In a thread a week ago someone said David Fincher was too 'cerebral'

In a thread a week ago someone said David Fincher was too 'cerebral'

Can someone tell me what that is?

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Top 5 worst tattoos ever, easily.

Disney is based, and so are our boys in blue.

tattoos are tacky and corporate tattoos are fucking retarded

No that honor belongs to all of Mr. COOL ICE's tattoos

someone's never been to disney world

>more and more studies are linking tattoos with cancer and heart failure
>not only do they look like cancer they also cause it
My fucking sides

They meant he could detect mutants around the world. This gives him unique insight into building a sense of alienation in his films.

Take it back

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>mr. cool ice
your age is showing, user

>Mickey mouse blue lives matter tattoo
W h y

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semper fi

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I love Disney World and if Walt were still alive he'd ban tattooed weirdos from entering his parks.

I had no idea Tim Tracker was so based

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His movies have a pretty cold detachment from the characters

Can you elaborate? I don't watch many films but I read a lot. What classic book would be too hard for him to adopt because it is too cerebral? What movies aren't cerebral?

We're talking about degenerates and theit tattoos, faggots

*he is too cerebral

Literally Nascar bumper stickers


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Agreed. I hate the duality of American politics because this shit. Cops are incredibly corrupt in most precincts and the idea that lawlessness based on race is morally superior is repugnant.
Balkanization into race-states when.

God hes so fucking cool bros

Kys zoomer parrot

Fuck sakes even the fan says ICE

How else is he supposed to stay cool?

tattoos are cool though

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Holy shit go back to /r/all you fucking boot licking homo

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#1 i challenge you to find a zoomer who would understand what that actually means
#2 a 90% white midwest would be the most powerful state in history

This case was ridiculous, Disney actually sued the couple for half a million dollars per tat for non licences association with the police.


Capitalist ideology: the tattoo

those niggas interpellated af

>sued the couple
Based homos

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For me, his fall under the category of "I would never put that retarded shit on my body but I'm glad someone did." there are way worse ones out there, namely any portrait tattoo done by people who can probably barely draw.

Jake sooli

>be a bootlicking consumerist drone
>get sued
based Disney

>you will NEVER be this cool

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America in a nutshell.