Name ONE show/movie that makes sense of time travel.
Name ONE show/movie that makes sense of time travel
Unironically Harry Potter
Closed circle time travel solves all the problems with it
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
It's called the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle and time travel stories that use it are based. Multiverse time travel is for plebs who want to avoid consequences of their shitty writing.
Primer is probably the most """""realistic""""" time travel movie that has ever or will ever be made
12 monkeys and dark
Dragon Ball Z
I don't know but buttlerfly effect is the one movie that makes the least sense of time travel.
I just watched a movie where a guy speaks with dust in a alternate reality
Thought it made sense
stay assmad pleb
Quantum Leap. You time travel to change something, every other show seems to spend the entire time praying they don't change anything.
This, best impulse purchase I’ve made
i'm sure both the book and the movie have at least one "if they fixed it they wouldn't have had to go back to fix it" moment but yeah this is probably the closest i can think
the buckbeak bit was kino how they heard the axe fall and assumed it was the killing blow
12 Monkeys
time travels doesn't exist
>every other show seems to spend the entire time praying they don't change anything.
that's because the snowball effect of changing something would result in a future that is unrecognizable to you
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Hot tub time machine
I don’t think he needed help understanding why they’re doing it just that it makes for a boring movie
Back to the Future
I fucking hate time travel, but I LOVE the "warrior from the past/future" trope.
Exactly. It's all fiction so let's do something interesting with it.
yeah but saying "they spend the whole time not changing shit" is like whining about an action movie where they spend the whole time trying to not get hit by the bullets
>every single show you have to pull off a 97/1 shot to save the motherfuckin day
>fail once and you are trapped in that body for ever
>after 97 episodes it turns out you have to do this for eternity
>you never fail for eternity
The Time Machine (1960)
Avengers endgame, prof hulk shared a new theory i havent heard
what's interesting about it? 3 stories, basically
>change stuff and succeed, feel good but unrealistic
>change stuff and fail, shit goes wrong, go back to fix it
>go back and change stuff and return to a totally different world and it's basically any other fantasy fish-out-of-water story from then on
didnt even make sense
It was a cute show and actually helped me learn history as a child.
Doesn't really fit here but I wanted to mention it anyways.
He had access to every moment Murph was ever in that room. Just imagine
old cap fucks it all up at the end though without some serious assumptions and supplemental writing to explain it away
>action movie
Ooof pal, I got news for ya.... Action is garbage... do your parents know you’re on the onlines?
there is nothing more lazy and uninteresting than zero consequence time travel.
oh no
my penis zone has become inflamed and rigid
yeah and so are most time travel movies, what the fuck is your point, faggot? go be meme condescengin elsewhere
this and redpilled
He was there when her hymen was destroyed by a black gentleman
FPBP. It's amazing seeing these plebs sperg out when trying to understand it.
I’m in a thread that first criticized time travel films before it did anything, I am here looking for a suggestion as I agree with the opening statement... sooooooo, fuck you and your action flicks fuckface and also your time travel fetish
you should seek a career in law, you really know how to stick to a discussion and really nail down the key points
good work slugger
Are we becoming friends or do you do the sarcastic shit that’ll eventually make me look a fool?
Yeah but have fun trying to figure out what the FUCK happened.
pic related, the plot line.
that's the point, you're supposed to be as confused as the characters are. i doubt even the director intended this level of analysis
>Aw no Murph. Come on Murph. NO. NO MURPH
Time Crimes
This. Backwards time travel is nonsense.
The Big Al episode is kino.
Butterfly effect has no time travel plot holes
none, they're movies
but there are ones better/worse than others
is this bait?
he shows his cellmate some scars he made by time traveling even though the entire timeline would have changed and he probably wouldn't have ended up at the prison in the first place
that's just off the top of my head and I haven't seen it in over a decade
Time is a flat circle. I've seen Carcosa.
I think the OVA messed it up, but the whole setup is still very solid.
It's impossible because I guarantee nobody here (including me ofc) knows the exact mechanics of what something like realistic time travel would be like.
Nice digits
Man that entire part was dumb, why waste time shanking some nigger when he could just read his fucking diary and be done with that prison bullshit?