Detective Pikachu opens BELOW Endgame in Japan


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What did they expect with a black lead. It's Japan.

haha FUCKING BASED!!!!! i hope disney buys Nintendo
Defective PikaFlop
Dab Dab Dab Dab

Holy shit we fucking did it disneybros

why even have a nig lead? just make it ash ketchup instead

>What did they expect with a black lead. It's Japan
Japan is based

>only 70% on RT

It's over

It's much more believable to have a black lead considering the protag is looking for his dad

detective conan is #1
one of the most popular anime/manga in japan

>film with a black lead flops in Japan

Who could have seen this coming!?

>Opened below Endgames second weekend
>Superhero movies aren't even popular in Japan to begin with

but why even is searching for a missing father the plot??

just solve a mystery of missing pokemon or something

Japanese userscore for Endgame:4.3
For Defective Pikachu: 3.4
Holy kek

and some people actually thought this would make 2 billion Warner Bros loses again hahahaha

this they are the most racist country

Look how cute they are

Nah that would be Korea

but it makes it unbelievable that he even has one in the first place. I can only take so much surrealism before it takes me out of the movie

Why is Japan so bigoted against their fellow PoC? They practically turn into white supremacists whenever black people are involved with anything, yet they don't have a problem with white leads.

PoC should stand united against whiteness, not divided. That's literally what the white supremacists want.

It didn't flop it's actually doing pretty well. It had an opening of 9mil. More than other western adaptations like Ghost in the Shell or Alita manged in their entire run.

But we can't look at things sensibly anymore because it's all company war shitposting

>Pikaflop fags will now proceed to beg China for help

It's fucking Pokemon dude, the most profitable media franchise in the world. That IS a flop in this situation.

>literally only 2 countries still care about pokemon
>japan is one of them
>japan doesn't care about capeshit
>pokemon movie loses to capeshit and has worse reviews in Japan

9 million is an above average launch for a western movie in Japan. That means it's not a flop by definition.

I felt like this is a test movie before bringing out big characters.

tfw mainland China considers pokemon shit - imported Sun and Moon, decided to not import Ultra versions or Let's go, has no plans to import next gen due to reception, anime was cancelled on random episode of Diamond and Pearl mid season because nobody was watching.

>this coping


Maybe they shouldn't have randomly replaced the main character with a black guy. If you were gonna have a black protagonist make it an original story and don't call it Detective Pikachu. In Japan it's considered absolutely disgusting if you change someone elses work.

they literally have 2 weeks of vacation right now and it is getting shitty reviews



No it isn't because being a big media franchise doesn't always translate to film. Winnie the Pooh is ridiculously high up on that list as well.

Once again Yea Forums proves it can literally never be right about anything

On the plus side there's only one more

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why wouldn't they just make it with the character everyone already knows and loves??

second most profitable is Hello Kitty, 4 billion Hello Kitty movie incoming

>a week ago
>"Pokemon is the most profitable franchise in the world, it'll make billions and it'll beat endgame"
>"eh, big media franchise doesn't always translate to film"

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The original MC was a white kid in not-America so I doubt they'll care that much that it was changed. It's a foreign race to them either way.

It flopped in Japan because nips like cute shit. They like cute moe innocent clean pure shit.

Ryan Renolds voicing a foul mouth Pikachu is not what they like.

I am scared. This picture is cursed. So far we got 3 out of 3 shitty movies that flop. I want Godzilla to be kino and at least be profitable.

did the guy who made this pic kill himself already?

I really hope video game and manga/anime adaptations keep failing miserably. Get your filthy claws off things I enjoy, Hollywood.

That's probably why it got 9million and will do more than any superhero film that isn't Avengers or Spider-Man. Actually fuck Spider-Man because it opened higher than Homecoming.

I'm sorry but Yea Forums doomed it months ago

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I'm not one of those people who said it will beat Endgame.

He tried to do damage control for a little while saying that the picture didn't mean what it obviously means but he stopped probably because he killed himself

I want to live long enough to see the new Godzilla movie, among other things.

Fuck this gay earth

fuck you tv

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The sequel has already been made so it really doesn't matter

>literally has the best opening for a pokemon movie in japan
>b-but muh narrative and muh politics

>What did they expect with a black lead. It's Japan.
The biggest problem is that they make pokemon ugly. They took cute characters and make them ugly, perverting original Japanese designed. This is very dishonorable.


Some of us were more realistic with our predictions saying things like "Detective Pikachu will stop Endgame from beating Avatar"

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Everything that's not Disney is flopping nowadays. Is cinema literally dead?

Who’s bright idea was it to release Detective Pikachu and Godzilla so close to Endgame?

hahahahaha are you mad?

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>Everything that's not Disney is flopping nowadays.

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this movie isn't for the japs

At least we still have Netfli- oh...

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Detective Pikachu PLOT
Tim and his friend who we never see again are in a forest trying to catch a Cubone. The Cubone escapes, and then Tim gets a call from the Ryme City Police Department saying his dad has died. He goes to Ryme City. He goes to the police station to get the details on his dad's death and then he goes to his dad's apartment to try to clean up some things. On his way up to the apartment he meets a reporter girl, Lucy.

There he finds a strange vial full of purple gas, and it sprays everywhere making some Aipoms outside go crazy. He runs into Pikachu in the scene you saw in the trailer, and he learns that he can understand Pikachu and no one else can. He assumes it's because of exposure to the purple gas.

Then the Aipoms break through the window and cause a lot of chaos. They escape and then go to a coffee bar to discuss what's going to happen next. Pikachu decides that Tim's dad probably isn't actually dead, so they start to look for him.

They decide to trace down the source of R, the purple drug that made the Aipoms go crazy. They go to Lucy's office where she had been investigating the source of R on her own, and they go to an underground Pokémon fighting league.

There Pikachu fights a Charizard that's hopped up on R, and just barely escape. They learn about the facility where R was produced and decide to investigate. There they learn that the founder of the city was using Mewtwo's DNA to produce R with the goal of using Mewtwo's body as his own. The founder sprays R all over a giant parade and puts humans in Pokémon's bodies to give them a new life or something. Tim manages to take the brain transfer helmet off of the founder and then Mewtwo fixes everything. Mewtwo is revealed to have saved Tim's dad by putting him in Pikachu's body and in the very end Ryan Reynolds is there and gives him a train ticket to go back to the town he's from, and Tim decides to stay with his dad and become a detective.

are you saying Godzilla and Pikachu are cinema?

>only 70% on RT
For a video game adaptation, AND a Pokemon movie on top of that, that's a success imo

Godzilla is far enough away that it shouldn't matter. Endgame fell 50% over the weekend so it's following regular Marvel drops

But hey this is a valuable learning experience

If you're looking forward to a movie and want it to succeed just get Yea Forums to hate it and say it will bomb

Ultra contrived cutesy shit is Japan's thing and they made the pokemon uncanny valley shit based on one or two screen tests with stupid fucking Americans.
It was always going to bomb.

>Godzilla is far enough away that it shouldn't matter.
They said the same about Detective Pikachu and Shazam.

They expected one of them in the wreckage.

But it isn't flopping?

They should have made it Jap-centric. Literally no reason not to. Whites love nips these days.

Good riddance.

Because diversity means a black man fucking a white girl.

>country that doesn't care about capeshit would rather see Endgame than Pokemon

I'd say it's a flop, cope man

>DP does slightly less in Japan in 1 day than all of Endgame has done in a few weeks
How does the mouse do it?

Not true, box office earnings for the rest of the Marvel franchise in Japan suggest they enjoy super heroes as much as anyone else.

No. Endgame is just the new Avatat. It is the most hype movie of the decade and has good word of mouth. Not to mention is the biggest chapter of the MCU and the final chapter for many beloved MCU characters.

The hype will die down eventually, the SMART thing to do would be to not release any big movies during so as to not get tanked by Endgame. Sadly WB isnt and they put their big movies next to it. Because of this, Detective Pikachu is being brushed to the side and Godzilla is losing hype and oxygen from the Endgame hype machine. WB literally shot themselves in the foot because they stupidly thought Endgame would be like the Last Jedi and people would see their movie like they did with Jumanji 2.

>9mil opening in Japan
I swear to God this board gets more retarded by the day. This is only a flop if you're one of the retards who said this would make 2 billion. Compare it to the openings of Captain Marvel (3.8mil) or Ant-Man and the Wasp (2.9mil) and you can see this isn't a failure

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You aren't wrong but it's a shame they can't break out of their prison and give us a Jap fucking a black girl for a change and make white genocide just that little bit less obvious.

Plenty of people will watch Double Penetration.

that's a comparison of what they got during this weekend (second for endgame, first for DP)

And Conan shits on both on them.

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This. Godzilla has absolutely nothing to worry about from Endgame. it's Aladdin that will kill it

If Godzilla is fucked by being close to Endgame then Aladdin is also screwed because it's opening even closer

Let’s be real, user. If there was no Endgame, it would at least be number 2 and making 16M.

Why is snorlax hairy? I always pictures him as smooth.

nah, they have low numbers in Japan, they only care for spiderman

It came out last Friday in Japan

Yeah if it wasn't competing with what is the biggest movie of all time it would be doing better but this still isn't bad

Why? Snorlax is a cross between a bear and a cat. It's why it's a lazy cunt

Yaiba > Conan

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>cute innocent moe shit
Nigga pls, Japan is nothing but a bunch of pedophiles autist

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yeah dumb dumb. what do pedos like?

Nah, Aladdin has Disney on it and it has Nostalghia on it because it is a remake of a beloved Disney animated movie (Dumbo doesn’t count because Dumbo is never popular). It is also a musical and chicks love musicals and will take their gal pals and boyfriends. It will make a billion like Beauty and the Beast did.

Godzilla COULD have maybe stood a chance against Aladdin if there was no Avengers Endgame and it had time to hype itself up. But now Endgame (considered the most epic movie of the year) is taking all the hype and air out of Godzilla.

aaaahh sonic help me


It has nothing to do with him being black, he's just fucking ugly. Will Smith is loved in japan.

It could have been better. More reason why they shouldn’t have competed with the most obvious biggest movie of the year.

aladdin looks like dogshit

well, considering the flop looks like they actually do care. just because japanese are not white doesn't mean they have to like some brown goblin mutt

I thought the 2014 reboot was boring (It was more about the Mutos)
I would understand why some would skip the sequel.

It does look like shit and will probably be shit.

But that doesn’t matter. Normies will eat it up like Beauty and the Beast.

It’s just the world we live in.

70% for a video game is basically "oscar winner'

This is what cinema is now. People only want the MCU. Literally anything else that dares to be slightly different, it's dead. Hope you fucks are happy with what you've done.

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Tickets for Detective Pikachu and Aladdin came on sale in my country a little while ago. We're getting DP a week late so it's closer to Aladdin. So far sales for DP are kicking the shit out of Aladdin
They're only for the Wednesday preview for both and I guess it's anecdotal as fuck but Aladdin has only sold 12 tickets at my closest theater while DP has sold 42

Endgame is also flopping compared to Detective Conan.

>considering the flop
What flop?

>Normies will eat it up like Beauty and the Beast
no, i think disney misfired on this one

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Yea Forums has lost sight of what the word flop means. Especially if it's for an argument that helps their "team"

>comes in third on its opening day
its literally a fucking flop. its only going to get lower.
fuck Nintendrones
hope disney buys it

The live action remake is one of the highest grossing films of all time

Isn't that an anime?

I want to murder the Yea Forums neckbeard with a monkey's paw that caused all of this. If you're reading this, this is all your fault. Fuck you.

Nah, even if it is shit, people will still see it because it has Disney’s Aladdin on it. I wish it didn’t but it will.

Yea Forums in general is a fucking directionless cesspool of shitpost. What happened to how it used to be?

user I don’t think you know what Flop means

I just like doing this because autists here really do get mad when based Marvel wins

Not that user, but if an old movie that’s been out forever is beating your new movie, then things don’t look good. I mean, it’s one thing to lose to Detective Conan, but to Endgame? That just make your movie look “weak” and stops people wanting to see it again or at all.

Should have pushed back the release dates.

>comes in third place in a country that loves Pokemon
yeah...dude its a flop by any metric. It came in third to two other movies that have already been out for weeks.
its fucking embarrassing. Maybe it wont lose money but someone at WB is getting fired.

I get that but i still think that aladdin will underperform. shitty trailers still can overpower a strong brand. I do think that the lion king will do very well.

It made more in it's opening weekend than Spider-Flop : Into the Flopverse did in it's entire run. I thought the Japanese loved Spider-Man?

Marvel didn't win here though. Detective Conan did

spiderflop had nauseating animation (also a black guy)

>but someone at WB is getting fired.
Good. Whoever at WB said that Endgame would bomb and that releasing their biggest movies close to it is just such a sheer unbelievable level of incompetence. Not that competing with Big Aladdin or Spider-Man would have been better, but it would have been better than fighting Endgame.

>but if an old movie that’s been out forever
It was it's second weekend you maniac

no but it's winning world wide, in the context of Japan it's laughable that fucking Pokemon gets bad reviews and opens lower than Endgame

fucking based. hope based disney buys godzilla so we can have a good monster movie for a change
DisneyChads in the HOOOUSE tonight

>Implying blacks/browns don't discriminate against Asians.

You underestimate the power of nostalgia and Disney brand loyalty.

Plus the critics will love the movie and that will be plastered all over the commercials.

>second week
hahaha and pikachu just came out. Its fucking pathetic. I hope all Pokefags commit suicide for losing to a mediocre superhero movie

I don't think anyone with a brain believed Endgame would flop, but WB execs don't have brains and they also thought Shazam would be a Deadpool-tier success

>>comes in third place in a country that loves Pokemon
No they don’t. Japans have been hating Pokemon since the 3DS era. And that still is not what Flop means retard.

Disneychads.......... RISE UP!

too be fair disney had a bunch of expensive flops last year . Not sure about this year so far besides Dumbo.

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>hot new movie comes in 3rd place to two films that have been out for weeks
yeah its a fucking flop. KYS


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Disney has only had 3 films this year. Artemis Fowl will probably flop though the rest of their line up seems set to bring in cash

So what do you get out of pretending to be retarded?

Conan is understandable because of how big it is in Japan.
Endgame? Yeah....

The point wasn't to beat Endgame
Just stop it from beating Avatar

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>nostalgia and Disney brand loyalty

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Well it failed

Artemis fowl couldnt have been that expensive to make.
Aladdin...i just don't know. I could see it going either way.

I'd say good try, but that's only for those who actually come in second.

they both are pure shit, fueled by their autism

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>Artemis Fowl
Got pushed back

um sweety
Endgame isn’t even close.

you really can't contain your autism can you? /pol/lack?

Japan won’t understand the humor

Also, yes they dislike black people not already accepted by the West and enjoy terrible CGI

If this booms in America it will re surge in Japan

Then explain why Deadpool 1-2 was well received there.

Normies love and have Nostalgia for Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, and the other 80s-90s animated movies.

Dumbo isn’t one of them.

I can't believe you got two responses to this that took you entirely seriously.
Fucking brutal dude. Lmfao

Godzilla 2014 wasn’t that good. I doubt I’m the only person who feels this way. Personally I have little faith in this new one. At least they got a new director.

>less than 40M since sunday
tsk tsk tsk

Movies and TV are 100% escapist entertainment for self-insert.

no one wants to imagine themselves black. N O O N E

What’s with this hateboner for Warner? Is it just because they own DC?

If it booms in America it’ll re surge in Japan. Deadpool came out 4 months after the US release and only made $18 million there

Quality doesn’t matter now because Avengers Endgame is stealing all the hype and air out of Godzilla King of the Monsters. Doesn’t matter how many badass pictures of Rodan and Ghidorah they release. Everyone is still talking about Endgame (and GoT). We are still having fifty threads about the movie on Yea Forums and Yea Forums and constant discussion on Reddit and other websites. Not to mention fans hyping up the box office and doing everything in their power to increase it since it has become a challenge to beat Avatar.

Avengers Endgame has weakened Godzilla before it could even build it self up. And then Aladdin will come it with it’s fresh critics score and nostalgia and everything and go for the kill and hype itself up as the “ADVENTURE OF THE SUMMER” and bla bla bla.
Godzilla is being swept under the rug.


Korea is straight niggafied asian. look at their music and entertainment/pop culture.

SK are the straight up niggers of Asia

Japan gets theatrical releases of Pokemon every year, this year they even have two.

Not hate (we’ll not from me) but disappointment. Why release so many big movies hoping to kill just one movie like Endgame when you could release them at a later date and make better profit? These directors and actors and crew worked hard on their movies and WB is tossing them like lambs to the slaughter.

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Japan could have Pokemon Fatigue.

Japan has Yearly Pokemon Movies after all

have sneed

Redditors want Disney to own literally everything in the world.

>Chinks not liking the culture of different chinks
I'm surprised they imported pokemon at all, desu.

True, but even then. They could have released this not near Endgame and got more money.

It doesn't matter if they're all shit when Craptain Marvel is still the worst one.

Quality doesn’t matter, only money.

it is, in fact red apparently is in the movie.

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Gareth Edwards is a shitty director and ruined Godzilla 2014, hindering the universe. Killed Cranston (the only likable character) and tried to “Jaws” Godzilla.

If Kong Skull Island was a little better there might be some hype for this movie. They would’ve needed to Easter Egg Kong more than they did to do that though.

I did appreciate the Dr Steve Brule reference in Kong so +1 there.

If Godzilla gets good reviews, then it could have a stronger 2nd weekend.

I always find it funny how Redditors are all Bernie Bros, yet suck off Disney relentlessly

Legendary is a Chinese company

Can confirm. Red is canon in Detective Pikachu.

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>Literally projected to pass $2.4b before this weekend


Has anyone heard him speak in english? I guess Blue and Green/amber will be white
>I always find it funny how Redditors are all Bernie Bros
Where the fuck do you think the maga incels came from? they were redditors and their board got nuked

>hope disney buys it
They can't.

Avatar still has 2.7 Billion, and that doesn’t account for inflation.
Gone with the Wind is the real champion that will never be surpassed.

do you think studios today give a shit about inflation from 10 or 80 years ago? they see Endgame being second to Avatar and they're already going apeshit, especially Warner

>Muh r/T_D exists though
>Just ignore the rest of Reddit, especially its political discussion board (or what ever they are called) are extremely neoliberal

You know what else opened below endgame? Literally everything. You can use this thread every time a new movie comes out, way to go OP.

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In a way. It went from Marvel v DC to Disney v WB. Honestly I do believe we have been infected with shills

If every Disneytard was banned from this board Yea Forums would be saved. Prove me wrong, you can't. Just gas anyone supporting the mouse on movie theaters.

It's got the same opening as Dragon Ball Super. It will probably end up making about 30mil at the end of it's run like that did. It's far from a flop


Where do you think Kanto is?

why are you so mad? sorry no one wants to see your shit movies

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>do you think studios today give a shit about inflation from 10 or 80 years ago?
Yes. And why do you care about what companies think? Are you admitting that Endgame is just a corporate piece of shit and isn’t actually art?
>they see Endgame being second to Avatar and they're already going apeshit



Ok. We will stop making fun of Marvel :^)

>>Just ignore the rest of Reddit,
Of course i do, the only time i opened reddit was to get an ace stream link for a boxing fight 3 years ago
>especially its political discussion board (or what ever they are called) are extremely neoliberal
Never talk about politics, you are a children, a retard that clearly doesn't know shit about what he is talking about. You can't go farther right than neoliberal, fucking pinochet was a neoliberal.

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Hahahaha assuming other races want to be associated with Nigs. Even the thickest sandnigger/chink/paki/beaner can figure out that PoC isn't about solidarity but rather raising the spooks to their level and consequently dragging them down to the spooks'. Why wouldn't they be bigoted against you?

Not gonna lie. This picture hurts. I don't care about the DC vs Marvel bullshit, I care about my boy Godzilla and his movie is not gonna make it, right bros?

Shazam got good reviews from critics and youtubers and still died. Even Red Letter Media loved it and it didn’t help.

Then who the fuck is he?

It depends. How much do you think it needs to make?

Truly fucking based.

Nah, Godzilla is gonna get weakened by Endgame and finished by Aladdin, user.

I am very sorry.

It's Red

>you are a children, a retard

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He'a not even black, he's a hideous freak of nature mutt, and objectively ugly. Hell, the white girl would easily be considered fat in Japan.

But Shazam and Alita were both amazing and did great.

holy shit

are implying Pikachu is adult entertainment?

where's the guy in a trenchcoat buying bags of tickets for captain marvel?

Rotten Tomatoes is relevant. You think you guys would have figured that out after Aquaman almost made more than Bumblebee, Spider-Verse and Mary Poppins combined

>Even Red Letter Media loved it
Even RLM? Even those literal nobodies? Wow.

>it's a cancer thread

I’d rather watch godzilla than that garbage


Planet Pokemon. Whites only.

Well. If it's a failure. Least Sonic can blame DP (hah, get DP'ed) for ruining the realistic style.

>There are people on this board that unironically type "based Disney" and the like

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based Disney

It's not even failing. This is a shitposting thread

In related news, Captain Marvel surpassed Return of the King today.

have sex


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Based Disney

I'll always thank that Frenchman who got me to look at a movies success by ticket sales so I don't fall for this shit

you... do realize opening weekend involves nothing but preorders right? 95% of the people here didn't even see the movie

Hey tolkienfag, lick my armpit, LICK IT FAGGOT.

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Alita couldn’t even hit 500M (the range to where it would be out of the red)
Shazam couldn’t even hit 400M (which was heavily marketed)

They were both box office disappointments. Good movies though.

If it were the 1940s, saying Based Disney would actually be true.
Walt Disney himself was entirely based, but Eisner and Igar are completely soulless.

Why did they have a black guy as the lead? Doesn't fit for this kind of movie. Cast a white guy, asian guy or a hapa.

This makes Dumbo look like a kamikaze pilot

>endgame on 6th week by release
>Aladdin already a week out by then
It'll manage good numbers. Not anything big but it'll pull in a good amount.

With how bad it bombed he may as well be

It ain’t looking good, user. Let’s be real here. It is gonna have to pull some miracles in the US and China. And considering both are still talking about Endgame, things aren’t looking good.
But hey, if anyone can save DP it is China. They saved Ready Player One for pete’s sake

I blame the nigger

I want to fuck this pokemon

Both of those movies sucked ass. God i hate Capeshitters

>It ain’t looking good, user. Let’s be real here
It had a higher opening than every marvel movie except Endgame and the same as Infinity War. It's doing great you idiot

What a nose!

I don't know m8, he got inspired by seven, the mr mine escene was based on the seven interrogation, he is based on my book.

>Literally just a slither behind Endgame, taking third place
When are the Redditors going to leave?

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Genuine question, why does anyone even try to argue against disney at this point? It’s been proven countless times that no matter how hard Yea Forums wishes for it to be true, disney will never fail. Remember when people believed that Captain Marvel wouldn’t break 500 million? Or how about how Black Panther would never be successful because of it’s racial pandering? What about Shazam and Alita actually being market hits? You have to face the facts already that disney never loses. I used to be a DC and Cameronfag on here until I realized just how much you lose. There’s no stopping Disney at this point, and there is nothing better than sitting on top of the food pack and laughing as others try to get as much as a grasp onto your throne. If you willfully choose to keep losing then so be it, but as long as I’m here then I’ll continue enjoying watching movies like detective pikaflop even attempt to stop something on the level of Endgame

Anyone who thought seriously that Endgame was going to lose anywhere to Pokemon is stupid.

Walt recoils at the echoing.

>disney will never fail
Mary Poppins Returns? More like Mary Poppins FUCKS OFF

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Which is why the stupid person who suggested putting DP against Endgame should be fired for incompetence. DP should have been August

>It’s been proven countless times that no matter how hard Yea Forums wishes for it to be true, disney will never fail

Wow, and here i thought that Yea Forums was cancer.

Yea Forums has been worse than Yea Forums for awhile. Yea Forums unironically knows more about it's subject than Yea Forums

Its a flop to these fags because they won't be able to spam "LE EPIC" meme about Disney.

No one wants to pay to watch a nigger look for his father with Pikachu. Like holly fuck who could ever consider this a good plot for a movie, damn

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Disney will never fail not because they don't 'lose' but because they own everything, so when half the shit in the cinema is a disney property if one thing is shit and isn't making money it doesn't matter because there are three other movies people are buying tickets for.

I thought the government was against massive monopolies

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Yea Forums was hyping them up as beating Captain Marvel at the box office.

>I thought the government was against massive monopolies
It depends on their mood at the time. They had to sell off a lot of their sports broadcasting rights formerly held by Fox to appease international regulators. It's crazy that they pulled off the Fox deal, given that you have to negotiate separately with like two dozen governments across the globe to make it happen, and all of them have to say yes to make it work.

You should see /fit/. Literally "Have Sex: The board"

>Like holly fuck who could ever consider this a good plot for a movie, damn
Becuase a pokemon movie that is inspired by Blade Runner/Roger Rabbit actually manages to be a good movie for children. There's no kids movies anymore, everything else is capeshit or minions. The art direction of this movie alone is impresive,they put way more autism and effort into a movie that could had been a cheap cash in like garfield or the smurfs. That's the thing, back in the day you had ET, the goonies, hook, children movies that were developed by people who actually cared, i'm not really into pokemon, but there's actual soul in the production of this movie

it had non-gen1 pokemon in it so it was going to bomb regardless

Ouch my sides

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Because Japanese people have high iq and understand race mixing will change your gene pool. They admire whites because of their historical accomplishments.

For some reason Detective Conan still has public demand, the anime is still ongoing for some fucking reason even when they should have touched every kind of murder/mystery story.

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Doe sit matter, Disneys a fucking sell out themselves. I hope disney stays away from Nintendo, so what Endgame made it does it matter, the real question is did people come out of the movie enjoying it or not liking it, it's not about box office performances that make a movie a legend, its the movie itself and the MCU is fucking garbage.

they sure have a shitty taste, no wonder anime is so bad

I need to breed it!

Nobody likes niggers

Legendary won the bidding war (against Warner, Disney, Sony, etc) becuase they wanted to start small instead of just trowing a 250 million budget on a "epic" movie. Tim is Black so Red can be asian, and both Blue and Green can be white, The female lead/mewtwo movie will be kino since it should be based on "the origin of mewtwo", they gabe Ambertwo origin to Green

Attached: mewtwo.png (783x417, 49K)

Having later gen Pokemon actually would have helped its Japanese box office. The most recent games underperformed (relative to a Pokemon game) in Japan because they banked on gen 1 nostalgia, but were a monstrous success in America which more than made up for it. Americans truly are just braindead nostalgiafags.

too be fair: aquaman was better than all those movies

disney had a bunch of flops last year. though the studio did fine

Because that was half of the plot of the fucking VIDEO GAME. Plot twist: the pikachu was his dad or some shit. Horrible experiment gone wrong. Guarantee it’ll be the same with the movie.

did Endgame making 2.2 billion dollars gave you an aneurysm? why do you type like a retard?

How do you adapt Pokemon Red and Blue?

>Retards really thinking that Detective Pikachu would beat Endgame
Where are you now faggots?hiding like bitches?
i thought so...

hasn't even shown in america yet, you brainlet
never forget how mutt-centric this place is

>bu-but pikachu will destroy avengers

oh no hahah

>Japan could have Pokemon Fatigue.
>does better than any Pokemon movie ever in Japan

Why are so many pol-tards worked up about a mixed race black guy as the lead from a literal who spin-off game that nobody played? His dad's even Ryan Reynolds in the movie. You have a white main character who turns out to be the star of the entire fucking movie with it named after him. Are they this retarded or just pretending?

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Make Red and Blue rivals that travel around kanto just to discover several Gym leaders are involved in the Team Rocket? I have no idea.

keep crying bitch nigga

>948 million yen in 4 days
As far a nipland is concerned, that’s a fucking blockbuster.


Of course it is. You forgot where you are. This is Yea Forums where we unironically follow corporations like sports teams

Never. The key to making a good adaptation is not to adapt a beloved mainstream story.

>This is Yea Forums where we unironically follow corporations like sports teams
When will hiroshimoot allow me to show my allegiances?

That’s especially apt because I don’t even watch sportsball.

That or have the guys who made the original breathing down your neck the entire time.

Psst. Hey user
Endgame is coming

sure miyamoto go sleep

Idc how much a movie makes, so what, my favorite movie is Gojira but does it hold up to todays standards, nah. Honestly Detective Pikachus not interesting to me, only MCU movie I liked was Iron Man and really all I'm looking forward to is Godzilla but even then alot of these movies are just movies toe njoy, who cares about what it makes, if you enjoy it, you enjoy it, it's subjective and to me Infinity War and Endgame both blow compared to Iron Man or the first Avengers but honestly no Super Hero movie will ever top Dark Knight in my eyes.

so i was right about mistery dungeon shit...

Use the Nuzlocke interpretation of the Giovanni/Mewtwo plot.

Children dont want to see niggers, only grown cuck liberals. But guess you gotta indoctrinate the children firsr so they turn into nigger lovers, like former generation with Fresh Prince and Kenan and Kell n shit. What was used on Zoomers? Besides Rap.

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what's the point of this image?

>This is very dishonorable.
Why do I imagine a 14th century Samurai saying this shit with a straight fucking face and being completely serious about hacking you into pieces over it?

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have sex.

Kill yourself newfag

go away, hobo pikachu. no one wants you.

if the ryan renolds pikachu is secretly his dad why doesn't he just tell his son "hey it's me your boomer sperm donor, get me outta this pikachu body"
>PD implies ryan renolds is an oil driller

im here to stay grandpa and you better shut the fuck up before i punch you back into your grave

>Comparing a Hollywood movie with fucking Reynolds as the face and a budget bigger than all the animated movies together with a normal Pokémon movie.
>Ignoring the fact that a kid's ticket is cheaper than an adult one
Damn, you're really smart man.
How about using an animated movie as an example and not a Live Action done by Hollywood?

Stop posting twitter screenshots fag

Because DP has amnesia.

so this movie is targeting the trannies/autists with a transformation kink?

ahahaha LYNCHED

why do i want to have sex with this alexa bliss looking hedgehog?

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because you've been conditioned to be more turned on by the accessories/things that have been coded as feminine than you are by actual feminine features

>It’s not making edgame numbers so it’s flopping

God I hate capeshit retards.

Japan doesn't fall for genwun pandering as easily as Amerilards.

>that adam's apple

because that's what japan is like, they kawaii but they also samurai desu


imagine hitting it really hard and the actor gasps and chokes as his hyoid bone breaks