Why are the first 7-8 seasons so comfy bros
Comfy Simpsons Thread
they were perfect for fuckin' and suckin' the night away
Personally I prefer Season 11 Episode 5
homer the heretic is the comfiest half hour of television ever made. prove me wrong
*dabs on comfycucks*
why are you like this
just the hide the thread
But I enjoy these threads so why would I hide them? If it bothers you so much hide them yourself.
*dabs on sneedshitters*
Why are you like this? Just post about your cartoon on the cartoon board.
Is this picture supposed to upset me? Sorry I'm not some sheep that hates Reddit for no reason.
>post about your TV show on the cartoon board
based retard
>no reason
so youre just retarded?
>le comfy reddit thread
Season 9 is comfy too. Cancer Simpsons begins sometime around Season 10-11 with crappy episodes like the sneed one that redditors love so much
(annoyed grunt)
They discuss more Simpson's shit on leddit than just sneed, unlike here. By your own trash logic, sneed is less leddit than "comfy simpsons threads". Get dabbed on.
>Sorry I'm not some sheep that hates Reddit for no reason.
>Oh......ooh my......oooh my oh my.
>That is possibly one of the best jokes I've never gotten from the Simpsons until just now.
Reddit hates Sneed, faggot. It's a Yea Forums meme through and through.
Im struggling with season 10 bros
How did you find that post?
Do you use reddit?
Nobody really watches S1-2. S3-8 are the prime seasons, and the series ends with "Behind the Laughter."
Obviously. Who the fuck doesn't use Reddit nowadays?
>go to reddit.com
>search "Sneed Simpsons"
>literally first result
But why would you go to reddit?
Nobody really fucks and sucks S(need) 1-2. S(uck)3-8 are the prime sneedsons, and the seeds ends with "Fuck the Chuckter"
I like how sneedposters get angry when you call them reddit but then they proudly say they use reddit
this. Fuck sneedfags with their forced meme
Chucky Sneedsons fed.
sneedposters are so sexy and based
comfyposters and moeposters.. cringe
i don't know...
This. The writers start running out of ideas arround season 10 and it only goes downhill from there
Episode 231 is the zenith of /ComfySimpsons/
good post but what does it have to do with sneed?
why is season 11 ep 5 so comfy my bros???
fucking based holy shit
There is nothing comfy about the tomacco episode
Alert the Sneeders, the feeders, the seeders, the Chuckers, the fuckers, and the suckers.
Well its a simpsons thread and sneed is in the show
Fuck I'm retarded
Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
I bought these shoes from a hobo
Well la dee da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure
I leik da won bout tomacco
I don't undersneed what simpsonfags are so chucked off about?
Fuck Comfy Fags right in their boipucci's
I'm sorry, I believe in good grooming
I dont understand why sneedditors get angry when you call them reddit
Real channers
The Sneedsons (Formerly The Simpsons)
if you actually think this screenshot contains "sneedposting" you're a retard
>its not the same when reddit does it
is this on ps3?
i'm not going to explain it to you retard. i'd rather you keep SNEETHING
did ya think the janny was your girlfriend?
Sadly no. It's on PS2 and Xbox 360 tho. If you have a fat PS3, you can emulate the PS2 version through backwards compatibility. I also recommend Need for Sneed: Carbon which is on the PS3.
whatever you want reddit
so you call it a Simpsons thread despite the fact it's obviously a Sneed
We do this to to stay undercover and to prevent jannies from banning us.
Why you always spamming comfy Sneed threads with this cringe reddit shit?
well, Sneedposter, you are an odd fellow but you seed and feed a good Sneed
Seething redditor
>Ah, Supersneedtendo Chuckmers, welcome! I hope you are prepared for an unforgettable Feed and Seed!
Because it makes sneedditors angry
stop embarrassing yourself
amount of sneethers in this thread is rediculous