Kill whitey

>Kill whitey

Attached: 220px-Ma_Official_Movie_Poster.jpg (220x348, 23K)

pretty sure one of the teens is black but ok

This movie looks weird and funny. She pretends to be their mom and throws parties? lol

why are all movie posters the same these years

Nigga please was a great movie. Best part is you just have to watch one trailer and you've seen the whole thing, what a time saver!

Probably the some studio executive's nephew cranking them out, there's no point in putting effort into movie posters anymore now that the industry is so fucking soulless

Because they serve no purpose so no effort is put into them

Even with a movie where the black woman is the villain /pol/ still finds a way to seethe

>tfw a remake of Misery is inevitable with a white man holding a black women hostage.

Attached: 1523148754683.png (458x321, 13K)

Isn't this supposed to be a parody of The Martian's poster though? The tagline for that was "Bring Him Home"

Because it’s cheaper to have some intern half-ass something together in Photoshop during their lunch break than it is to hire Drew Struzan.

What a hideous sheboon.
Man, once social justice hate whitey themed horror movies became a deal they sure couldn't wait to jump on it.

What are they supposed to do? Live in reality?

I saw the trailer on normiegram without any context and honestly thought it was an SNL sketch until the end.

I'm sorry user but no it's not a cleber reference it's literally just the same formula everytime:
>Close up of characters face
>Adjust contrast
>Adjust brightness
>Adjust saturation
>Text line 1
>Text line 2
>Movie Title
>Go do cocaine

This is a shill thread.
I'm pretty bigoted and I don't catch a "kill whitey" vibe from the trailers at all.
It's a nice little subversion, but regardless this is just a thread by a paid shill trying to sir up controversy.
Please don't facilitate this.

Attached: 1480000196473.png (767x679, 265K)

No one cares about your opinion faggot. Go be a bigot somewhere else


I believe you, it just seems on the nose


You're unironically retarded
