Not a chance :)

Not a chance :)

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Other urls found in this thread:


not this time

This story may have happened some time between the roman empire and today, we can't know for sure. That's why we're calling it fact.

Attached: nbv.jpg (480x360, 11K)

t. author Robert Tralins

Thanos’ poppa was a better host. That cute, mischievous smile he flashes during a reveal always causes me to blush.

It never happened.

Can you imagine how fucked up of a trip watching that clip on acid would give you?

Pure fiction.

It's a fabrication.

It never happened

He's talking about the Holodomor

It's a total fabrication

Its existence was a rumor

this event has not actually occurred

We made it up

I hope this meme blows up, this show was one of my all time favourites. Used to watch as much as I could after school.

It's an urban legend that never happened

This one was made by a writer.

No way

not a fucking chance, chief

>Every day we find our assumptions challenged. What we know is right is wrong, and what we know is right turns out to be true. If you trust the liberal Jew run media, you might find think that crying about "the six million" will solve all your problems...but it's a far cry from a..."final solution".

not a chance

>/pol/ trying to ruin a meme before it even starts

>"It was true... all of it. The story of a beta male crying over a Star Wars trailer really happened. May the force be with you!"

So whats it going to be? Were 6 million jews systematically exterminated by German ovens? Or is the truth...lost in the ashes of history?

I'm Jonathan Frakes, goodnight.

>That episode where he flips the picture of himself right side up and it's photoshopped
Got a genuine spook

this post isn't real

Attached: jonathan fakes.jpg (1440x750, 249K)

what the fuck is this shit

>this makes user happy

Attached: EF67A1C2-90AB-4664-98A1-AA1930911149.gif (200x200, 6K)

we made it up :)

>thinks holodomor is the holocaust
based retard who wouldn't even give a shit about millions of dead ukrainians

It's false like these dubs

/pol/smoker ""humor""

user think of all the actors we lost!

fucking newfags

Anyone know where to watch this in a decent quality

fact or fiction? idk bro just go with it

we created "your" meme when you were sucking tranny dick in a discord, faggot. fucking cunt

It's about as real as you are. ;)

amazon prime

I would give you a link to a high quality source, but I would be making it up.

The only episode I remembered was the one where a kid was dared into staying inside a dark closet and he dissapeared in another dimension.

That one freaked me out as a kid.

Somebody post the fish face chick.

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>tfw not sure if fact or fiction :(

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What bothered me as a kid was that this one was “fact”. Turns out the attic was accessible through the closet and the kid climbed up and out of the house, then spent a week at his buddy’s. Fucking Robert Tralins.

I loved those little mindfuck tricks at the start of each episode. It's too bad all torrents of this show I've come across have those bits removed for some retarded reason.

> it turns out the facts to this story are... airtight. And the eye witness accounts as solid as a hard wooden german oak door. It really happened -FACT-

Attached: itTrue+.jpg (640x480, 100K)


in fact, it isn't real

nothing is real

we created it


whats it like being literally obsessed over some stupid category on an anime porn website. its not normal and definately not healthy

Any Youtube link of those bits? I haven't seen this show in well over a decade and hadn't seen TNG yet so I didn't even realize it was Frakes because I'd forgotten I even watched it.

This thread? It really happened.

look up "the holocaust". start from there.

It never happened

it was real in op's mind

who /sleepsnug/ here


If you're seeing this, then its already too late. :)

>thread has been pruned or deleted

not a chance

fake and gay :)

Spoopiest one was the kid who got disappeared in his closet.
>tfw as a kid I desperately wished the one about the dead dog coming back to life to reunite with his owner was real, since my dog had just passed around the time that aired.

Attached: Feelcraft.jpg (342x427, 74K)

all these posts, never happened

Not a chance

it's a total fabrication

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How do you explain the moe poster posting cringe over 6000 times? And if it's a person, how much free time could he possibly have? Is this story true, or did our writers plant of seed of decipt?

the existence of this thread in fact is, unprovable

dubs? not a chance

Pure fiction

or did they?

No, never.

We made it up.

user's dubs, that was true

I have sex regularly

the dubs really happened

Reply to this post or your mother dies in her sleep tonight? A total fabrication.

I lied.

Attached: AdventurousDeafeningEel-poster.jpg (592x320, 9K)

We made this one up.

Was the good old convenience store formerly a brothel, or are the people who believe that just gullible...suckers?

user, you are kind beyond words


I like how you're clearly astroturffing and think that any /pol/nigger actually spends time complaining about muh discord tranny. That's a newer phenomenon, newfaggot. /pol/ is too concerned with retroactively unsucking Trump's cock to care.

It was memed a lot back when holocaust memes were more poorly regulated on Yea Forums

lol sounds right