Luis J Gomez (his new special is great too) and Nick DiPaolo both fightin the good fight against SJW faggot comedy
Contender for stand-up special of the year material right here
woke twitter already wants his blood lol
Nick Dipaolo is a stupid fucking wop who is too angry to string together a joke this special is free on youtube because he knew CC and Netflix wouldn't pay a dime for it
Also leave that SJW shit at the door because Dave Chappelle Defended both Louis CK, and did 30 straight minutes on trannys
whoa i bet this guy tells it like it is and doesnt give a hoot about the PC police!!! MAGA!
welp I guess I'll have to enjoy to own the libs
being redpilled can be hard work sometimes
No im just not a stupid nigger who hears someone say "DURR I DONT LIBERALS" and blindly clap
the funniest thing is black people (well real black people, not those woke hipster oreo black people) all think DiPaolo is hilarious, yet everyone tries to say DiPaolo is a racist. He was one of the few people who made Patrice laugh and Patrice hated everyone. Any tough crowd with those 2 on the panel was always a must watch
Cringe and boomercore. Learn how to make pipe bombs if you care so much about BTFOing the libtards.
>"I'm telling a bunch of 18-25 year old they're stupid"
DiPaolos hilarious, if he wasnt so racist and rightwing he probably could've been huge but the guy clearly never gave a fuck and says whatever the fuck he wants. hes gone a bit off the deep end with all the ranting at liberals in the last couple years (not that i dont disagree with him, but that shit gets old after a while) but i cant deny hes still funny as fuck, his stand-up always made me laugh with all his nigger faggot and retard people jokes
I just watched the first 5 minutes. I'm sure my boomer dad would love this guy.
Unironically, everyone else sucks these young faggots' balls these days
>everyone else
lol you don't even believe that
Aaaaand he's a cuck
Always had a soft spot for all those Tough Crowd / O&A guys. Comedy has gone so far left in the last 10 years that those guys are all pretty much seen as LITERAL NAZIS LIKE OMG! now so yea i guess it makes sense he has to resort to putting on YouTube for free, with Comedy Central and Netflix being leftwing propaganda nowadays unless you're some SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER pushing their transfaggot agenda and dont look like Nanette/CameronEspisito/TigNotaro theres no places for you on those NO CIS WHITE MEN ALLOWED networks
haha he just broke his own rule of never apologizing WHAT A SELLOUT!
how does a person become this perfectly spherical
nick is based and red pilled
lol aint this that fucking wop who got in a fight with Louis CK in that one episode of Louie?
God, I miss Patrice
if Fox News ever wanted to get into the late night comedy game, they should give one to him as hes pretty much the only extreme rightwing comic whos actually funny.
>Nick Dipaolo is a ...
and then you played yourself
I've only seen 10 mins of Anthony Jeselnik's special and it's already better than anything this limp dick has said
Why is some fat boomer shilling his favorite boring comic here? This guy appeals only to people over 40.
>Dave Chappelle
wittingly or otherwise, he laid the groundwork for all the massive faggotry of woke """"comedy""""" we're seeing today
that would be Carlin, and even Oswalt and Maron
Jeselneck is a never was and a never will be. Nick is one of the greatest stand ups of all time. Go be a fucking faggot on another website
>that would be Carlin
"Why do Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy get to say 'nigger' and I don't? Because they're niggers!" - George Carlin
It was pretty good. I miss Tough Crowd and him and the other regular cellar comics on that show.
Yeah i'm sure him endlessly mocking the women who claim louis ck "Raped" them, or him spending 2 whole specials bashing on trannies are totally woke comedians favorite
DiPaolo is actually a pretty funny guy, but this special is fucking garbage just like all political comedy in 2019.
>casually commits felony
he used to be good on the Comedy Central roasts back when the roasts were funny and had actual comics on them
Colin Quinn had the best line about Nick- "Hes not a political comedian, but he could tell a joke about McDonalds and everyone would know how you voted"
This was back in the tough crowd days, dont think he did much political material back then so the quote made more sense. Though his political isnt even that political anyway, its mostly calling Hillary a fat thick ankled dogface and calling liberals goo-gobbling faggots lol thats about the extent of it
those O&A guys were hilarious back in the day. too bad most of them are either trump boys now or dead
Bruh this guy is objectively awful. All his jokes are written by 6th grade middle schoolers. He’s not even creative with his schitck. It should b a crime to grift those ppl in audience’s money. Oof
>another example of SJWs who pretend to be good people, advocating violence and intolerance
they will destroy themselves eventually, people are already turning against them
Thats dumb. Obviously, Mr. DIpaolo sees it as a crass move and will show due respect. Its called being an adult.
the edited down to 30 seconds version is better
how fucking stupid do you have to be to think carlin set the standard for this when he spent 40+ years talking about how political correct woke bullshit was going to ruin the country and accurately predicted the countries current state. He ranted about politics but he always ALWAYS talked about this politically correct shit as fucking aids
>”wow comedic genius!”
Conservative comedians are just retards trying to hide their retarded views behind the veil of comedy. They let anger get in the way of actual jokes. Most liberal comedians do this too, but ALL conservative comedians do it.
10 years ago i would've been like "yeah, what a edgelord faggot" but with what stand-up comedy has become in the age of nanette and all these wokies taking over comedy, being a shock comic is kinda becoming a lost art, so even the most blatantpy "look how offensive i am!" comic seems refreshing compared to all these brown faggots and lgbt comedians talking about how oppressing the white man is or whatever the hell passes for (((mainstream comedy))) nowadays
>being a shock comic is kinda becoming a lost art
It really isn't, its just that this Milo-tier shit is played out.
>but ALL _________ do it
I can tell you’re a cumtown fag bu the wat you type
Oh right if you don't like Milo you're a tranny, I forgot that America was mostly made up of trannies and that I too had cut my dick off.
Nick is based and red pilled.
Lole dropped
lol i didnt watch it but that is a great stand-up album cover
I always love seeing these Twitter screencaps of lefties seething and calling for blood only to find out their accounts get banned after I Google them.
>*Sips Monster*
>Yeah I love these days
Yeah because more martyred liberals really helps the cause
holy fucking shit the joe rogan standup mafia is pathetic.
When will they learn...
Have sex
why would you deny that dipaolo is racist? it's like 50% of his personality. oh but he made le ebin MRA fat nigger laugh so he's not racist lol. just be honest you little nerd.
What a faggot reply. Very unlike Nick.
"Well of course he was shot and killed last year. He was black," was the proper reply.
Thanks OP, I know I'm going to enjoy watching this. I'm still pissed nick and artie's sports show fell through. They are so funny together but they really approached that show all wrong.
Who cares about public opinion as long as your enemies are dead
even he has his limits for how much he can get away before (((they))) come for him
speaking of old tough crowd/opie and anthony guys. whatever happened to this moron? he wasnt funny but he made a good punching bag when everyone would pile on him for being a retard and the worlds only jew who isnt smart
>Black Lives Matter Activist
>Murdered by another black man
>flipping off a group of minorities
lol thats pretty blatant
Or he's against SJW snowflake culture and not outrightly racist like you
Nicks friends with Chris Rock and used to write for him, how racist can he be??
Vos is a gay cuck since he married that annoying SJW wife with a retarded sister
No one gives a fuck about your Youtube channel.