when did you take the S.W.E.A.T pledge?
When did you take the S.W.E.A.T pledge?
when I applied for a teaching position solely on the basis of my yellow fever
Never, because I am not a retarded slave.
>shabbos goy pledge
>gameshow host President loses $1b
When I chose the hardest college major I could just because it sounded difficult.
I graduated but it didn't pay off.
Life: hard work and dedication
What? Physics?
I didn't because I only work 3 days a week for 12 hours and have 4 full days off a week, and 4 nights a week where I have no work the next day and can do whatever I want without any pre-work night stress or anxiety. Fucking wagecucks working 5 8 hour shifts must suck lmao, enjoy working your life away wagie
>push for pseudo-science
>get shit on
what else did you expect?
Tell me your occupation
Lmao this image BTFO conservicucks so hard.
God I hate politics
>12 hour shifts
Bitch what
have sex schizo
learn to leer
i'm at work for like, 6 hours a day. of that, maybe 2 is spent working. usually two days i do zero work. i'm going to laugh so hard when that boomer cuck dies. you can't take it with you, grandpa
Nursing. It's great. Great pay and benefits. And I work I'm the OR so I don't deal with shit, piss, or patients and I get to spend half my day sitting on my Side in front of a computer shitposting on my phone while the doctors operate.
Biomedical Engineering.
this is literally the most retarded boomer shit I've ever seen holy shit.
tbf he said hardest he COULD
did you have to start out in er?
im a coastal elite you schizo incel cuck
Well, it does sound hard. Don't know too much about the job prospects for that. Though I don't think it is quite as unemployable as something like biophysics or chemical physics. Seriously, these weird ass degrees they offer to jumble a bunch of shit together is really gay.
3 x 12 = 36
8 x 5 = 40
>limited resource that can't be replaced
>lol dude it's just 4 hours!
wagecucks everyone
I mean it's interesting stuff, but really meant as a stepping stone to med school or grad school and fuck those.
No went there right out of college. I got my job in the OR 2 months before I graduated because OR nurses are in high demand because most nurses don't want to do it because you don't interact with patients. Only reason I did nursing was for 12 hour shifts and I have no desire to work with patients or deal with shit and piss so it worked out great for me.
how long did it take you to become an or cuckboi?
Then you should know Rowe and Trump are frauds.
I think people here shit on Mike Rowe just as much? Also maybe if Bill hadn't sold out people wouldn't shit on him?
not something i'm concerned about tbqhwyf
>my feel when I work thirteen 12 hours shift with one day off inbetween each stetch
hehe I did it guys. I moved out of my mom's house and I'm no longer a neet. life truly has meaning now
Based and yellowpilled.
Lol 4 hours of paid time. But it's 2 less days you have lunch break, so now that 4 is 5-6. 2 less days you have to commute, 2 less days you have to get ready for work in the morning and do your morning routine, 2 less days you have to get in early for work before your shift starts, 2 less days you have to stay late. That 4 hours is really 8+10+ hours. Plus getting all your work consolidated into less days, rather than spreading it out over 5 gives you much more freedom, wagie.
at least be subtle about it
Went right to college after high school, 4 years of college, started working 2 months after graduation.
Isn’t this picture at least five years old?
I started off in biomed, went to the first job fair in freshman year for engineers, saw there were two possible jobs out of 300 for biomed specifically (barring med school and grad school), and changed my major to chemistry.
>Employed by a computer illiterate boomer to be a sysadmin for his construction company
>Entire job was setting up a file share
>Sit in an office and shitpost all day
>Intentionally fuck something up on the server just so I can quickly fix it and have the boss take notice and say "Our old IT guy woulda taken all week to fix that"
I work a cushy engineering office job where I just fuck with 3D models all day.
Laughing at the plebs, can you believe they pay me $120k for this shit?
That’s great and all but you engineers are all working boring beta provider nerd type jobs. If you don’t plan on having kids then more power to you.
Have you seen the shit Bill Nye has heen saying lately?
Degrees and past achievements are meaningless if all you do is spouting schizo nonsense
>boring beta provider nerd type jobs
everyone who doesn't own a successful company does that
Have you considered fucking around with additional value-adding projects? Just for the sake of learning something and padding your resume?
wrinkle brained and high iq pilled
Oh please, both are fucking hacks.
Ya I don't get what he's saying. Maybe trying to imply that engineers are beta providers?
reminder that mike rowe gets paid millions by the koch to shill this corporatist shit
>nursing, its great
lmao this nigga has to wipe asses, drain wounds, suction vomit and pretend he cares about drug addicts all day erry day.
The first line is missing
>You were born white
That's winning the genetic lottery. You basically start life out on easy mode day 1
Im from croatia and im even voted for Bernie but I know Rowe's not a fraud ur just jealous
>yfw you stop reading after 3 words to cope
Pretty much, yeah. Most engineers on Yea Forums seem to work cushy but ultimately boring jobs that pay really well. Your ungrateful kids probably won’t give two fucks that you make six figures “playing with 3D models”. They just care that you make six figures.
>Executives: Work hard and you will make it
>Reality: You will never make it
>surprised people are upset
My job is in the high voltage industry. The average engineer here is a 6'1 chad that lifts and parties hard on the weekends.
since when do kids respect what their parents do?
Does not compute
no it's
>Reality: You might make it
everyone is delusional about how cool the company they keep is
Not trying to say all engineering jobs are boring to non-engineers, just most of them. Unless you design roller coasters or work as a Disney Imagineer or something, normies won’t be impressed.
Life: Work hard and you will make it
Millennials: Work hard while racking up obscene debts because they live on campus in private colleges, oftentimes out of state colleges, while studying to earn a degree with little to no job prospects, or in a field that is heavily oversaturated, then they graduate with obscene debt and a basically worthless degree and have to settle for a low paying job in a completely different field all the whole they scream, shout, cry, and complain blaming everyone else except themselves for their poor choices
I remember this guy, he was on that "news" channel that hates celebs talking about politics unless it's their celebs.
Damn that's ironic, or retarded.
I fell for the trade job counter-meme. Thought it would be a better alternative than university or some office job where I had to deal with random people bullshit. Ended up making a decent salary as a welder but nothing nearly as high as I was lead to believe (thought I was going to make starting like >55k but ended up only being able to get around ~40) and then years went by and I realized that pay increases barely keep up with inflation and seniority is fucked. You don't make nearly as much money in the long term and your skills are so narrow you can really only work that job and derivative construction jobs.
I ended up going to community college for computer science, getting my associates, and then doing a bootcamp (back when it was still viable and they were still new and not so saturated) and now I'm getting paid twice as much even after so many years as a welder and with an infinitely better work schedule.
Yes trade school meme is a meme, most jobs you find won't be the great ones you read about online although they do exist.
Trade school is only a good alternative to university if you're going to college for non-stem or business degrees. And business degrees aren't a guaranteed better decision, it can be hit or miss.
I made 80k a year I don't need no resume I'm comfy with my job
Once you step outside of the tech industry and get into heavy machinery/high voltage shit, the stereotypical engineering dweeb would never make it. You basically need to be a super masculine turbo normie to fit in, lots of crude shop-like humor and shouting matches when shit doesn't work
conservative boomers
>globalism is ruining the economy, outsourcing to foreigners is saturating the job market, corporations are screwing over the small guy
also conservative boomers
>lmao you fucking millenials just aren't working hard enough
Why tf do you want 12 hour shifts
You won't make it working for somebody else forever. Either keep moving onto better gigs or work for yourself. No guarantees in life but its more freeing.
Great post, everyone knows it's impossible for both of those to be true. Stupid conservative boomers.
dude shovel shit all day hopefully making enough money to buy maruchan and don't complain, because boomers need their retirement money! If you get lucky you can get the college acceptance (+300k debt) to be eligible for your first unpaid internship and then be eligible for your second unpaid internship and then if you're really lucky and have a good handshake you can get a shitty office job and watch marvel movies on the weekends!!!
if you worked hard enough they wouldn't hire foreigners instead of you
>Bill "sex is just a social construct" Nye
Because it's 4 leas days I have to go into work. 4 less nights I have to plan around going into work the next morning. I have much more freedom and free time.
I wake up at 6:15 on work days, get home at 7:45. No work the next day usually so I stay up to 1:30-2, wake up next day at 9, and have the whole next 1-4 days off depending on my schedule for that week and the next. Much better than working 9-5 m-f.
No one gets rich through labour.
Capital rules.
Inherit or start your own business, the ROI on anything else is dog shit.
lol that cope
LOL this is SO them
Sorry 2 less days for 4 full days off and 4 nights a week.
Nice cope wagie
>All job prospects are getting handed to literal poos that don't even live in your country for 1/4 of the pay
>It's your fault for getting a degree in electrical engineering
Welp, should have just invested in wagecucking at my local Home Depot
I work 12 hour shifts for 7 days straight, but I get the next 7 days off. Its kinda nice I guess
>immediately responds
Insecure and cope
>if you worked for half the pay they wouldn't hire foreigners instead of you
My dad was a Blackhawk pilot which I thought was the coolest thing ever
The C.U.C.K pledge
Rowe has never worked a fucking day in his life, he plays for two minutes in front of a camera
>Responding in less than 2 minutes
That insecure cope kek
>code monkey in Netherlands
>earn 80 euros per hour
>take every Wednesday off
>have 30 vacation days per year
Pretty comfy tbqh
It's either start your own business or enioy being a slave for the rest of your life
That kinda sucks desu, I usually work 1 on and then get 1-3 off.
I haven't and I never will.
youre apparently not American if you don't work five day weeks and take more than 10 vacations days per year
The work ethic here is retarded.