Movies about self improvement

Movies about self improvement

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How do I get not fat

Reminded that there is no way she can wipe properly

calories in calories out

>goes from an 8/10 to 810
>beautiful no matter what


rag on a stick, my dude

Have less food

Oh god she's ruined. Oh god what the hell. She was top tier when she was thin.

Stay away from Pierce

Unless you're a man.

Fat people should killed on sight

imagine the smell

I'd still hit it

>Beautiful no matter what
>Jeopardizing your health and vital organs under pounds and pounds of lard

Stop drinking calories. No more soda, no more sugar with coffee, etc. I switched to those sugar free powerade memes and made other small changes to my diet (salads 4-5 times a week, making a slight effort to keep my calories under 1000 on average, etc)

I've lost 24 lbs since the start of March with very minimal physical activity


Go to bed, Pierce

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She definitely weighs more than 311 in the photo shown

meanwhile I cant put on weight even if I try and have been a skeleton for 30 years


>those nasolabial folds

Try to reduce the amount of grains and sugars you eat. If you’re blood sugar is spiking all day bc you eat stuff that turns to glucose you’ll prob get fat as fuuuuuck

I was like that until I hit 30. I'm still not fat, but could maybe lose the love handles.

eat less sugar, that's it

its MUCH more important to control diet than it is to exercise, exercise is important but its far easier to consume 1k calories than burn it off with exercise

you can also do fasting every other day or skip meals


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Watch this for improvementkino

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Don’t eat garbage food or pop, don’t drink alcohol and workout a few times a week. Shit takes care of itself.

>under 1000
For that Auschwitz look?


You gotta believe you can do it, which is hard if you've always been fat and see that as an inevitable part of you. Then you have to make maintainable changes to your diet, start exercising (even just walking is fine) and stick with it patiently. If you're fat you may also be lazy so it's tempting to adopt a very strict diet, but if you ask too much of yourself you'll fail. Just pick healthy foods you enjoy eating, watch your portions and count calories if you can be bothered (if you have sensible portion sizes you shouldn't need to be this specific about it -- tracking foods is tedious and it can be annoying if you eat out and don't know the amount of calories you consumed)

>know burger who grew up so overweight he got sent to the doctor for it
>tells me in schools now and 90% of the kids are heavier than he was
>fat positivity is a real, genuine, 100% non-ironic thing people do

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Well she failed her mission

Eat nothing but ice cream.

Fucking disgusting, women are retards.

Oof, wow and yikes

>remember when I was a kid, I could joke about fat people all I wanted
>everyone did
>now everyone is fat, dumb and lazy
>fat jokes are almost as bad as racist jokes
How the fuck did it all go so wrong? Feels like fat acceptance only started being a thing ~6-8 years ago. It took over in that long and is fucking killing my country and spreading across the world.

People talk about ideologies that kill people, fat acceptance has to be the #1.

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literally just put down the fork

destroy your appetite by becoming an alcoholic
worked for me

Just die quicker goyim

oh jeez fat people are fucking disgusting

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Lose weight.

Just trying to cut as fast as possible. 208lbs to ~175lbs doesn't seem that bad at 6'3", especially when it's all fat. I'd rather get down to skeleton mode and bulk up than work out and try to lose weight over the course of a year or more

this CLEARLY isn't the same fucking person lmao

Just look at that fucking nose. They just used these two pictures because the hair is kinda similar but you're also telling me that in three years she also went to a shittier hair salon? She has highlights on the left but full ombre on the right.

It's really turning into a world designed just for me

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>Gaining weight changes your nose shape
I hope you people don't seriously fall for this.

can confirm

go to like 190 and start working out dawg, you'll look good

i do just sadly not with sea slugs with no self control or worth