Is this the most disappointing final season in history?

>Arya magically teleports behind the Night King, and for some reason NK doesn't just crush her throat
>Euron has magic giant crossbows that are more powerful than cannons
what will the next episode have for us?

Attached: game of memes.jpg (640x531, 77K)

I don't know I don't watch kid's shows

It's only disappointing if you had high expectations in the first place

>and for some reason NK doesn't just crush her throat
He wouldn't have needed to, literally stopping people mid-air by their neck alone is a method of execution, known as hanging

Attached: arya_killing_night_king_game_of_thrones_got.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

I like the part where they recycle the choreography from The Last Jedi as a major plot point to save the protagonist from dying and kill the bad guy.

>last jedi big fite with guards in red garb
>guard would kill rey because shes not ready to parry
>just swing the weapon over her head instead of into her

it was mildly cringy when it happened in TLJ and was very cringy in GOT. And so obvious that they had seen TLJ and thought "gee we should do that too!"


He also can shoot through rocks since his ship came out from behind the rocks after the dragon was taken down.

Not the only thing they took from the Last Jedi. See: All the expectation subversions for the sake of expectation subversions.

My favorite part about this season is watching all the normies slowly notice what has literally been spitting in their faces for like 5 years. Like did anyone seriously have any expectations beyond absolute dog shot after season 6 and 7? This season is revealing idiots to the world. Anyone you know making revelatory statements about how bad the show is is someone you should stop talking to forever.

See also: Responding to criticism by claiming that critics are misogynists
>How can you call Rey a Mary Sue just because she was able to fly the falcon and do jedi mind control without any training?
>how dare you criticize Admiral Tumblr? She was perfect and she checked Poe's toxic masculinity!
>Arya turning invisible and magically teleporting behind the Night King, and not dying when the Night King grabbed her throat is the greatest moment in television history!

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LOST season 6 was a pretty big disappointment when it came out.

Dexter was far worse.

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A coworker of mine started watching Dexter at work when we weren't busy. I told her to stop watching after S3 and she didn't. The look on her face when she got to the ending made me laugh my fucking guts out.

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I just tell people to watch till the end of S4 and pretend it got cancelled. Trinity Killer was god tier arc.

>he was into island soap opera and expected good things from some season of it

"Disappointing" implies I had any expectations after the last four seasons.

We still have two more episodes to go. Just you wait, Arya will teleport behind the dragon and slit it's throat

I said this in another thread, but S4 was the perfect ending point. Showing Dexter CANNOT have a family and be a serial killer. His attempt to do both led to the orphaning of 2 and eventually 3 kids. He should have ghosted then and there, leaving Deb a criminally inadmissible but obvious confession letter.

i can't even remember the last three seasons, I just remember being disappointed.

Deb dies and Dexter becomes a lumberjack

kek, I honestly did forget what happened to Deb but the lumberjack thing was too hilarious to forget.

I never watched Lost. Is it worth it?

It's got a lot of nudity and violence for a kids show user


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> Get a unheard of deal to make a fixed number of seasons regardless of ratings
> Know exactly how many seasons you have to work with
> Still rush a ending that doesn't answer a significant number of things.

A lot of her momentum was moving straight forward instead of straight down. only a super heavy person would pop a spine column like that.

Wouldn't it crush her throat instead then? Jumping forward at the speed of light and ramming your throat into a Sub-Zero hand would kill you

Stannis returning is the only thing that would redeem the show.

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Friendly reminder he never died on screen

NOTHING IS OVER! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win, but somebody wouldn't let us win!

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>The show ends with Stannis killing Dany, stopping her from lighting the city on fire and becoming the hero of the city
>Jon doesn't have to become the king
>The lord of light who's repeatedly helped the crew has his glorious religion spread all around Westeros

Perfect ending desu

I loved the shit out of BSG, but it's final season was garbage and the last episode was so WTF stupid I still want to throw shit when I think about it.

This shit show made me realise why /pol/ hates jews

/pol/ hates Jews because /pol/ is retarded.
Are you retarded user? Do you not have anything to be proud of on your own?


The red woman is the hero and saves the day and gets a walk off in to the sunset ending with the onion knight -- thank you.

That was the major plot --

Did not bother to watch the current episodes my interest is gone

Attached: game of thrones ending.jpg (500x390, 34K)


Makes me glad I always saw the show as cheesy fun rather than taking it so seriously as to feel the need to pick apart its logic.

Most normalfags are only upset because they're seeing Arya not getting the major spotlight they were hoping for (in terms of praise) and that Danny is likely not going to end up queen as many of them have been cheering on the idea of for ages. That's probably the most killer thing for them, Danny, the woman they've been doing memes about for years now imagining her the strongest woman that don't need no man is going to end up killed after becoming hated by nearly everyone in the show.

Most tv shows go to shit after about 4 seasons.