Literally nobody can defeat this beast

Literally nobody can defeat this beast

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Strongest_Man

fuck this roided cuck bring back the season one mountain

He's already been defeated

inb4 his undeath makes him weak against valyrian steel

Aren't you forgetting someone?

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Oberyn Martell accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.

>Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
>For you

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He lost to a fag.

Based Mr. Larson poster

I hope he kills Arya


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I wish I had his height and build!!!FACT!!!

>tfw you will never get to carry people around with ease

Whoa hey, bisexual and he preferred twinks which is b&rp

The actual guy, halftone bjornsonn, did an amateur boxing match with some 230 pound guy and got absolutely fucked up. He can't fight, DC would put him on his neck in a street fight
I'd literally put my money on any top 5 welterweight and higher in a fight against him. There are diminishing returns to size and weight in a fight and he is far beyond the limit.

should've wrestled instead

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We /heem/ now

So does he have jofferys head on his body or something? Why haven’t they shown his face in like 5 years?

Welterweights are 147 pounds. You’re an idiot.

yea i dunno man. mma's a sport. its very practical but it's still sport. maybe some heavyweights get him but even then what are you gonna do when he knocks you down, and you cant just stay on your back with your legs up waiting because he's grabbed a pipe and is now beating you to death

Cejudo could heem the mountain

Martins will eventually.


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step aside

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The Mountain is equal to the types of enemies Guts can handle before the end of his first volume.

just watched a video of him boxing and he definitely looks slow and uncomfortable about it but the other guy was pretty damn big as well

19 yr old Jaime flashes in and out with his dagger, then runs from the dying mtn

His HGH enlarged heart bursting out of his chest or his misaligned spine confining him to a wheelchair, whichever comes first, certainly will.

I'm guessing the hound will do it

>someone who doesn't fight or train for fighting lost to someone whose job it is to know how to fight
shocking revelation, user

He fat.

you are fucking retard. There's a video of him boxing with mcgregor and Hafthor is just fucking playing with him.

>m-my superior speed!

Based Houndposter, truly /ourguy/

mcgregor was a 145er at the time of that video
big difference in the walking size of 145er and 265er

>I'm bleeding, so I am the victor!

Why so they have weight classes at all?
When will manlets learn?

in terms of intimidating 2>1>3, hafthor has a baby face

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>tfw didn't even remember the second one

A bullet will

Itt shit black people never think of.

2 was a literal lanklet they had to hide in the shadows

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psh, just shoot him with that huge crossbow and lets see if he still lives

Fuck I want to suck his cock, just out of respect.

He was gassing out user. Tho he also had the markings of someone who's holding back because he's not used to fighting. Still, in a more serious environment, memegregor would've probably crushed his balls, his windpipe, or both.

2 looks like some regular shitskin, i don't see how that is intimitading.

1 fits the part better as he's more the age you'd expect but Hafthor does have the presence.

Oberyn pretty much did. His mistake was just to keep talking when he already had Gregor on the ground, and he should have just finished him.

170 in mma, and most of these guys walk around 200 lbs since they cut a shitton of weight for the weigh ins
You fucking casual

That shitskin already embarrassed him, Greg only managed to squeeze out a draw because that fag decided to play with his food more than he should have.

Dunno why I never thought of it before, but what if one of the "heroes" uses a ballista on him? It'd be like pottery since it's one of Qyburn's creations killing another

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Can't even beat a woman.

seething manlet lmao

McGregor sparred with him and wrecked his shit too.

He was fighting with a handicap, he literally had fucking diarrhea.
Based Hound was holding back a massive, rancid shit, desperately trying not shit his pants AND fighting a giant, weaponized tranny at the same time.

Hahahaha let this guy catch you slipping a punch and that's it. Boxing is boxing (no grappling) Let this man pick you up and lights out. You've clearly never wrestled somebody who is even slightly heavier than you.

slender clegane

Other way around, 2 looks like a söyboy


two was shit. skinny fucker i never even knew he was supposed to be Mountain.

Tbf, we was very wounded that day.

1 was perfect. Why'd he leave. He looks like he could be related to the Sandor actor and actually looks older than him.

>mma's a sport
Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what it's like fighting someone like that. IRL people don't get kicked in the face and laugh it off because they have big pecs. Stop acting like you know shit about fighting.

>I am nobody

>You've clearly never wrestled somebody who is even slightly heavier than you.
Have you? I used to have to wrestle people in heavier weight classes all the time. It's not a death sentence unless you're a pussy.

Certainly not us

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He probably has a tiny dick.

for you

2 is just a stretched out ape. 1 actually seems to fit the easily-angered profile.

literally ten dicks growing off his hands

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Conan Stevens was the best Mountain. Fact.

were the "heavy" guys 5 lbs heavier than you? kek. Try fighting 400 lbs strong dude.

No, around 70 lbs. And that's just wrestling. I've boxed, done Muay Thai, and did kung fu. When you add striking the weight classes mean even less. You haven't fought anyone at any weight or else you wouldn't be saying these things. You are talking about shit you don't understand and it shows.
>400 lbs
Yeah I bet you do weigh that much. Your fat ass aint winning shit unless it's an eating competition.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>400 lbs strong dude
Kek, such a colossal fag would gas himself out after throwing a single punch and probably go into full blown cardiac arrest trying to do some rudimentary footwork.

I know. I literally can't bring any of it up or else I come off like a meathead. I'm right though and I actually have experience with fighting and weight classes while you just throw the terms around.

Didn't he smack her around a few months ago?

He literally said in an interview that he was holding back a lot during that sparring match. He would've crushed him in truth.

He's too slow. I don't think he's even top 30. Oberyn made him look like a bitchass clown.


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I don't need to

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jesus how much does he have to eat to maintain that size

First casting was taller.

>Saying shit to save face

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A LOT he eats literally all the time to maintain that figure.

was it beautifull

McGregor Clegane?

He was able to stand up to full height and move several steps with one and a half Imperial tonnes on his shoulders

Absolute beast

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arnolds not as tall and strong though

a normal dick would look so small on a body like that

Wow what a tough guy. Hope you don’t run around acting like you’re some kind of badass or you’re likely to get fucked up by some low life with a weapon

I could beat up this bitch, I can even get trips you basedbois.

Nodick does

>gets filtered
>thinks he can get trips
Absolute state of check my 3

Look like a tall Bran

i was a different user, just ‘avin a bit of a giggle desu

I don't act like a badass at all because I've actually fought people and know better than to make assumptions about them based on stupid shit. Which is the basis of what I was saying in the first place. You are literally doing the thing you think I should't be doing. We would probably agree if you were self aware enough to realize it. And I am a lowlife with a weapon, I don't need lectures on my own kind.

It was funny and I deserved it.

Eddie Hall would murder him


People forget that Sandor went weeks without proper eating and mass fatigue with all the walking they were doing, that doesn't even take into account the bite from Biter that Arya outright states has his walking slower than usual which was likely the start of a fever. Compare that to Briene who was staying at fancy ins and riding on horseback until the day she fought the Hound.

Hound was at 70-75% fighting efficiency while Briene was closer to 95%. That fight is also show only and didn't happen in the books.
In the books the Hound beats Jaime Lannister in the Hand's Tourney (only jousting though) but it's implied by Jaime later that the Hound, the Mountain, and Baristan Selmy are the only 3 people who could give him a run for his money and beat him pre both hands.

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He's gonna kill his bro with fire by overcoming his fear.
Screencap this.

talktotransformer says yes

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Arya can

>not even a single tease that the wights/Walkers/NK was marginally interested in the undead Mountain

He left to play an orc in the hobbit trilogy and then they cgi'd him anyway, lol.

Pretty poor career choice

thread theme

*MatPat’s wife Stephanie blocks your path*

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WTF I love GoT now

Most likely because he's not actually an actor, and an actor has to emote through facial expressions, which this guy doesn't have many of. They literally need him for how large he is, nothing else.

He's also severely babyfaced and looks younger than his brother in the show, which should be the other way around.

Fuck I love that song. Fuck I love devildriver.

I would pay to see him fuck her.

I wish I could pay to see him fuck her. More famous people need to do porn. I don't get why they don't. I would do porn but nobody would want to see it.

Oh well. Would have enjoyed hearing him yell at Oberyn with that voice of his.

>Eddie 'onetrick' Hall
yeah he's such a badass that he retired after winning once in a contest that was perfect for him

If you know Judo his height and weight go against him.
The bigger you're the more dangerous arm bars are.
Watch this

1 literally got his face cut off by Spartacus

>Dunno why I never thought of it before

at least you got in early breh. maybe even first, until I saw your post I'd completely forgotten about Bronn using a scorpion to knock off that Dothraki who was chasing him

>push of a cliff

well well well if it isn't my old pal reddit.

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Don't sell yourself short, user. Like everyone else in this thread and on this board I know I would enjoy seeing you take it up the chuff from him.

He's going to catch Arya in mid air and rip her in half, we're going to see her insides like Gendry wishes he could.

>trained boxer wins boxing match against stronger man who must fight using weaker mans rules
No shit? Real fights don't play out like boxing matches

1’s face on 3’s body

In fairness your old pal reddit would have been right if he meant able to win on points by connecting punches.

If you started lifting and diet you could in 10 years. Remember, nothing is impossible.

We all know he's going to die tackling his brother into a raging inferno of wildfire it is incredibly obvious.

Icelandic genes are scary

he's natty, faggot

Boxers can break the rules too, they just usually don't need to.

Sure. But bigger guy wrestling down smaller guy usually is the end for smaller guy

S1 Mountain was absolutely vicious. They fucked up by firing him.

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Getting closer negates a size advantage.

She has a cute smile, she should smile more

Why did they fire him?

he left to do the hobbit movies as this thing

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S2 was best

The second one has best voice

He was a literal placeholder until they could find a replacement for the first

He left for a part in The Hobbit but his footage was replaced with CGI

Couldn't they CGI his arms bigger?

Arya or Bell-Crazed Dany will kill him all roided up.

>My initial contract was only for the first season, unlike some of the other actors, and I did wonder about there not at least being an option for future seasons.

>I was on The Hobbit at the time in New Zealand still as the practical Bolg character, my best guess would be as a cost-cutting measure as the character only featured for about three seconds in the second season, so fly me first or business from NZ with all associated costs or Ian Whyte was already on set. I know what I would chose if my job was to save money.

his name is Iam Whyte

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Remjnder that you're a manlet if you

Retarded decision by executives as usual. Saving up a few thousand dollars (at most) while sacrificing continuity and audience immersion. Not that it mattered in the end, because apparently no one gives a fuck at all in the latest seasons, but still

those anger issues

I didn't know there was more than one actor until this thread.

That doesnt change what i said

Anyone paying half a brain's attention did notice though. Don't tell me you didn't notice the third actor too, which is a direct result of this decision that we are talking about.

I love the intensity of his squire. His squire is sprinting as fast as he can to avoid getting cut in half himself

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Perfect casting opportunity for a T-103 Tyrant.


He's toast anyway, lol. His household dies off like flies.

That might be my problem. I'm sort of watching it on one screen and shitposting on the other. I look over from time to time but mostly I'm not watching.

is this bait or are you actually that fucking stupid? dumb lanklet

>gotta go fast

Cope virgin

Not that guy but He doesn't do steroids. Just descended from vikings (icelandic)

Im a girl

Girl (female) or girl (Male)

Sandor was cutting people in half with single swings in the battle of blackwater. You don't see Brienne doing shit like that.

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At the very least you could reasonably assume that he could be the older brother of Sandor. The newest guy legit looks twenty years younger because he is. The second one looks like a bitch and appropriately spent his tenure being the whipping boy for Tywin.

Redpill me on this.

Nice dummy lfmao

I keep forgetting about the second one. Where was he even? Harrenhall?

>lost to a scrawny latino faggot
>only kept around through experimental zombie surgery

haha it would be crazy to see his dick. can you imagine haha

>LF throwing away 100 gold just to call Renly a homo
>the brutality of the Mountain
>the Hound dodging by kneeling
God damn I miss the first season

ofcourse he uses roids retard. look at that belly. nothing bad about using roids if you want to be the strongest man in the world though.

Im not actually a girl i just wanted (You)s haha


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>Laugh fuck my ass off
No thanks faggoon

This is your GoT audience, ladies and gentlemen.

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Fuck off drumpkin

haha I'm also

It's because he got stress induced bell's palsy after a competition a few years back. Half his face is numb.

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what? what does the orange man have to do with this

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yeah im just gonna lift myself 8 inches taller. fag.

damn poor guy

Fuck you racist

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Mountain Lv.4

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Now we're getting somewhere.

The left looks just like the boomer meme

why would I be scared of some dude with a snapped neck?

Hafthor is still buttblasted Eddie has better static strength than him.

So who is this Eddie and is he actually stronger than The Mountain or not?

elephant bar > regular bar deadlift
eddie is an unhealthy cunt with severe health issues, hafthor isn't. hafthor wins, eat shit britfags

Eddie Hall won the strongman world championship some years ago and holds the deadlift world record.

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He fights dirty and cheap and got defeated several times.

He looks like a chubby midget

There's always a bigger fish.

post your reaction when cleganebowl happens offscreen

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official tier list says otherwise

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>post your reaction when cleganebowl happens offscreen

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how is sandor rated so high when he lost to a bitch?

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>tfw I'm a fan of Hafthor Björnsson as an athlete but haven't seen a single episode of Game of Thrones

What's the deal with his character there? Is he the strongest man in the world in Game of Thrones too?

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Shit don't ask me, probably because he'll fuck up zombie mountain I don't know. Wasn't he injured in his fight against Brienne?

this is accurate besides SS tier meme level butArya being top makes sense with what Dumb and Dumber kep trying to push, book talk though The Hound and The Mountain still remain top of the food chain along with two handed Jaime and Barristan.
it won't, it's fucking confirmed

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he's shredder from ninja turtles

holy shit Arnold's looking cute in this pic. His face is as youthful as Alizee's

>in Game of Thrones too?
>implying he is in real life

>Is he the strongest man in the world in Game of Thrones too?
yeah, he punched out someone front teeth in one punch and decapitated a horse with one swing of his sword.

He's a big guy.

Lol how many seats do you think he orders when he flies?

Barristan died to fucking meme tier, he deserves to be in C with all the other jobbers

He has literally won every major international strongman contest in 2018 and so far in 2019. The question isn't whether or not if he's the strongest man in the world, but whether or not anyone is close enough to have a chance of beating him with the right events.'s_Strongest_Man

yea have you seen the Dutch Giant tho, that dude literally can't even take a shit properly becuase of how large he is
plus body builder =/= powerlifter

He looks like a kid. He could be son of the guy who plays the Hound and is shorter than him. The most retarded recast of older taller brother character.

he's currently the worlds strongest man, years ago he was only the second, but now he's the strongest

When he manages to deadlift 501kg, he will be. I do believe he can do it. But since he hasn't done it yet, it's still Eddie

He's been on the podium every year since 2012, but he didn't win until last year.

Eddie Hall is nowhere near as strong as he used to be, and that is a good thing for his health.

Total gender identity politics. That shit didn't happen in the book.

>implying deadlift is only deciding factor
And even if it were, I believe Hafthor's raw DL is actually higher than Eddie's.

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Eddie Hall is 6'3. Thor is 6'8. Shaw is 6'10.

He worked like a dog to get to their level. He earned his victory, even if that event was particularly suited to his skills.

Maybe now, but no strongman in history has ever been statically stronger than 2017 Eddie Hall.

I don't watch mma because I'm not a homo, but look up boxing welterweight and then feel free to go fuck yourself.

Eddie Hall showered with him.

He says it's HUGE.


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I'll tell you again nigger
elephant bar > regular bar
Hafthor wins gg ez

>le bouncy springy spaghetti bar
>harder than a regular bar

Will there ever be a giant as based as Andre ever again?

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Imao, she did a porn video.

Eddie used a deadlift bar (which also bends more), a suit and 8-figure straps for his record (give you more distance). He had a lot more assistance for his lift than Hafthor. Add to that the fact that they had to bring him to the fucking hospital after that deadlift. Only retarded britfags would say Eddie Hall.

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Oy vey

Yeah the scenes at harrenhal. I knew there were two different ones not 3. Tywin steals the scenes in season 2 is probably why I never noticed.

First mountain was better, had character.

>judo can flip a 6'9 guy who weighs 3 times more than you and who can lift 10x more than you.
Ambitous. I agree weight isn't everything, but strength is. You underestimate just how strong the body of the world's strongest man is, from the bones to the muscles. Try an arm bar with your full body weight and he'll throw you like a tennis ball.

I would have chosen to stick with the same guy for the whole thing.
New mountain is big, but has no character. Old one fitted the personality of the mountain, the same fury that made him push his brother's face into the fire, it was all evident.

Black webm.

reminder that bob page is elon musk. predictive programming.

trips means it will happen.
you can gain half an inch to an inch in height by correct exercise though. same reason why old people lose an inch or two due to spinal compression and muscle loss.

lmao you think your anime moves are gonna take down the literal worlds strongest man

Roided apes are garbage in combat.

>when the xenooestrogens hit hard


Yeah, being the strongest man in the world and able to pull coconuts in half with your bare hands is meaningless.
Any granny with osteoporosis and a week of Blow Job Jitsu could beat him with her eyes closed.

testing this one out, maybe it easier to see

Attached: the hound cuts a guy in half.webm (950x540, 775K)

It's about the same, but cheers for trying. Think it is the lighting of the scene rather than encoding.

the bend on the elephant bar may actually be worse

i still think that the oscillation from it is what tore all those hammies at Arnold's... like a Tacoma Bridge

Sandor doesn't just cut a guy in half once, the fucker does it twice.
The second time being from hip to shoulder, the guy is strong as fuck and reminds you of Guts with his two handed sword.
The issue is that Battle of Blackwater is a very dark episode as it was shot and directed entirely at night. If you watch the inside the episode of it a shit ton of work went into it.

Attached: the hound cuts a guy in half 2.webm (950x540, 1.96M)

you can't download the webm, you have to watch in on the site itself, I don't know why this webm is like that


eddie is stronger at 6'2
and theres tons of 5'9-6'2 around there
being shorter is better for a lot of lifts
taller is better for some to though

Not so fast.

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2 is better imo, 1&3 look like regular brutes while 2 looks like a fucking psycho

>bronn thinks he stands a chance vs the hound
sandor is the best character in game of thrones

>cleaving someone through chainmail

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>He left to play an orc in the hobbit trilogy and then they cgi'd him anyway, lol.

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wait Qyburn invents Ballistas in GoT. I though it was high medieval age, Ballistas are old technology at that point.

there is nothing wrong with a babyface
now that i'm thinking about it most strongmen have a baby face

>he's a big guy

Watch it gronk.

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The last thing Daenerys will see.

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strongman have pretty high stamina you retard
anyone under 175 is getting 1 shot by thor
most of that boxing shit you see is fake fights

i dunno
looks fake since i'm 300 and fast

Quick, import somalis and mix them!

they didn't even do anything but lightly tap eachother
thor could have just pushed him into a wall and bash his head in

Pretty cool behind the scenes. I was an extra on the dothraki vs lannister battle in series 7, and interesting to see some of the same organisation and routines used. Filming at night must have been a lot harder though.


They have quite a bit of fat from eating so much to keep their weight up.

looks like a Mel Brooks parody

pretty much the only chance anyone has
>I was an extra on the dothraki vs lannister battle in series 7
waitt really? What was it like fulming the loot train scene?

also what did you think about India leaking the epi early, Yea Forums lost it's mind

Attached: fucking india leaking the poopoo in the loo.png (1920x1080, 2.97M)

he also played the giants.

only because you got to see it on repeat mutliple times, when you watch it live it's a quick 1.5 second cut at best and only when you slow it down or rewatch will you see the special effects and prosthetics used

1 - face
2 - voice
3 - shit

*plays, he did the giants in episode 3 this season as well

peak GoT

Didn't hear about the leak at the time. All the extras had to sign a non disclosure agreement every morning though, supposedly with a 50,000 euro fine for revealing details on social media.
Was pretty cool, just to be out in the countryside for 12-13 hours a day with 200-250 other dudes and no mobile phones, no personal items, just hanging out and filming cool stuff.
Was cold those, filmed in November/December and outside the entire day, from pre-dawn to sunset. First day of the actual battle it rained, and a lot of us caught a cold. After the first week, most people bought thermal underwear to wear under the uniforms.
Was pretty cool having Jaime/Randyl Tarly shouting orders to us. We had training like that vid says, an ex-military guy who also supervised all the maneuvers for the whole thing. Was about 3-4 weeks of filming. Not much sleep but really awesome experience.
There wasn't a set, it was on location. The wagons were all hand built and solid/heavy. We'd walk down the hill you see the dothraki charging down each morning from the tents where the buses dropped us, then back up at sunset. The dothraki really charged us too, stopping about 5 metres in front of our lines. There were only about 50 riders though, then they duplicated with computers afterwards.

ehh most look like a naturally babyface not just because there fat
babyfaces are cool i dunno why some consider them cons

>All the extras had to sign a non disclosure agreement every morning
>every morning
>50,000 euro fine for revealing details
shit that's wild.
Could you go into more detail about your part? This is super interesting and I'd gaurantee more than just a few people would like to hear about it. what was the payif you don't mind me asking, I've thought about doing extra work on tv prjects before myself

Can even recognise some of the second line of soldiers in that one.
In the training, they selected the best archers, and best swordsmen, and like they said in the behind the scenes of blackwater, they picked a core of about 20 extras to work with stuntmen on some extra scenes.
Main commands repeated dozens of times were "form the line, spears & shields, spears up, spears out", though they simplfied that a bit.
One other thing you might notice, the stuntmen didn't have time for training with the extras, so they didn't have as disciplined lines or formation as us. They were pretty cool guys though, but busy. Some had impressive martial arts skills, nice tricks with weapons too, international team.

Of course he roids you brainlet. You don’t get to wan without it, you don’t get that big without it. Amazing genes and amazing roids are why he’s that big. He’s also very open about his roid use.


>so fly me first or business
What a diva cunt.

Pay was about 55 euros a day, but other series pay 70 or 100, it depends on what it is and which company does it. Extras pay just covers living costs. Food was all catered, from a very early morning standing buffet breakfast at 3-6am in the morning depending on the day, hot sandwich at around 10am, big lunch at around 1-2pm, snack a couple of hours after that, hot drinks in the morning, and bottled water several times a day. Never went hungry.
I was several different roles, there were several sub sections of solider, you might not be able to tell because on screen it was very fast.
There were wagoners, who had black leather armour, then infantry who had red leather, then armour who were the guys at the front with the impressive breadtplates and helmets, archers, then you had Tarlys, as well as a Tarly general and 2 lannister generals in better armour.
You see the tarly general when we're POWs in the next episode, he has a beard and stands near to Randyl and his son.

He's 7 foot tall, he isn't going to sit on planes for 24 hours in a tiny seat with his knees folded up to work for a film company making billions.

He's legit the world strongest man and is dope tested regularly

>Lost to Brienne
>A woman that can't properly defeat nerfed Jaime

Pity there weren't more giants. I wonder whether there were surviving giants in the north, or wildlings, or whether the whole place was cleared out by the night king. Wouldn't really make sense for him to spend months combing the place when he was headed south to invade the human lands.

S1 mountain was rage personified. Thor's just there and is massive.

No the elephant bar bends more as it is longer. This has been said several times throughout the Arnold Classic, which I assume you didn’t watch.

see and
Brienne can't perform the feet of stengths he can when he's at 100%
almost positive that Giants are already close to extinction in the books and likely in the show as well

Attached: cuz he had armour, and a big fuucking sword.png (1030x630, 345K)

The elephant bar as well as the bar that Eddie used for his world record both bend more than the bar regularly used in competitions. Reading comprehension.

fuck, meant for but you talk about Jaime being nerfed as if the Hound wasn't nerfed for that fight.
Brienne is good, but not Hound or Mountain tier

Why couldn’t you look this up?

He admitted to roiding you dumb fuck.

They seemed to live well enough along side the wildlings. Perhaps because there were so few of them that they wanted some form of company. Seemed a waste to kill the last ones off on the wall and then winterfell.
Should have set up a breeding programme with the biggest females in westeros, or crossbred them with dragons.

He has literally admitted to roiding you fucking brainlet.
And he probably roided harder than ever after getting cast as the mountain to lose weight and still be strong enough to compete.

he was starving had diearea and an infected bite on the back of his neck
also he fell off a fucking cliff if that didn't happen he still would have won

the strongest officially anyway
tons of people don't go

You're conflating book brienne with show brienne.
Book Brienne was B-tier, or very high C-tier.
She had some good showings, but she got nearly eaten by Biter. And she had to really work for it with Rorge.
She tied with a nerfed Jaime, and thought she would have zero chance if he was at a 100%.
I have no idea what percentage he was on after sitting chained for over a year, malnourished etc. Probably not even half. All he thought that she was strong as fuck.

Show Brienne is def A-tier. She didnt even look when she disarmed Jaime.
She outfought The Hound not only in swords, but in a dirty brawl aswell. The brawl was pretty evenly matched, but she completely outclassed him with swords.
She also killed 3 dudes in less than 5 seconds.
Before being too slow for Arya, she was by far the best fighter on the show in terms of feats seen on screen.
I guess Arya is the best now though.

Imagine going above 300 pounds as a bodybuilder or athlete. Unless you are Andre The Giant sized, there is no point.
Eddie Hall fucked himself up for life by doing lifts upwards of 450> regularly.
I'm all for people being the best they can be, but there is literally no place other than perhaps bodybuilding (which even then the best are all

I legit can’t fucking wait for this shit. I want Sandor to be revealed to truly be Azor Ahai. I want it to turn out their entire budget went into this fight, and we get a Hound wreathed in flame, like some holy, avenging angel.

You didn't even mention the Hound having his bite on his neck or the lack of food, sleep, and major exhaustion from walking from the Riverlands to the Vale for half the season.

I'll give you that show and book Brienne is different, but you can;t deny that the Hound and Mountain stand atop of the fighting pyramid in terms of ability.

The whole point of exercising for wsm contestants Is to get strong you fucking retard.

Remember how berristan Selma was hyped up for 5 seasons and how everyone said he was the bed swordsmen they’ve ever seen? Remember him dying by some posh fag with a gay mask and a knife not even the UK would bin?

Mountain no.1 has best head

Mountain no.2 has best voice

Mountain no.3 has best body

has anyone made a good fighter tier list for game of reddit?

I know that R-TARD

Nah, muh infection and whatever else are never mentioned on the show.
Arya kinda mentions that he's a bit slow when they get to the Vale, but thats it. In the books he was sick as fuck, but the show sort of just didnt give a shit about highlighting it. So as for as show canon goes, brienne fucked him up in a fair fight. I mean, he was still strong enough to deck her in one punch, while he still stood after she belted him one in the start of the fight.
The same goes for Jaime in the show, they dont make it clear that he is nowhere near fighting-form.

there's one flooting around and most have the mountain, hound, two handed jaime, and Oberyn at the apex


>not hoverhanding
enjoy your sexual assault accuastions

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 1.9M)

260-360 is the master race pleb

Attached: kyriakos grizzly 460 pounds fit.jpg (600x462, 42K)

>muh infection and whatever else are never mentioned on the show.
you're wrong, go to 50 seconds

>Male bodybuilder looking at another male bodybuilder's dick

Nothing out of the ordinary to see here, move along

lol tyson would get rekted by eddie or the mountain

>never mentioned in the show
oh look, it's a Brienne autist who's a speedwatcher as well

All Tyson would have to do is dodge hits for 10 minutes until they die from cardiac arrest

For the books there is a quasi-official list.
>the rest

For the show its all different and you can only go by feats. So Arya >>>>>>>>> Brienne >>>>>>> someone else
I would say the best male fighter is either Jon or Euron Greyjoy. He fucking rekt the Sand Sneks.

pls d&d

Yeah, if you think looking like the blob is what a man should look like.
260 is the peak for being able to look good in a suit at 6'6" even.

Circle of life

Attached: mountain 4d.jpg (648x648, 60K)

sounds based
hound is the best character
i seen one that had tormund at just average

Clearly a flea bite. Or i guess Arya is the best doctor in the show aswell?

T. numale
grizzly looks kinda disgusting but he's ridiculously strong
would win strongest man if he entered

Attached: bear kun.png (508x640, 498K)

taller doesn't mean better
he's a lot better suited for lifting
really 6'0-6'5 is the best he's 6'7 just adds 2 inches to his height

Pretty sure I saw a photo of his knife beside a golf ball and a tin opener in the police website.
In reality though, a guy with a knife would never beat one with a sword, especially not if he's in armour.

holy fuck how tall is that fucker on the left

>All these whities cucks who never EVER even saw men fighting outside anime fights

A PUNCH IS A PUNCH YOU FAGGOTS, and this motherfucker barely needs to aim in order to hit anything with those mutant arms he got. THAT'S WHY WE HAVE WEIGHT DIVISIONS you brainless retards

>m-muh teleportation behinds you
>m-muh ultra secret ninja technique

It's true, two guys with equal size, the one who knows more disciplines will win 8 out of 10 (don't forget, Buster Douglas, a wimp, gave Prime Tyson his first loss - bad luck exists), but to say a huge, strong, and fit guy wil be 'wrecked' by a Manlet like Connor, is laughable.

He will lose tho - but not WRECKED.

I thought Tormund in the books was called "giants bane" because he had a giant dick?
He also isnt more than high-avarage in the show. That Umber guys nearly headbutted him to death.

grizzly does retarded impractical lifts which will never translate into good results in the strongman competition

i mean yeah a guy with a knife would
if he snuck up on him or was on top of the guy

like 7'7

are you from spain? have you seen emilia on set?

thor would fucking murder connor holy shit how can you think connor stands a chance

I dunno he seems at least jon tier guy was high ranked in mance raiders army and just beat the lord of bones to death effortlessly
i'd put him at least on jons level

>tiss but a scratch

Yeah. The most dangerous people are drunk overweight 50 year olds standing in taxi-lines.
Its like fighting a bear. They throw all that weight around fighting 30 years of pent up anger.

People underestimate weight like crazy, even if its mostly fat it makes a huge difference, as does aggression.

>ywn be as big and strong as this beast
Why live?

Attached: 4.png (868x638, 282K)

Based and truthpilled

Lord of Bones was also ranked high in Mance¨s army, so i think that was more to do with everyones previous standing in the tribes that got unified, that the chieftans or whatever were kept on as officers, since they already were leading.

I might overestimate Jon, but he just seems to have leveled up so many times during the show.
At first he lost to Karl Tanner, but then he learned a new ability - spit in face.
Then he nearly lost to the Magnar of Thenn, i guess he leveled up then. Then he farmed a bunch of XP with undead and quest-XP for getting the Wildlings to follow him and then getting them south of the wall.

I mean, if you look at it in RPG terms, Jon has been powerleveling for atleast 4 seasons. Tormund not so much, he has mostly just been a barbarian in Jon's party.
In terms of levels, Jon has to be one of the highest of the normies on the show. Arya and Bran are epic level.

It was in Spain yes.
Emilia was on set for 3 days while I was there, doing the aftermath part and her and tyrion's speeches. I wasn't working on the 1-2 days when she was sitting on the 'dragon' by the lake, actually thought I'd miss her, but then right at the end were the 3 days of the prisoner part, so I was pretty happy about that.
She and Tyrion laughed and joked a lot with each outer. Randyl Tarly and his son joked around a bit between takes, Randyl gave a brief speech to us on the first day of the prisoner scene, "You've all fought well these past few weeks, and we might not have won, but you played a good match." in the style of a football manager. He also would complain jokingly about being killed by a "mangey rescue dragon". He's a great guy, he came out and spoke to us after filming had finished for about 15 minutes.
Emilia looks like a doll in real life, short but very pretty and with a voice that carries.
Tyrion had a lot of trouble with his "a few days in a dark cell" speech, I'm surprised there weren't bloopers.
The writer was on set and had changed something just before, I think that's why.

tht guy won't live past 60 likely due to his super enlraged heart and height, heart failure is almost gauranteed


You're too good for us man, very well explained and a great read.
You should do a /qa/ one day, peope would probably go rapid fire questions and you might like it.

i dunno i'd want to but him around that range since he acts pretty badass but i see your point
really all of the wildlings should be ranked higher since well all they do is fight

What was his fucking problem?

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he isn't even edgy besides black swordsman arc

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