I didnt know you creatures had honor....
Blade: There's alot of things your boys at Shield dont know...not even popeye.
Cap starts to run full speed at Blade...
Blade stands there and at the last moment he jumps and lands behind him, he does a backwards stab but Cap blocks it, after a few blows the katana looks like foil paper barely hangin on...Blade throws it to the ground and takes a karate stance.
Cap smirks and throws the shield also... he puts up his hands in a boxers style..
trailer ends.
>In a regular fight
>d-doesnt count
Whose sexy ass is that? Asking for a friend.
How do I into comics pirating
when do they fuck?
2nd was pretty good too.
bcs wesley snipes isnt a nigger but a respectable black man.
i like this. especially because i like to walk around imagining i'm cap with his powers cause that's somehow the power i would choose if having my pick of the avengers cast. it just has this verisimilitude that i enjoy. that's why my favorite movie in the MCU is winter soldier. and civil war. great fight choreography.
he's better. all the strengths, none of the weaknesses.
Capt literally defied all time travel and paradox "rules"
hydra doesn't exist in civil war.
Marvel only appeals to jews and jewish children so shut your shekel mouth.
needs a lot of work but still potential kino/10
if blade sucks caps cock, he wil gain the super soldier serum
In the comics? Blade, in the movies MCU Cap.
Daredevil isn't peak human, he is olympic. And peak human doesn't mean what you think it means ot what marvel wikia implies.
obviously he is more resilient
>Yea Forums cheers for nigger
What a time to be alive
Blade has the power to resist opening his eyes. Not even "the director" could control him. Truly the strongest.
Blade and it's not close.
Hes stronger.
And can regenerate so hes hard as fuck to kill.
Cap just has super endurance.
Movie cap is legit superhuman, ultimate was on the 2-3 ton range, mcu is in the 5. IMO it's bullshit and overpowered.
I like it.
The correct spelling is Wh*toid
The only capeshit character worth a damn.
I dont think blade can do pic related. Maybe on his best day.
one of the guys you quoted literally said Blade could be white and wouldn't make ANY difference
nvm my bad literally ALL of the people you quoted said him being black has nothing to do with his character, you got me
hello newfag, Blade has always been a Yea Forums staple
She-Hulk, my brother