Heard it Was Beautiful Edition
Heard it Was Beautiful Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Stannis
Second for Emilia
It was literally the most popular theory about the books.
Also how don't you know they were told this by Gurm?
nth for Ashara
First for queen of love and beauty
Post >yfw burlingsoy bar next week
not gonna lie, former Targaryen supporter here, its been hilarious watching Danny crash and burn, but seriously we can't let her get her hands on the wildfire!
have you thanked them for saving you from targshit rule /got/?
Just a bit?
>"If I led a quarter of a million men to death, would they call me Gerold the Great? I shall remain Darkstar, I think. At least it is mine own."
Why don't they fuck already and get it over with?
The Hound during e4 embodies my reaction to the episode.
Stop shipping them. He's too old for her.
More leaks
“So got some info. Looks like it confirms some of the leaks mentioned above. Varys dies next episode (Dany burns him alive), Dany and Unsullied fuck up kings landing and they begin to surrender but the surrender bells that sound off in a tower literally "break" Dany mentally and she goes pure mad targaryan. It sounds like it is setting up Jon and Grey Worm confrontation. Grey Worm also lets his anger get the better of him as Lannister troops surrender he says fuck it and throws a spear at a soldier which starts a crazy riot where Dany's army starts raping and pillaging everyone. Jon is like wtf apparantly but gets caught up in the battle to really do anything (lannisters start attacking again). There was a leak I read earlier I'll try and find it because what my source was telling me was very similiar to that leak and they more or less confirmed everything in that leak 100% true.”
where is she
Press P to pet the doge
Man, Yea Forums's been ahead of the curve by years, but the discrepancy between the reception of season 8 here and elsewhere has disappeared the past week. It's like normies were unwilling to accept how bad season 8 is for the first few episodes, but just snapped after episode 4 and are saying what Yea Forums has been saying since the premier. What a disaster.
why do you guys love Darkstar?
Show's gone to shit, post memes.
Anyone has that image where Dany and Jon tell each other they have something to tell the other, she says she's pregnant and he stabs her?
She regularly hangs out and fucks niggers.
there will be riots
in the attic, duh
Dany will kill the bellniggers :)
Ren Dayne, Bane of the Black Waters.
>It's like normies were unwilling to accept how bad season 8 is for the first few episodes, but just snapped after episode 4
Well people I think are just starting to realize "wait the Night King is really dead and THIS is what is left."
Does she think the bells are an attempt at rallying or something?
Stop telling us your fantasies. No one cares.
Why does she look 15 and 30 at the same time?
This season would have benefited so much from just a couple more episodes.
This pisses me off more than the awful fucking disaster at winterfell
r/gameofthrones is a shitshow right now, and that sub is moderated BY hbo shills. dabid has done it this time.
Leakfags just confused bells for a horn r-right?
i dont get it
What is this BELLS meme?
CHART user
>Varys dies next episode
Is he the most useless character the last few seasons?
>*bell ring sound*
Is that spoiler legit?
In for armored Drogon next EP. Euron saw something that blinded him in the sky. That fucking Valerian sheen of greatness my niggers.
I, for one, enjoyed the episode.
Night King was always pretty lame honestly. The complex characters and political intrigue and lore is what makes the series good. NK is just some one dimensional great evil fag.
Sure thing.
Long hair Tyene best Tyene, fight me.
>I'm glad I wasn't taken with you, because I was raped and without that I could never have grown as a character
>written by two white men, directed by a white man
>get brutally raped by Gregor Clegane after your daughter has been stabbed to pieces and your infant son's head has been smashed against a wall
>all because your husband decided to abandon you to fuck another woman
Elia didn't deserve this
This meme is suddenly relevant again
>a nightmare from legend appears in front of you
>your Watch bros with you are so spooked they flee in terror
>pull out your sword and tell the eldritch monster to 1v1 me fgt
>only lose because of magic ice sword hacks
He was the hero we needed lads
he would be perfect for the show. D+D would be able to understand his character and portray him exactly as he is in the books.
Dany takes King's landing, fighting stops. Suddenly surrender bells start ringing and she literally has a psychotic breakdown.
>It'd be really fucked pacing wise of you yeet her halfway through an episode. It'll be the climax of 5
Yeah, Dany is going down at the end of the episode. We know next to nothing about what happens in the finale. All we have is an alleged Tyrion trial or Bran becoming king.
There was like one source who kept repeating that Council ending. I wonder if they made it up.
isn't that confederacy show about a black secessionist state?
>Khaleesi...come closer
>The nomad shitkins...the dothraki...I tried to make sure that all of those subhumans died in the charge...
>But *coughs up blood*
>But I think a few may have survived...I'm so sorry Khaleesi...please make sure they are all dead for me
>Please...and the castrated niggers too, please check that none of them are alive...this is my last wish, my Khaleesi...
>The Westerosi Man's burden Khaleesi....
>I just call it as I see it: the natural hierarchy...
*looks at camera*
>the darkies from the summer isles, the shitskins of essos, the chinks from yi ti, it's our duty to send them back across the narrow sea
>And if we can't Then they shall dangle from the weirwood tree. The night of steel is near
>my queen, we will have every coon in this continent dead or deported by the end of this war and may the old gods decapitate that sheboon Missandei if I'm right
>goodbye Khaleesi.... and may the gods bless the Westerosi brotherhood
"Here lies Ser Jorah, failure at life, failure in love, failed defender of the realm, he never scored"
Omg! Will she also have cyclops's blaster eyes like Deadpool in parody of the Bobby memes?
>mfw pic related did this to herself
Waiting for Bran to be elected King so she can become Queen Consort.
>twisting danny into muh mad queen was the one plot line they managed to make at least believable
>they're gonna stomp all over it and just make dany go crazy for lolwut reasons
Its like they're actively trying to be bad at their job
this actress is gonna make a fortune off royalties despite doing fuck all and just randomly being in a bunch of episodes
>all the PoC characters in the show reveal their true nature as rapists and criminals
>The biggest feminist icon of the past decade goes down in flames
>an omniscient white boy with no qualifications gets put on the throne
If the show had to end in a retarded way, I'm glad it's like this bros. Twitter and Tumblr will be seething for months.
Now that that has settled for a minute or two, fuck up outta here cuck.
that dirty water doesn't look healthy to get in her pussy. hope she had antibiotics available
the rape, Sansa.... the rape....
Why though?
Any Tyene is Best Tyene because Tyene automatically > all non-Tyenes
>kings guard
>dont have squires to clean that shitty looking armor
all they had to do was let danny win and it would have been remembered as one of the greatest television shows of all time, I can't believe they fucked up so bad, now normies have realised it's shit they'll look back and see it's been shit for years its over
try eternity
Is Roose the most high test man in all of the seven kingdoms?
I liked that nigga, honestly. I really hoped to see more of him before he, ya know, died right away.
They're just idiots playing with toys. They even tried to hint at us.
>Tyrion talking about his retarded cousin playing with bugs
What? What's the difference between mad queen and go crazy?
you just know
Aegon, the real one, will avenge his mother.
>Why though?
it'll be like Trump getting elected x 1000
She looks like a girl I used to work with in that pic. Also what is with girls with the ombre/lower half hair and it being red/orange lately?
Podrick saves her, her mother gave her life to feed her a few bites beforehand. He takes her home to care for her where they marry and have children. Brienne trains their children to be Knights, with a bit of influence from Hound & Arya.
no way was grrm having that ending
gods... it's perfect
Thirsty, your Grace?
he wanted the bad poosy
Sophie likely loved that line though, she has a major rape fetish
Why don't these whores go all the way and just fuck animals?
Gilly has a nice brapper
The bells bells bells bells
This is what happened to The Walking Dead and Shaneposting, like Bobbyposting it didn't start until years after he died when the show went off the deep end so people got bored in livethreads.
More like she has a coke/molly fetish and likes just going out getting fucked smashed and just fucking anything she comes into contact with.
Dany is fucking shit though
You could excuse episode 1 and 2 at the time because people thought all the good material would be shifted to the remaining episodes. Turns out that making people have hope in a single episode and crashing it with too many survivors is not the best idea. Look at how well received season 6 is despite its massive flaws because it had episodes and moments far better than these flaws. The current season has so much bad writing and not a sinlge scene can make up for it.
R'hllor hungers and she's not accepting surrender. She's too MAD
How many years until they remake GoT? 20? 25? 30?
>Why does she look 15 and 30 at the same time?
"So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying "I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves." And all the people answered, "His blood be on us and on our children!"
- Matthew 27:24–25
i can't even tell if this is bait or not with the reddit niggers who post in these threads
rhaegar was the most pathetic targshit in existence i'm glad he got btfo by bobby b
most useless and most mischaracterized.
>lies as much as if not more than little finger
>was one of the main reasons the mad king was so mad
>would try and kill anyone if they posed a threat to him or his plans
>"muh good of the realm that I'm not even from!"
fuck dnd for making him seem like a good noble dude
shaneposting was hilarious
if people werent so fucking sensitive they would realize it made sense, sansa was such a prissy bitch before she went through any actual hardships
need renly's faggot green baratheon banner in reddit tier
20. Even if GRRM is dead by that point and the books not finished, someone will take any outlines he had and mix it with the show, finish the books, and then they'll announce a new season with a bigger budget, while older actors will come back for different parts (get ready for old Kit playing Jeor or something).
Lannisters are our guys
anyone else accidentally using this season to completely reevaluate how you see your peers? i actually find myself losing respect for anyone who doesn't totally hate how this show has gone. like i straight up can't see an intelligent person being at all okay with this season. my coworkers talk about this show now like it's a sports game and they just want to see their favorite team win regardless of if it makes sense or not. one of them actually mentioned the tyrion as a targaryan fantheory to me before the show started airing said how it would be "so epic!" if that was the case.
>tfw you realize normies really are having more fun just turning their brain off
but still fuck D&D
>was one of the main reasons the mad king was so mad
Wait, what? Where was this said?
It's not bait, and I've been here longer than you. Also Sansa's writing has been shit for ages, this is hardly anything new.
Gods, look at the toilet on this bitch!
Requesting Lysa being thrown out the Moon Door except it's really the Varys Door.
What's the Qyburn endgame?
add Dayne to /ourguys/
>that armpit
It's called a baby face you morons.
I thought it was rainbow?
Tyene "Double-D" SanDD
I've liked this season a lot so far
Is that OK?
read the books or ignore posts you don't understand
no he had the baratheon banner in tyrell colours after he married margaery
the rainbow was for his rainbow guard
Bless Dorne's tits
you are a dumb cunt
I judge anyone who watches GOT to be lower than pond scum.
Add Blackfyre to /ourguys/
>mp all over it a
How many niggers are they going to fir into the main cast this time?
More zombies
House Glover in either based or ok I guess plz
Well they cut the entire BFS plotline, so Varys needs his entire motivation changed. So they pull a vague line about young griffs education and make that his motivation
There's a difference between her going mad because her experiences have brought to the end of her rope, or say she goes mad because Targarians just be like that sometimes.
They have somehow managed to find an ever worse 3rd option of making her go mad because muh ringer dingers.
>tfw dany targshit is btfo by literal bells
He was great in the book because he was a microcosm of both extremes of a noble knight; a stuck-up cunt when things are routine, but the guy who will face down a monster when shit gets real
Someone add text to this just screaming DAAANY
They never said that Varys drove Aerys mad with his schemes in the books, unless you're talking about one of the prequel Targ books that GGRM wrote. Haven't read those.
why didn't she say this?
Dude I've enjoyed this season way more than 7. 6 had its moments I'm sure (I can only remember Cers 9/11ing the mosque). 5 was garbage. But this one, I just stopped giving a fuck and expect the worst. Now I can enjoy the show again.
>derrr just tern yer brane off
But seriously though.
No Blackfyre? No Dayne? those guys at least deserve based status.
Varys fed Aerys names of people, knowing Aerys would burn them. He tried to convince Aerys not to open the gates to Tywin and he's the one who convinced Aerys to visit the Tourney where all the High Lords were gathering where Rhaegar could've gotten support to dethrone her father
ah ok
>Jon can’t do anything
This alone makes me believe your post it’s not like that zombified dipshit has done anything himself
Him being sidelined constantly is expected now, it isn’t even a subversion for him to be a useless gaping moron
Reeds are absolutely based. Based Howl and his moving castle made it through this entire shitshow unharmed.
Multiple people state it.
I mean it's had two good episodes, one filler episode and one abysmally bad episode
So I can understand liking it
It's just that the one abysmally bad episode has ruined not only the entire 8 year conclusion and ending for the rest of the show, it has retroactively ruined all the seasons that led up to that moment
>This is what happened to The Walking Dead and Shaneposting, like Bobbyposting it didn't start until years after he died when the show went off the deep end so people got bored in livethreads.
Amory Lorch posting when?
>brienne's pussy was so bad that jaime is going all the way back to king's landing to realign with cersei
they had to pay the Iron price!
Did you like the part where Dany get's ambushed by boats while flying?
What about the next scene where she just stand right in front of the people who tried to kill her with 0% chance of surviving if they attacked?
Which was your favorite part?
Where would House Manderly and House Hightower be on this scale?
>They never said that
have you ever... ya know...read them?
I fucking hate those faggots. Literally everything wrong with contemporary pop culture.
*his father
This, Varys just wants the throne for himself, or at the very least someone meek like Jon who is easily controlled.
my brain pronounces his name as "armory lurch" every time i see it
I need this to happen eventually
Keep their heads ringin'!
a gift from God
He's the next nightking
Why would Varys want to depose the Targs by driving Aerys mad, when his subsequent plan is to put more Targs on the throne?
>you fugg jimy lansders benis :DDDD
>Ser Barristan once told me the rot in King Aerys's reign began with Varys. The eunuch should never have been pardoned.
Best season.
Because his plans had giant chunks of them removed for the show, he was backing Aegon/Young Griff who he raised to be Luke Skywalker here to save the day and now he’s not around.
The battle strategies are atrocious but I can tolerate what's going on besides that
>that armpitpussy
>Which was your favorite part?
When Cersei could have filled Tyrion with three hundred arrows but didn't, even though she was willing to pay Bronn to shot one dart into the dwarf.
But then why give Dany dragon eggs?
That's because Varys is a fucking Blackfyre and is actually conspiring against the Realm for his House. That's why the warlock cut his dick off, Kingsblood.
Ok, but seriously though. Did GRRM molest them as little boys or something?
They clearly have a massive hate boner for this story and world.
>he thinks blackfyres are targs
What's the significance of bells? Is this a callback to Aerys, where Jon Connington lost the war by being merciful? Is there some other meaning?
>arch nemesis is killed
>not a single fucking word about his death by noballs
Only Cat (Writer's note: Cat is Catelyn Stark, her sister)
I don’t think he knew about her at first he learned about her after swapping Aegon with the baby he traded the poor guy Arbor Gold for so the Mountain killed a different baby
and a surgeon
No sometimes user, people are just idiots. No real reason behind it, just idiots.
Reminder that Scorpions are based on modern Assault Crossbows, and would have technically been able to have been created in the middle ages.. but the middle age people didn't need to dedicate the engineering to do so because they had other, more effective weapons for what they needed to do.
A Ravin R15 can accurately hit a target at 600 yards and it's a handheld weapon made with basic materials.
Thank you, D&D for coming up with a way to salvage fucking up Euron with making a viable solution.
She's going mad because she realizes she is an outsider and people don't like her. If anything the bell, if true, is just the final signal. She's always been incredibly stubborn and ruthless, now she's quickly losing what makes her strong. It's always been the dragons, the dragons gave her everything. And now they're dropping like flies and she has no real alliance to fall back on, she thinks she is destined for the throne and to be some great leader regardless so seeing Jon prevail is sending her into shock. Now Cersei is playing with her big time and got her all crazy riled up by killing her friend. Dany would do right to just marry Jon, have him be king and she be queen. I dont see why it isn't an option.
Because nobody new they could be hatched. They were expensive but otherwise useless gifts.
To be honest, it doesn't make sense, even in the books. Varys could've tried to poison Aerys, his constant cuts from the throne would've been a good opportunity to infect him with something, then just sit Rhaegar on the throne. But apparently he'll stay loyal if you're crazy and threaten his life then just pull shit out of his ass later on to put some other Targ on the throne
yeah I didn't dislike it much either.
The only thing that got me was the end shot of danny with 2 dozen unsullied being out in the open infront of the wall of ballistas, and then tyrion (who cerseri sent Bronn to kill and is now right infront of her) not getting killed.
That last scene, none of it really was good.
But the rest of it didn't make me rage
Add house dayne to based
Its a callback to Drogo's bells which were removed from the show and how thats the trigger point of where all this chaos and shit began.
I genuinely believe these idiots think they are actually good directors, are bored of GoT and just wanted to end the series so they could fuck off and do something else.
i want meera to cream on my cock
Your sister, Catelyn Stark, neé Tully, married to Eddard "Ned" Stark, who is dead, and also Catelyn is dead, forcing me to transfer my pointless love to her daughter Sansa Stark, who is standing over there currently.
>all this suffering because robert baratheon loved someone who didn't love him back
>writing the fact that the last targ ruler was an insane tyrant out of the show at the same time you're trying to set up a mad queen plot
>Hey guys. Just a regular user here
>Totally not a bio-luminescent negroid.
>You guys notice how [insert latest pop culture nonsense] totally makes you angry
>Like, it makes you want to hate a large group of people, if not half your fucking fellow citizens?
>But, like, they're bad people anyway so it's like whatever lol
Yeah. Weird. Reeeeeeee normies.
Man, could you BE any more of a brainlet? Seriously, imagine being so stupid you couldn't think of reasons why someone would give an expensive gift to someone. Goddamn.
He probably considered Aerys' entire line tained desu, thats why he wanted to put a Blackfyre on the throne
Forgot to mention this is a show tier-list not books.
>I dont see why it isn't an option.
because of plot
She was barely over 18, that's just natural perkiness user
the most plausible thing i can think of is a reminder of drogo's dothraki bells and her remembering him combined with mourning her dragon, missandei, jorah, + whatever % of her army. so she goes insane with grief? who knows
Arthur Dayne was in the flashback tho
>all those mentions about Dany being barren
>Jon not believing it
>that mention of Jon passing longclaw to his kids
>Jon and Dany vowing to do shit together
>Dany leaving Daario behind so she's single and can marry for alliances
>Littlefinger, now Tyrion, Varys and Davos bringing up marriage
>Dany sharing her dragon with Jon
All amounted to fuck all. BRAVO
But it makes no sense. They're in love, she may be preggers, yet she is begging jon to not tell anyone about who he is. If they married nobody would question it.
I can't believe it took until 2019 for normies to hate the show. I've been hatewatching since 2015
I need the biggest basic cough you have
Jon never loved her, he just wanted an army
to be fair, melly did say she was going to volantis to gather men or something last season and we haven't seen them yet
there's still hope stannisbros...
Will Varys repete this line?
Dayne and Hightower were in the show you fucking worm.
nah, obvious from the shape
>show my mom the coffee cup that was on the table
>think she's going to laugh
>"So what? Did you see it yourself? It's not like you caught it live. It doesn't count and it doesn't matter. Why do you care? It's just a mistake."
What the FUCK just happened bros?
>drogo's dothraki bells
Never existed in the show.
Did you not watch Robb's storyline in seasons 1-3?
They were rushed into protecting Lyanna. All their support team were already defeated by Bobby B
Euron's fleet take down Rhaegal
Jame betrays the North and Missande is captured.
Dany's army captures Jaime and Brienne can't reason with him
Sansa tells Tyrion that Jon is a Targaryen and he tells Varys. Vary's betrays Dany because he thinks Jon would be a better King.
Cersei has Missandei executed
Dany has Vary's executed and Dany assaults Kings landing in a one sided fight
Tyrion ask her to show mercy, Dany refuses. Tyrion frees Jaime and try to get Cersei out of the city.
Drgon burns Kings landing and Euron's fleet
Cleganebowl, they both die.
Jaime fights Euron and kills him but is mortally wounded in exchange.
Jame makes it to Cersei and they die together.
Dany starts executing everyone in Kings landing (Tyrion and Jon are upset)
Dany has Tyrion executed for freeing his brother
Tyrion tries to convince Jon to turn on Dany. His family will never be safe because it threatens Dany's legitimacy
Jon tries to talk to Dany but she ignores him thinkig she is justified.
Tyrion and Sansa begin to scheme against Dany and to turn Jon against her.
Sansa will betray Tyrion at the end despite promising to rule together.
Jon's outcome is uncertain: new Nights Watch or dies. Kit apparently shot two different endings for the show.
>trick danyfags into thinking jon and dany will end up together, rule together, be happy, and have a kid
>make dany mad queen and have jon kill her
based jews
I feel sorry for you
Your mom sounds like an intelligent woman, congrats.
this is tiny I'm afraid
a very upset incel made this image
can men be emcels but also incels?
He is prob a Blackfyre himself in the books
Isn't it incredibly convoluted though to think Robert and his advisors will fail and fuck up so badly and you can help it along to let fAegon come and conquer stuff and be heralded a hero for it. I mean, if Robert had trueborn kids, Varys if fucked
m crying.. Really sad..
Dany lost everything.. I suporrt you burn all the city..
Choppp Cersie leg..
Hands and last
Give to dragon..
You must be 18 to use this website.
user, as a virgin, I'm here to say, you should probably get laid.
woah bros....
Jesus christ, tell your mom to lighten up. what a cunt. 19th amendment was a fucking mistake.
>hurrr only men can be fucked
kys I've met more crazy bent females more than anything
I am replaced by a bald eunuch
I never understood why they did that
it's not a wrong image tho, plenty of men and women are sadly like that
>Choppp Cersie leg..
This but unironically
I hate that I do, but I agree with this a lot.
Especially that sports team analogy, I had the same thoughts myself. I love you user
I'm 38, my mom likes the show so we talk about it.
They even told you you absolute pleb
Nah Varys would just scheme a way to get the trueborn kids killed too. He really really wanted that Blackfyre dynasty.
tf happens to qyburn
>Jame makes it to Cersei and they die together.
Any idea on who wounds Cersei?
>Dany has Tyrion executed for freeing his brother
>Sansa will betray Tyrion at the end despite promising to rule together.
I feel triggered hearing them as well, they're annoying as hell. Dany is justified.
an upset emcel made this post
yes, and it is common but this is because emotional connection is naturally initiated by females so there is much mutuality here
Jesus she sounds like a fucking cunt, no wonder you are on Yea Forums.
recommend me something better to watch please
cures greyscale and invents cars
I did. Robb thinking if he can just marry Edmure off he can get an army and do beat the Lannisters is not nearly the same thing as Jon and Dany. Marriage between them should've been obvious and the first thing they thought of after they fell in love. Her getting knocked up could've or should've happened already. It's been a few months I would think since they met and fucked at this rate.
Yeah bro, me to bro. It’s good to just turn my brain off after work and lifting bro. Want to grab a drink bro?
maybe she's having a bad day and just wanted to enjoy her stupid tv show without someone ruining it
>people still confused about the bells
It triggers her, its when he life changed and led to all this.
>Many were Dothraki horselords, big men with red-brown skin, their drooping mustachios bound in metal rings, their black hair oiled and braided and hung with bells.
>Drogo's braid was black as midnight and heavy with scented oil, hung with tiny bells that rang softly as he moved.
>The tiny silver bells in his long braid rang softly as he rode. "I am the blood of the dragon," she whispered aloud as she followed, trying to keep her courage up. "I am the blood of the dragon. I am the blood of the dragon." The dragon was never afraid.
I'll clean his armor and I won't stop there
>how did Arya get past the white walkers
Because Hannah Murray ate them! Holy fucking shit!
All my favorite "lolas" are fat AF. Even the catgirl from Ghotam. Just fuck my shit up.
>believe my double spaced post
yeah, no kiddo
You let your mother talk to you that way as an old ass man?
He becomes Azor Ahai.
Showthraki don't do bell thing
Yeah I like it too. It's better than 6 and 7
I feel like it's 1 or 2 guys making a majority of the cough shitposts which honestly makes it a little funnier. Silly fucks.
Glad you and your mom have something to enjoy. I have to catch my mom still up on Season 7 and now Season 8, she's been sick lately. She's a normie when it comes to who she likes, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, but she loves the show, I kinda don't want her to watch Season 8 honestly, it'll make her sad.
The only redeeming quality about the show is her perfect bone structure
she wears bells in her own hair though in the books....................
>total usurper with no legit claim on the throne
>blew up the major religious institution of the realm
>hand is a creepy necromancer
>kingsguard is led by a 7 foot tall zombie
>no smallfolk have a problem with this
all of that is meaningless since the dothraki don't have tiny bells on the show, it does prove martin is gonna kill daenerys tho
This is still GRRM's ending, whether D&D fucked up or not.
Sure. But bells?
i don't really know what you're trying to say. but i want to let you know that i am in fact jewish. hope that upsets you too.
Sansa is smart is all you need to know
>fuck you snow you absolute furnigger
>you failure of a dog, you albino ice mutt
>you fucking shitlion, you stunted little four pawed waste of wolf sperm
>I wouldn't warg you with Bran's cock
I understand the battle against the dead changed people but this still seemed really OOC for Jon.
Pillars of the earth
>tfw my dad asked me to download the first few seasons because JUST NOW he thought about watching the show
>tfw just told him "ok, but just know the quality goes down little going on with the seasons" because I didn't have the heart to tell him what a train wreck it had become
>total usurper with no legit claim on the throne
she sits it and is protecting the small folk. It's the only claim that matters.
GRRMs ending will probably involve madlad Euruon and his horn of dragon binding
for exactly those reasons folks fear her. they could've rise against if the show was any good.
Only because of Drogo. If she had never been sold to Drogo she'd likely still be sitting there with Viserys and Illyrio hanging out, maybe Jorah would have stuck around if he had saw her wondering around the city at some point.
toasty roastie
That's the only good thing in this shitheap.
Jon and Dany ruling the Seven Kingdoms for 1000 years was shit that /got/ used to make fun of, not support.
why are you in this thread at all?
it sucks because they are nice people and all but I have never felt this strongly about a show as much as I am filled with hatred for this season and it is totally affecting my opinion of these people. i was expecting for it to drop off but not directly into the toilet.
yeah, but assuming she continues to wear them in the books ,why would she be triggered (assuming that they stripped bells remind her of drogo from the books even though they dont have bells in the show)
This is the problem with the whole subverting shit and anyone can die tropes.
It’s fine when you only know the character for a certain amount of time, it’s another thing when it’s 8 seasons/7 books of development for a central protagonist, it stops being clever and becomes annoying to most people which is exactly why the show is getting so much hate from all sides.
They fucked up, they overplayed Martin’s hand, because Martin wasn’t there to control what happened. Martin himself hasn’t cared at all about GoT since the third book which was around 2000, when he decided to make it 7 instead of 3, when 3 was all he had the patience for.
Literally stopped giving a shit after he wrote the third book, because he ran out of gas. He won’t even write the book, and has moved on to other projects. He passed it off to people who didn’t care about it. The only people that have cared about GoT since like 1999 are the fans.
My version
Some autist on pleddit did calculations and showed the bolts would be breaking beyond the speed of sound at their trajectory.
>not only being invested enough in a show that you need to be a fan of a certain house despite the fact that all of the plotlines are prewritten and its fiction (this isn't hockey dumbass), but also being invested enough in how other anons see you so you need them to affirm that you chose the right house
i've never said this before, but you need to have sex dude
Christ that's funny
Honestly some of the finest tits I've ever seen