/GoT/ normie tears

Post delicious normie tears from Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit etc.

They are loosing their shit because Dany is being turned into a villain. Have D&D redeemed themselves?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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This entire thread is something else

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What is a poc?

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person of color

person of color

also bump

It's a kind of USB drive, I'll show you later.

She's right faggot. There's no excusing the shit writing of Season 7 and Season 8 just made it worse.

perpetrator of crime


absolutely autismal

>Makes thread about GoT
>Asks for Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit posts aka he uses all 3
>Believes he is not a normie because ???
Is this what delusion looks like?

Racist much?


If it's fair game to call out normalfag favoritism, then it's fair game for them to call you out for being a pathetic manlet incel.

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piece of crap

You know how in the old days you’d curse somebody by saying “A POC on your house!”

Well it means niggers.

Based much?

Where were these people when Stannis, Aero Hotah, Wyman Manderly, Loras Tyrell, the entirety of Dorne, and Cersei had their characters butchered?

>have D&D redeemed themselves
No they're shitting the bed so hard that even normalfags are noticing

Question, did -any- of these people have a problem with how the NK's death played out, or did they call Arya a bad ass in a display of sóy text?


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Whenever a w*man says this I know shes less than trash

This, they managed to turn off both hardcore bookfags, casual showfags and everyone in between. It's almost impressive in a way.

We had good reason to never reference this again. Stop.

They're both 100% right here

It's about the PC killer thing, isn't it?

>Shit writing is redeemed because it triggers someone other than me
You're worse than SJW, faggot

Didn't the girl who play Dany sound really depressed in a recent interview about how it all ends.

Seems like these actors didn't agree with the way things were written. Even the girl who plays Arya was saying she didn't deserve to get the kill shot on NK.

D&D are going to be hated more then Rian Johnson come seasons end.

>/GoT/ normie tears
you mean this board?

I mean, her going crazy would be interesting. How has she suffered? Getting fucked by Jason Mamoa? Jon was a literal bastard his whole life, was shipped off to the wall, fell in love only to see the girl die, literally died himself, fought death itself, fought to save his family, United the realm, rode a dragon, tried to solo a zombie dragon, and to top it all off has declined being king multiple times. Dany just rides around on a dragon and lets it one shot everyone. Her arc is boring and she’s finally interesting now.

>D&D are going to be hated more then Rian Johnson come seasons end.
I'm starting to like them both, pop culture fandoms are filled with the worst people and I am quite happy watching the Jews destroy their happiness with subverted expectations

she was abused a fair amount by her brother growing up

You autistic faggots are going to be so disappointed. Normies are going to win

Deserve’s got nothing to do with it.

Also reaaly fucking mad then, but thought D&D would pull a magic good ending out out of their asses ("Stannis is still alive I swear we never saw him die, or he will be rezzed!") now it's finally getting through their thick skulls that won't fucking happen.
Normies absolutely were angry about Dorne shit and Stannis character assassination but were delusional it would all be fixed somehow.

And that resolved halfway through the first season. Up until now that was her most interesting part of her arc until it devolved into niggers telling the white blonde how awesome she is

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Her arc has been terrible since the beginning and it's terrible now, but now every character's arc is terrible and they botched the scripts so hard they accidentally made her have a good point all of a sudden.

Dany fags are seething!

The only way to win is not to play the game

Dany taking the iron throne after 8 seasons of everyone saying she’s destined to would be horribly boring. The rain Johnson ending would entail Hot Pie taking the iron throne


I hope danys killed to make most of the fans go apeshit

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I always read it as Pirates of the Caribbean.

Guys I miss them so much.

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>I like GOT because it maintains tension by removing normal television “plot armor”. Even important characters with apparent plot longevity can die shockingly at any moment, and that’s exciting.

It would be racist to exclude poc from shocking plot twists

Dem Thrones doe, we wuz thrones sitters an shit.

>GoT turns to shit after Tywin, Roose, and Stannis are gone
Who'd have figured?

Starting to think that a lot of these people didn't see the start of the show and only started watching around season 5 or 6.

>"amirite my sisters? meeting men is just too much of a hassle, unless they're like black or something"

Me2 senpai. The tears will flow worse then Hillary losing.

Not OP, shit writing is not redeemed. However, the schadenfreude of seeing these assholes go apeshit after they cheered shit writing on because it suited their agenda and to now have the same shit writing come back to bite them in the ass is truly glorious.

Jamie slays Dany. Calling it now.

This desu, the reason I hope danys dies and Jon gets it, can you imagine the rage over a CIS WHITE MALE winning? Kek.

Imagine keeping up with a shitty show with bad writing that you hate, and posting about it every day on a Tibetan sand mandala making forum, just so that you can laugh at people different from you that hate the show’s crap writing for a different reason. I couldn’t think of a less productive use of time if I tried.


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Dany has a messiah complex and has essentially never put herself in direct physical harm. Jon has more character in his pinkie than Dany has in her whole body

spic posted ep 5 spoilers
> Part I

-The episode begins with Daenerys in Dragonstone.

-She is very sad about what happened in the previous episode.

-Her hair is messy because Missandei died and she feels defeated.

-Tyrion and Varys are still arguing; Varys wants to betray her now so that she does not burn the King's Landing.

-Tyrion tells him he will not do it. We see Tyrion and Greyworm tell him that Gendry has arrived. The scene is cut. [DRAGON ARMOR BITCHES.]

Part II

-Then we see Jon with the Dothraki, Unsullied and the rest of the army arriving in DS.

-They talk about how they are going to die and those silly things.

-Tyrion warns Jon that Daenerys [might soon] lose the dragon and her mind.

-Jon defends her saying "She is my queen and I trust her" and he gives Tyrion to look like the one he gave to Sansa in Episode 4 [during the meeting].

-We see Cersei talking to Euron and telling him that he has to win for his son, Euron asks him how Tyrion knows about his baby. Cersei tells him that it will not matter after they win the great war.

Everyone at the office who watches this somehow knows already that Jon kills Dany. There will be no reaction when it happens. Normies already know how it ends even. Clickbait shit will of course make shitty outrage bait headlines but no one gives a shit about them, they do that no matter what.

Part III

-Cut to Arya and The Hound arriving at the King's Landing.

-Cut Jon again, he has asked Gray Worm and Tyrion where Daenerys is and Tyrion is telling him that she's already in King's Landing.

-Gold Company members come out and have a hostage [some other random leak describe this as someone in black hoods, OP does not know who it is, but most guess it's Daario].

-Euron is on the boats and sees the Yara's boats. Then he hears Drogon's scream [the one in the trailer]. Daenerys is using Aegon's strategy when he invaded Harrenhal. We see her attacking from the top. She and Drogon scream at the same time. We see that both are wearing armor (she uses Dracarys Euron ships, the fleet is combination of Yara's and Dany) .

-Has the music like "Shall We Begin?" but much more intense.

-Euron and his men shoot Drogon and Daenerys but Daenerys dodges them like a pro.

-This moment Euron knows they are "fucked up." Men jump from their boats.

-Jon and Greyworm notice that the Golden Company has marched inside again. Greyworm says they have to wait.
Part IV

-Suddenly Drogon and Daenerys burn the Scorpions and the gate so that their armies can enter.

-We see Jon smiling at Daenerys because he knew that she was not going mad like what they tell him (the song called Truth plays).

-Well then we see the armies complete each other (all fighting together and effectively).

-Cersei did something along with Tyrion's help [OP doesn't know what it is, but they think it has something to do with framing Daenerys up. My guess is that Cersei triggers explosions using the wildfire. From the set leaks, we can see the gate being destroyed with linear trails-Drogon- and the interior of the keep in shattered explosions, this might check out.]

-The final scene is Daenerys and Jon face to face.

>that moment when house n word says “Draycarus” and the freaks at the bar actually think Drogon is coming

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new info:

-Daenerys seems to have a sword with a red stone in the middle [Lightbringer? Something from Kinvara? Holyshit.]

-Jaimie Lannister arrives at the end of the episode to see the destruction and believes it was caused by Daenerys.

-Jon and Dany's scene in the end is quite long.

-They hug each other first (it's a long, emotional hug.) You can tell they missed each other because both of them have watery eyes and it seems Jon's never going to let Daenerys go, and OP thinks they overcame that they're related.

-Jon tells her that he regrets not coming along with her when she sailed first in Dragonstone.

-Then he tells her about what Tyrion told him, [that he thinks she's going mad].

-The scene ends with them face to face, both look appalled [perhaps towards Tyrion].
More info:

-The fight is very brutal. Greyworm is fighting like a beast, he is untouchable. Jon is fighting like when he fought against Ramsay.

-The scorpions on the back walls shoot Daenerys and Drogon.

-Lannister armies thought they him from above and it look like she looked like she fell off from Drogon (Dany looks worried and runs to the back wall to evade) but he does as in "Spoils of War", Drogon flies in front of them and torches them with Dracarys. The Hound and The Mountain meet and we're prepped for the Cleganebowl.
Songs: Truth, Shall We Begin, Rains of Castamere (when Jaime arrives), the song of the Greyjoy's, Spoils of War with the Dothraki. Super intense version of Truth when Jon and Daenerys are in the final scene.

>having a personality
funny joke.

Can I get a quick rundown on book Euron? Why does everyone here suck his dick?

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The butthurt when Jon kills Dany is going to be so huge we'll be living off it for years. #SlayedQueen

If danys dies many will lose their shit and it will be glorious.

Character. You may be too much of a basedboy to understand the difference

The black guy on the left was confused the entire episode, even D&D’s dumb simplified scripts couldn’t help him follow along. And check out the honker on the heeb next to him.

God is dead.

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Jon/Aegon is Ice & Fire. “His is the song of ice and fire”

The Fire in Ice and Fire no longer referred to Dany once it was revealed that Jon himself was literally Ice and Fire and also named Aegon just like in the vision

First for Joffrey "snuff film" Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Lord of the Seven Kingdoms; and Protector of the Realm

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>go out of your way to write a character who is a tyrant to show how tyrants come to power
>people literally support the dragontits tyrant proving his point
GRR is a fucking mastermind genius.

Persons of Criminality

In the books hes different, he just wants to kill everything and everyone because he likes it. He is a straight up pure evil character who gives no shits about anything but murder.

Kinda refreshing desu, straight to the point.


What possible reason besides "has a vagina" would anyone like Dany? Her chapters were fucking intolerable garbage when I read the books.

Holy SHIT there's no end to it

Why are people so mad about dany's little bed warmer?

I can't tell if this is better or worse. What the fuck.

>it turns out that Varys and Tyrion are both retarded and wrongly decided Dany was crazy and needed to be killed for no reason at all
>the Starks were all also retarded and wrong about everything
>now that they've stopped listening to everybody else in their lives, who are evil idiots, they work in perfect harmony, are total badasses who wreck everybody's shit easily with logical military strategy and by being awesome fighters, and are also happy, respectful, and in love together
>Tyrion, the audience's favorite character, murders a fuckton of innocent people either because he's so retarded or because he can't stop sucking Cersei's cunt even though she tries every few minutes to kill him
>this either ends with the horrible other characters killing Dany for no reason, killing Tyrion for amazingly fucking justified reasons be he deserves it, or possibly both

am i retarded or why wouldn't they just put the water (and coffee) in the cups they're drinking out of the whole scene???? any film people wanna enlighten me?

Women are dumb and she has dragons.

google's turning up nothing
episode and time stamp?

If only all blacks looked like Miss Sandy. Do they really think that actress considers herself a “WOC”? She’s obviously mixed but she’s more white than the other way around. She’s also attractive which is something that black women are not

The writting´s been pants on head since season 5. There is no redemption for D&D at this point. They are guilty of the following atrocities:

> Waste a whole season without changing the status quo of characters and even regressing some that where in the verge of drastically changing.
> Rush a whole season to balance the wasted season
> Delaying the Jon´s heritage reveal when it was painfully obvious for at least a season
> Thinking anyone would fall for the red herring Jon is dead
> Deus ex Benjen volume 1 and volume 2
> Wasting even more time in meaningless shit and then rushing the long night episode ruining the tension
> Ruining Arya´s training and payoff
> Making Arya kill the NK instead of Azor Ahai
> Forcing Jon and Dany´s relationship. To this day there is no chemestry between them. At all.
> Constantly telling us a character is supposed to be based without said characters doing anything to actually be aknowledge as such (ex: Sansa is super smart and knows how to play this complex political game... even though she can´t keep a secret for 10 minutes)
> Killing dragons easily and in the most anti climatic ways possible

I don´t give a fuck about politics or representation or whatever normies are crying about when they watch this shit but the writting truly became abysmal once they ran out of source material and had to start writting themselves.

Most damning of all, they ruined Stannis.

Where did you get this from? This is the worst shit Tyrion could possibly do. Killing innocent children just to frame an innocent person, for what purpose? His cunt sister?

No it isn't, these two things aren't remotely comparable

>even though she can´t keep a secret for 10 minutes
She deliberately spread the word about Jon because she wants him to be king.

Right. If the writing is shit, it's shit. If people here praise and eat ice cream made of feces because people they hate also don't like eating feces, they're little faggots.

So they're going to paint Tyrion as the idiot traitor cunt who ruins everything?

He was one of my favorites in the first couple seasons and it really bummed me seeing what they did to him after season 4 but now this? He'd be beyond ruined.

>food analogy

Obviously, but that´s something a kid would do. It´s not like she had an actual plan and i am really going to laugh if this gets Jon killed instead of Daenerys. She let go of her first and only piece of information to play the game... The sensitive thing would have been to keep the information to herself and wait to use it until after Cersei´s been taken care of.

Heck, the way she played it she has no proof of anything. If Arya dies and Bran and Jon say nothing is her head what would roll for spreading false information and instigating treason.

if the leaks are correct and Dany has Jaime, Varys, and Tyrion all killed along with a shit ton of civilians, people might finally accept that she sucks

A Song of Salt and Onions


Smells glorious

>The only woc left on the show, a black woman,
posted by one of the many retards on twitter, a retarded person,

>You better put Greyworm on the throne after tonight.
I just... I can't believe the audacity and delusion of their thinking.

Why don't you negroes fucking listen? All the episodes were leaked about a month ago.

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>blood sweat and tears of his peasants
people seem to forget the bond between lord and serf in a feudal society, the whole point of the lord is to protect the serfs so they can obtain the food for everyone

Out of those 3, 2 at least are planning treason that deserve the fire anyways plus nobody gives a fuck about the civilians. Westerosi have proven time and again that they are shit people that don´t really deserve salvation.
Jon should just give everyone the finger and go back to the North where he can go back to not give a fuck about politics but if the rumors are true that would make Sansa win the throne and if there is one character that´s been useless and do not deserve it is her. I would rather they leave the fucking thing empty for the next families to rant over it.

Holy fuck the fact that Dany will be wrongly accused and killed because of it will cause the biggest shit storm in the internet. How will D&D survive this?

Cope harder targ stan

Freefolk made a summary of the "verified" leaks from leakers with great track records and it is pic related, I'd be wary of anyone claiming to have other leaks. That said, they do line up on some points, but Jon killing Dany is something most of the leakers have attested to.

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Never have I seen someone use 'gaslighting' correctly. It's a real thing in the world, but it's not telling someone they're going crazy. You have to deliberately doing things to make the person think they're crazy, and then telling they're crazy when they notice those things.

How retarded are these people? Do they actually believe their black BBC and CW bullshit, that black people and women were treated equally in the past and that racism is something new?

>do very little justice to their characters
if this faggot knew how right he is,but not for the reason that it thinks

how are plebs dropping the show just now just because of their favorite character doing something characters do in drama? what is it with the pleb brain and wavering suspension of reality and logic but getting triggered at typical character drama?

One thing these leakers are clash on his on whom starts the wildfire. Some say its Dany but others swear it's both Cersei and Tyrion scheming together. But both sides do agree that Dany gets killed by Jon.

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Fuck wrong pic.

Also Emilia did tell fans to make sure they watch this episode on a big screen.

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He's completely charismatic, a charmer, a womanizer, but also a backstabber, a manipulator, and complete narcissist. Euron stole his brother Victarion's wife from him, Balon feared him, and he took the Iron Fleet around the seas of most if not all of the known world pillaging and raping along the way. Book Euron is the devil with charm, Show Euron is just evil Jack Sparrow.

This from asoiaf

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This post is 100% correct though. Why are these medieval people spouting morals that are less than 50 years old.

>He'd conspired with Cersei all along.
Lost me there.

>That said, they do line up on some points

Dude it's worse than that. The very paragraph that makes up the summary of the very "verified" leaks you just posted ONLY makes sense if (and the rest) and (which I do remember seeing posted here a while ago) are true. It makes no fucking sense at all now.

Nearly the only reasonable explanation right now is that the rumors about them filming and making 8 totally different fucking endings at once a long time ago were actually always true. In which case we now how no idea what if any of these are the "real" ending.

"people!", of course!

Didn't they have a meeting last season?

plenty more white folk, specifically males, have suffered worse than any "POC" in this show

Book urine is a fag with blue lips, raped his brother, stole the wife of another, has a crew of mutes and basically is a huge faggot donut steel

The horrible thing is the is absolutely the only summary I've seen so far that either:

1. Brings together a lot of the of the contradictory leaks from the "verified" sources.

2. Makes any logical sense. I even thought that bizarre cutaway from Tyrion's secret conversation with Cersei followed by him "trusting" her was suspect as all hell.

Except for this one point: WHY THE EVERLIVING FUCK WOULD TYRION DO THIS. For the fucking baby? This has him having been working for Cersei all along. Why? Dany has done shaky shit from the very beginning but nothing that matches the downright fucking evil shit Cersei has also done for her entire life. Why? What?

robb and cat get murdered at a wedding and everyone is mostly just sad, no one was outraged over it. throughout her story, dany has done things 100x worse than anything robb and cat ever did in their lives, but these idiots will go fucking crazy when she gets killed. i dont know how you get to this level of childish mentality.

he's like a pirate version of charles manson. that's the best way i can describe him.

Dude people are mad because the last two episodes were awful writing and made no fucking sense and these leaks are even worse and make less sense and everyone's seen the leaks now. I don't even mean "character development makes no sense" just the story they outline is nonsensical. Unless we're being trolled hard by HBO or the verified leakers. There's now no other explanation for this than that people working on the show or previously verified leakers are both are putting out bullshit that is not true on purpose to mislead everyone. Which doesn't change the last two episodes being shit. But I don't know what to believe about the ending anymore now.

the show has had awful writing since season 5, where in the fuck have you been? ep4 was surprisingly better than most of the episodes since like s4.

>cast many women
>don't confirm to gender norms and treat them like everyone else
>they fight and get killed like everyone else

Why are leftists triggered? Isn't this what they want?

>was shipped off to the wall
He chose to go to the wall. No one made him

All of these people started watching s4 at the earliest

Prisoner of Camp, similar to a PoW but who have specifically spent time in a work camp.

She's black. Cope harder racist

>a Black woman
>one of her parents is actually white
One drop rule strikes again

I always read it as "pock" as in pockmark...

People Originally Chimps

The morals are not that young you fucking tard. People always abhorred this sort of shit, it just turns out that that group of people never intersected with the groups in power.

>He chose to go to the wall. No one made him
Because he was fucking lied to and treated like shit his whole life.
Deceitful lies, are basically force.

he was treated better than 99% of people who live in Westeros. he was educated, had plentiful food, a good place to sleep and eat, wasn't abused.

That's a stupid fucking question.
1) because a Lannister can not be trusted. Ever.
It's literally that simple.
The imp is now, and has always been a piece of shit little backstabbing twat. Just like his entire family.
The Lannister house, is founded on lies, schemes, and betrayal.
So why would he turn on Targaryen? Because he's a Lannister. It's that simple.

Only in hindsight.
His growing years, were not necessarily happy.

Even in current sight. Yeah he was treated like shit by Catelyn but he was not at all ever treated like shit compared to the average populace.

A prince, is hardly any average peasant.
Saying he had it better than the average person, is like saying president Kennedy was headshot, but he had a good breakfast that morning and that's better than most African kids have.
But, I get your point.


It's a legitimate claim.
>Sansa confirmed rape is what made her strong
>Dany who has been strong and independent the entire show is now BEGGING Jon to fuck her
>Brienne who is so strong and independent she even got knighted was reduced to some weeping fucktoy who went for Chad instead of the wildling

He’s a pirate with a god complex that has been basically going around the world on his ship acquiring magical eldritch items and knowledge that could potentially net him the throne. A based edgy chad villain who dominates every scene he’s in and feels like a legitimate threat. I doubt he’ll actually use the scorpions to bring down rhegar but rather a magical horn he got from Valeria that works like dragonrend from Skyrim. (It’s also kills whoever blows it)

TL;DR he’s a based chad magic evil pirate who btfos other characters.

“Who knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air... I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues. Cure my withered leg, make the maiden love me, grant me a healthy son. Save me, succor me, make me wealthy... protect me! Protect me from mine enemies, protect me from the darkness, protect me from the crabs inside my belly, from the horselords, from the slavers, from the sellswords at my door. Protect me from the Silence.” He laughed. “Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.” —Euron “Crow’s Eye” Greyjoy

They are probably made because all the black people left in the show rape all the kids to death with their spears after the bells make danyers go mad

They are probably incredibly low quality props that aren't safe to drink out of unless you like a throat full of fiberglass shards.

100% an anime villain. Book euron goes to book Valeria(huge difference to show Valeria. It’s so cursed people won’t even go a few days distance from it) and comes back with magic artifacts. His hull is painted red to hide blood and his servants have their tongues cut out so they can’t tell his secrets. He’s supposedly got something to bend a dragon to his will but it kills anyone who uses it.

Euron is honestly the closest look we end up getting towards the mystical side of the world but because he doesn’t allow himself to be slave to those elements he crates an interesting character dynamic. He is an ambassador to the magic side of the universe, an ambassador to the non supernatural side of everything in the universe, a rightful king and just a chrasasmaric dude that eats up every scene. 100% the true king if Stan is ain’t alive.


Picker of Cotton

Musical secret villain. Honestly most likely set up in the books to be the main baddie. Eyepatch that hides a good eye for what seems like lovecraftian reasons.

Mystical*. Musical would be interesting

This post is completely correct.

Also this ties back on the shows writing on dialogues too. Why does Jon say something like "you have completely ruined horses for me"? That's literally a contemporary idiom.

It's completely fucking cringy.

You know why he says it. It’s because it’s a TV show written by guys writing for the masses.
Sitting around and saying “this is out of character! This shouldn’t be in the show!” Is borderline denial. The TV show you used to like isn’t what it used to be when you started liking it. Time moves and the show moved. It isn’t good anymore. Stop telling yourself “this isn’t the show” and say “I liked what it used to be but I don’t like what it is and I’m done”
You’re preventing mental growth.

post the video i need to see their disappointment

piece of chit

ever since they ran out of gurms material the writing and characters have become incredibly more ''modern'' in their beliefs, mannerisms and speech

that drinking scene at the start of the last episode was the worst piece of shit ive seen so far. seriously, watch it compared to season 1 dialog and character interaction, its like a completely different show

modern got has the same level of medieval characterisation as dragon age inquisition

Balon had a total of 5 minutes in the entire series

>Theon tortured and immasculated by Ramsay
>Robb, his pregnant wife, mother, and army are murdered at a wedding
>Sansa raped on screen by Ramsay
>Cersei shamed and pissed and shat on during her lil walk of shame

what I don't get is why are they watching this? They can just go and watch soap operas instead of complaining

remember, they did film a load of false ending and fake scenes

so its likely that these leaks are a mixture of truth and red herrings

unless someone has seen a 100% verified episode id take some of the more ridiculous sounding shit with a grain of salt

however a constant across almost all the leaks is that jon kills dany, so thats probably true


Welcome to US politics, where the ones with downey level intelligence and the loudest voices are given free reign and no repercussions.

"Person of Color", because that's apparently less racist than calling us "Colored People"

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The post is right but the poster is a hippie faggot who never once complained about it when those modern morals were being spouted by YASS KWEEN SLAY characters.

A few things like that grated me. Arya Sansa and another saying "you're so smart", "yeah smart", "we're all so smart", "she's smart". In England, smart means neatly dressed, dumb means you can not speak, mad means insane. Americanisms like these have only been bleeding into proper English for the last ten years or so.
"But it's fantasy with dragons and olde Englishe is incomprehensible!!"
It was done for the first few series to add a tone and mood. Otherwise you might as well dress them all in LA gang colours, massively oversized t-shirts and popping a cap in each other yo.
Endgame had it with Thor too, most of his dialogue was just modern sounding English with no filter. He might have spent some time among humans, but he is supposed to be several thousand years old, he wouldn't lose his character suddenly.
I don't think the writers care or are aware of it, just shove out another money maker.

>They are loosing their shit
Hehe yeah straight to type 7.

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I'm prepared to forgive dabid for everything for dabbing on female power fantasy

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In an early season Stannis mentioned wanting "boots on the ground" which is a relatively modern term (1980?). Bugged the shit out of me.


>sjw defining speech of a medieval fictional character as 'problematic' even within the context of that fictional rreality
Um, sweetie, you can't make decisions that I don't like, that's part of the toxic anti-kaleesi hate speech.
Yay varys is dead! He was soooo creepy, ewww.

She's right though. If Dany sieged King's Landing then it solves the Iron Throne problem by Season 7. The wall wouldn't have been breached because the Night King has no dragon so they have an advantage defending at The Wall.

>smell like 2019
>it s

So which is it ? Is 2019 a racist year ?

>her bolt thing
What did he mean by this?

Post stolen car radio or gtfo.

Year of the Trump
Year of the Shitlord

he looked higher than a kite all video desu


Doubly stupid since Jaime lost his hand precisely to protect her virginity.
There are no characters anymore. It's just actors playing themselves and using modern morals, mannerisms and everything while cosplaying as characters

That's why you never let a female into any kind of position of power, they react emotionally to everything, like a puppet.

As much as I enjoyed GOT, and didn't want the writers to fuck it up. I think im going to enjoy normies having another Hillary tier meltdown when the rest of the season doesn't go their way.

The next 2 weeks are going to be great.

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Kaleesi is going to order a shock and awe campaign on the LZ next episode.

Pack of Cunts

>that drinking scene
What was wrong with it?

Based Bristol poster.


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>watching reactions to the beheading
>”dracarys” and their eyes light up in hope
>”you go girl, burn them”
>that slow transition from “yeah here it comes” to terror as nothing happens and mountain draws his sword

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It's a modern drinking game popular among millenials. It was forced interaction since they had no abilities to write a conversation.
Do we include a medieval beet bong funnel???

NOW its a flip flopping between modern/medieval morals ?
not seasons ago ? lul

How the fuck does a TV series or a movie(for some MCU flicks) cause so much social and quasi-political screeching? What is this fucking bizarro world? I'm glad I stopped watching this at some point during season 2.

>Rains of Castamere
okay is it just me that's fucking sick of this song playing whenever something remotely dramatic happens

Playing never have I ever can be workable but the writing was fuckawful
Why would Brienne be ashamed of being a virgin? She's a woman, not a man. Virginity shaming is a contemporary thing.
Why would Jaime laugh at Tysha's rape when Brienne bring it up? It's an important trauma Tyrion has suffered.

It was fucking out of character fanservice bullshit

based and cunnypilled

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>mfw the age of women and poc is over

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The show doesn't even follow it's own rules anymore though

Brienne a high born lady that had yet to be deflowered gets shamed in episode 4 by Tyrion and she takes it badly completely out of character and even out of universe; the show forgot that was a good thing in medieval age and in the Asoiaf world.

Daenerys whole mad queen arc only works because the show is basing its self off modern morals now.

Someone said "none of your business" in last weeks episode a modern saying. Watch clips from earlier season the dialogue isn't as high fantasy as most but there was an eloquent flow to it.

>their instagrams are going to explode

There are hundreds of people on set. Keeping normal containers filled with water is like 4 full jobs. It isn't practical over an 8-12 hour shoot. What is practical is to have a huge table with water, coffee, tea, snacks and fruit.

On a good set you have someone responsible simply for noticing these kind of things being in frame.

But at the end of a week of 12 hour shoots every day, people are tired and make mistakes. It tends to come down to motivation at the top (director, producers) to hold the reigns tight and keep people on track.

But when people know it's going in a shit direction, which is about half the time at any set, period, more and more mistakes happen.

For one, he got fucking Valyrian steel armor.
He's an edgy anime tier villain but at the same time also one of the most interesting and entertaining characters in the books because he's so damn mysterious and charismatic.

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he's literally an edgy anime character. redditoids love him

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What I find hilarious about all this was they were praising the writers non-stop last series for their diversity and politics and other bullshit. Now the moment they don't get what they want they are throwing hissy tantrums. Fucking children, the lot of them.

Sounds like normies were ready for my "dragon heated rocks siege" battle plan. Fucking kek. People will forgive women for being tyrants just because it's equality in tyranny. This is sick


>be daughter of the mad king
>people are upset that she goes mad
Tbh if they got upset that it didn’t address mental health it’d be still laughable but at least grounded, but all the complaints seem to be “WOMEN CANT BE IRRATIONAL REEEEEEE”

A coloured person

That’s racist

>ever since they ran out of gurms material the writing and characters have become incredibly more ''modern'' in their beliefs, mannerisms and speech
good point and this is proof that grrm doesn't "have all the books in the can finished he's just waiting" that he doesn't have shit done but a general outline and he's letting them make up all sorts of details and dialogue flourish on their own because it shows

Are there non-coloured people around?

>SWORD, your grace?

Attached: SWORD.jpg (284x377, 11K)

Don't they realize how paradox their statements are?
Why did Missandei have to die? Because she is important to the viewers but not strategically important.
I for my part didn't even think of her fucking skin color or that of Grey worm. They are from Essos and therefor have that phenotype, period.
What stinks is that the people throwing a fit want the very thing they are criticizing. The show should be all about women and blacks, even dominating white men preferably.
The iron bank wouldn't mind.

>balerion forged the iron throne and i wanted drogon to burn it down to destroy the throne i hate y’all i hate u d&d meet me outside i got my pop funkos with me too we’ll kick ur ass

>I like GOT because it maintains tension by removing normal television “plot armor”. Even important characters with apparent plot longevity can die shockingly at any moment, and that’s exciting.
does it tho? because everyone who is still alive has enjoyed years of plot armor

It's a GRRM, not D&D decision. Remember he told them the ending? This is what he told them. The shit writing leading to it is theirs though.

Jesus christ, it doesn't matter when it became an expression in the real world you retard, the show exists in its own universe which clearly doesn't abide by real world history, "boots on the ground" makes total sense as a term in the world of the show
Of all the autistic things to nitpick you chose this?

Short for pocky

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The Red Wedding was definitely the point where the fanbase turned to shit. I blame the reaction video cancer.

He was basically tricked into it by Ned and Benjen, telling him how awesome and honorable it is. Pretty fucked up. What exactly was Ned's plan if he had ever reunited with Jon, after he promised they would discuss is mother the next time they met?

>"Oh, btw, you're the true heir to the throne. Kind of sucks that you're in the Night's Watch now, lol!"

Tyrion, Jamie and Brienne literally play "Never have I ever"

uh oh

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I'll bet these same dipshits use terms like "white fragility" unironically too, while they weep over a fictional non-character just because she happens to have a certain skin color.


Hot Pie's probably dead, they haven't shown him in like three seasons and GRRM not finishing the books we'll never know if he makes those Hot Pies in the skies at all.

o nooo their instagrams are going to explode. not their instagraaaaaams.

He was in last season

>by Princess Weekes

Yeah that Brienne shit was stupid. She might've liked Jaime but if they hadn't survived and he insisted on them having sex she never really would've courted the idea of them as a couple. So her breaking down crying when he's off to his sister's side seems a huge character derailment for her. I guess Chad's dick really was that good?


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(((Adler))) very Jewish name probably a wealthy yid

Yes because boots on the ground only makes sense when you have large amounts of soldiers doing non-combat things.

See you just don't get it, because you have internalized that white supremacy, you poor 30 year old child

Littlefinger never should've left Sansa with the Boltons. That was just shit writing cause it ended up fucking him over anyways. If it was written so Sansa would get "strong" by her rape by Ramsay then it shows DnD are just shitting up here.

That's the blonde gunslinger girl's name from RDR2

Friendly reminder: both Rickon and Dickon died for this shit for no good reason to.

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Fuck I remember him seeing Gendry and Arya off but it feels years ago. Plus I was mostly joking bruh I know he was.

See I speak German and was wondering if it's really a jewish name, because Adler means eagle, but I couldn't remember the English word for Adler of the top of my head so I lazily wrote "Adler english" into google, the first result was Wikipedia with it's own little box above reading

>Adler is a surname of German and Yiddish origin meaning eagle, and has a frequency in the United Kingdom of less than 0.004%, and of 0.008% in the United States. ... Many notable people with the surname Adler are of Jewish origin, such as Alfred Adler.

That's an especially sneaky jewish name in my opinion

I always remember one the office joke when Micheal ask Oscar if there's a less offensive way refer to his heritage since mexicans is kinda offensive. That's what goes in the minds of PC people

Wow another GoT/Asofai character who's written as a retard with no long term planning because GRRM and the Davids are fucking hacks, who knew? After this episode the realization that both Ned and Robert were pretty fucking shitty guys is not withstanding.

>telling a group of people what they should find offensive
I guess italians is offensive I guess spaniards is offensive I guess calling french people niggers is offensive etc

It's honestly 50/50, both parties are to blame. I've never seen a media franchise so fucking cancerous from it's own writers being such fucking hacks in this entirety before. I hope GRRM dies before finishing ASOFAI so bookfags are BTFOed and then DND do a worse SW movie than Rian Johnson so that fanbase gets fucked more leading to the Dabids losing their careers. It'd all be pottery

a nigger.

Based D&D.

>20 good men

Yup most productions that suck are why you should always keep a tight ship on set. Once production standards go next it's morale then it's talent etc etc.

>Yes i'm
>kinda, i wasn really payin attention
>thats a fantastic idea! we can reunite her with Lil fingers later

They fucked up Dorne but all the North stuff is a close second really.

holy shit, dannyfags are worse than cerseicucks

>Dany gets ressed by kiss of life

Please no no no no no no no

Let her die for fucks sake

That's so bad I want it to happen.

Anyone got the OG Ros Tumblr post? Had it on my old comp, but lost it

Funniest thing of all time


keking hard

woah! how based!

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Imagine caring more about a darkie dying than the Night King getting killed by a potato. That pissed me off way more.

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These people are unhinged

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>it took till season 8 episode 4 for normies to finally get upset at DnD butchering a character
>and they got it wrong

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It's no more racist than person of colour.

kek who the fuck lists the themes of the episode, it's a shitty soundtrack

I'm honestly in the same boat, it's why I'm stealth excited about the new star wars films that are going to be a collab between DABID and rian.

>inb4 shill, etc.

I'm not going to pay to watch them (and neither should you), but this new trend of people who make shitty blockbusters acting contemptuous towards their fans and said fans seething and crying is the most exciting thing in mainstream hollywood culture in a very long time.

I mean it's probably going to end up biting them in the ass in the long run, but that makes it even better.

>Danyfags getting S T A N N I S ‘ D

The pottery is exquisite.

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Not even them want to go down that road, not if they want women and black people to be relevant as characters in the show

he didn't say drive. he said "it's called a USB line... I'll tell you later."

t. pizza delivery boy

POC are important and should be treated like little fragile glass baby unicorns that are pregnant with Jesus’s babies. Strong Queen dragon lady is perfect and strong and should be queen strong strong strong female strong queen future strong queen!!!

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Colored person or colored for short

this is the kind of reddit comment that is posted when you've never read a single book in your life

>gays are new
>morality was invented like, uh, last year
>just respect everyone, guys, cant you get it?

>butchered her character

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These were put out by d&d. You got played like a tune lmao

how can you be so delusional

It has to be a satire, right? I am not the smartest person around but this is even beyond being simply stupid.

there's no normies in /r/asoiaf, they've been bitter and autistic since season 1

literally the spergs and dregs of this general. copied every relevant meme from here
autistic manchildren
they suck D&D's small jewish dick too much

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>next episode
>cersei is going for some drinks
>she drops by the Burlington Bar™
>she looks at the camera

What was that in reaction to?

based cersei

Just send Dany off to shit in a field while Jon handles KL. Sorted.

How come women have no empathy?

Jaime leaving brienne, based on the screenshot

When Jaime leaves Brienne.

>why do the people of color have to be victims not heroes
yeah i’ve been asking this question my whole life

I guarantee you this goblin looking womanlet is going to die in a conclusion to her arc.

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Imagine watching some show entirely about black people and then in the last season, bitching that the heroes aren't white. The fact that we as a society even put up with this shit blows my mind.

Why do these brainlets say that the half-nigger thot and her ball-less nigger boyfriend are main characters? They’re secondary characters very close to being third-rate characters

, Khalesi
Now I can die happy

based snekhater

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Because most casual fans/normalfags who don't read the books and only watch the show always assume that any character that shows up for more than one season or two is a main character. Its really that simple. Look at it like Supernatural, a lot of people liked Crowley because he was in the show since season 4 and a reoccurring antagonist/occasional ally but he was never a protagonist like Sam, Dean, or Castiel were. Its the same crap all over again with Grey Worm and Missi.

The show's only MCs are Dany, Jaime, Cersei, Jon, Sansa, and Arya. They just want to hope Grey Worm and his chick are main characters from being in so many seasons of the show.

t. Nietszche

They’re completely tertiary. Missandei is a translator for a Queen who no longer needs translation, she has no relevance to the main narrative. Grey Worm is a replaceable military leader, less important than Bronze Yohn but inexplicably gets more screen time. The show doesn’t know how to make minor characters sympathetic but still keep them as minor characters.
Fuck all of Dany’s sidekicks, Rakharo was the best one and even then I wasn’t bitching online when he died.

The only people who like her in the show are child soldiers, beta males who got kicked out of westeros, and slaves with ptsd, or chads who are fucking her

Honestly they could have been much more relevant. Torgonudo is the only one with true military knowledge that is loyal to the queen and Missandei was down to earth so she could have asked sometimes if the queen was feeling retarded or something for believing the bullshit her counselors were saying.
Rakharo was a poor dothraki outcast that had to learn another language to get a friend, it was hard to dislike him.

Attached: rakharo.jpg (333x500, 31K)

Oh, fuck. It was so dark I didn't even notice it. I even knew to look for the picture in picture what the fuck. Not sure I would have got it anyhow.

Sorry about my retardation.

Rakharo's budding broship with Jorah was also nice.

bad things happen in war.
it would make for extremely boring storytelling if dany sue won everyones heart and every battle without a scratch.

I honestly hoped he stayed with the queen until the end or close to it. He was inadequate, probably a disappointment to his father that was a blood rider, and with no charisma to speak of but he's one of those you just can't dislike.

I honestly think the Greyworm/Missandei subplot was originally meant to be Rakharo and Irri. It makes a lot more sense that way. For one thing Rakhario had balls.

Indeed. They should have thrown more punches at her early on. Back when I gave a shit and re-watched the show several times, her parts were always the hardest to get down.

Jesus Christ. They have been shilling stronk wommenz nonstop on the show going so far as to have ten year old girls as badass warriors. Almost all important male characters have been emasculated, crippled or otherwise humbled. Yet they think it's the other way round because a useless side character of their favorite skin colour is killed. Truly astonishing.

amerigoblin term for nigger

No, since it aplies to everything that isn't "white".

Greyworm could have been very interesting. In the end he was just "yeah getting your balls cut off really fucks you up".





These same people probably cheered as the dragons burned the Lannister army


And then put a sad face when the tarly were burned, stop reading too much into that, people like named characters and doesn't give a fuck about extras

> still blaming everything on ((((STRAIGHT WHITE MEN))), with jewish men simulteneously being white when it suits their argument but then also being non-white POC when it suits their argument

> writers are jewish
>jon's jewish
> tyrion is a dwarf
> jaime is handicapped
> Varys is gay, post-op trans
> grey worm is a post-op POC trans
> the hound is disfigured and autistic
> sansa straight white female
> cersei straight white female
> dany straight white female
> arya straight white female
> brienna straight white female

actual caucasian males in the show were Sean Bean, fuckin; Joffrey, grenn , allister thorne, Ed, Gendry, Jorah.... none of these guys got good treatment

it's CURRENT YEAR, shitlord

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why do i watch these they give me fuckin aids everytime