Finally give seinfeld a fair chance after disregarding it due to an immense hatred of laugh tracks (I know it's a...

>Finally give seinfeld a fair chance after disregarding it due to an immense hatred of laugh tracks (I know it's a studio audience)
>First[?] episode Elaine dates a guy knowing he has cats
>To her he's unreasonable for not just getting rid of them because she's allergic (still not sure if she was serious about having them killed)
What the actual fuck. Not liking cats is one thing but what sort of fucking cunt thinks that someone should choose a woman that barely know over cats/dogs that the person has a strong bond with and are commonly considered family? I realize I'm going to get edgelords calling me a faggot or going "lol it's just a dumb animal" but here's a second question, who the fuck would actually be with someone that gave this ultimatum?

I'm almost done with season 2 and this seems extremely out of character for her too

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It's why the series finale made sense

everyone on seinfeld is an asshole in their own way, you're not supposed to always sympathize with them

they are deranged people


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They're all cunts. It gets more obvious it's intentional as time goes by.

Imagine living in a society that has had at least 8 decades of total Jewish dominance in mass media, business, film, art, literature, government, culture, etc with no opposition., where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you. And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favorite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a Jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way.

Now imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, have drastically changed the English language and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognize it's happening.

Still with me? Imagine 'they' own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the 'mere' trillions, but in reality they have a literally unlimited supply of Fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit. Imagine every aspect of modernity being entirely dominated by Jewish influence.

And then imagine dedicating your whole life and existence to debating over which piece of this propaganda was 'better', which had hotter chicks, better scenes, dialogue, and which made 'them' the most money to further destroy you.

Imagine wasting your life metaphorically playing around in an endlessly deep pit of excrement, splashing it all over you and your friends and dunking each others' heads underneath. Welcome to Yea Forums.

I get that they're all pieces of shit but she usually just seems harmlessly selfish and unable to understand any sort of social queues. Wait, is she autistic

Egyptians praised cats. Jews despise them. Need I say more?

I'm sure your autistic screeching about how everything you don't like is a Jewish conspiracy on Yea Forums is a better use of time

They're all on the spectrum

Seinfeld often relied heavily on pushing outrageous personality quirks of the main cast for comedic effect. Occasionally, said quirks appeared in a single episode, but many of them were built and developed across the entire series.

The idea is that you're supposed to find this humorous. But you seem to be taking it seriously instead, and potentially taking it personally. Instead of saying, "oh my god, what an outrageous idiot" and laughing, you're having a special little snowflake attack, and being triggered hard. By harmless jokes in a 25 year old sitcom. The joke you specifically mention is played HARD and obviously for laughs, as I recall. So how are you hacing such a hard time with it?

Take a step back, stop taking yourself so seriously, and just laugh. Or don't. If it's not funny, it's not funny. But it's a joke, not a dick; don't take it so hard.

Again given the tone of season 1 it seemed more like a writer venting rather than just trying to be funny. I'm talking out of my ass though

Elaine is hot as fuck if I'm being completely desu senfampai

audibly laughed

Agreed. I fapped hard to the scene where she has to seduce the guy in the restaurant.

They're incredibly neurotic and selfish. The ridiculousness is the point of the show.

sounds like youre the one with autism if you cant understand the characters are jerks lmao

>larry david wanted a girl to destroy a cat for him to avoid allergies
I could see this happening, like 90% of the scripts for george were Larry's own real world autism

Good point Shlomo

>It's another George wants his gf to murder her parents for him episode
What did Larry mean by this?

You'll see as you get more into the show that Elaine is the biggest asshole out of them all for the majority of the show.

God dammit, not liking it is one thing but understanding what was literally boiled down so that anyone could understand the humor. Fucking zoomers.

Elaine is a bitch, why wouldn't she be expected to treat a cat owner, or any person like she's the center of the universe?

Julia Louis-Dreyfus beautiful hot sexy.

>a grown man who owns a cat

fag alert