What a good show

what a good show

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shame it never finished. Best episode is our cops is on

Long time since I've seen this but even though I'm a yuropoor I loved this show. It was very cozy. But weird his wife left him for a black guy but at least it was a nice dude, for someone in witness protection.

it got really weird towards the end there

>family show night where got to watch this followed by The Office

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Darnell was chill as fuck tho

The episode where Norm showed up and played a psychopath with a freaky ballsack was kino

Hey earl

Interesting. I grew up trailer trash and a big appeal of this show to me was the relatability. Earl and KoTh really nail rural America.

Yeah he was pretty lit. The whole series while dealing with adult themes was quite wholesome

in real life earl was a skater turned Scientologist

It's not really weird in the context of the show, the guy that cucked Earl had to look radically different from Earl for the lore to make sense. And Earl had to be cucked to hit rock bottom.
They did a good job making Crabman so likeable despite him literally cucking the main character.

I think the actor played a role in that Kevin Smith film named Mall Rats? I'd seen the show way before I watched any Kevin Smith stuff so it sort of suprised me.

yeah it's pretty good

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How come no one ever talks about this show? Is it underrated? I watched it all the time and whenever I bring it up to my friends and family none of them know wtf I'm talking about.

He's been in practically every Kevin Smith movie, that's how I knew who he was.

Probably because it ended on a cliff hanger

i mean it was pretty grounded at the beginning with plots that were silly but made sense, the later part of the show was just zany wacky nonsense

if ive never really seen it, only like one or two episodes years ago, does this truly affect enjoying the show? after metalocalypse and the unit, i jsut cant deal with rejection anymore

Up to what season should i watch if I don’t like cliffhangers?

What does that even mean? It's just four seasons you might as well watch it all considering how short the episodes are.

Honestly no the later seasons were pretty terrible and played out like Nostalgia Critic skits

It was after school kino, pic related is another after school kino

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>tfw some random night fellow anons venture into your comfy zone and you lose yourself to hours of stream chatting
Why must you tempt me? Is the thread on Acronai?

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pretty sure it means "at what point does the final series plot start, i dont want to watch or get involved since its not resolved"

Checked. Thread is noobs. Darnell's Dad is talking to Earl.

>weird his wife left him for a black guy

Earl was a white trash asshole before the show started and crabman was a legitimately good dude. Being black was part of the humiliation comedy but Joy was way better off with Darnell.

Hey Crabman!

He played Azrael in Dogma too.

Yeah, pretty good...


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no not really.
the writer/creator said what would happen after it anyway