Why does Hollywood keep perpetuating this myth that the jews are God's chosen people? I mean, just look at the facts...

Why does Hollywood keep perpetuating this myth that the jews are God's chosen people? I mean, just look at the facts. Within one generation of Christ the Roman's destroyed their temple and scattered the people, effectively destroying the jewish nation. Those that survived had to retcon their religion and tradition and spent more or less the next two thousand years living like rats in europe and western asia, growing in population before being cast out, scattered, or even exterminated. In what sense are they chosen? This ploy is so shallow even the retards on /pol/ are on to them.

So what do you think, Yea Forums, will the Television and Film industry ever give up this shallow spiel?

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nah. it's their genetic destiny to destroy the planet before they humble themselves. humankind will suffer through their collective neurosis for many more decades before someone finally drops a NUKE on israel, god willing. a NUKE on israel is the only thing that will bring everlasting peace. amen


Modern Jews are whites who larp as ancient Israeli

I think they're allowed to boast considering they started Hollywood and your country. Frankly I'm more than ok with them enslaving ytoids to make them perform in the cuck circus for all eternity. I used to hate jews, but as I grow older and see how prone to their manipulation ytoids are, it makes me be ok with them. It's like having cats around to kill pests.

Jews are the children of Satan.
This is indisputable. They are evil child sacrificing murderers.

Fat nose kike pigs.

Jews tolerate whites. They do not tolerate any other race. Once whites have been thinned to a controllable population they will genocide every non-white race. The only thing stopping them now is the compassion of whites for non0white nations.

Cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

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It's a good thing jews aren't at the top of the food chain then.



lmao who is then? Small dick chinks? Or African Kangz?

Who it's always been. Latins, Balkanics, and Slavs.

To be fair to the Chinese though, they have surpassed ytoids in terms of capability to withstand the jew.

These nations are white. Stop being a subversive kike and sewing dissent among the white races.

Nah. Fuck off anglo shit. No one wants to be associated with you.

As individual twigs we are weak, but bound us all together and we make a strong faggot that the Jews cannot break. Come with me slav nigger, become a faggot with me.

genetically they aren't even jews anymore.

Speak for yourself twiglet anglo.

Spielberg raped and she died from complications

Heather O'Rourke